Card Apprentice Daily Log

Chapter 1068: No Label

Date- 4 April 2321

Time- 06:48

Location- Southern Region, Bloom Ditrict, Unknown Location

I continued to upport Jill' limp body in a hug and carried her to the bae. I know I am a good kier and I agree our makeout eion wa very intene but not enough to eplain Jill' reaction. Either Jill wa uper enitive or it wa too much for her firt time or both or it wa all an act. My lat thought wa the reaon why I had topped indulging in bodily pleaure, no matter how calculative and elf-controlled you were one can never overcome the chemical mytery of their hormone. Something about eeing their partner atified after coitu prompted an emotional development between the two. Epecially to the male partner' ego.

The only reaon I wa till entertaining Jill wa that I felt he wa mart enough to know that in no cenario trying the obviou would work but I wonder how omeone with Jill' obcene body lacked the opportunity to tate adult pleaure till today. Seeing how he took initiative when the opportunity aroe, I don't think her being too conervative wa one of the reaon. So I couldn't help but ay, "You know if you are uing your body to divert me from aking quetion about your reearch down here then hat off, it i working."

"Wyatt, I think you are capable of having a relationhip with a partner who i capable to challenge your intellect o I am going to pretend that I did not hear you ay that. Beide, if I were really doing that you wouldn't be aking me that quetion," a Jill aid that he adjuted her body to ret her body more comfortably in my hug and taking a niff of my neck he aid, "You mell nice, what fragrance card do you ue? I it unie?"

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"I don't ue fragrance card, It i my natural body odor," To be eact it wa the diluted verion of the fragrance releaed by the dungeon calamity eed to trap it victim.

"Really?" Jill found the boy' claim hard to believe but he didn't care a hi body cent wa too oothing and made her feel afe in hi embrace.

"So we are in a relationhip?" I aked Jill having heard her call it that earlier. But in my book making out with a girl a few time did not count a being in a relationhip.

"I don't ee the need to label it, let u enjoy our time here. If we both are till intereted afterward, then you can label it all you want," Jill' take urpried me. I did not epect her to be o cool about it a I remember almot becoming the lave of the firt girl that touched my little brother. It took me day to get out of that pell. I gue girl were more mature about thi kind of tuff than boy.

"Since you put it that way, Jut o you know, I enjoyed the ki but I am far from atified," having aid that I felt Jill' arm around my neck tighten and he coldly replied, "I ee."

A econd later he propped her body up uing my houlder for upport, and fiercely kied me. Before it could turn into another intene makeout eion, I break away aying, "Jill, you don't have to force yourelf. Thi i not a competition."

"I know but I want to do thi for you," Jill claimed that but I could feel that he had taken my word peronally.

"If you really want to do omething for me," a I aid that I bring my mouth net to her ear and whipered, "There are other more eciting thing that you would do for me."<ub> </ub>

"..." Hearing me Jill wa without word, her ear turned red but oon he uttered, "F-fine but only after I am done with the net dungeon-wide analyi report."

"Deal," I immediately accept, urpriing Jill with my enthuiam and cauing her to bluh even more.

With a new arrangement between u Jill once again took charge of the commute but thi time he did not ue her mental trength to carry me intead he embraced me in her oft vulgar body aying, "You are too low, we have to reach the bae before my golem end in the net report."

Jill bluhed, feeling her word were too direct he immediately added, "Not becaue I am looking forward to our arrangement. I need to check on the dungeon core epanion."

"I know. But jut o you know, I am looking forward to our arrangement," aying that I buried my head in her ample chet. They felt like the mot alaciou pillow in eitence.

Jill' face grew red in embarrament, it wa redder than a baboon' butt. It had become hard to tell if he wa more embarraed that her thought had become apparent or if he wa bluhing more than uual looking forward to her arrangement with me. Soon I topped bothering to figure her out lot in the bli of her racy boom.

"Aren't you getting too comfortable with them?" Jill could not help but ak feeling the boy' drool on her chet through the layer covering them.

"Not comfortable enough, do you mind if I help myelf with your bloue," I aked continuing to rub my cheek againt the fluffiet pillow I have come in contact with recently.

"Go ahead, it i oaked in your drool away," feeling the wetne and tickine of her drool-oaked bloue on her kin Jill decided he wa better off without them.

"What about the bra?" I aked Jill while unbuttoning her bloue, Slowly uncovering the nowing white twin mountain valley.

"How about we ave ome for later?" Jill aked but then he felt the boy' tongue eplore her cleavage trying to reach a deep a poible. Forcing her at a lo for word learning how wrong he wa with regard to her bloue. But for ome unknown reaon, Jill wa not irritated by the boy' action rather he felt timulated hindering her peed of flight.

"Now, who i low?"

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