Card Apprentice Daily Log

Chapter 517: Fugitive

Date- 30 Mar 2321

Time- 08:54

Location- Sky Blossom City, D-Rank Silver Beach Gate dungeon

"Luna, how long do I have to share my mental strength," Anna asked Luna while her mental strength was pouring into a strange, mysterious device. 

"Just a while longer," Luna responded to Anna's question, but her eyes stayed on the sheet of data and various parameters provided by the device. 

"You have been saying that for the past 3 hours, and why the heck am I doing this? Aren't there any other personnel?" Anna has been pouring her mental strength into the mysterious device for 3hrs now and reasonably grew impatient. 

"Yes, just a while longer," Luna answered without a thought, and she did not seem to pay attention to Anna's questions as her mind was accompanied by analyzing the datasheet. 

"Argh!" Anna gritted her teeth and swallowed her anger. Anna wanted to stop pouring her mental strength into the strange device if not for Luna's warning that if she were to stop in the middle, then they would have to start all over again. Seeing that, except her, all the eligible personnel for this task were busy setting up the apparatus for dungeon relocation, she had no choice but to swallow her anger. Otherwise, one slip, and she would have repeated the whole process all over again. 

"Annie, go pass me a cold one." Anna barked an order at her batman. 

"Yes, ma'am. Here you go." Annie, the batman, was a peak card king, yet she was not offended by being assigned as a personal soldier servant to serve the Southern Emperor. 

Just when Anna thought she could soon enjoy a chilled beer, her grimoire rang with alert notifications. Without much thought and hesitation, Anna threw the beer on the ground as she knew the alert notification only sounded in case of emergency and quickly summoned her grimoire to check the notification.

[Alert: A demigod invasion detected by grand array formation.

Note: for further information, access the grand array formation terminal.]

"Which fool is so eager to die." Seeing that the alert was just about a demigod entering the southern region without permission, Anna relaxed and opened the grand array formation terminal on the grimoire network to see who dared to enter her territory without permission. 

[Checking records to identify the invader… ]

[Target found! ]

[Target Name: Yin Widow

 Target Location: Coordinates of breach 82.8628 degrees South, 135.0000 degrees North. The target is using space skills to wander, unable to lock the target's location inside the grand array formation in real time]

[Fugitive Alert!

 Fugitive: Yin Widow

 Realm: Card Demigod

 Crime: Complete massacre of the 25th regiment of the southern watch and 18th regiment of Southern State Guards. 

 Status: Very Dangerous]

[Bounty Alert!

 Wanted: Yin Widow

 Realm: Card Demigod

 Bounty: 5 incomplete divinity

 Employer: Heatsend Royal family]

[Bounty Alert!

 Wanted: Yin Widow

 Realm: Card Demigod

 Bounty: 20 incomplete divinity

 Employer: Yin-Yang Harmony Sect] 


"Anna, did you read the notification! If my guess is right, that old bat is heading towards this city." Oldman Lorenzo appeared out of thin air next to Anna and predicted that Yin Widow might be headed to the Sky blossom city. Unlike Anna, Lorenzo is well versed in the geography of the southern region and the boundary of the grand array formation. Reading the coordinates of the breach, he could guess the likely target based on the location nearest to the array is close. And Sky Blossom City was first on the list. 

"Why would she head here? That makes no sense, old man." Anna did not understand why a demigod would risk death to come to the Sky Blossom City. 

"There are two reasons for that, either she is here to take revenge on her sister's murder by killing his precious niece, or she is here on behalf of the Yin-Yang harmony sect to steal the dungeon we are trying to relocate. The Yin-Yang harmony sect is getting creative. By using a fugitive to do their dirty work, they can deny any involvement and avoid any possible repercussions if she gets caught." As always, Lorenzo over-read into the whole situation. 

"You old fool, it is taking so many of us and so much time to relocate to this dungeon. How do you expect her to steal the dungeon? Even if she is a demigod, that's impossible." Anna did not buy into Lorenzo's words as there were so many holes in his theory, not to mention the Dungeon reaction was a top-secret mission known to few people. The soldiers don't even know why they were relocating this dungeon; most of them thought this was just an experiment to check the progress of the dungeon relocation research. 

"Decades ago, when Yin Widow escaped from the imprisonment of the Yin-Yang harmony sect, she raided their treasury and stole quite a few legendary cards. And one of them is the Miniature World card. With that card, it wouldn't be an effort for her to steal this D-rank dungeon." Lorenzo explained the reason behind his theory. 

"Fock! These damned traitors." If it were some other time, Anna would not believe Lorenzo's explanation but contemplate the possibility of the Matron and Paw Clan's involvement. She could not take the chance. 

"Do you believe me now?" Lorenzo asked smugly

"No, I am just worried if the Matron and the paw clan are involved in this matter. Old man, hurry and find Wyatt. He may be one of her targets." Anna finally became serious, thinking of the possibility that the Matron had sent a demigod this time to finish the assassination job and steal the dungeon. 

"Don't worry about the boy. Prioritize the dungeon. If we lose that, then we lose a lot." In Lorenzo's mind, the dungeon was more important than the life of a high schooler. Without the silver milk produced in the dungeon, they cannot manufacture silver milk powder. Therefore he thought that Anna should set her priorities straight and choose family benefit over a crush. 

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