Card Room

Chapter 124:

Chapter 124

Long Sen and Qu Wanyue can't wait to turn to the fourth page to sign.

After signing, the two talents turned forward to see which great gods the teammates are-the name of the third page is Liu Qiao, the second page is Shao Qingge and Ye Qi, and the first page is Xiao Lou Yu Hanjiang.

Long Sen stunned, "Where's Han?"

Qu Wanyue also looked at Xiao Lou with a doubt. "Xiao Xiao, aren't you called Yun Xiao?"

Xiao Lou smiled and explained, "That's our pseudonym. Formally introduce myself. My name is Xiao Lou. The real world is an associate professor in the Forensic Medicine Department of Medical University. Captain. "

Qu Wanyue looked at Long Sen and asked, "How familiar is this name?"

A moment later, Long Sen patted his thigh. "I see. It was announced in the floating frame before. Xiao Lou and Yu Hanjiang set the world records for Red Peach 3 and Red Peach 4, are you two?"

Xiao Lou nodded. "Yes."

Long Sen gave a thumbs up. "No wonder you are so powerful in Liuxi Village, and brought you the perfect ending .... I and Wanyue are too lucky to meet the great god!" Both looked very excited. It feels like I just bought a bottle of drink on the side of the road, and when I opened the bottle cap, I actually won the special prize.

Qu Wanyue quickly returned the contract to Xiao Lou, saying "Professor Xiao, thank you so much for not abandoning our couple and willing to take us. In the future, we will absolutely listen to the instructions and not hinder everyone!"

Long Sen nodded vigorously. "Yes, there is a place where we are needed, old Han ... No, Officer Yu, you just order!"

Yu Hanjiang said, "You're welcome, everyone cooperates in customs clearance, the purpose is the same. Zhou Chang, who has passed this week, will say it again."

The couple Long Sen and Qu Wanyue obviously did not know "Zhou Chang", and they were puzzled when they heard this.

Xiao Lou explained to them patiently, Long Sen suddenly realized, "So, the elimination rate of Zhou Changmi's room is about 10? Actually, it is lower than the hearts of Spades 4, Spades 4, I remember Spades 4 The elimination rate of Xi Village exceeds 80. "

Xiao Loudao "In theory, Zhou Changmi's average elimination rate is indeed not high. As long as a good team is found, the possibility of customs clearance is quite high. But the key is that there are too many uncertain factors in Zhou Changmi's room. Once Unlucky encounters with random hunters will increase the difficulty exponentially-it is likely that the entire back room player will be killed. "

Yu Hanjiang gave a conscientious glance to Xiao Lou, saying that "strength and luck are important."

If you are lucky, you can enter the ordinary weekly secret room, and all members can clear the customs. When the luck is bad, just like Lao Mo, if you meet the hunter and kill the player, you have to rely on your own ability to survive.

The luck factor is the most uncertain, so everyone has to prepare with both hands to try to improve the team's combat effectiveness.

Long Sen and Qu Wanyue have cooperated with everyone before. After the two, they copied the chameleon long jumper and put two s-level special effects cards. According to Yu Hanjiang's idea, they are husband and wife, they are more tacit, they can Arranged as the most flexible mobile group in the team, responsible for detection and support.

Everyone had lunch in the private room and went to the bank together. Shao Qingge planned to transfer the 30 million that he had just received in the account to everyone. Yu Hanjiang said, "My money should be kept by Professor Xiao. I'm not good at managing accounts. "

Ye Qidao, "Mr. Shao, please help me keep my money, and I don't know how to manage my accounts."

Shao Qingge thought about it, and divided the money into two. "So, I will keep half, Professor Xiao will keep half, everyone will act together in the future. When I spend money, I will pay with Professor Xiao. What do you need to buy? Just tell us. "

Xiao Lou nodded "Yes."

If the money is all in one person, if something happens to that person, everyone will become poor, and it is safer to divide the two.

After leaving the bank, everyone went to a nearby shopping mall and each bought a smartphone.

I remember that in the world of financial crisis, mobile phones I bought could only send text messages and make phone calls, but not the Internet. But the technology level of the main city is quite close to the real world, and smartphones can use WeChat, video calls, and the Internet.

Seven people bought phone cards and entered their numbers into the address book in turn.

Xiao Lou also set up a WeChat group to pull everyone in. What can be notified in the WeChat group in the future. Of course, these devices cannot be brought into the back room and can only be used in the main city.

Passing by Computer City, Xiao Lou suddenly asked "Do you need a computer?"

Shao Qingge said, "I need a computer. During the main city, I have to keep an eye on the economic trend and get a little bit of speculation."

Ye Qiba said, "If I have enough money, I also want to buy a notebook. I used to write and compose on a computer. I just got some inspiration recently and wanted to write down the song."

Yu Hanjiang looked at Xiao Loudao. "It's enough for us both to buy one, and we can use it together to check the information."

