Cannon Fodder Strategy

The battle between light and darkness (31)

A scent of Japanese love gradually spread in the air as Aturi pulled away. Lily was lying in the king's chair, her chest could not help rising and falling, and her legs were trembling so much that she could not move. Aturi sat up, breathed a long sigh of relief, and hugged her, including her coat, into his arms.

His half-curled hair stuck to his forehead, and his eyes were as clean and clear as the sky after the rain. His body was naked, but he seemed not to feel the cold air. His beautiful muscles seemed to contain energy, and Lily could feel that the desire aroused in his body had not completely subsided, it was just touching her body.

"Why are you injured?" He frowned, with a confused look in his eyes. He had smelled blood before, but he couldn't stop being impulsive. Now he looked at her with a cold look. , Arturi hugged the person tightly:

"Why are you unhappy? You are mine." He kissed Lily's forehead. The two of them had been so intimate before, so when they had such an intimate gesture now, it would appear completely different from the previous touch. Lily ignored him, her heart was in a mess at this moment, the pain and fatigue in her body, coupled with Arturi's unintentional call to her name before, made her a little uneasy.

It was just that after experiencing such a thing, she didn't want to nor had the strength to think about those many things. She closed her eyes, and Arturi leaned her against his chest, looking at her pale face, and her delicate face revealed There was a hint of perseverance, and the more he looked at her, the more he liked her in his heart. He couldn't help but kiss her again, picked up the clothes and put them on before holding her sideways in his arms.

The two went down the stairs. Arturi's eyes soon became sharp. Brian and Anna, who had been kicked down by him to the steps, were nowhere to be seen. He only paused for a moment, but Lily in his arms was very nervous. She was keenly aware of his slight change, even though she was extremely tired at the moment, but for some reason, after the two of them seemed to have a close relationship, the invisible connection between them seemed to be much deeper.

It was just a subtle movement from him at the moment, but Lily felt something was wrong. She opened her eyes and wanted to turn her head to look, but her body was too weak to raise her strength. She stretched out her hand and hung it around Aturi's neck, but she didn't know if that arm had been suppressed by him before. Now it was trembling so much that she couldn't hold it up at all.

Aturi looked at her like this. Somewhat helplessly, he adjusted the position of holding her: "It's gone."

He lost control just now and didn't notice the change here. In addition, he received a punch. Even though he didn't strike out in anger, he didn't even use his punch because he didn't want to touch Anna too much. What strength. But logically speaking, Anna should not survive. He regarded Anna and Brian as dead people in his heart. After the two of them passed out, he didn't take any precautions.

At that time, his mind was completely immersed in Lily, and he didn't expect that these two people could escape.

"Run away." If he didn't provoke him, he didn't care about the fate of these two people, dead or alive. As soon as the words came out of his mouth, Aturi was about to leave with Lily in his arms, but Lily heard Anna ran away. But she gritted her teeth with hatred and held on to Aturi tightly. Seriously:

"We can't let her get away, I want her to die!"

Anna had hurt her so badly, but now she wanted to run away. This time it was too easy.

Now Lily was almost certain of her suspicions. Anna must be the person responsible for this mission. Although for some unknown reason, she wanted to seduce Aturi. Obviously Aturi was her target, but she did it. But she shouldn't have planned the plot, but in the end she was the one who took the blame. Lily thought about this breath and couldn't swallow it. The more she thought about it, the angrier she became. She rarely suffered such losses in tasks. If Anna were in front of her at this time, she would chop this dead woman's heart into pieces alive. .

The hatred and murderous intent in her words made Aturi silent for a moment. He just curled his lips slightly, and soon returned to his cold and serious expression. He could naturally see why Lily hated Anna. Yes, but he took advantage. It was best for Lily to vent her anger on others. He didn't like Lily ignoring him. If killing Anna could make her feel better, then of course he would kill her.

Aturi nodded. Lily still felt aggrieved after thinking about it. She closed her eyes and asked him in anger:

"Now you can tell me whether the previous story is true or false?" She became angry when she thought of this. If it weren't for being cheated by the mission this time, she would have followed the previous instructions without knowing anything. If you guessed wrong about your habits, how could you end up like this? Her tone was a bit unwilling. Aturi hugged her tighter, lowered his head and rubbed her face with his nose. She still wanted to hide, but he didn't let her dodge at all, and pressed his lips against hers. , then nodded in a good mood:

"Don't you want me to tell you next time you fall asleep?"

