Card Apprentice Daily Log

Chapter 527: Anna's Origin Card

Date- 30 Mar 2321

Time- 09:35

Location- Sky Blossom City, SS-rank Field Card - Gladiator's Pit.

[Card Name: Mirror Image 

 Card Type: Skill Card

 Card Rank: S-rank, Myth Grade

 Card Rate: 12-Stars 

 Card Grade: [98/100]

 Card Effect: Upon activation, this card instantly conjures one Mirror copy of the card apprentice that activated it. This Mirror copy can duplicate the user's stats and skills. 

 Additional skill: Blood Swab

 Note: The mirror Copy can last till it gets continued soul energy.] 

Blood Swab: When destroyed, the Mirror clone will break into mirror shards and prick the attacker to collect the blood sample of the perp. The Blood small will be stored on the card. The user can collect the blood sample from the card. 

[Card Name: Yin Harmony Curse

 Card Type: Rune Skill Card

 Card Rank: SSS-rank, Legend Grade

 Card Rate: 13-Stars 

 Card Grade: [93/100]

 Card Effect: The Yin Harmony Curse is an Ultimate rune card created with Ultimate tier Curse meaning of Yin Rule. 

Yin Harmony Curse is a skill that returns all the damage taken by the card apprentice due to the Mark to the Mark. 

Additional effect: Mark

Requirements: The person's body fluid is required to turn him into the mark.

Note: The user needs to have a basic mastery of the Yin rule and its Curse meaning to activate this card.]

Mark: Using the fresh body fluids of the side person, the user can turn them into a mark. All damage done to the user by Mark will be healed and returned to Mark. 

Note: The body fluids used to mark a person need to be very fresh. 

Time Limit - The body fluid should be used within 2 minutes of being collected. 


"Hahaha!" Seeing Anna lean on the wall and barely keeping herself conscious while borrowing more power from grand array formation to heal her wounds, Yin Widow laughed. 

"..." Struggling to keep her drooping eyes open, Anna looked at the smug Yin Widow and incoming undead demigods. 

"Fuck!" Anna cussed as she thought, 'To think I would be using her again.' Anna shook her and activated her origin card, 'Ideal Daughter.' 

[Card Name: Ideal Daughter

 Card Type: Origin Card

 Card Rank: Unique Grade

 Card Rate: -/-

 Card Durability: -/-

 Card Effect: This card is created using the alter ego of the host, Heatsend. Upon activating this card, the host can summon her alter ego in the flesh. The alter ego summoned will be of the same realm, physique, and traits as the host. 

 Additional: 'Alter Ego Possession,' 'Look at me Mother,' 'Meat Sheild.'

 Requirements: The alter ego will require a separate grimoire to use. And one of the two origin card slots will be occupied by the 'dumb daughter' origin card.

 Note: the Alter Ego was created due to the Host's desperateness to please her mother. Hence the Alter Ego is the perfect daughter for her mother. And has a high tendency to be dependent on her mother for approval.] 

Alter Ego Possession: The host's secondary or alternative personality can possess the user's body based on previously agreed-upon conditions. During possession, all bodily functions, skills, abilities, and stats of the host are increased by ten times, and the energy consumption is doubled. 

Additional effect- Dual grimoire: During Alter Ego Possession, the host can use both the grimoires simultaneously. 

Note: Alter Ego will automatically return to the card once the agreed-upon duration of possession passes. 

Look At Me Mother: In the presence of the host's mother, the boost gained by the card will be doubled. 

With the cheering of the host's mother, the boost gained by the card will be tripled.

If the host's Mother cheers by yelling, 'I am proud of My daughter,' the boost gained by the card will be quadrupled. 

If the host's Mother cheers by yelling, 'I Love You My daughter,' the boost gained by the card will be quintupled. 

Note: The skill 'Look At Me Mother' only takes effect when the host's mother is present within the limits of the host's mental strength range. This skill is not available during alter ego possession. 

Meat Shield: The host can transfer all her physical injuries to her Alter ego's flesh body.

Note: Soul injures are nontransferable. And the recreation of the Alter ego's flesh body will take 1hour.

[Card Name: Dumb Daughter

 Card Type: Origin Card

 Card Rank: Unique Grade

 Card Rate: -/-

 Card Durability: -/-

 Card Effect: This card is the alter card of the 'Ideal Daughter' origin card. 

 Additional Effects: Alter Ego Possession, My dumb self

 Requirement: The ideal daughter needs to be summoned by the dumb daughter. 

 Note: Dumb daughter is the user's alter ego's origin card.]

My Dumb self - A skill that boosts the original user's overall stats, physique, traits, and skills at the expense of decreasing the user's intelligence and wisdom stats. 

Note: The intelligence and wisdom stats of a person can go below Zero and become a negative integer. 

Warning: once the intelligence and wisdom stats of a person goes below zero, there are chances of permanent damage to these stats. 

"You finally remembered Me, or did you just want my help to get out of some trouble?" As Anna activated her origin card, her alter ego did not appear as she expected it to. Instead, a cold voice sounded in her mind. 

"Quick, help me solve this old hag and her undead dildos." Anna mentally responded to her alter ego. 

"No, I don't wanna." The alter ego protested. 

"Ann, this is not the time to throw a tantrum. If you delay anymore, I will be done for." Anna yelled in panic. 

"You can't fool me again. I saw everything from within the grimoire. That elderly lady will not kill you. At best, she will capture you and ask you to help her find her son's bloodline vessel and help descend her son's soul into his bloodline Vessel. 

You deserve it for getting arrogant and getting into a wager with the world and its rule as a witness without proper information or preparation. I am not helping you." Ann saw right through Anna's act of trying to trick her into helping her with nothing in return. 


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