Congratulations to Nankatsu for becoming the first team to advance to the quarterfinals. This match was very exciting, and Hanawa's performance was also excellent. Thunderous applause has already sounded in the stadium, which is not inferior to the level of the finals. It is not an exaggeration to call it the best third round finals in history! The voice of the conference commentator resounded throughout the venue.

Lost... Still lost... The Tachibana brothers left tears of regret in the corners of their eyes, muttering: "Although I have been mentally prepared, I still can't stop crying at this moment."

Whether it is a difficult victory or a smooth victory, no matter what form it takes. Shinbonfeng, Ozora Tsubasa, I will definitely defeat you in the finals. Hinata shouted inwardly facing the venue.

Yo! Hinata! Hearing the voice in his ear, Hinata turned his head and looked at Matsuyama...

Really, I have told you many times, but you just don't listen. Avoid making large movements, especially physical contact. The doctor in the infirmary said helplessly.

Hehe... Xiaoyi smiled awkwardly and then said: "But football games are painful", ah... It hurts.

At this time, the doctor suddenly used force to straighten Xiaoyi's bones...

Are you okay, Xiaoyi! Sanae shouted worriedly. Everyone rushed to the front with concern in their eyes.

Tsk! Shi Qi, who was being bandaged on the head by Changchuan, shouted, "You guys, I fell down after blocking such an important ball from the air", I was injured too, okay! Why are you all taking care of Xiaoyi!

Ah, is that so, I forgot about it! Izawa Mamoru turned around and teased.

Izawa... Shi Qi's forehead immediately became a kawa-shaped one, and the bandage in the middle was like a third eye, which seemed very fierce.

Just kidding, just kidding. Jingze immediately begged for mercy, causing everyone to laugh.

Okay, everyone. Shi Qi and Gao Shan were really brave in this game, and everyone worked very hard. To celebrate the team's victory, I will treat everyone to a self-service barbecue tonight, and there will be enough ingredients! Xin Benfeng interrupted.

Wow! Hearing this, the people of Nange immediately thought of the last big meal, and the whole room was filled with swallowing sounds, and they shouted in unison: BBQ! BBQ! BBQ!

At this time, the sound of the door lock being turned sounded, stopping everyone's cheers for the food, and everyone looked at it in unison.

The door opened, and the Rikka brothers walked in. Facing the eyes of the people of Nange, Rikka Masao walked to Xiaoyi and said awkwardly: "I don't know what to say, I'm really sorry, it's all because of me."

Xiaoyi replied carelessly: "This is force majeure, there is nothing we can do, please don't take it to heart." Compared to this, thank you for coming here specially!

The Rikka brothers also smiled with relief. Then he looked at Shinmoto Feng and said seriously, "Wind God, let's call you that like everyone else." Your explosive strength is really strong. We deserved to lose. We must win the championship. Please cheer for us!

Shinmoto Feng smiled confidently and said, "Don't worry, I won't let you down. The championship must belong to Nankatsu."

By the way, "Monkey, Gaoshan, you performed well. The aerial interception was very powerful. I surrendered," said Tachibana Kazuo.

Gaoshan smiled calmly, and Shi Qi immediately replied angrily, "Don't call me monkey. You two are monkeys." Really, I have to be reliable at the critical moment. Everyone burst into laughter, and the atmosphere was harmonious for a while.

The second floor lobby of the venue

So, you are not injured, right? Matsuyama asked Hinata who was taking Coke in front of the beverage machine.

Hinata leaned over to take Coke and replied casually, "Ah, I am not injured."

So why don't you play? Matsuyama continued to ask.

Hinata opened the Coke and took a sip casually, then glanced at Matsuyama and said: This has nothing to do with you, right?

Hearing this, Matsuyama immediately said angrily: "It has nothing to do with me? I still have a score to settle with you." Have you forgotten? He paused here, as if he was lost in memories, and continued: "Three years ago, in the restaurant of the national competition, I still remember the slap." Haha, I said I would settle with you in the competition, but I haven't settled it yet.

Hinata suddenly realized, and then said nonchalantly: That's all in the past. . .

We Furano will beat the Nankatsu team, and then beat you in the finals to avenge our defeat. Matsuyama said confidently with his hands in his pockets. Although I don't know what happened, you must play for me in the finals! That's all I want to say, goodbye.

Looking at Matsuyama's departing back, Hinata sneered and murmured: "Beat the current Nankatsu"? Haha. . . Then he shook his head and was about to throw away the Coke in his hand when he heard someone shouting from below, "Okay, everyone, hurry up and get in the car!"

Hinata walked slowly to the balcony and looked down, only to see the Nankatsu team gathering outside to get on the bus. At this time, Shi Qi looked up and saw Hinata on the second floor.

Ah! It's Hinata, Shi Qi said in surprise. Hearing the voice, everyone in Nankatsu looked in the direction of his gaze.

Hey, Hinata, what are you doing here! Didn't you go to the competition today? No matter how strong Toho is, you can't underestimate the competition. Shi Qi shouted loudly upward.

Don't worry, I will definitely be your opponent in the finals, Hinata replied coldly.

Then Hinata, you are not injured, right! Xiaoyi also shouted excitedly when he saw this.

Ah, although Hinata was surprised to see Xiaoyi's excitement, he still responded.

Then let's meet in the finals for three consecutive years between Nankatsu and Toho. Xiaoyi said with great anticipation.

Uh, Hinata was silent for a moment after hearing this, and then shouted: "You should be the one before the finals, Get your body in the best condition, or you won't be worthy of defeating Nankatsu!"

Heh, Hinata, it seems that you are very confident after training in Okinawa. A familiar voice came and Hinata stopped turning around and looked back. Sure enough, a tall figure appeared in front of him, looking at him with an evil look on his face. It was Shinmoto Feng.

Humph, Shinmoto Feng, I lost to you in that match three years ago. I will not lose again this time. I will definitely get it back with interest. Hinata pointed at Shinmoto Feng and said with gritted teeth, then turned and left.

What three years ago? That's all in the past. Shinmoto Feng shouted playfully.

Hinata, who had already walked far away, staggered when he heard this.

At the same time, in another venue. The match between Tokyo representative Toho Gakuen and Gifu representative Meiko Junior High School has also ended. Toho Gakuen defeated Meiko Junior High School 3:0 without Hinata appearing and advanced to the quarterfinals.

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