Su Bai was a little surprised. After all, he was still a little surprised to see Morax's peak strength.

Just now there were so many demons and giant beasts... Now they are solved just like this?

Su Bai thought to himself.

While thinking, a black mist emerged from the bodies of those demons.

These are... evil demons!

Sure enough, the war is not over.

Compared with the demons, the remnants that burst out after their death are more difficult to deal with.

These remnants have no so-called entities, but are groups of black mist.

In an instant, they swallowed up the entire land.

Turned the originally bright sky into darkness.

The Five Yakshas suffered heavy casualties because they dealt with the evil demons...

In addition to the remaining evil demons, Guiliji was also attacked by the demons.

Guiliji was originally close to the sea.

In the sea, there are two overlord-like monsters.

One is the demon Osel.

The other one is a more ferocious monster than Osair - Baqiu [bā qiú]

A jade carved dragon without horns is called a qiu.

This Baqiu form is a dragon.

It is the overlord of the ocean of Liyue, more ferocious than Osair.

Although it is just a monster, it has been recorded in Liyue history books.

It is the uncrowned king of the deep sea.

Fierce and difficult to deal with.

It can overturn the entire sea.

Once the sea surges, the entire human race of Guiliji will be drowned.

Knowing the emergency, Morax did not have the extra energy to care about the remaining evil spirits of the demon god.

He sent five Yakshas to deal with the demon god's resentment incarnation, and then took the Dragon King Ruota and others to Guiliji to deal with Baqiu and the demon god Osair.

In this way, only five Yakshas were left on the plain battlefield to fight against the remaining evil spirits of the demon god.

Su Bai knew that he should take action now.

After all, the main purpose of his coming here was to save the five Yakshas.

Since the five Yakshas died because of dealing with the evil spirits of the devil.

Then the way to save the five Yakshas now is... Su Bai goes to purify this piece of land.

Once the evil spirits of this piece of land are purified, naturally no Yakshas will be entangled by the evil spirits.

But purifying this piece of evil spirits of the devil is not an easy task.

It requires a lot of mental energy.

So from the beginning before coming to the battlefield, Su Bai has been eating.

Seeing that he has almost finished eating, Su Bai clapped his hands.

He turned into a golden light and appeared on the battlefield engulfed by the evil spirits.

At this time.

The five Yakshas were being entangled by those evil spirits.

Those dark evil spirits, even if they were hit, would take the opportunity to rush into the bodies of the Yakshas.

They devoured the bodies of the Yakshas and devoured their reason, making the Yakshas crazy.

They gathered into a huge darkness and opened their bloody mouths, swallowing the rock yaksha.

"Ah——" The crazy roars of the yakshas resounded throughout the land.

But even though most of the yakshas had been swallowed by those evil spirits, they still remembered their oath.

"Killing for the protection of the law..."

"Unless there is a disaster..."

The power of the elements erupted in the yakshas.

The difference is... the yakshas are now stained with those evil spirits.

These are called karma.

The evil spirits are indeed more difficult to deal with than the devil.

Su Bai shook his head and sighed.

He floated in the air, looking down at the entire land full of demons.

Those demons will not let anyone go.

They even roared towards Su Bai.

Su Bai frowned slightly, and then closed his eyes.

As he closed his eyes, white light appeared all over his body.

The beam of light lit up from Su Bai's body, and then poured into the world.

The light began to spread outward from where Su Bai was.

All the evil spirits transformed by the devil were shattered the moment they came into contact with the light.

The mad Yakshas gradually regained their composure the moment they were touched by the light.

They could feel that the evil spirits in their bodies were being shattered...dissipated.

It was not until those evil spirits were completely eliminated that the Yakshas finally regained their understanding.

They looked up.

They saw a strange white-haired boy in the air.

They had never seen this white-haired boy.

But they knew that the white-haired boy seemed to be here to help them.

The light on the white-haired boy seemed to be able to shatter those evil spirits.

Was it purification, or what?

The Yakshas were not sure.

They could only watch in confusion as those evil spirits were purified little by little.

The sky gradually became brighter.

The land slowly returned to normal.

This unexpectedly powerful force was noticed by no one else but the five Yakshas.In the distance, Morax and the other immortals had noticed it.

"There is a strong power in that light. For some reason, this power seems to make people feel at ease..."

"That is not the power of the five Yakshas."

"Could it be... a new demon god has appeared?"

The immortals were discussing.

But they could not pay too much attention.

Because Baqiu and Osel had emerged from the sea.

With the appearance of Baqiu and Osel, Guiliji fell into panic and fierce fighting.

However, this plain returned to peace under Su Bai's purification.

As the last piece of filthy soil turned into yellow earth.

Most of the evil spirits had dissipated.

The remaining evil spirits that were not difficult to deal with were not important.

The earth was purified, and the light on Su Bai's body faded.

He fell from mid-air.

What greeted him was the surprised eyes of the five Yakshas.

"It seems that you have all regained your sanity." Su Bai said with a smile while looking at the five Yakshas who had calmed down.

At this time, the five Yakshas seemed to be still a little stunned.

They were obviously surprised.

Although Su Bai had never dealt with the other Yakshas.

But Xiao... Su Bai had dealt with him before.

"Look up and you're gone, but look down and you're gone, Master. We meet again!" Su Bai said with a smile.

Xiao didn't understand why Su Bai called him that.

But he was grateful to Su Bai for saving him and his companions.

"Thank you..." Xiao said in a deep voice, his eyes full of gratitude.

The eldest brother Fushe on the side also said respectfully: "Thank you for saving us, Fushe, on behalf of the five Yakshas, ​​is grateful to you! If this demon god has any use in the future, we will definitely help him with all our strength."

Several Yakshas are people who value friendship, and Su Bai saved them this time.

It's not surprising that they would say that.

Just a demon god.

Su Bai smiled and shook his head and said, "I am not a demon god, but a human."


The five Yakshas were stunned.

"Can humans have such strength?" Yaksha Yingda asked curiously.

Su Bai smiled and said lightly, "Human wisdom and energy are immeasurable."

The five Yakshas did not refute.

But Xiao asked, "What should I call you in the future?"

Su Bai smiled and said, "My name is Su Bai."

No matter whether the Yakshas knew Su Bai before.

But from this moment on, until the next thousand years, they will definitely remember the name "Su Bai".

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