Card Apprentice Daily Log

Chapter 169: Competitors

Date- 26 Mar 2321

Time- 2:58

Location- Sky Blossom City, Guild Association Mall, Warehouse no.234

"Cough everything out do not leave a single detail. And don't make me say the old cliche villain dialogues, it will just piss me off." Since her intentions were found out Anna no longer cared to cover her motives and blatantly showed her true colours. Not just Anna if it were someone else in Anna's place they would do the same. The allure of Silver milk powder and its importance was that significant enough to turn to the dark side.

"I get it you are not a third rate villain from a story… Nor am I the third rate tragic hero of the story. Let me make it clear, I have nothing to lose and I care about myself more than anybody. Go ahead, do your worst." As soon as these words came out of my mouth a red arc of soul energy extended out of Anna aiming at my knees. The next second, I fell on my back. Laying on the ground I saw my cut off feet still neatly erect on the ground. The scene was horrifying and not for weak hearted people. I did not feel a little bit of pain as the energy blade was that sharp and fast. Surprisingly no blood was spilt out as the arc cut off my legs it also burned my wounds such that I would not bleed. 

"I made it painless, but next time I will not be that generous…" said Anna. Elliott looked at me with an ashen face the guilt he felt showed on his face. 

I scoffed at Anna and her threat as thanks to my origin card I had already ascended the mortal body. With Hive AI I can dampen my pain receptors and later restructure myself of a new body so torture was useless on me. As for mind control, illusion, truth serum etc types of cards I could just shut off my consciousness in calamity soul core and have the Hive AI operate my body. But I did not plan to let it go to that point.

"Anna, let's negotiate… that's the only way you can make me talk, these third rate theatrics do not work on me." My word angered Anna as another arc extended out of her body and claimed my left arm, just like she said this time it was painful but I had already dampened my pain receptors just in case. Seeing me not scream and weep in pain Anna was puzzled. 

"looks like normal means will not work… good Wyatt you have managed to piss me off." Saying this bright red energy oozed out of Anna which made her look devilish. Seeing that this woman would kill my mortal body. I decided to no longer agitate her and show my leverage. Because if my body is dead I risk my calamity soul core being discovered. Which was worse than revealing the Silver milk powder secrets. 

"Anna, I have already saved drafts about my complete findings of silver milk powder addressed to various editorials, agencies and government authorities, including the grimoire network. I have even added your name as the reason for my death.

Either you calm down and negotiate with me or I will hit send and the mails will reach their destination." I revealed my leverage to Anna who wanted Silver milk powder for herself. I was in my current condition because Anna did not have equal competition. She had a solo monopoly over me and my product but by threatening her that I would give all the information to everyone else for free I created an invisible competition that she lacked. 

"Who will believe you? I have hundreds of ways to erase you from society, make it such that you never existed." Anna was unfazed by my leverage. But I knew she was only downplaying my hand to get better terms in the negotiation. 

"At first no one will believe my words but when they notice the commander of the southern watch and her cronies active in Sky blossom city it will raise suspicion. Considering the importance of the Silver milk powder you know what will happen next." I explained just to emphasise that I am not falling for her tricks.


"You will kill me anyway. But this way I will make sure you won't have an easy time either." Anna's face was unsightly but soon her expression eased as she offered, "Okay fine as long as you give me the info I need for the creation of silver milk powder I will let you live." 

"Anna if you are not being sincere I might as well just send the drafts to not waste our time." I had to let Anna know I knew what I wanted and she should stop screwing around and negotiate seriously. 

"Fine! I will purchase the info in exchange for 10,000 soul jades and your life." Finally, Anna started to get serious and negotiate with me. But her offer was not sincere enough. 

"Do you think I am a beggar! The research is mine so the patent will be in my name. But I am willing to give you the exclusive rights to the production and supply of silver milk powder for 70% royalty." I put forward my demands. My demands were too high considering that my life was in Anna's hands. But in a negotiation, you always start high. 

"You got some nerve, you take what I give you. You are in no place to make demands. I can allow you to register the patent in your name but you will sell it to me for 12,000 soul jades later. Don't push your luck with me." Ordered Anna. 

" You must be delusional if you think you can just buy the patent for 12000 soul jades." There is no way I will sell the patent for 12,000 soul jade if I did I would be the dumb bady of the millennium "Nope! not happening, the patent stays in my name and you get exclusive rights to the patent for 65% royalty."

"Wyatt, you must be tired of living if you think you can keep the patent. The only way you can live is if you sign a soul contract stating that you will sell me the patent of the silver milk powder otherwise ...." 

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