It was rare for Hu Zhai Gong to be normal for once.

I was used to seeing her "scummy" look.

She suddenly spoke to Su Bai with so many sincere words, and even said thank you. Su Bai was really a little uncomfortable.

So he was silent for a long time without speaking.

Seeing that Su Bai didn't speak, Hu Zhai Gong continued: "If there really is a long time to come, I would definitely not tell you this so early. It's a pity that there is no day to come, and how long the day will be... I really don't know~"

When Hu Zhai Gong said this, Su Bai knew from her tone that she was pretending to be relaxed.

In fact, Su Bai knew.

The reason why Hu Zhai Gong said this is that she and Zhen will face an extremely difficult war soon.

The war in Kanreya was cruel and tragic.

I think Hu Zhai Gong must have known that this trip was dangerous, so he said so.

Of course, Su Bai would definitely not tell Hu Zhai Gong that he knew about this.

So she could only pretend not to know and said to Hu Zhai Gong half-jokingly: "Although I have known you for a short time, I feel that you are not of this character. Why did you say so many depressing words to me today?"

Hu Zhai Gong smiled slightly and did not answer Su Bai's question.

She naturally would not tell Su Bai about the Kanreya War.

So she could only change the subject and return to her nonchalant look and said: "You kid, you are really lucky. It can be seen that not only Ying is interested in you, but it seems that... Yae Shenzi also likes you~ You are really lucky~"

Hu Zhai Gong said, waving his hand and leaving.

The golden sunlight shone on Hu Zhai Gong's back.

I don't know why, Su Bai suddenly felt a little regretful for Hu Zhai Gong.

This somewhat "cheap" fox felt a little regretful.

He suddenly thought.

If possible, maybe he could call Hu Zhai Gong.

Then take her back to five hundred years later in a time machine and save Hu Zhai Gong.

But Su Bai also knew.

Even if he could bring Hu Zhai Gong to five hundred years later, he might not be able to save Hu Zhai Gong.

There are two reasons for this.

In the original plot, Hu Zhai Gong had died in the Kanreya War five hundred years ago.

This is a known fact.

In the plot at that time, although San Bing modified the memory of the World Tree and made everyone forget him.

But the people who died because of him still did not resurrect.

This proves that although the memory can be modified through the World Tree to delete the traces of one's existence in this world.

But the dead cannot be resurrected because of this.

So, even if Su Bai took Hu Zhai Gong to five hundred years later.

Maybe Hu Zhai Gong would not survive.

This is the first.

The second is that even if Su Bai took Hu Zhai Gong away and let her survive.

But this action must violate the "laws" of the Teyvat continent.

The Grass God once said in the plot that if the "laws" are violated, the law of nature will be awakened.

Resurrect the dead.

Su Bai was not sure whether such behavior would alarm Tianli and wake up the sleeping Tianli.

Su Bai was very sure that even if he now had the skill of 100% unarmed catching a blade.

But Su Bai could not defeat Tianli.

Since he could not defeat Tianli, Su Bai's rescue of Husaigong was undoubtedly a trap for everyone in Teyvat.

Maybe it would also break the plan of the Seven Gods.

The awakening of Tianli's maintainer did not seem to be what everyone wanted to see.

So after weighing the pros and cons, Su Bai could only watch Husaigong leave.

But I don't know why.

Looking at Husaigong's figure in the sun.

Su Bai suddenly made a decision in his heart.

After a while... he will definitely bring Husaigong back... and Raiden Shin.

Anyway, he has a time machine, and he can come back at any time.



The journey is over.

In Inazuma five hundred years ago, Su Bai completed his plan.

He successfully conquered Yae Shinko and also eased the relationship with Lei Dianying.

That was enough.

He had no reason to stay, so he took a look at the cherry blossom-filled Inazuma.

He took the time machine back to five hundred years later.

This time, Su Bai's destination was very clear.

It was to go back to Inazuma five hundred years later.

As for where in Inazuma he was located, Su Bai was not sure.

After all, Su Bai did not know the specific longitude and latitude of those locations in Inazuma.

So Su Bai could only go to Inazuma first, and as for where he landed in Inazuma, Su Bai could only leave it to fate.

Shuttled through the colorful time tunnel.

Soon, Su Bai arrived at his destination.

Boom boom --

Boom boom --

As soon as he arrived at Inazuma, Su Bai heard a thunderous roar in his ears.

Su Bai just got off the time machine and put the time machine back into the storage bag.

Only a voice sounded.

The next second, a bolt of lightning struck Su Bai directly.

Fortunately, Su Bai noticed it in advance and had the Shining Fruit.

Using his speed, Su Bai completely avoided the lightning strike.

Looking at the place where he was standing, a big pit was struck by lightning.

Su Bai felt helpless.

I have to say that Inazuma is much better when managed by lightning.

At least there is no lightning that will strike people for no reason.

This Ying is really something.

He has not taken care of Inazuma for hundreds of years, making Inazuma look like this.

It’s okay if the whole sky is black.

People will be struck by lightning for no reason when they stay there.

The whole Inazuma is full of smoke and miasma.

Oh... It’s really terrible.

But think about it carefully, and you can understand it.

After all, Ying only knows how to fight from the beginning.

Suddenly, his sister and friends died, leaving the responsibility of managing a country to Ying who had no idea how to do it.

It was normal for Ying to suddenly shut himself up with such a stubborn personality.

Thinking of this, Su Bai could only sigh helplessly.

He was planning to go to Inazuma to find Yae Shinko first, recognize Yae Shinko, and then go find Ying.

In this way, he might be able to try to wake Ying up, so as to cancel this damn Eye Hunting Order and let Inazuma return to normal.

Unexpectedly, before Su Bai could move, he suddenly felt a black screen in front of his eyes.

His body lost weight.

When he came to his senses again, he had already appeared in the Pure Land of One Heart.

The familiar person appeared in his eyes - Ying.

Su Bai: "..."

He was stunned at the time.

It shouldn't be that bad.

Ying found him just after he arrived in Inazuma?

Su Bai originally wanted to find Yae Shinko to recognize his relatives, but he was caught by Ying as soon as he arrived?

This... is too fast!

Su Bai was a little embarrassed and didn't know what to say for a moment.

At this moment, Ying spoke first: "I said, we will see each other again."

Su Bai: "..."

"Hi~" He greeted awkwardly.

Just about to say something.

Unexpectedly, Ying's next sentence was: "Where have you been for these five hundred years?!"

Su Bai: "..."

Good guy, Su Bai can see it.

Ying is... here to settle the score.

"I... actually..." Su Bai said hesitantly, he seemed to want to explain something.

Then before he finished speaking, Ying spoke again: "I've waited for five hundred years, shouldn't you say something?"

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