Seeing that Lily ignored him, he chuckled twice: "The daughter that the couple abandoned on the roadside was picked up by a slave from another noble family, and the other daughter was found to be born bright when she was ten years old. The body was sent to the temple, and she became a candidate saint in the temple. Therefore, the couple was received by the emperor and promoted their titles, allowing them to pay off the debt they borrowed and get rid of their previous dependence. Living on debt, this couple is a Roman family."

Anyway, the person was already his, and Arturi did not continue to sell Guanzi. The marriage could be discussed later. He fulfilled his promise. Once the relationship with Lily was confirmed, he did not treat her. No more hiding. Lily felt awkward, but when she heard him happily say his promise this time, she still breathed a sigh of relief and leaned weakly against his chest.

She was indeed in trouble this time. The plot had misled her from the beginning. The plot she received, including Brian's betrayal, made her mistakenly believe that the original owner was hurt because of it. Who would have thought that Brian was not that important in fact? ?

"Would you like the Scepter of Light?" Arturi lowered his voice and asked. Lily frowned and struggled for a while to get off the ground: "Why don't we just take a look." This time the mission had played a trick on her. After thinking about it, she felt that she could still become the saint of the Temple of Light as she had originally decided, and there might be room for change in this mission.

If her guess was correct, she was not the main person responsible for the mission this time, and Anna wanted to kill her, then her mission this time should be to escape Anna's assassination and survive. Lily suffered a loss from Anna, so naturally she wanted to take revenge. In order to solve her current predicament, she had no choice but to kill Anna instead.

As for before killing Anna, Arturi seemed to be a ruthless character and not easy to get along with. What happened before was just an accident, but it couldn't happen again. She wanted to avoid Aturi's closeness. She could only become a saint and refuse his proposal.

Aturi could clearly see what she was thinking, but he didn't point it out. He just lowered his eyelids and nodded slightly after a while. He held Lily and passed through the door of the main hall at the back. These doors all led to the same direction. Behind it is a large pavilion, but it has long been abandoned. Because it is within the frozen mountains, there are no weeds growing in the castle, but the hard ice blocks many passages.

The entire castle seemed like a handicraft carved from ice and snow. In some places, the hard ice blocks were broken. Aturi entered one of the broken ice doors. I don’t know if it was because of his luck, but he did so casually. select. He actually chose the right path. From the outside, this door seems to be just an ordinary room, but after entering, I realize that there is something else going on here.

Behind this is a road that seems to lead directly to the top of the frozen mountain range. I don’t know who dug it out. The long one seems to have no edge. Several corpses are lying on the side of the road. There is not much blood on them. It is obvious that they did not die here, but were dragged after death. to here.

Two of the corpses were naturally those of Paladins. They were still staring, with frost crystals on their brows, as if they were dead. Their extremely surprised expressions at the last moment of their lives were fixed on them. They must have died after Brian. Hands on.

But what surprised Lily was that there was only one corpse of a saint here. She died in a different way from the two knights. She died by having her neck broken, and her head was placed at an extremely weird angle. On the ground, Lily took one look and was a little surprised: "There is still one person left, is he still alive?"

As soon as Lily finished saying this, she felt that something was wrong. She pursed her lips, looked at each other with Aturi, and looked towards the high platform not far away.

"Oops!" As soon as she finished speaking, Arturi hugged her and stepped onto the stairs. His steps were not fast, but each step was huge. He could walk three steps at a time, and he held his arms He was alone, but he didn't seem to feel the weight at all. Soon the high altar could be seen in the distance. There was only an altar on top. At this moment, a half-naked figure was half-kneeling with his back to The two of them had their heads lowered and their hands hanging on their waists. When Lily climbed up the steps, she realized that this was one of the two saints.

Before, he looked at her from a distance and thought she was kneeling to worship something. Now that she was closer, Lily saw that she was kneeling on the altar, with her chin resting on the edge of the altar, because after she died, the edge of the altar Her skin has been frozen together, so the body supporting her has not slipped.

The bright red blood at the corner of her mouth has been frozen, her lips are slightly open, and the inside is bloody and bloody. A tongue on the side is thrown to the ground. The saint's beautiful face is already a little distorted, which obviously shows how much pain she suffered during her life. . Her lips, which were bright red and light pink when she was alive, are now stained red with blood. The blood on her chin flows into a groove on the altar. The groove is like a very small basin, which is now full. .

