Card Apprentice Daily Log

Chapter 492: Greedy Bloodette

Date- 29 Mar 2321

Time- 13:18

Location- Sky Blossom City, A-rank Ogre Field gate dungeon. 

By other plans for the Blood spirit card, I mean I want to use it to find the Blood spirit-related meaning in blood rule bifurcation point. I wanted to learn the meaning of the Blood spirit because of its commercial and military value. A summon-type card would sell itself in the market. And an army of blood spirits was self-evident I did not require to explain its apparent merits. 

"Uurah!" The Ogre reinforcement finally arrived, but their brethren that had called for support were long dead. The reinforcement consisted of three dozen C-rank Ogres and half a dozen B-rank Ogres led by an A-rank Ogre. We had not even stepped 100 meters from the dungeon entrance but had already met about 50 plus Ogre, including these guys. It seems the dungeon had not been raided for a long time, allowing the number of monsters in the dungeon to grow, nearing the number enough to cause a dungeon break. But this is good for us who want to use the monster blood as ingredients. 

"Blood Spirit Sanctuary" this time, Cortney did not wait for the monsters to come near us and directly extended her Blood Spirit sanctuary range to 350 meters covering the ground underneath all the monsters in a pool of blood. Cortney's skill was followed by Bloodette's skill, "Blood quagmire." 

With that, nearly three and a half dozen Ogre's were stuck in the blood pool, unable to move forward. The A-rank Ogre activated its skill to break free from the quagmire, but its average skills were of no use in the presence of blood rule. All the struggle of the ogres proved to be in vain. Panicked, they all yelled for help and began calling for reinforcement, "Uurah! Uurah!" 

"Shut the hell up! 'Swallow' " Bloodette shut the Ogres mouth with blood tentacles. She didn't do this because she was afraid of the reinforced that they were calling for, but the noise made by Ogre was unbearingly unpleasant to hear. 

"Cortney, I will take the A-rank Ogre, half a dozen B-rank Ogres, and one dozen of C-rank Ogres you can take rest." Bloodette hurriedly divided the loot with Cortney. Once again, choosing the best for her, leaving the rest for Cortney. 

"Bloodette, stop being selfish." Cortney finally spoke up. 

"Why am I selfish? I gave you the bigger portion of the loot." Bloodette argued.

"You know why," Cortney said sternly 

"Fine, you take two and a half dozen of C-rank Ogres and leave the rest for me." Bloodette tried to compromise by reducing her share of the loot by giving up on half a dozen of C-rank Ogres. Bloodette's greed for monster blood knew no bounds. 

"Stop it, Bloodette. We cannot hog all the monsters for ourselves. We are in company, remember. They are here for the same purpose as us. Since we took the monsters last time, let's leave this group of monsters for them." Cortney decided to leave this group of monsters to me, old Ben and Van, to test over runes. I guess she did this as compensation for not following the hunting protocol during our previous encounter with the Ogres. 

"But__." Bloodette wanted to argue but was interrupted by Cortney

"No buts Bloodette." The conversation between Cortney and Bloodette looked like a mother being stern with her pompous child. That is, If you could ignore the fact that Bloodette's head grew out of the nape of Cortney's neck. 

"..." Bloodette decided to hold her breath but seeing Cortney show no sign of compromise, she finally could not suppress the temptation of blood and yelled, " I don't care. The A-rank monster is mine." 

Bloodette's pseudopod head extended and rushed towards the constrained A-rank Ogre, and then with her instruction, the A-rank Ogre was warped in a cocoon. In which the ogres blood was extracted from the its flesh and bones. Discarding the meat and bones, the monster's blood turned into a ball of blood and was directly devoured by Bloodette. 

"*slurp* I want more," Bloodette yelled. 

"..." Cortney was speechless and a little disappointed by Bloodette's behavior. According to her, Bloodette's behavior reflected poorly on her since she was the one who took care of her and taught Bloodette about basic manners.

"Bloodette, go ahead, drink to your fill. The dungeon has enough monsters for everyone here." Seeing the greedy Bloodette who could not suppress her hunger for quality blood, I could help but chuckle and let her have her fill.

"Wyatt, don't spoil her. Otherwise, she will never learn. And what about you guys, aren't you here to test the abilities and limitations of your runes?" Cortney complained about me pampering Bloodette. 

"We are, but Cortney, this won't do. We need to split up. You take this way, Old Ben and Van take the middle route, and I will take the other route. As for the Boss monster, how about this? The first one to make it to the Boss room can kill it. Sounds fair? Any questions?" If we continued to move forward in a single group, we would continue to face similar problems, so I decided that our group should split up and hunt for the monsters. And to make things more interesting, I made the boss monster the reward for the first of us to make it to the boss room by killing all the monsters on our way there. 

"Sounds good," saying that old Ben and Van headed out the route I assigned for them without waiting for Cortney's answer. Old Ben also needed monster blood to create blood weapons for the Tiger squadron and the TSR guild. 

"I guess we will split here then" seeing Old Ben and Van go their way, Cortney had no choice but to agree. 

"Cortney, hurry, don't waste time talking. Otherwise, we will miss the boss monster to those two guys." Bloodette had already finished devouring the remaining three and a half dozen Ogres as she was worrying that Cortney would block her or I would regret my words. 


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