Cannon Fodder Strategy

The battle between light and darkness (twenty-seven)

When Brian heard this, he frowned, but he seemed to have discovered something quickly. Under the saint's wrapped face, the position of the lips was pushed up, and the tongue was exposed through the thin veil. Brian's eyes showed shock and excitement. He was not very good at hiding it, and everyone could see it clearly. Before Lily could speak, he agreed without hesitation:

"Of course!" His tone was relaxed and cheerful, with a hint of lust mixed in. Before, he had an angry and unhappy look on his face, but in the blink of an eye he changed. His change was so obvious that even the other two knights seemed to have seen the clues, but everyone thought he had a chance to get close to this candidate saint. , didn't take it seriously. Now the saint who died guarding the knight named Brian to accompany him. Lily, who Brian was supposed to protect, didn't have any objections, so everyone naturally didn't say anything.

Everyone returned to their temporary resting place. Lily entered the tent and subconsciously stretched out her arms to cross her chest. The cushions in the tent had only been away from people for a while, and they were already extremely cold. She shivered, and the darkness Zhong Atuli reached out and pulled her into his arms. She struggled twice, but as he clamped her cold feet between his legs, warmth spread from him, and Lily subconsciously She pressed closer to him, and in order to avoid embarrassment, she whispered in Aturi's ear:

"There's something wrong with her."

Although Brian abandoned the temple for Anna, this does not mean that Brian is really a nymphomaniac who falls in love with women when he sees them. He has restraint. There are more than a dozen candidates for saints in the temple alone. many. Each saint has an outstanding appearance, and with Brian's outstanding appearance and strong strength, if he is willing, many ladies in the imperial capital are willing to become his lovers and have sex with him for a while, but he not at all.

In the past, he didn't pay much attention to the other saints in the temple. The reason why he was so easily seduced by Anna was that in addition to Anna's own charming appearance, she also had an unusually alluring charm. reason. Not for everyone but Anna.

Tonight, the saint who died in the knight just waved to Brian lightly, and he agreed immediately, and even stopped troubled Arturi for this. This is not Brian's character.

In the pitch-black space, the corners of Aturi's mouth curled up slightly, and one of his hands was pillowed by Lily. Feeling her somewhat stiff body, he raised his other hand, hesitated, and gently touched her head:

"Three days ago, the slave girl who kissed him disappeared." As soon as he said this, Lily subconsciously wanted to stand up. The weight on my arms suddenly became lighter, and there seemed to be something empty in my heart. He stretched out his hand and pushed her head back to its original position. He put his hand on her head and never left it: "Go to sleep."

Although Arturi did not say exactly that this saint must be Anna, his words confirmed this from the side. Lily couldn't sleep at the moment, and she wanted to speak again. Arturi suddenly Suddenly turned his head:

"Can't sleep?" His face was very close. The tent was a bit small, and his slender legs had to be curled up to lie down properly. He felt with some satisfaction that Lily's originally cold body began to gradually become warm under the embrace of his body temperature. At this moment, Lily couldn't see the expression on his face clearly, but Lily's every move was caught in his eyes.

When Arturi spoke, his breath blew on Lily's forehead, bringing up a few strands of her hair to gently flick around her face. She seemed to be itchy, and subconsciously reached out to scratch it. He also found it interesting to see it, and couldn't help but reach out to replace it. She catches.

Aturi had never felt like this before. He seemed to have found something he had lost for a long time. Once he caught it, he never wanted to throw it away. His voice did not have the alienation and indifference that it had sounded before. Listening to it now It sounds very soft:

"If you can't sleep, would you like to hear a bedtime story?"

When he said this, there seemed to be a smile in his tone, and he was obviously treating himself as a child. Lily helplessly stretched out her hand to take his hand away, but he didn't let go. Instead, he grabbed Lily's hand into his palm and held it firmly, then put it to his mouth and pecked it gently:

"Once upon a time, there was a declining aristocrat..." He was not a good storyteller. He told a story simply and thinly. He went from being an ordinary nobleman to marrying the daughter of another declining aristocratic family as his wife when he became an adult. After getting married, the two couples tried their best to get ahead, wear fancy clothes and jewelry, and squeeze into the upper class society.

