Card Room

Chapter 154:

154 Chapter 154

Yu Hanjiang and Xiao Lou returned to the carriage, and Shao Qingge also let the servants continue to hurry. The crowd stayed at the post station that night, and came to Jiangzhou the next morning.

Jiangzhou is located on the border between Daqi and Zhao.Because Qi and Zhao have been harmonious in recent years, businessmen have been in constant flow, and the streets are bustling. Although not as busy as Kyoto, they are also very lively and peaceful. There were smiles on their faces.

On the surface, this is a treasure-rich land, but Yu Hanjiang knows that the situation in Jiangzhou is complicated, just like a calm sea. The dark tide is surging, and he is slightly careless. He, the prefecture of Jiangzhou, may have to keep his head in Here.

Shao Qingge decided to settle down at the inn first. When separated, Yu Hanjiang whispered "You should be careful in the inn. In addition, it is best to change this gorgeous clothes, don't show your wealth, and it's not bad to be low-key."

"I know." Shao Qingge came to the carriage and joked. "I'm going to take a step next, ma'am, take care."

The word "Mrs." deliberately accentuated the tone.

"..." Xiao Lou didn't want to ignore him.

Shao Qingge stayed at the largest Fu'an Inn in Jiangzhou City, while Yu Hanjiang took Xiao Lou to Jiangzhou Prefectural Government.

The government office has long received the notice from the court, and is waiting for the new prefecture to take office.

Yu Hanjiang walked into the palace, took out the appointment documents of the court, and handed over the procedures with the responsible official. The official laughed and said, "Master Yu, you have just arrived, if you are unfamiliar, you can ask Master. He has been in Jiangzhou for decades. He assisted the previous prefect and knew the situation in Jiangzhou very well. If the adult wants to see him, I can ask him to come over. "

Yu Hanjiang nodded and said, "Okay, Master, please come here. I'll wait for him in the study."

The residence of adults in the prefecture is behind the palace, and it is a large courtyard. There are guest rooms and study rooms on the east side of the courtyard, bedrooms for adults and family members on the north side, living quarters for the lower people on the west side, and kitchens on the south side. The whole courtyard is very delicately laid out, with fake rocks and trees, and tree-lined trees, almost comparable to a small park.

Xiao Lou liked this place very much and put his luggage in the bedroom when he got home.

Yu Hanjiang is waiting for Master in the study. This "Master" should be the key clue. Yu Hanjiang specially invited Master to meet at home, which is convenient for speaking in private.

After Xiao Lou packed his luggage, he asked Ping'er, Yuncang, and Yao Bo to buy some daily necessities, and then turned around and went to the yard. He saw a well-educated scholar walking towards the study, which should be the master, Xiao Lou followed curiously.

Yu Hanjiang opened the door of his study. After seeing him, Master Shi entered the room and immediately saluted "Master!"

Looking at each other, Yu Hanjiang said, "It was you ... Master Mo?" He looked around and lowered his voice. "Don't worry, the servants have been opened. There is no one else in this courtyard."

Mo Xuemin laughed and said, "I heard that the newly arrived presbyterian surname Yu, I guess it was Yu team." He found Yu Hanjiang alone, can not help but wonder "Professor Xiao? Did not come with you?"

Yu Hanjiang handed him a cup of tea and said, "Old Mo, sit down and talk first."

Mo Xuemin sat down, took a tea cup and drank tea.

Just then, a gentle voice suddenly came from behind him, "Master, is the master here?"

Yu Hanjiang "..."

Mo Xuemin turned back and saw Xiao Lou, who was wearing women's clothing, called Yu Hanjiang "Fu Jun" and sipped a tea "噗" directly onto the ground.

His eyes were about to fall, staring at Xiao Lou unbelievably. "This is ..."

Yu Hanjiang calmly introduced "This is my wife, Xiao Lou."

Xiao Lou stared at Lao Mo and smiled, "Master."

