With little time left, the Nankatsu team kicked off again.

Ozora Tsubasa passed the ball to Misaki, who attacked with the ball, and Shuzhe double-teamed Er at the same time.

Tsubasa was being guarded by Shinmotofu, and Misaki passed the ball backwards to the bespectacled man Okawa, who dribbled a few times and was about to kick it to Tsubasa on the side, but was intercepted by Izawa Mamoru, and Shuzhe began to attack in a big way.

Good opportunity, Shinmotofu gave up defending Tsubasa instantly and rushed to the back half of Nankatsu, with Tsubasa chasing him relentlessly.

Izawa Mamoru was double-teamed by the Nankatsu defender, and suddenly his eyes fixed, and he passed the ball back to the back. That's right, Shinmotofu caught up with the left foot and stopped the ball, and was about to shoot with his right foot. Tsubasa took advantage of this gap to instantly pass Shinmotofu and defend closely. He will definitely not lose to you this time.

Really? It seems that you haven't realized the gap yet. After saying that, he dribbled forward with his right foot, and the ball disappeared under his feet with a turn.

What... The ball disappeared, and Tsubasa stopped instantly. As for Xin Benfeng, he kicked the ball with his left foot and flashed to the right at the moment of turning around. In fact, it was only a moment. Xin Benfeng passed Xiaoyi and kicked a banana ball to fly towards the Nange goal. When the goalkeeper stood up and jumped, the ball instantly turned and entered the net. . .

What is this ball. . . . . It was the banana ball that Xiaoyi performed in the first half. Robert stood up instantly. . .

This is the banana ball that Robert taught me. . . . Xiaoyi stared at Xin Benfeng's back in a daze.

The whistle sounded, the game ended, and the match between Xiuzhe Primary School and Nange Primary School ended with 4:0.

The Nange players sobbed, damn, we worked so hard for so long but still... lost. Xiaoyi also lowered his head in silence.

At this time, Robert walked up to Xiaoyi and said, Xiaoyi, cheer up, your football life has just begun, and then train with me. Xiaoyi looked at Robert with tears in his eyes. Yes, I will continue to work hard. Everyone should keep working hard. Come on, come on, everyone in Nankatsu (OK, it's so easy to fool). . .

Robert looked at Shinbenfeng who was celebrating with the Xiuzhe team and thought to himself: "Xiaoyi, you have met a very strong opponent."

Wakabayashi led the Xiuzhe Elementary School team to come over and said to Xiaoyi, Xiaoyi, you are very good today, I am impressed, we will meet again on the court.

Well, I will definitely beat you next time. Xiaoyi looked at Shinbenfeng who was hugging his shoulders. "Shinbenfeng, you are really strong, but I won't admit defeat."

"Then you have to work hard, because I will continue to get stronger." After that, Shinbenfeng shook hands with Ozora Tsubasa and smiled at each other.

At the Xiuzhe Elementary School Stadium, Xiuzhe's practice match against Matsukawa was being held. He came over again. This time, he must be stopped. At this time, Lai Sheng received the pass, went straight in, and easily scored.

At present, the score in the second half has reached 10:0, and our protagonist, Shinmoto Feng, has been standing in the back half of his own field to participate in defense. He is bored and only occasionally intercepts lazily. Most of the time, he chats with goalkeeper Wakabayashi.

This practice match is not even a warm-up for the Nankatsu SC selection match, Wakabayashi said while leaning against the goal.

"Yeah, if you hadn't insisted on pulling me on the field, I would have passed several levels of the game at this time. Wouldn't it be nice to drink a beverage?" Shinmoto Feng squatted on the ground and said.

Wakabayashi's face was full of black lines, and then he shouted: "Why are you so lazy, don't you know that practice can make you stronger?"

"Hey, hey, hey, it's as if I didn't practice with you (would I tell you if I practiced secretly) Didn't you not catch it, and I'm already very strong." Shinmoto Feng said leisurely.

"You, who said I haven't caught it before." Wakabayashi stroked his head with one hand and smiled: "This year's Nankatsu SC team has you and me, the national championship must be ours, and there are also those two guys, Tsubasa and Misaki."

"Yeah, but there are still some interesting opponents in the national competition." Shinmoto Feng said lazily.

Oh, that's the best. Wakabayashi's eyes sparkled.

As the whistle sounded, the practice match between Xiuzhe and Matsukawa ended. Because Shinmoto Feng participated in the defense, Wakabayashi did not get his leg stepped on like in the original work.

At the same time, at the Nankatsu City Youth Football Field, the Nankatsu team finished practicing.

Shi Qi Liao was gulping down water on the sidelines and said: "I said that this year's Nankatsu SC must be the strongest. As long as there are those guys like Xiuzhe, plus Tsubasa and Misaki, there will be no problem winning the national competition, hahahaha".

That will definitely work. The other players also said excitedly.

That's not necessarily true, Misaki walked over and said. The level of the national competition is constantly improving.

"Yes, Misaki has been to many schools." . . Shi Qi nodded.

"For example, Chiba's Kujukuri FC, Osaka's Namba FC, Fukuoka's Hakata Football Club, but allThe strongest opponent that can appear in the national competition should be Minghe FC, whose ace striker Hyuga Kojiro has the strength comparable to Tsubasa. "Misaki said solemnly.

"Really? You are lying. Tsubasa can tie with Shuzhe in the first half. He is a person who can threaten Wakabayashi's goal and has scored a goal." Iwami said in disbelief.

Misaki said seriously: "I can only say that Hinata and Tsubasa are different types of strikers."

Uh, Tsubasa murmured, Minghe FC...

At this time, the man with eyes, Nagakawa, said: "Will that be stronger than Shinmotofu?"

The whole audience was silent... Uh, at this time, Misaki thought of Shinmotofu and said, maybe Nankatsu FC is really the strongest.

"The day of the first training of the Nankatsu Youth Football Team has arrived. 15 representatives will be selected from 30 players. The next red and white game will be held. There are many players from Shuzhe here, so this time Shuzhe will be a team and the other players will be a mixed team." Selection The tryout coach said.

Everyone was very excited, and Xiaoyi and others were looking forward to revenge. The fierce tryout officially began.

Everyone was very enthusiastic.

Wakabayashi was also excited to fight Xiaoyi and was ready to fight.

Suddenly, a voice came from behind, are you Wakabayashi Genzo?

Wakabayashi turned around in shock and saw a muscular man sitting on the goal and looking at him arrogantly.

Who are you?

"Minghe FC, Hyuga Kojiro, jumped directly from the goal post and fought a decisive battle "Xiong, Wakabayashi Genzo". After saying that, he ran to the front court to steal the ball and headed straight for Wakabayashi.

Everyone was shocked, and many people recognized Hinata. For example, Misaki Taro was shocked and said: "Minghe FC, why is Hinata Kojiro here?" And...

Xiaoyi was also shocked, is it him...

The head coach did not stop him, but was ready to see the strength of this main player of Minghe FC.

The players of Xiuzhe were furious and rushed back to stop this troublemaker. However, the players of Xiuzhe were Being violently knocked away still couldn't stop Hinata's dribbling.

Seeing this, Wakabayashi asked the team's tallest central defender Takayama Shingo to organize him, but Hinata deliberately kicked Takayama in the stomach and sent him flying.

Everyone called him despicable.

"Humph, my football is different from your naive football," Hinata said with a sneer.

Then he raised his right foot to shoot the goal. However, at the moment when Hinata's right foot just touched the football, a tall figure appeared in front of him and kicked the football at the same time.

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