Card Apprentice Daily Log

Chapter 255: Disguise

Date- 27 Mar 2321

Time- 8:15

Location- Sky Blossom City, Sky Blossom Card Stadium, Medic Ward

"Here stuff the corpse in this, and use the disguise cards to disguise one of the medic staff. I will disguise as the head medic" Said the head Cleric dressed in white robes. 

"Master, the number of female medic staff is larger in ratio. Do we have to disguise ourselves as a female medic?" A young crusader asked the head Cleric despite his young age the crusader was of card grandmaster realm. 

*splash* A bright light flashed in the medic ward and blood splashed over the wall of the medic ward. 

"Anybody else with silly doubts. If rescuing the lord requires you to become a eunuch you become a eunuch, let alone disguise as a woman. Add his body to the same pile of heretics' bodies, a blasphemer like him does not deserve to join us in the holy mission to rescue and bring our lord back home." Hearing the young crusader ask silly questions the head Cleric was enraged so much so that he beheaded the young crusader with a Holy light blade. 

The rest of the Crusaders and Cleric were not alarmed by the head Cleric's decision to kill the young crusader for something so meaningless. Instead, they seemed to agree with the head Cleric and acted as if it were normal. Their faith in their lord and his servant the head cleric seemed to have reached blind faith level. 

"Head Cleric, I do trust those guys from the Circle. And do not think that they will hold up their end of the bargain." The Senior Crusader addressed the head Cleric with his doubts. 

"You are right. Even I do not trust them, I do trust their greed for what we have promised them in return for their help in our mission. So do not worry as long as we pay them enough these heretics will do anything we ask or even slay their siblings." Unlike the senior crusader who was having a hard time trusting their outside help, the Head Cleric did not seem to be bothered with things like trust as he believed that as long as they were greedy enough they would get the work done. 


"Haha, you are correct, head Cleric… *Cough* Head Medic. These heretics do anything for money." Hearing the head Cleric finally the senior crusader laughed in assurance. 

"Head Medic everything is set, the tournament will commence in 3 minutes." One of the Cleric's disguised as a junior medic reported to the head Cleric. 

"Good. Everyone heal the injured contestants as soon as possible and send them packing do not crowd the medic ward. I want this mission to be as quiet as possible. Nobody should realise what happened at least until we teleport Lord to the empire. Remember no mistakes will be tolerated, no only will you lose your life but your whole family and anybody related to you and their families will be killed as punishment." The Head Cleric warned the bunch of Clerics and Crusaders disguised as medic staff.

Date- 27 Mar 2321

Time- 9:08

Location- Sky Blossom City, Sky Blossom Card Stadium, Stadium Field emergency Medic bay

Benjamin Johnson, a young and talented cleric healed as a genius by the empire for reaching the Card Grandmaster realm by the age of 25. Due to his talent, he was required as in the secret spy force of the empire. A few days ago Benjamin and 3 other of his friend's from the secret spy force were assigned their first spy mission. 

This spy mission was big deal, it was one of those career-making career-ending type of mission. Being young Benjamin and his friends did not hesitate to go on the spy mission. But spending few days on the road to accomplish the mission Benjamin and his friends have come to know that spies are not as romantic as they are sound to make by the recruiters of the secret spy services. 

On the road to the sky blossom city lost 2 of his friends to the mode swings of the head cleric who would not blink twice killing his comrades. Today Benjamin lost another of his friends for asking a valid yet meaningless question. They were supposed to disguise as the medic staff of the tournament but a problem raised as the ratio of females in the medic staff was greater than the ratio of females in his group. All the male senior Cleric's and Crusaders disguised themselves as the limited available male medic staff. Leaving the female medic staff despise benjamin and his friends. 

How can their seniors expect a couple of hot-blooded males to disguise as females? they were religious fanatics who are citizens of an empire that was founded on one of the notions to ban homosexuality. Now that very same empire was asking them to disguise themselves as female magic staff when one of them raised his concerns he was beheaded mercilessly. Hopelessly Benjamin and his friends discussed as female medic staff. 

If it was just disguising as a female medic then they could emulate this situation for their lord but since the tournament began, many contestants have visited the medic ward for treatment and hit on all of them disguised as female medics. Benjamin himself has been flirted with 43 times and groped 3 times. Benjamin and his friends finally knew the pain of their opposite sex. Feed up Benjamin transferred to field emergency medic duty from medical ward duty, where his nightmare began. 

Medic! Medic!" A contestant seeking help called for the medical staff assigned to oversee the injured participants. Hearing the call of the contestant Benjamin headed to Arena 31.

"Arena 31, winner Nathan Buch" the referee of arena 31 announced the Winner while the loser cried out loud seeking medical help.

Upon reaching the arena Benjamin looked at the contestant who called for help but he was completely fine. puzzled Benjamin still performed the duty of medical staff and carried a completely fine fat contestant on the stretcher.

As Benjamin was checking the fat contestant's condition, the contestant asked him, "Miss when will I get my participation certificate? I can no longer continue to participate in the tournament due to my condition." 

Unable to find the medical condition of the participant in front of him was seeking help for, Benjamin used his medic scan card which showed that Kindle Chou the fat contestant was completely fine but Benjamin did not think too much into it and answered Kindle Chou as taught by his seniors, " the participation certificate will be sent to your grimoire after the tournament ends and the young heroes ranking list is prepared." 

After a while, to Benjamin's the fat participant Chou combed his oily hair with his bare sausage hands and putting on the most charming smile the chinless face of his could spread fatty looked at him and said, "Beauty I am ranked 420th on the Sky blossom young heroes list. Would you like to grab a coffee next week?" 


"No, I just decided to cut back on my caffeine intake. " hearing about 50 sloppy pick lines from morning Benjamin was no longer surprised or angry getting hit on by the fatty. Instead, he looked at Chou with scorn and rejected him as bluntly as possible but also not being too obvious. This type of reaction scared some dumbfuqs but it did not work against thick-skinned ones and the fatty seemed to be one of them. 

"How about some English tea at Prestige Cafe?" Yep, a single rejection did not stop the fatty from hitting once again on Benjamin. Benjamin was frustrated with ugly pimple-faced teenage boys repeatedly hitting on him with the same filthy pickup lines. He wanted to kill, kill to lessen the frustration and the humiliation he was feeling right now. But he soon remembered the cruel warning of the head Cleric and the ruthless dead of his comrades as evidence. So Benjamin continued to maintain his calm and did not blow up his cover.

So what if he could not kill this fatty or anyone who flirted with, there are many other ways to hurt a person thinking of this Benjamin no longer cared about pretending to be cute and innocent female medic. Instead of killing the fatty, he decided to brutally butcher the fatty, with his words. With his face cramped out of anger he rejected Chou mercilessly, "How about the slaughterhouse you pig?" 

Just as Benjamin was waiting for Chou's dumb reply so that he can continue to rip on him, he heard the most unexpected response from fatty Chou which he could have never predicted, "No thanks, your taste is too heavy for me."

Seeing the fatty's genuinely troubled and concerned face after fatty indirectly mocked him, Benjamin did not know how one will rebuttal to such a response, he was completely speechless. Angered and speechless Benjamin mimicked a female medic's action he had practised and stomped his foot on the ground like a female and left towards the emergency medic ward hurriedly. 

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