Card Apprentice Daily Log

Chapter 202: Swallow

Date- 26 Mar 2321

Time- 14:45

Location- Sky Blossom City, Guild Association Mall, Warehouse no.235

"I have my ways. Enough of this childishness, William pay up. Don't waste my time. I have a lot of work back at the warehouse." Hearing the impatience in my voice Willam summoned his grimoire and handed me a storage trunk card, I checked its contents by equipping the card. Seeing that the storage card had a total of 7000 soul jades in it I gave William a slight nod of confirmation and headed back to the warehouse. Those E-rank female armour cards for the auction will not make themselves.

"Wyatt, wait up, I have to ask you something." Yelled Corey seeing me hurry to the warehouse.

"What is it?" I turned to face Corey. Corey stood in front of me and said, "I want big sis Susan to auction my cards in her auction. But she won't agree to it saying that she is exclusive to you and won't take other clients"

"What does it have to do with me?" I knew Corey was asking to borrow Susan from me but I was not stupid to hand her my only competent worker. 

"If you ask her, she will help me auction my cards." What The Fuq, she just criticised and sought a fight with me. Now she is acting all cute and asking me to ask my employee to help her. What hell is wrong with her? I had seen so many people like her. Does she think I am so easy to screw with?

"Buzz off!" I stared into Corey's eyes and mouthed these words for only her to hear. 

Hearing my words Corey's expression solidified and soon turned into an unemotional one with her eyes glowing red as she whispered, "Human don't be full of yourself! If not for my mother who has taken a liking to you I would have killed you long ago for working her like a slave." 

Glancing into Corey's red eyes I saw an endless land covered in raging red flames. Within the flames, I saw a boundless monster army of different shapes and sizes with various weapons and mounts, they all had one thing in common that they wore black armour. This scene shocked and jolted me awake from losing myself in Corey's deep eyes. Looking at Corey I could not help but ask her, "Who are you?" 

"That is not for you to know. Just do as I say." Ordered Corey. 

Was I scared by what I saw in Corey's eyes? No, I was merely surprised to see something one would not expect to see in a person's eyes. Instead of seeing my reflection in Corey's eyes, I saw a freaking monster army armed to teeth bathing in flames. If I were not shocked by it then there would be something wrong with me. But I would not let Corey boss me around because of something like that. 

Instead of bickering with Corey, I said, "Susan is my exclusive auction Manager, find someone else to auction your card. And one more thing if you dare to pull such a stunt on me once again I will kill you." Having said that, I did not wait for Corey's answer and headed to my Warehouse to build the E-rank female armour cards.

Date- 26 Mar 2321

Time- 14:45

Location- Sky Blossom City, Guild Association Mall, Warehouse no.234

Seeing me walk in, Ronnie, who was resting on the couch, hurriedly came to greet me and said, "Wyatt, who do I contact at the TSR guild regarding the scholarship to Prestige University of culinary science. Sooner I leave sooner I can be back here for my babies." 

"Thank you for reminding me I almost forgot." Using the Hive AI I contacted Van George and brought him up to speed about Ronnie, his origin card Thousand Handed Butcher and the scholarship to Prestige University of culinary science. Informing Van what to do next I told Ronnie the news, "Do not worry, soon somebody from TSR guild will contact you soon regarding the scholarship to the crash course of Prestige University of culinary science. And did you shift all the ingredients for the E-rank female armour cards for the auction to the card lab?" 

"Yes, I did. I have placed them all in sets how Susan arranged them in the storeroom." Ronnie replied positively. 

"Good, take care at the university if you dare slack off or fail the course even with your excellent origin card don't you dare come back" I warned Ronnie. The only reason I am willing to waste time on him is because of the origin card I made for him but having a good origin card is not enough, the man using the origin card is the key. Without his expertise and hard work no matter how good the card is, it would be a waste. 

I bade goodbye to Ronnie because by the time I complete the 50 E-rank female armour cards Van would have escorted Ronnie to the airfield and boarded him to a floater vessel heading to the southern academic city. 

I was about to enter the card lab but was interrupted by the arrival of the three bright brothers. They seemed to be in a better mood than before I left them at the school. Maybe they were contacted by the elder or William himself in my absence to get a clear picture of what was happening? Whether their patriarch had abandoned them? Why were they asked to become somebody's followers? They should be at peace having found the answers and how much their new mission of gaining my trust and spying on me meant for their family. 

"Ronnie, take your luggage and head to the TSR guild. Someone will receive you at the guild." For what I was going to do next I needed absolute privacy. So I decided to have Ronnie go to Van instead of waiting here for Van's arrival.

"Okay, I will be out of your hair." Ronnie saw the entry of 3 new guys in school uniform and hearing his cousin, he knew his cousin was going to deal with some serious stuff. So he skedaddled with his luggage. 

After Ronnie left, I sat comfortably on the couch and the three Bright brothers stood in front of me. They finally seem to have taken their new status as my followers seriously. Their fast adaptation to their new role must be because of the rich rewards promised by their family elders. 

"Here, swallow" I said to the three brothers, placing three calamity cores on the tea table in between me and the three brothers. 

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