The two couples lived on the border of a certain country, and their family had no money left. Apart from maintaining the name of a noble, there was nothing more. Just when they were desperate, the noble's wife became pregnant. The birth came at the wrong time. The two of them were poor and miserable. They relied on debts to get by. The family could not afford servants and could not pay the salaries of servants.

In October, the young lady gave birth to a pair of lovely twin sisters.

It's just that when this family saw the newborn baby, they didn't feel the slightest joy. Instead, they felt endless panic and fear.

Not only were the twin girls not similar in appearance, but the younger sister was born three minutes later than the older sister. Within these three minutes, the lady from a declining aristocratic family had a nightmare. She dreamed that she would be swallowed up by endless darkness. She dreamed that one day she would die in the darkness. In panic, she regarded the baby girl as a heretic and an unknown thing.

In the tradition of the Loland continent, twins are not an auspicious thing. The people of the Loland continent firmly believe that one of the twins must be an extremely kind, bright and promising person, while the other must be the incarnation of the devil. , will be extremely dark and will bring endless disasters to the family.

If the news spreads and the temple is alarmed, not only will the two daughters she gave birth to be saved, but the noble couple will most likely be regarded as heretics and be tried and sent to the gallows.

Therefore, in panic, the noble lady regarded her younger daughter as an unknown demon. She detested her, hated her and cursed her. On the contrary, she firmly believed that her eldest daughter was very likely to bring hope and light to herself. people.

The couple believed that their eldest daughter would bring glory to their family in the future. They believed that one day the declining noble name would regain its glory with their eldest daughter, so they threw their younger daughter on the roadside. From then on, the lives of the two baby girls began to change drastically.

"A girl is as promising as they thought. This daughter has been smart and well-behaved, obedient and kind since she was a child. She is like an angel and has fascinated many people." Arturi said this. There seemed to be a smile in the voice: "The other one was not so lucky, but she was very lucky. She did not die of hunger and pain after being thrown on the roadside as the couple thought. , she survived. She was adopted."

When Lily heard this, a chill rose up from the soles of her feet. At this moment, she had no time to pay attention to Aturi's intimate movements. She was held in Aturi's arms, but she still felt chills in her body. .

"Was she adopted by a slave and named Anna?"

Aturi is not a person who likes to talk nonsense. Even though she had not known him for a long time, Lily seemed to have already figured out his character. What he said to himself inexplicably today was definitely not for a bedtime story he casually said. She recalled what Aturi had said inadvertently when he wanted to invite her back to Aturi's territory as a guest. At that time, he asked himself if he had found anything interesting. Her mission this time was very strange. It's not because the mission plot is incomplete, so the whole thing seems like a mess. She spent most of her thoughts on trying to sort out the clues of the mission, and Arturi said at the time that he found something useful. Let yourself go with him to the Aturi family, he would tell himself.

But at that time, Lily only thought that he was trying to coax her into willingly getting into his carriage, so she didn't take it seriously. Now that she thought about it, she began to feel that something was wrong the more she thought about it.

The aristocratic couple mentioned in Arturi's story are so similar to the Roman couple. Those two couples treated their daughter as if they were a money tree. They seemed to be desperately trying to squeeze something out of the original owner. When they found something useful, they used the original owner to get promoted to a noble title and entered the imperial capital. They received rewards from His Majesty the Emperor and got rid of their previous poverty.

But all of this is just her speculation. If something is not confirmed, it may not be true. Arturi's mind is too complex. There seem to be seven or eight meanings in every sentence. No matter how he tastes, he can taste different ideas. However, he stopped mid-sentence. Lily asked him, eager to think To know what happened next, he just reached out and hugged her tighter:

"When one day you become my real wife, I should naturally be loyal to you and not hide anything." When he said this, his tone was very calm, but when Lily reached out to push him, he just laughed twice and said to She was not angry because of her anger. On the contrary, she was a little indulgent. She made her impatient and came to coax her again: "Okay, good girl, the bedtime story has been finished. I think you should give me a good night kiss. It's time." Go to sleep!"

He made up his mind not to talk anymore. No matter how much Lily pressed him, there was no result. Although she was a little unwilling in the end, she had no choice but to give up her plan to force Aturi to speak again.

Just after hearing this story, Lily's heart was in a mess and she couldn't sleep at all.

