Looking at the slim and beautiful Grandma Ping in front of him.

Su Bai was really shocked.

But before he could think about it, Grandma Ping said: "Go in."

Go in, go in?

Su Bai was stunned and didn't react.

The next second, Grandma Ping pointed at the Chen Ge Pot.

Before Su Bai could even react, she saw her jade hand move, but in the blink of an eye, Su Bai entered the pot.

At this time, Su Bai suddenly realized that going in meant entering the pot.

The Chen Ge Pot can be said to be Grandma Ping's magic weapon, and there is a large area inside.

At this time, there is not only Su Bai in the Chen Ge Pot, but also many other humans.

They are ragged and their hair is messy.

They are covered with dust.

Everyone squatted on the ground and shivered.

From their expressions, Su Bai can see... they have obviously just experienced a battle.

So at this time they are very scared and helpless.

There were many children and women among them.

And in the crowd, there was a very beautiful girl comforting them.

"It's okay... We will help you~"

"We will take you to a safe place, please believe us~"

The girl spoke softly with a smile on her face.

She touched the head of one of the little girls lovingly.

Her smile... was so gentle that it seemed to eliminate all the bad things in the world.

Su Bai admitted that such a smile made him lose his mind for a moment.

But soon Su Bai came back to his senses.

Because the girl was walking towards Su Bai.

"Are you new here? You must have experienced a lot of terrible things."

"Don't worry, everything will be fine soon."

"I will take you to a beautiful place where there are many people like you, where they have built their homes."

The girl walked in front of Su Bai.

Obviously, the girl seemed to have recognized Su Bai as a refugee.

The girl comforted Su Bai gently like she comforted others, and raised a gentle smile to Su Bai.

Seeing that Su Bai had not spoken, the girl asked with some concern: "Are you injured?"

Su Bai quickly shook his head and said: "No."

"Then sit down and rest for a while, you will be safe soon." The girl said with a firm look in her eyes.

Su Bai nodded, and then found a place to sit down.

The girl smiled at Su Bai, and then she hurried to comfort other refugees.

Su Bai looked at the girl.

He was thinking in his mind, which immortal in Liyue was the girl in front of him.

Su Bai seemed to have seen almost all the immortals in Liyue.

The only thing he didn't know before was Grandma Ping and that woman.

But now Su Bai has seen Grandma Ping.

As for that woman.

In Su Bai's impression, the character of Master Liuyun Jiefeng is very arrogant.

Even if it was a thousand years ago, Su Bai didn't think Grandma Ping would be so gentle.

After all, it's hard to change a person's nature.

Thinking this way, the girl in front of him couldn't be Grandma Ping.

In this case... then which immortal in Liyue is this girl?

Su Bai really couldn't think of it, so he simply stopped thinking about it.

He sat in Grandma Ping's Chenge pot and rested for a while.

I don't know how long it took, the girl suddenly said: "Everyone, we are here."

The girl smiled slightly, and then in a moment, everyone came out of the Chenge pot.

When they came out again, they had arrived at another place.

It was a village.

Unlike the place Su Bai had seen before, there was a little more human atmosphere here.

The people here gathered together, with smiles on their faces.

Behind the people were simple houses built with grass and trees.

Although this village looks very simple, the people here look very satisfied.

"This is Guiliji, this place is very safe." Just when people were looking at the village in front of them and were a little distracted, the girl spoke.

Guiliji is the beginning of Liyue.

Before the Demon God War, this land was not called "Liyue".

At that time, people were wandering around and had no fixed residence.

Later, the Demon God War broke out, and the demon gods felt pity for humans because they were so weak.

So the demon gods and immortals led by Morax began to help humans.

The immortals rescued the wandering humans and brought them to a place to live and work in peace.

Later, a young demon god named this place [Gui Li Ji].

And that young demon god was Gui Zhong.

And the country of "Liyue" was originally the land of [Gui Li Ji].

Thinking of this, Su Bai suddenly realized something.

How could he forget that young demon god Gui Zhong?

Su Bai was stunned.Looking ahead, the girl was bringing refugees back to the village.

Because Guizhong died a thousand years ago, Su Bai, who traveled through time, had never seen Guizhong's appearance.

He had only seen descriptions of Guizhong in some books.

It is said that... this girl demon god loves people very much.

She often transforms into a human form to comfort and enlighten the refugees.

At that time, the demon god Morax was responsible for the war.

And the demon god Guizhong was responsible for calming the people.

So people at that time believed in Guizhong very much.

Could it be that the girl in front of him is Guizhong? !

"Let's go, I'll take you in, you can settle down here today. Morax and those immortals will protect you." While thinking, the girl walked in front of Su Bai and said gently.

Perhaps it was because Su Bai had an idea in his mind.

So he couldn't help but ask: "I heard you say just now that this place is called Guiliji?"

The girl nodded and said very gently: "Yes, what's wrong?"

Su Bai shook his head, and then said: "I just think this name is good, Guili, Guili, it fits our current state. Going back and separated... Can I ask who gave this name?"

The girl smiled and said: "I gave it."

At this point, Su Bai was stunned.

She gave it.

So she is?

"By the way, thank you for saving me, I haven't known your name yet." Su Bai asked tentatively.

The girl didn't shy away at all, and told Su Bai without any cover-up: "My name is Guizhong."

Su Bai: "!!!"

Really... This girl is really the devil Guizhong!


"What's wrong? Why are you so surprised?" Seeing that Su Bai looked a little abnormal, Guizhong asked hurriedly.

Su Bai shook his head and said, "No, it's okay. Although I'm wandering outside, I've heard of the name of the Demon God Gui Zhong. I didn't expect that I would be saved by the Demon God today... I'm really shocked."

During this period, because of the war.

The relationship between immortals, demons and humans is not as distant as it was a thousand years ago.

Besides, Gui Zhong also likes to integrate into human society.

So it's not surprising even if humans know that Gui Zhong is a demon god.

They won't deliberately hide it.

For this reason, when Su Bai told Gui Zhong about his identity as a demon god, Gui Zhong was not surprised at all.

She just said, "Now all living beings are suffering...there is no difference between humans and demons. It's good to be able to live well, so you don't have to thank me too much. If you really want to thank someone, thank Morax. It's also because of him that we can have peace now."

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