In the distance, Ge Chenlangshi Zhenjun came running.

The girl's face went from blurry to clear.

Closer, Su Bai could see the worry and surprise on the girl's face.

Ge Chenlangshi was obviously happy.

But the girl's mind was different from that of ordinary people.

With a curl of his lips, Ge Chenlangshi muttered: "If I had known you had this ability, I wouldn't have worried about you so much just now. I heard from Gui Zhong that you went to the battlefield alone, and I was so anxious that I wanted to seal you into the Chen Ge pot. But..."

Ge Chenlangshi paused for a long time at this time.

After a long time, Ge Chenlangshi couldn't help but mutter: "I know you must be not an ordinary person by looking at your eyes... I didn't expect you to be so powerful..."

Obviously, Ge Chenlangshi still couldn't believe it at this time.

Thinking of Su Bai splitting the entire sea in half with a knife just now... Ge Chenlangshi couldn't help but tremble all over.

"I originally wanted to say that I would definitely protect you... but it seems... you should protect me in the future." Ge Chenlangshi continued.

Seeing her chattering in shock, Su Bai was amused.

"Does Ge Chenlangshi want to drink some water?" Su Bai asked with a faint smile.

He took out a glass of water from somewhere and handed it over.

Ge Chenlangshi knew at a glance that she was talking too much.

"Su Bai, you think I talk too much again!" Ge Chenlangshi was furious.

He looked at Su Bai with his hands on his waist.

But as he watched, Ge Chenlangshi couldn't help but laugh.

"Thank you, Su Bai, thank you for saving the people of Guiliji." Ge Chenlangshi said with a smile.

Seeing this scene, Guizhong on the side couldn't help but smile.

After all, the war is over and everyone is safe.

The endings of the Five Yakshas and Guizhong have been changed.

The only one who has not changed seems to be Marcosius.

Just like the original storyline, he dedicated all his strength to the land of Guiliji.

He purified the evil spirits on the land of Guiliji.

When he appeared again... Marcosius turned into Guoba.

He waved goodbye to everyone.

Guizhong asked him: "Do you regret it?"

Marcosius shook his head.

Marcosius has always been the demon god who loves the world the most.

I think if he were to choose again, he would definitely do the same.

But fortunately, he will not be lonely after becoming Guoba, he will meet Xiangling.

The days with Xiangling should be his happiest days.

Carefree, with delicious food every day.

On the road of life, having a partner who can always accompany you is the most fortunate thing.

Thinking of this, Su Bai waved goodbye to Guoba.

He said, "Marcosius, if we meet again next time, you will definitely remember me, right?"

Guoba nodded very seriously.

Then, he left.

In fact, he could have stayed in Guiliji.

But he still chose to leave.

Maybe he wanted to see this land he loved.

The war between demons... has been fought for a thousand years.

Not only him, but all the demons, including the immortals, are tired.

Now, this battle is finally over.

As soon as Guoba left, Guizhong suddenly said, "Su Bai..."

Su Bai was stunned, looked at Guizhong in confusion and asked, "What's wrong?"

"I still have a lot of mechanical techniques that I don't understand and want to ask you, can you tell me?" Guizhong asked with a smile on his face.

Su Bai was stunned, and didn't have time to answer.

Ge Chenlangshi, the True Lord on the side, spoke up: "Today he should chat with me about music!!!"

Gui Zhong was dissatisfied and said with a curled lip: "He chatted with you about music the day before yesterday, so he should chat with me today!"

Ge Chenlangshi shook his head and said: "Who told you not to find him yesterday? I don't care!"

"Ge Chenlangshi! You are cheating!!"

"How could I!!"

The two of them quarreled again.

Su Bai: "???"

Just after the battle, they haven't rested for a while.

Why are these two quarreling again! !

Moreover, he doesn't have time to chat with these two about mechanisms and music.

The mission is completed, and he should leave.

Su Bai thought to himself and was about to speak.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, a white shadow suddenly appeared in front of him.

The person coming is... Zhongli... Oh, no.

It's Morax!

Su Bai was stunned and stared at Morax.

At this time, Morax's eyes were also fixed on Su Bai.

Gui Zhong and Ge Chenlangshi Zhenjun on the side did not notice Morax's appearance at all.

They continued to quarrel.

"No, Su Bai has to accompany me today!"

"No! He has to accompany me!"

As they talked, they even started fighting.

One of them pulled Su Bai's hand and pulled each other.

Until Su Bai said helplessly: "Someone is coming."

The two of them then noticed the appearance of Morax.

"Morax?! Why are you here?" Gui Zhong was stunned and couldn't help but said.

"Morax, are you done with your work? Hehe..." Ge Chenlangshi Zhenjun also said with some embarrassment.

Morax didn't say anything at first.

He just looked at Su Bai, Gui Zhong and Ge Chenlangshi.

After a long while, he said: "It seems that you have a good relationship with this young man?"

Gui Zhong: "Not bad."

Ge Chenlangshi: "Yes, it is indeed not bad."

The two answered with slightly embarrassed expressions.

Morax didn't speak, but was silent for a while.

After a long time, Morax said to Su Bai: "Do you have time to chat?"


Su Bai was stunned.

Why does Morax always ask me to chat every time I meet him?

It's really strange.

But it seems that it is not impossible to chat with Morax.

Thinking of this, Su Bai nodded.

In this way, Su Bai followed Morax and the others to a relatively quiet place.

Speaking of which, it has been so long since the Demon God War.

This is the first time Su Bai has met Morax who lived a thousand years ago.

I don’t know whether I should act familiar with him or not.

I am hesitating.

Morax suddenly spoke: "Although this is the first time I meet you, I have heard about you more or less. I heard that you understand music and are proficient in mechanical engineering. It was you who told Marcosius how to cook food with fire. Speaking of which, I have never thanked you for helping the people of Guiliji so much."

Perhaps because Su Bai just saved the people of Guiliji, Morax spoke in a very polite tone at this time.

It was like chatting with a good friend.

This also made Su Bai relax.

He smiled and said, "You're welcome. I promised Guizhong that I would help Guili gather the people. Now that we have a contract, I will abide by it."

"Contract, so, you and Guizhong are allies?" Morax asked.

Su Bai thought about it and nodded, "I guess so."

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhongli spoke up, "If so... have you ever thought about managing this land?"

Manage this land?

Su Bai was stunned.

Guizhong had also raised this question before, but Su Bai didn't think much about it.

Now Morax suddenly asked, Su Bai couldn't help but be stunned.

You know, the main purpose of the Demon God War is to select a god for each country.

Morax was the final winner of the Liyue Demon God War, so he became the Rock God of Liyue.

This time Morax, the future Liyue Rock God, suddenly asked him if he wanted to manage this land?

What does this mean?

Is he asking him to be his subordinate or does Morax intend to make him the Liyue Rock God? ? ! !

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