If the story told by Arturi is true, and the protagonist Lily boldly assumes that the twins are the original owner and Anna, then this mission will be more complicated than before.

In Lily's view, although the original owner was sent to the Temple of Light by her parents when she was a child and raised her as a bargaining chip, in the plot and in her memory, she has not suffered much or suffered anything. Although her parents have always been eager to get more and better rewards from her, they have not treated her badly. When the original owner was a child, although the Roman family was poor, the Romans still raised her as a noble girl and strictly disciplined her. Even though the family had borrowed money to survive, they still hired teachers to teach her etiquette and custom-made beautiful clothes for her. , teach her how to enter upper class society.

The Romans themselves grew up in such an environment. For them, this is the best they can give their daughter. Although they were suspected of using their daughter as a showoff in the end, they also paid love to the original owner, even if these Love is nothing to Lily.

Although they promoted the original owner to the major nobles, it was at best for these two couples. It's because in their concept, chastity is not an expensive thing. The relationship between men and women in Loland is very open. A candidate saint can have several knights as her bedfellows. They can choose to become the lover of a powerful person and use the power of these powerful people. This is a common rule among nobles. They were not impressed.

The original owner did not encounter any major setbacks in his life. If he insisted on having them, then the only harm would be. Perhaps it was Brian who she always thought would be loyal to her and follow her, who was snatched away by Anna.

Thinking of this, Lily finally discovered something was wrong. She had been in a misunderstanding. In every mission, she fulfilled her wish to have the original owner who was unwilling and dissatisfied. This time, she also thought the same was true. . So when she entered the mission, without receiving the complete plot and discovering the original owner's wish, she began to feel that something was wrong.

But this time she was not interrupted by any external force when receiving the plot. She always thought that something was wrong and tried hard to find clues. She found Anna, and she thought that Anna might be the reason why the original owner could not rest in peace. It's a pity that she guessed the beginning correctly but the ending wrongly.

During this mission, no matter how Lily looked at it, she felt that the original owner was not the one who needed to complete the mission. Although her life was not perfect, she was already much better than Anna who became a slave girl. Even if she is held in the hands of her parents as a pawn, even if she loses Brian. At most, it's just a little emotionally hurt. The lack of plot this time is not necessarily due to some kind of mistake, as Lily thought before, so she didn't receive the complete plot, or she lost important plots. As for the part, she began to guess at this moment that maybe the real plot really only ends here. The original owner does not hate or resent Anna, and it is not necessarily because the plot did not progress to the end. It may be true. She doesn't hate Anna.

If Lily's conjectures are correct, then the question arises, if the task does not belong to her this time, then who should it belong to?

She thought of Anna. Compared to the original owner, Anna's existence was more like the target of her previous tasks.

Anna became a female slave. She was sent into the arena, where she fought with evil wolves, but they were all children of the same parents. It would be fine if she didn't know the truth, but if one day she knew the truth Woolen cloth?

What if she knew that she should be a proud noble, but because her twins were born a few minutes later than her sister, she was ruthlessly abandoned by her parents. She fell from a noble noble to a humble slave girl. The sister who has the same mother and the same blood has become the candidate saint of the temple. She is aloof and circulates among the nobles. She is the lowly life fighting in the arena. In order to survive, to eat and to bury her belly, she She needed to fight the evil wolf, but her sister sat in the stands with a proud nobleman, watching her wandering between life and death, and how embarrassed she was.

This unwillingness will destroy the good thoughts in a person's heart. If she didn't know the outcome, Anna might accept her fate, but if she knew the outcome, she would definitely be resentful.

And most importantly, if Anna dies in the end, according to Lily, the more unwilling a person is, the more likely it is that she will pay the price of her soul to summon someone to help her fulfill her wish.

Lily's whole body tensed up as she recalled the scene that day during the dance, in the birch forest outside the castle, when Anna crossed her legs and told Brian with a smile that she hoped he would kill her.

It is possible that this time she is not the one who completed the task, but is very likely to be the one who was asked to complete the task.

There is a great possibility that she has entered someone else's mission and become the target of another missioner who wants to kill her to complete the mission!