Liu Qiaodao "Then I want one, too."

Xiao Lou looked at the couple, Long Sen and Qu Wanyue, who had just joined the team and had no money. They were embarrassed to ask for a computer. I did not expect Xiao Lou to smile and said, "Two people, one for each. Or is it for husband and wife? "

Long Sen waved his hands in surprise. "No, I used to use computers to play games. In this world, there is certainly no time to play games ..."

Xiao Loudao "I usually look up information and go online, and it is more convenient to have a computer. Would you buy one for two?"

The two looked at each other and moved their eyes to get hot. Qu Wanyue busy said, "Thank you Professor Xiao, the money for your mobile phone and computer, we will return you later ..."

Xiao Lou smiled and said, "You don't have to pay it back, we deduct it directly from the team's funds, we are not bad money."

A penniless couple and Liu Qiao "..."

Suddenly there was a feeling of being nurtured by the local tyrant team.

Xiao Lou and Shao Qingge bought five laptops in one go. It feels good to have good money.

On the way to buy things, by the way, I looked for the “Welfare Lottery” in the information bureau branch that Lao Mo said. It turned out that there was a very small store in the city center. It was closed on Tuesday and a "Resting" sign was hanging on the door.

After returning to the New World Hotel, Xiao Lou opened an extra room for the husband and wife of Long Sen and Qu Wanyue. After a busy day, everyone returned to their room to rest and set up a meeting time in the WeChat group the next day.

The next morning, the biological clock made them wake up on time. Xiao Lou sent a group message on WeChat, "Let's meet downstairs for breakfast."

Everyone had arrived when they came downstairs, walked out of the hotel and ate breakfast nearby. They followed by two cars to the "Tang Welfare Lottery" in the city center.

There were already several people standing in line at the shop entrance. Xiao Lou was worried that too many people would attract attention, so he only took Yu Hanjiang and Liu Qiao to inquire, and others waited for the results in a nearby coffee shop.

At half past eight, the welfare lottery shop opened on time.

The people in the queue went in one by one in order. Xiao Lou couldn't see what they were doing. All he knew was that they would come out soon. Some people were happy and some were frustrated.

Soon it was Xiaolou's turn.

The three entered the room together, and an electric sliding door opened in front of everyone.

After two doors, they walked into an office and saw two computers at the desk. There was a young woman sitting behind the computer, wearing a pair of silver-framed glasses, cut short ears, and looked indifferent. After seeing the three of Xiao Lou, she asked in a silent voice, "Will you buy a lottery ticket?"

Xiao Lou stepped forward with a smile. "We want to check two people, how do you charge?"

The woman simply handed a list to Xiao Lou and said, "Fill in the information, and the more detailed the description, the better we will set the price based on the difficulty of the query."

Xiao Lou handed the form to Liu Qiao, and she leaned over to quickly fill in the information of the person in need of inquiry. Her sister Liu Ying, 23, is a graduate student of Medical University. She is 168 in height and 55 kg in weight. Ponytail, came to the card world wearing a white sweater, blue jeans and a red woolen coat.

Liu Qiao wrote according to "Looking for People", as much as possible.

The woman took the form and glanced at her, and her hands began to hit the keyboard quickly.

The crackling sound of her tapping on the keyboard was particularly clear in the quiet room. Liu Qiao couldn't see what she had typed, so she clenched her fists and stood anxiously waiting.

Only half a minute later, the woman looked up and said, "No such person was found."

Liu Qiao froze and asked nervously, "What do you mean? How could it not be found? My sister came to the card world ..."

The woman said calmly, "We can only find the information of the challenger who entered the main city. Without this person, it may be that the person you are trying to check failed the first four barriers and did not successfully enter the main city world."

Liu Qiao narrowed his eyes slightly. "What if she went to Sun City?"

Women's Road "The information network of the Intelligence Bureau is connected to each other. My colleague from the city of Sun just gave me feedback and found no such person. This girl named Liu Ying has never appeared in the main city world. . "

Yu Hanjiang frowned. "Maybe you haven't counted her data?"

Xiao Lou nodded. "Yeah, how do you know that all the data of the challengers can be counted?"

The woman smiled slightly, raised her glasses on the bridge of her nose, looked at Xiao Lou and said, "Xiao Lou, ID number 89577741." She looked at Yu Hanjiang again, and then said "Yu Hanjiang, ID number 89665701-please don't question the Intelligence Bureau Accuracy of information. "

Xiao Lou and Yu Hanjiang were shocked and glanced at each other.

Not only did the women accurately report their names, they even had their ID numbers intact.

It seems that the information bureau's database is indeed very complete. They came to this world within three days and they have been entered by the information bureau. Thinking of this, Liu Qiao's face became increasingly ugly. "I can't really find Liu Ying?"

