Can’t Take My Eyes Off You

Chapter 40: Mosquito bite

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Lu Xingzhi naturally knew that Jiang Yao was watching him, and if it wasn’t for twisting the towel, he was not prepared to take his hand back.

"Wash your face." After handing Jiang Yao's towel to her, Lu Xingzhi took his face and washed it quickly, and then put his hand back, "Go, go downstairs."

Jiang Yao glanced at Lu Xingzhi, then glanced at the hand he still put on her waist, and motioned him to take it away. Downstairs, both Lu Fu and Lu Mu got up. Are they going on like this? What does it look like?

Lu Xingzhi didn't seem to know what her eyes meant. After she hung the towel, she hugged her directly.

But fortunately, when Lu Xingzhi walked out of the room, he put his hands back, and then put his hands in his pockets, watching Jiang Yao quickly leave and walk downstairs to escape.

Early in the morning, Lu Xingzhi couldn't hide his mood. After going downstairs and saying hello to Father Lu, he went out to run with Father Lu.

In the kitchen, Lu Mu is choosing dishes.

Mother Lu is a very meticulous person who will live her life. For a breakfast, she will not perfunctory. Every morning, she must get up 15 minutes early and fry two dishes with porridge.

"Mom." Jiang Yao greeted Lu Mother when she entered, and then stood aside and took her hand to choose the convolvulus, which was brought from her mother's house yesterday and was very tender.

"Is it up? Where is the stop?" Lu Mu heard the sound and looked at Jiang Yao. Without seeing Lu Xingzhi, she asked casually.

"Probably went out with my dad to run." Jiang Yao just saw Lu Xingzhi and Lu father out.

"These two people, don't stop all day." Lu mother smiled softly, "Why don't you go and run to exercise with you? Young, still need to exercise more."

Jiang Yao smiled and said nothing.

She is usually lazy, coupled with being tossed for half an hour last night, where else can she go for a morning run?

But Mother Lu just talked about it casually, and didn't really mean to urge Jiang Yao to go to the morning run.

Seeing Jiang Yao choose a dish, she turned and went to the refrigerator to get eggs, but just after Jiang Yao's side, she noticed that there was a red mark on Jiang Yao's neck and then.

"Jiang Yao, did you sleep with mosquito coils last night? See you bitten by mosquitoes." Lu Mudao, "The weather is hot, the mosquitoes are fierce. When you sleep in the summer, you must remember to burn mosquito coils."

Jiang Yao looked puzzled. "Ah?" She lit the mosquito coils after taking a bath last night.

"Look at you bitten red, you will remember to wipe some coolness..." Lu Mu said while reaching out to touch the red seal behind Jiang Yao's ear, but this hasn't been touched yet, the cool oil Before the words were spoken, they suddenly realized.

To put it bluntly, the mosquito in her mouth turned out to be her son Lu Xingzhi.

Mother Lu is here, why don't you know what the red seal is?

At first, I didn't think about it because Lu Xingzhi was rarely at home, and she didn't see any intimate interaction between Lu Xingzhi and Jiang Yao, so naturally...

However, last night, Lu Xingzhi came back, and Jiang Yao had a kiss mark on his body.

Mother Lu couldn't help but smile, "Lu Xingzhi this stinky boy..."

Listening to Mother Lu's whisper, Jiang Yao immediately reflected what Mother Lu said about the mosquito biting. She unconsciously reached out and touched the place where Lu Xingzhi had bitten for a long time last night. Her skin has always been easy to leave marks. Now, it must be ...

Jiang Yao's face suddenly burned, no doubt, what she did with Lu Xingzhi last night, Lu Mother must have guessed.

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