Hanawa Junior High School Lounge

You are in good shape. Let's keep going and turn defeat into victory! The head coach of Hanawa Junior High School encouraged. In addition, it is Daimaru's turn to play in the second half!

Everyone was excited and looked at it together.

A sturdy boy with a height and weight similar to Gaoshan paused with his hand holding the jersey that had not yet been changed. When he heard the voice, he turned around and smiled at everyone and said, "OK."

Well, now the stage is ready to defeat Nankatsu! Coach Hanawa said with satisfaction.

In the venue, it is now announced that the Hanawa Junior High School player will replace No. 3 Takeda and No. 12 Daimaru will come on.

Here it comes, Daimaru, it's up to you. The Hanawa cheering group roared like chicken blood when they heard the voice.

Here comes a big guy! Izawa Mamoru said solemnly.

Ah, Xiaoyi also nodded in agreement, and his face was full of worry.

It's getting more and more interesting. Damaru, I almost forgot about you. I wonder if your physical fitness is as strong as you look. Shinmoto Feng thought with amusement.

The whistle sounded, and the second half changed sides. Hanawa team immediately passed the ball back and forth near the midfield.

Okay, let's go and intercept the ball, don't let them attack! ! Lai Sheng shouted and Takiichi immediately went to grab the ball.

At this time, the ball came to the feet of Damaru who had just substituted in. I'm here, Damaru shouted loudly, and then kicked the ball heavily.

The ball spun quickly and came to the air in front of Nankatsu's gate.

How is this possible? What kind of foot strength is this, kicking the ball from your own half to here. Takiichi said in surprise.

It was because of this explosive foot strength that I was appreciated and joined the team! Damaru laughed wildly. The Tachibana brothers also ran quickly to the vicinity of the penalty area at this time.

Shinmoto Feng, we want to let you know that your jump is useless! Thinking of this, Tachibana Kazuo immediately jumped forward and landed on his back again to slide forward. Tachibana Masao also jumped high and landed on Kazuo's feet, and jumped again.

At this time, Takayama and Ishiki of the Nankatsu team were caught off guard by a sudden long pass from the opposite side of Daimaru and had not reacted in time. Seeing this, Ozora Tsubasa, who had followed the Tachibana brothers all the way, immediately ran to the goal post and also learned the movements of Shinbonfeng, stepping and jumping high.

The two hit the football one after another, and the two sides collided violently in the air, and the high-altitude hurricane was broken again. However, due to the wrestling of the two in the air for a moment, the two lost their balance and fell.

On the way down, Xiaoyi was one body behind Tachibana Masao. He found that if he fell like this, Tachibana Masao's head would hit the ground first, which was very dangerous. So, Xiaoyi, regardless of his own safety after landing, immediately pulled Tachibana Masao over and protected his head with his arms.

The two fell from the sky, and Tsubasa's arm hit the ground first.

At this time, the whistle sounded for the game to be suspended, and the players from both sides ran to the two people to check.

This was an emergency, and the game was suspended. Are both of them not injured?

Hey, Tsubasa, how are you. Shi Qi Liao rushed to the front first and asked with concern.

Shoulder... Shoulder... Tsubasa closed his eyes and clenched his teeth. His facial expression was very painful, but he still squeezed out a few words from his teeth.

Are you okay, Masao? The Hanawa team also surrounded them, and Tachibana Kazuo also asked with concern.

I'm fine. Tachibana Masao stood up tiredly and said. Then he looked at Ozora Tsubasa who was holding his arm on the ground next to him and still looked painful.

It's just that Ozora Tsubasa... To protect me... Tachibana Masao continued.

Tsubasa! Tsubasa! The people from Nan Ge who had gathered around shouted, looking at a loss.

At this time, the referee also ran to Xiao Yi to check the situation and asked with concern: "Are you okay?"

Yes... Yes, Xiao Yi, who was shaking on the ground, said weakly. Then he struggled to get up, but his right hand was still covering his left arm without letting go, and he said breathlessly: "I... I'm fine."

Not good, it may be a dislocated arm, the referee immediately said when he saw this. Go to the infirmary for treatment immediately.

This little injury... I can still play... Xiao Yi stood up slowly with a painful face and said. His right hand was still tightly covering his left arm. Seeing him persisting with a painful face, the people from Nan Ge were also worried.

It's okay... I want to continue the game... I must continue the game. Xiao Yi shouted tremblingly with gritted teeth.

Xiao Yi, don't force it, your face has become bad, you should go get treatment! Jing Zeshou advised.

Yes, we will defend during this period! Shi Qi Liao also said quickly.

This is not okay. . . Although Xiao Yi was in pain, he still stubbornly insisted on his opinion.

Enough! Xiao Yi! At this time, a voice reached everyone's ears.. Everyone in Nange followed the direction of the voice and made way.

Xin Benfeng walked in and said, "Xiaoyi, now that things have come to this, do you want to ruin your football career in this game?"

Hearing this, Xiaoyi's shaking shoulders suddenly froze.

Go, go to the treatment, trust everyone, leave the rest of the game to us, we will wait for you to come back. Xin Benfeng walked in front of Xiaoyi and continued.

Everyone is right, go to the infirmary quickly, this is the referee's order. If you don't listen to the advice, I will really send you off the field! The referee said seriously.

Okay, I know. Sorry everyone, please before that. . . I. . I will be back soon. Xiaoyi said tremblingly, and was helped off the court by the glasses man Changchuan who came.

It seems that Tsubasa left the field injured, and Nankatsu escaped the crisis of a tie, but the price was too high, and football is a ruthless sport. The game cannot be interrupted while Tsubasa is receiving treatment! This is a great weakening of the Nankatsu team. The commentator also said with emotion.

What... Seeing Tsubasa leave the field injured, Hinata in the audience had a solemn look on his face...

Not good, Nankatsu. Tsutomu Hirado also sighed.

Tsubasa... Matsuyama of Furano also looked at Tsubasa Ozora leaving the field with concern.

How could this happen... Next, we have to fight with ten people. The Otomo foursome looked at the opposite Hanawa team with anger.

Looking at Tsubasa Ozora disappearing in the corridor of the player's tunnel, Shinmotofu suddenly turned around and looked at the Tachibana brothers with cold eyes and shouted: "You are good, the farce should end, I will let you experience what despair is."

What, farce? Bastard, you dare to look down on us, if you have the ability, try to defend us! The Tachibana brothers immediately replied angrily.

Humph. Xin Benfeng did not pay much attention, but turned around and swept through the Nange people, and finally stopped his eyes on Shi Qi Liao and Gao Shan and said: "You two should cheer up from now on, I hope there will be no next time."

Facing Xin Benfeng's cold eyes, Shi Qi and Gao Shan nodded quickly.

Okay, everyone, now return to your positions and defend well. Victory still belongs to Nange.

Yes, the Nange people agreed in unison and quickly dispersed back to their positions to deal with Hanawa's attack.

The game continued, and the Hanawa team took the corner kick.

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