Mo Xuemin "………………"

After meeting Xiao Shao who laughed yesterday, Xiao Lou already wanted to understand it—rather than letting his teammates make random guesses, it would be better for him to admit that he and Yu Hanjiang were acting as "husbands". miss you.

Anyway, it is role-playing, and the red peach a arranges, and he can't help it!

Seeing Xiao ’s face smiling and calm, Lao Mo quickly wiped his mouth and chuckled, “This ... keke, Professor Xiao ’s dress ... kekeke, it looks pretty good.” He was really poor, no Know what to say.

Xiao Loudao "The arrangement of the gatekeepers is convenient for me to work with Yu Yu. We are from Kyoto. I also have an identity as a preacher who can perform autopsy."

Mo Xuemin said clearly, "Fake work ... ancient forensic doctors, right? That's quite in line with Professor Xiao's specialty! By the way, I was assigned the identity of a master and got a bunch of files."

Xiao Lou walked over and sat down next to Yu Hanjiang, asking Lao Mo, "Did you find anyone else?"

Mo Xuemin was still unaccustomed to seeing his dress, and quickly turned his eyes away, looking at Yu Hanjiang and saying, "I looked for two days in Jiangzhou, and only saw Long Sen as a nursing home in Wangfu. Xiaoqu, Xiaoye, Liu Qiao and Shao I never found it. "

Yu Hanjiang said, "Shao Qingge is the young master of a rich businessman in Qingcheng. We met him halfway yesterday. He also came to Jiangzhou with us and is currently living in Fu'an Inn."

Lao Mo said with emotion, "It seems that Shao has come to ancient times and is still a rich man!"

Xiao Lou asked curiously, "What about those files?"

Mo Xuemin said, "The case records of Jiangzhou in recent years have been carefully scanned yesterday. Most of them are short cases among parents. However, three young women have disappeared since three years ago, and the whereabouts of those missing women are unknown. Has become a pending case. I don't know if it has anything to do with this case. "

Yu Hanjiang nodded and said, "Where is the palace? How much do you know?"

Mo Xuemin cleared his throat and said, "The eighth grandfather living in Zhenjiang's palace is the brother of the emperor, and his uncle eighth emperor today. This idle grandfather ignores affairs, but loves beauty, and marries four wives. Each one is as beautiful as a flower. He has a son, four daughters, and currently all four daughters live in Wangfu, and they are not married. "

He paused, and then said, "Master Wang will host a forty-year-old birthday banquet in a few days. People in Jiangzhou know this. In addition, Long Sen is a nursing home in Wangfu. I guess the case is very likely. It will happen in the palace. "

Yu Hanjiang said, "Yes, you are right. Your Majesty asked me to call on the Eighth Lord. President Shao also received a task to attend the Eighth Lord's birthday feast. The birthday feast will definitely happen. We must check the situation of the palace in advance."

Four wives, one son and four daughters, such a complicated family relationship is likely to produce a family ethical tragedy.

Yu Hanjiang said, "The details of the four ladies and young ladies, please tell us in detail."

Obviously, the identity of Master Mo was assigned to be the "information guide" for the team, and he could have a lot of clues about Jiangzhou.

Mo Xuemin is also very experienced. After changing the costume, he quickly adapted to his new identity. After two days in Jiangzhou, he found out the general situation of the palace. He said, "The young master Qi Fenghua and the young lady Qi Yiyao were born to Mrs. Yun. . Qi Fenghua is currently in the army, following General Zhengxi to fight the Yan Kingdom on the west front, and has not returned home for three years. "

"The young lady promised to be assigned to the richest Master Lin of the local family, but it is rumored that Master Lin spends a lot of time in the house and often goes to the blue house, and has a close relationship with famous prostitutes. The marriage of the two is set for next month. As soon as the gift of the gift was passed yesterday, the people argued that they had sent several cases of gold alone. "

Yu Hanjiang took a pen and paper and quickly drew the interpersonal relationship diagram of Wangfu on it.