The woman said, "All challengers entering the main city will automatically issue an ID card and get an ID number. Unfortunately, there is not a girl named Liu Ying in the information database. I think she is likely to be in the first four levels. eliminated."

Liu Qiao clenched his fists, his body began to tremble slightly.

Her eyes were slightly red, and tears kept swirling in her eyes, but she could not help crying.

Xiao Lou had already expected this result. When she first met Liu Qiao's sister in the second room of Meihua, she finally formed a team with a thin girl. This combination has a low probability of survival ... Red hearts 3, 4 and spades 3, 4 are very difficult. If they do not meet the great gods to lie down and win, it is the most likely result.

Unexpectedly, a quick glance at the secret room of Meihua 2 turned out to be a farewell.

The girl with a soft voice and long ponytails may have completely disappeared from the card world.

Xiao Lou had a sour heart, and gently pressed Liu Qiao's shoulder, not knowing what to say.

Liu Qiao has always been calm, but she could n’t control her emotions when she heard the result of her sister's “no such person”. The tears in her eyes kept turning. She took a deep breath and said, “Maybe my sister is in another secret room. Delayed time, before she can finish the first four stages, she will be able to come to the main city in a few days. Can I check again next week? "

This statement is just self-consolation.

The result of the death of a loved one is too difficult to accept. Liu Qiao needs psychological adjustment. Xiao Lou had to say, "Yes, let's check again next week. Maybe your sister is just late."

Yu Hanjiang stepped forward and filled out another form to check the information of Xuemo Xuemin.

The efficiency of the intelligence bureau was very high, and soon printed a stack of information and handed it to Yu Hanjiang-Mo Xuemin, 40 years old, 180 in height and 70 kg in weight, was a designer of Xinxin Decoration Company. He came to the card three months ago. world.

The data sheet actually revealed all his teammates' information. His former teammates really disappeared in the weekly week of last week.

Xiao Lou became more and more frightened when he looked at it. The intelligence bureau's ability to check the information was too terrible. Pulling out the radish and bringing out the mud, he was able to find out all the information of a person while in the main city of the card world.

Yu Hanjiang looked at the woman behind the desk and said, "How much do we need to pay?"

The woman filled in a number for him-Liu Ying was relatively simple, because her information was not found at all, and the fee required only 100,000 gold coins; Mo Xuemin's information was printed on several pages, and the charge increased tenfold.

Xiao Lou quickly paid, and the three left the Intelligence Bureau and returned to the coffee shop.

Seeing Liu Qiao's pale face, everyone knows that the results of the query must not be very optimistic. Ye Qi hurriedly comforted her and said, "Xiao Qiao, don't you be sad, the information from the Intelligence Bureau may not be accurate. Your sister will be fine. Let's go again. Find a way to find her. "

Liu Qiao quickly adjusted his expression and said, "Oh, it doesn't matter, let's prepare for how Zhou often spends."

Shao Qingge shifted the topic and said, "Is Mo's investigation clear?"

Yu Hanjiang sat down and put a stack of information from Lao Mo on the table for everyone to see. He frowned, "The Intelligence Bureau can actually check a person's resume so clearly. Among their members, there should be very powerful hacker."

Xiao Lou looked at him. "Yu's team meant that they had hacked the official database of the card world and stole information?"

Yu Hanjiang nodded. "The Population Management Bureau should have the identification code of all of us; the police file center will have a record of missing people. Once an external challenger disappears, he will definitely die in Zhou Chang or other secret rooms. The intelligence bureau passed a portrait The comparison of ID cards can quickly lock a person. Just now, that woman's glasses had problems. "

Xiao Lou recalled that the woman was wearing silver-rimmed glasses, and he froze, saying, "Is there a camera in her glasses? Or a device that scans our facial data?"

Yu Hanjiangdao "Yes, she extracted our facial features and compared them in the database to immediately lock our identity and say our ID number."

Shao Qingge couldn't help but admire "The boss of this intelligence agency is very powerful. Can he gather so many hackers to work for him?"

Xiao Loudao "I remember that when the president of the Yuanyuan Association mentioned the Information Bureau, he said that their boss's whereabouts were mysterious and his surname was Tang. This director Tang must be an expert, and we will have the opportunity to try to contact him in the future. He can really invade the official database of the main city of the card world, which is too powerful, maybe he knows a lot of secrets about this world. "

Yu Hanjiang nodded in agreement. "I think so too. However, it is already Wednesday. We have only two days left to prepare for this week's weekly. Let's talk to Lao Mo first and confirm the team."

Shao Qingge said, "In addition to Lao Mo's words, we also have only eight people, and we barely make up the minimum number of high-level contracts."

Yu Hanjiang simply said, "Eight people are enough. As long as we are united and listen to the command and do things, the elite team with fewer people will act more flexibly than those big guilds."

Xiao Lou nodded. "Let's go back first and discuss what we should do this week."

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