There should have been something enshrined on the altar, but it has disappeared now. You can only see the mark of being taken away from where the thing was originally placed. There is no one else in this dark temple. Apart from Anna and Brian, no one else could have been here.

"Did they come and take away the Scepter of Light?"

Lily didn't expect that she would rush over, but she still missed. She felt a little aggrieved. Anna must have accepted the plot, so she was able to find this place and take away the scepter of light. The death of the saint in front of her, As well as the small half of the pool of blood, she immediately guessed most of the truth of the matter.

The scepter of light should indeed be enshrined in the altar of this dark temple, but to take away this scepter, some price must be paid, if she was not mistaken. It should be that the blood of the Saint of Light is needed to unlock this blockade.

So this time, the Temple of Light rarely sent the Holy Lady of Light to accompany the knights to get this thing. The old man Andrew also said that this was the trial of the Holy Lady of Light, and that it was to avoid alerting the snake. It was all a lie. !

Perhaps these people had known for a long time that the scepter was sealed, so they sent several saints to come. If they wanted to obtain the scepter, a group of people would have to kill each other. The winner uses the blood of the loser to obtain the Scepter of Light. After returning, the other competitors die, and the living ones naturally become saints.

Anna should have had the idea of ​​killing two birds with one stone at the beginning. She might indeed be the task taker. She accepted the original Anna's wish and wanted to complete certain tasks for her. And for her, she killed Miss Roman, her sister who had the same mother as her but had a different fate. Anna never thought of allowing herself to live in the first place. She received the plot, so she lurked in the frozen mountains. She took the opportunity to kill a candidate saint, disguised herself as her, and killed her knight. Let Brian follow her.

She stayed with Brian last night, and the two must have discussed it long ago. Brian killed the two pairs of light knights and saints, and then she got Arturi and temporarily kept Lily alive. Her original intention was probably to use Lily as a blood source for sacrifice, so she kept Lily alive. Saved her life.

But for some reason the plan changed and the two knights died, but things did not go as Anna imagined. She didn't seduce Aturi and get his body. She was even nearly beaten to death by Aturi, and her original intention of using Lily as a sacrifice was naturally not achieved. But fortunately, Brian didn't kill the two saints for some unknown reason. Maybe he betrayed the temple, but he was a little afraid of these two candidate saints who represented the avatars of the goddess of light and couldn't bear to do it. Maybe it was because of his years of His faith made him leave the lives of two saints in one thought.

Anyway, no matter what the reason was, his actions gave Anna an opportunity to take advantage of it. She took advantage of the close relationship between Arturi and Lily to bring the two corpses and the saint to this altar. and used this living sacrifice of the saint to obtain the things above.

As for why she brought the two knights in, Lily thought of the intricate rows of doors before, with many broken in the middle. It should have been done by Brian after he killed the two knights. All of this The reason is that Anna wants to cover up the public's eyes, so that even if Lily and the two come back to their senses after the passion and find that they are missing, they will be confused by those doors and will not immediately chase after the sexual array set up.

Thinking of this, Lily suddenly came back to her senses. She glanced at Arturi with a half-smile. For some reason, after having an intimate relationship with him, her mind became much more flexible than before:

"Sir, there are so many doors, why did you win this one alone?"

Anna may know where to go because of the plot, but what about Arturi? Why would he enter this place without hesitation?

Aturi listened to her question and hugged her tighter:

"I have been here many years ago." He did not hide anything about Lily's question, and said the promise very openly. Lily did not expect him to answer like this: "Then is there a scepter of light here? "

"Originally." He nodded again. Lily naturally heard the word 'originally' in his words, but she only thought that he meant that there was indeed a scepter of light here, but it was taken away by Anna. . She still had a lot of questions, but unfortunately it was obviously no longer a good time to ask questions, because Anna had gotten the scepter, and she would definitely run away.

For this thing, she went through a lot of trouble to come to such a place. This scepter of light must be useful to her. She has suffered such a big loss, and the scepter must not fall into her hands.

Thinking of this, Lily swallowed the question on her lips. She reached out and patted Aturi:

"Chase her!" She couldn't let Anna escape!