If all Lily's guesses are true this time, and if the source of the premise of the story mentioned by Arturi really refers to the original owner and Anna, then Lily was wrong from the beginning. She positioned herself as the one who completed the mission. She regarded herself as the hunter and Anna as the prey. But it was not until this moment that she discovered that it was possible that she had just entered someone else's mission, and she had become one of them. The chess piece killed by the mission, she was not a hunter from the beginning, but became the prey in the eyes of the hunter.

No wonder she felt a little powerless in everything this time. She felt that her strength was greatly reduced.

I have been practicing the Tao Te Ching for several days, but I have not made much progress. Her mental power has been severely suppressed, and she has been greatly influenced by the original owner. She is often easily disturbed, and she even cannot receive the complete plot in her opinion. If all these speculations are true, then all of this The fundamental reason is not that there is anything wrong, but simply that she is not the one who received the complete plot. In popular terms, she has changed from the protagonist to a supporting role. And he just became a supporting character who would be revenged by the missionaries who knew the original plot and received a lot of memories.

Thinking of this, the hair on Lily's back almost stood up. She had never encountered this kind of situation since she had been doing missions for many years. She had met other missionaries during missions, but she also had a complete plot at that time. Therefore, she can easily detect the difference between the tasker and the original owner, and she can be vigilant. She has a certain advantage, so she can kill the tasker before he takes action.

But this time there was no sign at all, even because Anna only appeared by name in the plot. So she couldn't find anything weird or different about Anna at all, and she didn't have any more doubts or associations about Anna. If it weren't for the story Arturi told her tonight, she would still be kept in the dark, her strength would be weakened, her mental power would be suppressed, and she would even be affected by the original owner.

Is this what Li Yanxi said at the beginning, that as the task progresses, the task she has to do will only become more and more difficult?

If all her guesses are true. So does it mean what I think this time? Is it possible that some advanced saintess or something may not be the original owner’s wish at all? She just needs to ensure that she lives well?

Lily was so upset that she couldn't sleep at all. She tried her best to calm down, but with so many things in her mind, she couldn't sleep at all. She reached out to push Aturi's chest and couldn't help but ask him:

"How do you know these things?"

"I made up the bedtime story, do you like it?" He didn't reply for a long time, and after a while he answered this question. Lily was stunned for a moment, and then a little angry. He seemed to have said everything, but said nothing, which made Lily a little anxious. This was related to her life, so she was inevitably a little anxious. This kind of confusion It felt so bad that the truth of this news would affect every decision she made.

If she chooses to believe Arturi, as long as she saves her own life and ensures that she does not become the target of Anna's revenge, then she will have completed her mission this time. But if Arturi's words in this mission are really what he said, and they were just made up randomly, then if she gave up becoming a saint just to survive, this mission will be considered a failure again.

Similarly, if Anna is really one of the missionaries this time, and can accomplish such a mission, facing her, Anna cannot be worse than her. She is now suppressed a lot, and it is very likely that she will die in Anna's hands. Here again the mission reached an impasse.

No matter how calm Lily was, she started to feel a little depressed when she thought about this time. She couldn't help but raise her voice: "Aturi!"

"Madam, I heard it." He still answered so unhurriedly, with a slow tone unique to aristocrats. Lily's anger resisted in front of him, as if he was fully contained in this voice. He seemed to be a The aloof god always looked so calm when he saw the mortals in front of him begging, crying and scolding. Except for his hands that were hugging him tighter and tighter, Lily was so close to him, even through the thin shirt under his hands. She could feel the frequency and sound of his heart beating, but she couldn't figure out his thoughts.

She was a little frustrated and helpless. Her anger had no effect on him, and even her emotions seemed to have no effect on him. Lily began to feel a little depressed for no reason. She stopped struggling and didn't speak. The hand that was pushing his chest began to loosen its strength, and she seemed to accept her fate. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come)

ps: Two updates in one...

I haven't been in a good state recently, maybe because I'm too tired. It's my fault that I didn't write the feeling you want. I'm sorry, everyone, kiss~

Thank you to those who have always tolerated me, I love you...

So today I have both updated into one~~~~~

But in order to retaliate against Yin'er who said I was verbose, I kept silently writing down the names of these children's shoes in a notebook, so I cut out the most crucial little plot, hahahahahahahahaha.

Dabao, see you tomorrow... la la la la la la la lala~~~~~~~~~~\u003c

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