It seemed that footsteps were heard.

Kong and Paimon reacted immediately.

They looked up.

Kong was a little surprised when he saw Su Bai.

"Kong, isn't that Su Bai? He arrived at Inazuma before us!!" Paimon shouted to Kong excitedly.

Although Kong was surprised, he was still much calmer than Paimon.

With a slight smile, Kong greeted Su Bai: "See you again, Su Bai."

Hearing Kong and Paimon talking, Thomas immediately understood Su Bai's identity.

He looked back at Su Bai with some surprise and asked: "Are you Su Bai? The Holy Light Knight who has seven God's Eyes and can use light elements? I have heard of you for a long time~"

Thomas said with a smile.

He was very enthusiastic.

However, when he saw a group of shogunate soldiers following Su Bai, he still noticed something wrong.

"Did something happen?" Thomas asked the soldiers.

The soldiers described the situation.

Thomas immediately smiled after understanding, "He is right, it was indeed me who invited him here, and I was planning to take him to go through the formalities."

Thoma was originally ordered by the Kamisato family to pick up Sora.

His purpose was to ask Sora to help solve the problem, to find a way to make the Shadow abolish the Eye Hunting Order and change Inazuma's current situation.

Since the Kamisato family asked Sora for help.

Then there is no reason not to ask Su Bai, the now famous "Holy Light Knight", for help.

So Thomas's pick-up at this time naturally also includes Su Bai.

With Thomas' testimony, these soldiers naturally believed that they would not say anything more and left soon.

After these soldiers left, Sora asked Su Bai: "How long have you been here?"

Su Bai said truthfully: "Actually, I haven't been here for a long time, just a few days longer than you."

After all, Su Bai had gone to five hundred years ago before.

Thinking about it this way, it is true that he has not been here for a few days longer than Sora.

"You haven't done the formalities, how can you move freely in Inazuma?" Thomas asked curiously.

After all, Inazuma is very strict now.

If there are no formalities, things like what happened just now will happen.

It seems magical that Su Bai can stay in Inazuma for a few days.

However, Su Bai can explain this.

"Before, I was with Yae Shenzi, so naturally no one came to check me." Su Bai said seriously.

Thomas was a little surprised when he said this.

"You mean, you were with Lord Yae Gongsi before? Do you know Lord Yae Gongsi?" Thomas asked.

Su Bai nodded and said calmly: "I know him."

Paimeng on the side was a little confused.

"Who is Lord Yae Gongsi? Is she powerful? Thomas's tone seems to be a big shot." Paimeng asked.

Obviously, Kong was also very curious about this question.

After being asked by Paimeng, Thomas immediately explained.

After the explanation, Paimeng and Kong roughly understood.

"So, this lady of the Eightfold Palace is indeed a very powerful and prestigious woman. Su Bai, how did you know her?" Paimeng couldn't help asking.

"This matter... is a long story." After hesitating for a while, Su Bai couldn't help but speak.

After all, if this matter is talked about, it is really quite long.

"You can ask her in person. She should be here soon." Su Bai thought for a while and said.

Su Bai remembered that he had made an appointment with the Eightfold God Son.

Although the speed of the Eightfold God Son was not as fast as his, Su Bai had just delayed for so long.

After chatting with Kong and Paimeng for a while, I thought that the Eightfold God Son should be here soon.

Just thinking about it, the Eightfold God Son really came.

However, it was not the people of Yae God who appeared first... but the voice of Yae God: "Su Bai! You said you would accompany me! But you disappeared in a flash. Don't let me catch you. If I catch you again, I will definitely hold you and see how you run!"

The deafening voice sounded in his ears.

Everyone hadn't come back to their senses yet.

The graceful figure of Yae God appeared in front of everyone.

"Is this... Lord Yae Palace Master... He looks so fierce..." Obviously, Paimeng was frightened by the shout of Yae God Master just now.

He was stunned for several seconds before he spoke and couldn't help muttering.

Thomas on the side didn't come back to his senses for a long time.

It wasn't until Paimeng spoke that Thomas couldn't help but say: "That's not right... Lord Yae Palace Master is not usually like this... Ah..."

Thomas was stunned in place, saying with some confusion.

Seeing that everyone was frightened by Yae God Master, Su Bai pressed his head with a headache.

Then he said helplessly: "Son of God... there are outsiders here, so if you have anything to say, just talk in private. Do you still want your image...?""..."

Yaezawa Goddess was also irritated by Su Bai just now.

That's why she couldn't help but yell.

They had agreed to go together, but Su Bai disappeared in a flash.

Yaezawa Goddess hurried and finally found Su Bai.

She was so afraid that Su Bai would disappear for another five hundred years in a blink of an eye.

That's why she lost her composure for a moment.

After finding so many people around, Yaezawa Goddess became more dignified.

She resumed her appearance as "Yaezawa Palace Master".

She walked over seriously and formally.

Her lavender eyes scanned the people present.

Then she looked at Kong and asked, "You are Kong, right?"

Kong nodded and said to Yaezawa Goddess, "Yes, Lord Yaezawa Palace Master."

Yaezawa Goddess didn't say anything.

She was silent for a while, then said: "The Kamisato family is here too. It seems that your Kamisato family is planning to take action?"

Although Yae Shinko spoke slowly and seemed to have an indifferent attitude.

But from her tone, it can be roughly heard that she has confirmed that the Kamisato family is seeking help from Sora.

So this sentence is not a question.

Thomas must have heard it too.

But he didn't dare to admit it.

He didn't even tell Sora about the real purpose of his coming now, so naturally he wouldn't tell Yae Shinko directly.

So Thomas smiled slightly, and then said vaguely: "It was Beidou who asked me to pick them up. He said that they were not familiar with Inazuma just now, so he asked me to lead the way."

Thomas pushed all the responsibilities to Beidou.

But Yae Shinko naturally wouldn't believe it.

Of course, she didn't believe it.

Yae Shinko wouldn't ask any more questions.

She just smiled and said, "I like the girl of the community magistrate's house very much. Everything is arranged in an orderly manner. However, the community magistrate has always been doing thankless work. It's really pitiful~ Well, I don't care what you community magistrate want to do. I don't care if you want to take other people to see the girl. But Su Bai can't, he must go with me."

Yae Shenzi said, staring at Su Bai.

Thomas was stunned when he said this.

Combined with Su Bai's previous call of Yae Shenzi as "Son of God", and the rumors that Inazuma is now spreading.

Thomas seemed to understand something and asked: "It is said among the Inazuma that Lord Yaeji is in love, and he was walking on the street holding a man's hand before... Su Bai, you are not that man?!"

When Thomas said this, Paimeng was shocked and shouted immediately: "Su Bai, you are in love with Lord Yaeji??!!"

Su Bai: "I..."

Su Bai was stunned by Paimeng's question.

Before he could answer.

Suddenly, another voice came from behind: "Master, the food is ready. You can eat."

Then, Catherine appeared in front of everyone with the food.

When Catherine appeared, Paimeng and Sora were stunned.

Paimeng: "Isn't this Miss Catherine??! Why are you here? Wait, what did Miss Catherine call Su Bai just now? Master??? Ah????"

Su Bai: "..."

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