Mo Xuemin went on to say, "The second lady is named Qi Yi'an, the niece born of an authentic princess, and was named the 'Shu'an County Lord' by the emperor. The Princess has passed away, and the County Lord has an engagement with Prince Zhao Guoer. Qi Guo and Zhao Guo For many years, the kinship policy has been adopted. The emperor personally pointed to the marriage and let the Shu'an County Lord marry to a neighboring country. This is known to all in Jiangzhou. It is said that the wedding will be held at the end of the year. "

Xiao Lou touched his chin and said, "Have you seen this county lord?"

Mo Xuemin said "No. But listening to the rumors of the people, Shu'an County is beautiful and dignified, she has read poems and books since childhood, she is also a master of genius. She grew up with Her Majesty when she was a child, and has the best relationship with Her Majesty. It is also most favored in the palace. "

Yu Hanjiang frowned. "Is there any rumor about her mother's death?"

Mo Xuemin shook his head. "Everyone said that the princess was in poor health. She had no children after three years of marrying him. That's why she married Mrs. Yun. When Mrs. Yun successively gave birth to her eldest son and eldest daughter, the princess finally got pregnant. Unfortunately, She was too weak. After giving birth to her niece Qi Yi'an, she died shortly afterwards. "

Xiao Lou and Yu Hanjiang looked at each other. It sounded that the princess was really ill and died. However, this lady Yun had two children in a row, but she was still a "little sister". In case she was unwilling to kill the genuine princess, possible.

Yu Hanjiang asked, "What about the other two ladies?"

Mo Xuemin went on to say, "The prince loves beauty. After the death of the genuine princess, no one controlled him. He married two concubines, Mrs. Qing and Mrs. Han. Mrs. Qing gave birth to three girls, Qi Yiru. He wears men's clothing and learns a martial arts. He often rides on horses in the streets and hurts many people. Mrs. Han is currently the most favored. Miss Qi Qiwei was born to her. This four lady is the most low-key, usually Her face was covered with a veil, and no one had ever seen her before. It is said that she was studying medicine at Yaolu outside the city. "

There are too many names and the relationship is complicated. Xiao Lou has a headache when he hears it.

But Yu Hanjiang is a professional criminal policeman. He has seen even complicated network of characters. In order to organize his memory, he quickly drew a relationship diagram of Wangfu on paper—

Qi Fenghua is on the front line; Qi Yiyao promises to the Lin family; the sibling's mother is the oldest Mrs. Yun.

Qi Yi'an, niece, and Shu'an County lord, had a marriage contract with the second prince of the neighboring country. His mother is a genuine princess and has died.

Qi Yiru, the savage and self-willing Miss Wu Yi, whose mother is Mrs. Qing.

Qi Yiwei, a low-key lady who loves masking and knows medicine, her mother is Wang ’s favorite wife, Mrs. Han.

Xiao Lou looked at the relationship table organized by the Yu team, and thoughtfully touched his chin.

Mo Xuemin said, "Yes, and Lord Wang is still very young. The ancients got married early, and Lord Wang is now in his forties. These three ladies must be jealous."

Yu Hanjiang frowned and looked at Xiao Lou. "This case, isn't it a house fight?"

Xiao Lou nodded. "It's possible. The four girls are about the same age. If the four sisters were born by different mothers according to the house fighting routine, the original princess has died, and the three wives must be in an infighting relationship. It won't be harmonious. "

"When is Wang Ye's birthday feast?" Yu Hanjiang looked up and asked Lao Mo.

"Fifteenth of this month, three days later." Mo Xuemin said.

"Tomorrow, we will go to the palace again in person. On the one hand, he will visit the king in accordance with His Majesty's instructions. On the other hand, he will also take the lead with Long Sen of the palace. Said quietly.

"What about today?" Xiao Lou looked at him. "You want to change clothes and look at the environment in Jiangzhou?"

"Yes, look for other teammates by the way." Yu Hanjiang said.

