Card Apprentice Daily Log

Chapter 488: Anna's Bruised Ego

Date- 29 Mar 2321

Time- 12:13

Location- Sky Blossom City, Silver Beach Dungeon

"Wyatt, what are you doing with Ben?" Anna could not help but ask. Remembering that Wyatt left for Blood rock caves to forge his first rune. 

"Your highness, Now the Tiger Squadron works for Master Wyatt," Ben replied. 

"What? I thought you and your men's duty lay with the city. Isn't that the reason why you rejected my grandmother's offer?" Anna's eyebrow raised hearing that old Ben and his squadron worked for Wyatt now. 

"That was then, your highness. Now the duty of Tiger Squadron lies at Master Wyatt's command." Ben answered Anna without any hesitation or worry that his answer would rube Anna the wrong way. 

"I see" Anna's glare shifted back and forth between old Ben and Wyatt. If it were some other time, Anna would not have been as generous and let go of Ben's straightforward yet rude answer. Anna did not mind her soldiers being frank to her, but when addressing her grandma, they should follow the code of conduct. 

Suppressing her rage, Anna then glared at Wyatt as she did not understand how Wyatt could convince a stubborn ox like old Ben to follow him when her grandmother failed to do so. This was really puzzling to Anna because She never thought old Ben would choose Wyatt over her grandmother. 

"..." Luna did not know the full story about what had transpired between the man next to Wyatt and Anna's grandmother. Still, from Anna's words, she can gather that this man had rejected Anna's grandmother's offer to recruit him. Instead, he chose to follow Wyatt, a high schooler. How astonishing is that? 

Who in his right mind would reject being recruited by the general of the southern watch and choose to work for a high schooler? Since when did a high schooler become more pleasing than the general of the southern watch and the queen of the southern region? What's wrong with this man? Is he a Nut Job? You reject Anna's grandmother's offer to follow your dreams that's understandable and respectful. Instead, you choose to follow a high schooler that's a resounding face slap to Anna's grandmother. 

"Anna, could you stop glaring?" Old Ben's answer may have been blunt, and I understand that old Ben was now one of my men. Still, it was his choice not to follow Anna's grandmother. So why are you glaring at me? 

"I am not glaring at you! I am just trying to see what is so special about you that this guy over here chose you instead of the southern watch." Anna was cunning. With few words, she enunciated that old Ben did not reject her grandmother, but he refused the Southern watch. I never thought Anna had this side to her. I guess she only showed me what she wanted me to see. The more time I spent with her, I started to see sides that Anna had tried to hide from me. 

"Yes, your highness. Southern watch's ideas were too lofty for my small strength, so I did not join them. But Master Wyatt's goal and my goal are the same now, so I chose to support him." Old Ben hurriedly accepted the way out given by Anna and agreed that he rejected the southern watch, not Anna's grandmother's offer. 

"..." Though old Ben's words were not enough to satisfy Anna's ego, she chose to stop at that as she did not want to show her new crush her ugly side. 

"You are good, Anna. How long can you keep this up?" Luna thought Anna would blow up at old Ben's frank answer but seeing her handle things quite smoothly, Luna frowned and could not help but remind Anna that she could not hide her ugly side from her crush forever. 

"If you don't want to be ass-whooped, you better hurry back to your work." Anna lashed out at Luna as her words stung her. 

"People do not appreciate good advice these days." Luna snorted at Anna and headed back to work. 

"Now that the nuisance is gone. Wyatt, where are you headed? Was your rune forging a success?" After Luna left, Anna enquired what I was up to. 

"Thanks to your guidance, I was successfully able to create a rune. Now I am heading to A-rank Ogre Field gate dungeon to test my new rune." I replied honestly to Anna as she had a great hand in my current achievements with regards to ego gem and rune forging. 

"Congrats. Now you are finally a full-fledged card apprentice." Anna congratulated me for forging my first rune. 

"Thank you. Do you want to join us?" I asked, even though I did not want her to join us. 

"No, I am required here. The relocation formation array consumes a lot of mental energy. So a few extra sets of hands are required here. You guys carry on." Anna rejected my offer and returned to the dungeon relocation. Sighing in relief, I and the other two headed towards the Ogre field. 


Date- 29 Mar 2321

Time- 12:32

Location- Sky Blossom City, A-rank Ogre Field gate dungeon. 

Cortney and I decided on the Ogre Field gate dungeon because Ogres had a very tenacious physique and monstrous strength. I wanted to create many C, B, and A-rank cards with physique and traits of Ogre for the members of the TSR guild and Tiger squadron. Cortney thought that an Army of Blood spirit Ogre would be majestic and imposing. 

With the members of the TSR guild and Tiger Squadron, I had the numbers required to go on war with the Circle sun blossom branch, but these members lacked good cards. So I planned to make a few cards using my Fate Plunder ultra rune. These cards were only for high-ranking members of the guild and the squadron. 

After the Ogre field, I planned to raid another D-rank dungeon to create E-rank and D-rank cards for low-ranking members in the TSR guild. As for the Tiger Squad, they had no low-level soldiers. 

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