Card Apprentice Daily Log

Chapter 192: I Chose You

Date- 26 Mar 2321

Time- 13:03

Location- Sky Blossom City, Lion Cubs High

Such a commotion was bound to attract the attention of the staff in the school back on earth but here the school staff act like they did not exist, from my previous conversation with Andrea I knew they monitored everything happening in the school but chose to stay silent unless they were forced to act. 

As for the students they were used to it. Until yesterday it was the Bright Lions gang members bullying others today it was the Bright Lions gang members being bullied. And as always they would continue to play their part as watermelon eating bystanders. The scene of more than 100 people surrounding and eyeballing a single person was very intimidating and for a change, they were eager to watch what will happen next.

Being eyeballed by 100+ wannabe gangsters I chuckled which only aggravated them. But seeing the Bright Brothers trio the three founders of their Gang arrive at the scene they made way for them and all bowed in unison shouting, "Welcome Gang leaders" 

One Bulky, one slender and one with glasses, three blondes in Lion high uniform passed the 100 delinquents and stopped stepping into the encirclement of their cronies. The slender blondie looked at me and said, "it seems you could not wait till the tournament to find death." 

"Hello to you too." Seeing the figures of the Bright Brother trio the crippled gang members did not dare to slap Bert any longer and stopped. As for Bert he Slowly crawled towards the blonde brothers with a swollen face and wailed mumbling, "kill him...kill him…." 


But before he could crawl far I grabbed him by his leg as my figures dug into his leg muscle tearing them apart, as a consequence Bert experienced a hellish pain that accumulated with his previous injuries rendered him unconscious. Seeing the fate of Bert, the rest of the crippled delinquents were happy and thankful that they were not as impatient as Bert. 

I was not interested in the expressions of these crippled delinquents but the Bright Brothers trio. Surprisingly they were unfazed by Bert's painful ending. Instead, they were looking at me with curious eyes and the glasses blondie said, "How did you breakthrough into the card soldier realm within a few days?"

"Thanks to your patriarch William, if not for him I would not be able to cultivate this fast." True, in a way William tearing my soul helped me with mutating my soul which in turn helped me increase my active soul control % and breakthrough to the card soldier realm this early. 

Hearing that I was a Card Soldier the delinquents eyeballing me finally showed some hesitation. Except for their founding leader's none of the members of their gang has ascended to the Card Soldier realm. They knew that the card soldier realm was no longer a gap that could be filled with numbers but it would be a different story if the said card soldier did not have realm appropriate cards. As for the Crippled gang members next to me, they now knew that they were doomed to not have a good ending. 

"Do you want to die!" Shouted the bulky blondie as he summoned his silver grimoire, his brothers followed his actions. I spoke the truth but the Bright Brothers trio thought that I was mocking their patriarch and family. When you speak the truth only bad things await.

"Summon: Skeleton Fiend" shouted the Slander blondie and ordered his summons, "Kill him!"

A 3.2-meter tall humanoid shaped skeleton with 3 skulls and 6 bone arms rushed at me in a fully equipped black steel armour set and 6 different swords. I used my Soul pupils to locate the core of the skeleton but there wasn't one, I saw a few strings of soul pathway originating from the Skeleton fiend extending and connecting to the slender blondie. No wonder the Skeleton fiend did not have a core as it was the origin card of the slender blondie. Now I knew why the slender blondie was so confident that he could kill me in the tournament previously when I defeated his undead scorpion. 

An origin card summons was hectic to deal with so I decided to summon my summons. Activating the monster orb card I shouted, "Stone Viltronian, I choose you." 


Soon a humanoid adult-sized Stone elemental appeared in front of me blocking the 6 connected sword strikes of the Skeleton fiend. Hitting against the hard stone exterior of the Stone Viltronian the Skeleton fiend was pushed back. 

"Stone Viltronian use Stone Maiden." 

Following my command, Stone Viltronian summoned a stone casket with spikes on the inside right behind the skeleton fiend which was pushed backwards. A set of stone chains extended out of the casket and grabbing the skeleton fiend the chains dragged it into the casket as soon as the Skeleton fiend was inside the stone casket it shut close. impaling and trapping the Skeleton Fiend inside. And soon the casket ploughed itself into the ground below. 

"Skeleton fiend!" Yelled the slender Blondie he could feel the connection between him and his summon but right now the Skeleton fiend was Immobilized and trapped. He was left with no choice but to discard that body of the Skeleton fiend. His origin card was the core of the Skeleton Fiend so discarding the skeleton body of the fiend did not kill his summons as the core would form a new body in his grimoire. But he could not summon his summons till it had formed a new body. 

Seeing their brother lose so easily the other two were dumbfounded. Though their brother's skeleton fiend was not strong as their golems, it was a difficult opponent since it was an origin card undead summons.

Forget the blonde brothers, their cronies were freaked out. They had seen the prowess of the skeleton fiend first hand during team training and practice of their gang. To think that the Skeleton Fiend which they considered as a killing machine would be taken care of by someone so easily, they knew the Card fight had crossed the realm which they could participate in. 

I was strong and confident about my physical prowess but still, it would be a hassle to kill an origin card undead summons. As for Stone Viltronians, I never planned on hiding them. But I did make sure to mask the A-rank monster aura and breath of the Stone Viltronian. If I suddenly summoned an A-rank monster in the middle of the schoolyard the school staff would be left with no choice but to step in. 

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