Yu Hanjiang replaced the official uniform, dressed in casual clothes, and took his wife and master to go out to Jiangzhou for shopping.

Everyone's identity in the secret world is related to reality. Lao Mo is also a team guide in reality. Yu Hanjiang speculates that Liu Qiao is likely to be a drug boy or a pharmacist. He went to the nearby drug store and medical museum. No trace of her was found.

Xiao Loudao "Xiao Liu may have arrived in Jiangzhou from another place like Shao Gongzi."

Yu Hanjiang agreed, saying, "For example, the apprentices of famous doctors traveling around the Quartet and the like, maybe she is still on her way to Jiangzhou, otherwise she would not be silent for two days."

Mo Xuemin heard this, and suddenly hesitated, "If everyone's identity is related to reality, then the teacher is a dance teacher, shouldn't she be a dancer in Tianxiang Tower?"

Xiao Lou looked at Lao Mo in confusion. "Is Tianxiang Lou ... Qinglou?"

Mo Xuemin coughed and said, "It's not a blue building. It's the largest singing and dancing house in Jiangzhou. There are a lot of talented girls. It is said that the dancing girls and singing girls here are not showmans, and the sons of rich people often come here. Have fun. "

Yu Hanjiang frowned. "Let's go and see, maybe we can find Qu Wanyue."

Before seeing them, Mo Xuemin didn't know that everyone's identity corresponded to reality. He only saw Long Sen, who was guarding the palace, and never wanted to find someone to drink in a place like Tianxianglou.

Now listening to Yu Hanjiang's words, he suddenly realized, "Tianxiang Tower is only open after dark, and then go to dinner."

At night, most of Jiangzhou's urban areas are in darkness, while a street in the east of the city is brightly lit.

This street is full of lanterns of various shapes, and guests are in a constant stream. The lively nightlife of the ancients has just begun.

At the end of the street, there is a three-storey building with a plaque of the three characters "Tianxiang Tower". This is the most lively street in the whole street. The door is open and countless guests are rushing to Tianxiang Tower.

The three of Yu Hanjiang also followed the crowd.

When the three entered the room, they found a table and sat down. Xiao Lou's eyes found that there was a familiar figure sitting next to him, squinting a pair of peach eyes, holding a folding fan in his hand, and posing a "".

Yu Hanjiang also saw him, and whispered, "Shao Gongzi is really so interested, even here?"

Shao Qingge sat down with a cheeky face and said with a smile, "My servant told me that there is a performance of the most famous dancer in Tianxiang Tower tonight. My person is to go in and out of the blue building often. Of course, such excitement must come together. "

Xiao Lou can admire him for being so grandiose as "lecherous".

Shao Qingge and Lao Mo nodded each other and said hello, followed by a joke, "Master Yu, there is a good wife at home, you actually take your wife to visit the green house, drink wine, isn't it right?"

Old Mo almost sipped the tea again.

Xiao Lou glanced at Shao Qingge and did not want to ignore him.

At this moment, a middle-aged woman dressed in "dazzling red" came forward and smiled and said, "Welcome everyone to Tianxianglou to join us. Next, affectionate our top card, Girl Ye, play a song for everyone!"

In the warm applause, a thin woman, wearing a goose yellow veil, holding her lute, slowly walked onto the middle stage. I saw her eyes clear and agile, with long ink-like divergence behind her head, with a bead on her head, burning and shining under the light, forming a delicate face.

Shao Qingge originally drank tea in Youyou, but the moment he met those eyes, he sprayed the tea directly on the table.

Xiao Lou "..."

Yu Hanjiang “………………”

Mo Xuemin looked embarrassed. "This, the top girl Ye, looks like Ye Qi!"

Shao Qingge was caught by the tea, and while he was desperately coughing, he covered his face with a fan and smiled "Haha, cough cough ... girl Ye, Tianxianglou's first card, hahaha ..."

Xiao Lou was helpless, and Yu Hanjiang looked serious.

Ye Qi on the stage glanced at them, and his face was irreplaceable.

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