Her active approach made Aturi's mouth curl up, and he touched her cheek: "As you wish, but your loyal knight thinks that he can get a kiss in return." He became more and more cunning, Lily glared at him for taking advantage of the situation, and felt helpless.

Aturi lowered his head, his soft hair brushing her face. His hair was clearly wet with sweat before, but now it seemed as if the wetness of his hair had no effect on him at all. He only wore Thin shirt. But his body was very warm, he was smiling, and his eyes reflected Lily's pale face, as if he could not see anything else except her.

Lily hurriedly kissed him on the cheek. He was still a little dissatisfied, but he knew he couldn't push anymore. He hugged Lily and quickly went down the stairs and returned to the main hall of the Dark Temple. The door was already open, and a large amount of cold wind poured into the hall, blowing away the ambiguous atmosphere in the hall. Arturi hugged Lily and ran towards the door, but Anna unexpectedly did not Without running away, her weak voice came:

"...I would like to use him as a sacrifice..."

Brian was a little in disbelief. And another extremely painful howl sounded. As if he had experienced some painful torture, he shouted hoarsely:

"Why... why?"

Arturi held Lily and saw from a distance in front of the statue of the Dark Goddess outside the door. Anna, who had been seriously injured before, was now sitting and lying in the snowdrift in the same posture as the Dark Goddess statue. Brian was sitting on his knees. in front of her. In her hand, she held a scepter that seemed to be made of an unknown white material. The scepter was in the shape of a letter Y. The top looked like a clothes pole that people used to hang clothes and hangers in modern times. She held it high in her hand. Brian was aging rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye. He was like a water-filled balloon that was poked in an instant. It exploded and quickly deflated.

When Lily came out, Arturi's footsteps were not deliberately concealed. The two people over there turned their heads and saw clearly Anna's originally very delicate face. She looked extremely terrifying at this moment. Her figure was still that graceful, but her face was too terrifying. Arturi's punch broke the bones of her head, and her face was covered with bruises. There were large and small bloodstains like spider silk, and her nose and brow bones were all sunken, including her teeth. Her face was like a ghost from the abyss. This appearance, coupled with her figure, gave people an extremely terrifying look. Feel.

But she seemed to feel no pain. When she turned around, her eyes, which were already somewhat deformed and bloodshot, were filled with hatred:

"Didn't you say you were willing to die for me?"

Men always like to say beautiful love words to seduce women in bed. When Brian got her, he once said that he would become her loyal knight and be willing to die for her, but at that time he said these words At that time, he probably never thought at all that one day this sentence would become his own destiny.

Like a fatal noose, it was tied around his neck, getting tighter and tighter, but in front of the beauty, he couldn't feel the suffocating pain.

He never thought that one of his joking words would eventually be taken as a vow by Anna, and that the words he spoke while fascinated by her beauty would eventually become something that could kill him. ,

Regret flashed in Brian's eyes. He betrayed the temple and the faith he had grown up with. He killed his compatriots in the temple. He committed an irreversible crime. Perhaps this was the punishment given to him by the goddess of light. , let him die at the hands of his beloved woman.

With a knife on his head, he is willing to betray the temple for Anna. He is willing to do a lot for Anna, but it does not mean that he is willing to die for Anna in such an undignified way. For a knight, there is no death in the darkness. During the struggle, he died at the hands of his lover, which was really a huge humiliation!

As Brian's body was sucked out, a stream of pure white life energy poured into Anna's body from his body. Her originally terrifying face began to repair at the speed of light, and the uneven cheeks on her face soon began to The full luster was restored at an extremely fast speed, and those terrible blood stains and stains began to disappear quickly. The faster Brian's body became empty, the faster her appearance recovered. Soon, her appearance recovered. She looked like before, but her eyes held an indescribable coldness and condescending contempt as she stared at Aturi and Lily who had just been driven out. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come)

ps: Two updates in one!

Some girls thought that I updated a single update, but it was not true. I updated a double update into one, with 6,000 words. I combined the previous updates of 3,000 words and one chapter together because I didn’t want to wait until 2 p.m. To whet your appetite.

There is still another chapter in today's extra chapter, so everyone remember to get it~ It's just Jiang Zi. Please give me your monthly tickets. I spend every day trying to make a vote declaration. I'm so tired. I feel like I can't love anymore... …\u003c

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