Capsule System

Chapter 1549

While he was observing this female boudoir, the two girls who finally calmed down also discovered his existence, but Daisy still behaved very happy, and even rushed forward to give him a big hug. Mia was very embarrassed, standing in place with her hands twisted together, not knowing what to say.

Because of some misunderstandings in the underground research institute, she had a very bad impression of Lin Cheng. Even after joining the team, she still dislikes Lin Cheng, but because of the difference in strength, she is more unhappy. At that time, I could only mutter silently in my heart, but no matter who it was, I could see that she and Lin Cheng were extremely at odds.

But what she never expected was that things would turn around 360 degrees after entering the depths of the tiankeng. She was kidnapped by her respected Vincent teacher, and she was taken along with her. Also kidnapped was Daisy, whom Lin Cheng valued very much, and all of this was only because Vincent was too jealous of Lin Cheng and kidnapped Daisy to make him throw a rat.

Although Vincent didn't punch or kick them after being tied up, and didn't even say anything badly at each other, this change in identity made her feel that the whole world was about to collapse. She never thought that she would one day. She would be kidnapped by the people closest to her, and she never thought that she would be rescued by Lin Cheng, the wicked wicked person in her eyes.

Although less than a week has passed before and after, the changes made to Mia in just a few days are huge. She finally understands one thing, and she can never give someone an appearance or some one-sided behavior. Qualitatively, even if this person is her closest or most annoying person.

But after all, she was really saved by Lin Cheng, but she didn’t know what attitude to face each other for a while. Fortunately, Lin Cheng didn’t care much about her from the beginning to the end, so she just ignored it. Mia, who was standing still entangled, smiled and squeezed Daisy's cheek, and asked, "How is it, have you suffered any loss these days?"

"not bad……"

Hearing the words, Daisy shook her head gently, “I was really flustered at the beginning, always feeling that she would die anytime and anywhere, but soon I figured out that since that person would rather slow down and kidnap me, I definitely wanted you to be a little jealous! After I figured this out, I didn’t panic much. Anyway, the worst was that he was killed in advance, and my ability to live now is beyond many people’s expectations. , Contented..."

When Lin Cheng heard Daisy's mature and distressing words, before Lin Cheng spoke, Bai Ling on the side could not help but pat her head and scolded: "Jing nonsense, how long have you lived to be content?"

"It's really a little ghost..."

Lin Cheng couldn't help but shook his head and laughed. Since meeting this girl in the underground of Nadym City, he has almost witnessed this strong girl getting stronger step by step. This kind of strength is not an external manifestation. It's a kind of maturity in mentality. Although Daisy is young, she is much more mature than many adults in terms of many things, and her reaction after encountering trouble has become calmer. It is the decisive factor to consider whether a person can become a truly strong person.

This is also the reason why Lin Cheng sees her so much. There are not many people who can be seen by Lin Cheng, but it is also because of this that once he sees her, no matter whether the two parties will work together later, he will He wants to help the other person become stronger as much as he can, because he has long understood it and wants to change the situation today. These talents are real hope, like a seed that emits dazzling light. What Lin Cheng has to do is Help this seed to survive the weakest groundbreaking period, and let him live as long as possible.

Surrounded by Bai Ling and Lin Cheng, Daisy didn’t say much except for a smirk. Lin Cheng originally thought she would take the opportunity to complain about the old fox, Vincent, but didn’t want her to completely forget the existence of this person. , Just playing around with the coke that came over.

The small room was immediately divided into two distinct areas. The area on the left looked very harmonious, with a relaxed smile on everyone’s face, while in the area on the right, Mia was still standing alone. The tangled expression turned extremely sad at this time, and there was no joy in being rescued.


Just when Daisy found that Mia was looking lonely and was ready to go to comfort her, there was a sound of footsteps at the door of the room again. Hearing these footsteps, Lin Cheng and Bai Ling's expressions did not change, but Daisy and Mia looked But Qi Qi was shocked, and looked up at the door in an incredible way!


Looking at Daisy and Mia, who was looking at them with shocked faces, Vincent's face, who had just stepped into the house, suddenly became extremely embarrassed. Standing in place is neither a retreat nor a retreat. In the end, he can only look for help. Lin Cheng looked.

After receiving Vincent's incomparably strong signal for help, Bai Ling was completely indifferent to it, still standing still and not moving, just a little bit more playfulness between his expressions, obviously intending to watch the fire from the shore.

When Lin Cheng saw his pitiful gaze again, he couldn't help but shook his head, clapped his hands and attracted everyone's attention to him, and then said: "About this guy's situation, I will be very It's difficult to explain clearly to you, I can't guarantee too many, but you can rest assured that as long as I am here, he will never pose any threat to you again!"


Hearing Lin Cheng's words, before Mia and Daisy had time to express their opinions, Vincent nodded in panic, but when he nodded halfway through, he suddenly realized something and shook his head quickly: "...No! He! I won’t be able to pose any threat to you anymore!"

"If you say no, it won't be?"

Seeing Vincent's head shaking like a rattle, Bai Ling sneered and said with a disdain: "Mia originally thought that the whole world betrayed her, you can't betray her. In the end, you won't be tied here. Up?"

"This...this is different!"

Hearing Bai Ling's sarcasm, Vincent smiled bitterly and said: "What happened just now? The two girls don't know, don't you know? Even the Shenling and the Twin Towers have sunk to the ground, which means All my persistence and beliefs in the past disappeared. I just want to continue to be an alcoholic and spend my days with alcohol, and never want to get caught up in these complicated things..."

"It's pretty nice..."

Looking at Vincent with a lonely face, Bai Ling didn't plan to let him go just like that. He was about to continue talking, but when Lin Cheng waved his hand, he snorted and stopped paying attention to him.

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