Card Room

Chapter 164 - 165:

Chapter 164 Chapter 15

This testimony by Liu Qiao made Yu Hanjiang immediately alert. He asked Long Sen to guard the door to keep people away. He took Liu Qiao to the side and lowered his voice and asked, "Miss Four often uses a white veil to cover her face, and it is easy to be posing. Are you sure the person you met is Miss Four? "

"Okay. There is a very small red mole on the right eyebrow bone of Miss Four. I suspected that I was wearing a stealth cloak and approached. The person was Miss Qi Yiwei. She was dressed and sounded like Miss Four The same. "Liu Qiao said firmly.

"Did you see the person in the private meeting with Miss Four?" Yu Hanjiang asked.

"You can see clearly. It must be a rich young man. He is very particular about his dress. He also gave Miss Four a round jade pendant. Although I don't understand jade, the jade pendant is crystal clear and should be quite valuable." Liu As Qiaoqiao recalled carefully, he said, "In ancient times, sending jade pendants meant love?"

"According to the customs of Jiangzhou, it's true that men give women jade to women." Lao Mo said.

Yu Hanjiang looked back at Xiao Lou, just as he looked up from the desk case, the two thought of a possibility at the same time.

Xiao Lou asked, "Is the rich young man wearing a dark blue gown, with black boots embroidered with silver thread on his feet, and his hair is **** with blue hairband. He has very white skin and still wears hands An emerald ring? "

Liu Qiao froze and said, "That's right, all the details are right."

Lao Mo turned back and exclaimed, "Isn't that Lin Xiaobo, the young master of the Lin family?"

Yu Hanjiang thoughtfully with his arms in his arms. "I remember that Lin Shaobo was not at the scene at the time when Wang was assassinated." He turned his eyes to Xiao Lou again and asked, "How long has Master Lin left?"

During the dinner, Yu Hanjiang kept watching the movement of the guests on the left. Xiao Lou was responsible for observing the right.

Lin Shaobo was sitting on the right, at the same table as Shao Qingge.

Xiao Lou was very careful, so when Lin Shaobo got up and left, he noticed.

After listening to the Yu team, he said in detail, "When Ye Qi came out, Lin Shaobo used the excuse to leave the toilet. The five-woman sword dance performed by Ye Qi played the accompaniment. The performance time was about 10 minutes. The assassin suddenly assassinated the king, The king fought with the assassin, the assassin failed to escape and the assassin came over to report the letter ... the time all added up, about 20 minutes. "

Yu Hanjiang said, "In other words, Lin Shaobo disappeared for 20 minutes, so long that he could go to the backyard and hang the young lady from the tree to fake the suicide scene."

Xiao Lou looked at Liu Qiao and asked, "When did you see Miss Four and Lin Shaobo on a date? What time is it?"

There was no watch in ancient times, and Liu Qiao could not clearly determine the time. She speculated according to the position of the sun in the sky, "It should be around five o'clock in the evening. At that time, the sun had not set, and the scent came from the kitchen. They were preparing dinner."

Xiao Lou analyzed his chin and said, "The young lady's death time is six o'clock, Master Lin appears in the backyard at five o'clock, and leaves the banquet at eight o'clock. Doesn't that match the young lady's death time?"

Yu Hanjiang said, "There is a possibility that if the young lady was murdered because she had witnessed the fiance of her fiance and her sister, then Master Lin and Miss Four could collude and poison her diet in advance. Miss 6 herself When eating snacks in the room, he accidentally consumed toxins and was poisoned. At about eight o'clock, Master Lin again excused himself and left the backyard to hang her from a tree, posing as the illusion of hanging herself. In this way, the time was completely correct. Got it. "

Lin Shaobo has the crime time and motivation.

If he really found out about the private meeting with Miss Four, he really had the motive to kill and kill him. Moreover, the crime scene was disguised as suicide. Once Wang Ye also thought that his daughter was short-sighted, Wang Fu had already accepted the Lin family's gift. Can be refunded. At this time, Lin Shaobo could find a way to let Wang Ye give Miss Four to him.

In ancient times, my sister wanted to commit suicide, and it was not uncommon for her sister to marry her.

This is the best of both worlds.

Everyone listened to Yu Hanjiang's analysis, and they all felt that Lin Shaobo and Miss Si were very likely to join forces to kill the young lady.

However, the red peach secret room often reverses, and pure reasoning cannot be finalized. Yu Hanjiang will not easily draw conclusions until he finds precise evidence-this is just one possibility, and there may be other possibilities.

Yu Hanjiang looked at Liu Qiao. "You have been very close to Miss Four these days. In your opinion, what kind of person is Miss Four?"

Liu Qiaodao "Miss Qi Yiwei's personality is similar to her mother, Mrs. Han. They are gentle and considerate, speak softly, and love to laugh. I have never seen her angry."

Xiao Lou thought for a while and said, "She knows how to heal medicine, and she can naturally dispense medicine enough to poison people?"

What suddenly happened to Liu Qiao, saying, "Yes, she asked me to come to the palace today. The reason was that I was uncomfortable recently. I asked me to bring me some herbs to nurse her. Among them, there were several medicines. Exceeding standards will become deadly poisonous. "

Xiao Loudao "Perhaps, she just secretly added these pills to the young lady's diet or tea?"

At present, all evidence points to Miss Four and Master Lin.

Yu Hanjiang simply said, "Liu Qiao, first go to the prefecture's prison to meet General Shao. I will ask someone to ask Miss Four for an interview later."

Liu Qiao nodded, went out through the back door, and soon disappeared into the night.

Long Sen went out to take a look. The three girls in the hall next to him had called everyone in the palace to wait for Master Yu to ask questions. Yu Hanjiang ordered the other two ladies in order.

Mrs. Qing has been packing in the yard this afternoon, and several of her daughters-in-law can testify.

Mrs. Qing said bluntly, "My family also accidentally cut a tree when practicing martial arts yesterday, making the yard a mess, mud and leaves everywhere. I have been staring at the girls to clean up my listening wind this afternoon Court, it wasn't until dinner time that Lord Wang sent someone to preach, and I changed my clothes and went to the banquet. "

Throughout the banquet, she stayed with Wang Ye without leaving.

The rumored Xiaoyan also confirmed Mrs. Qing's words, saying that when he went to listen to Fengge, a group of people were indeed cleaning the yard.

Yu Hanjiang called the most favored Mrs. Han over again

Mrs. Han said softly, "I have been resting in Hongmeiyuan in the afternoon. I have been weak recently and have been sleepy in the afternoon. I only woke up and washed up when I got a message from the front yard, changed my clothes and attended the grandfather's birthday dinner."

Yu Hanjiang said, "Can anyone prove that the wife slept in the house all afternoon?"

Mrs. Han frowned for a moment and said, "I slept in the inner room, because I was stumbled when I was sleeping, I would often wake up and wanted to drink water, so my two maids, Xiaoxue and Xiaoshuang, were always waiting outside the house. They can prove that I never went out all afternoon. "

Yu Hanjiang called in the two maids to inquire.

Xiaoxue said that his wife was unwell recently. She would go to bed every afternoon. Today is no exception. She took a break after lunch. She woke up three times in a hurry. It was not until the dinner time that someone sent a message in the yard. Dress up.

Xiao Shuang's testimony is consistent with his companion. He also added that his wife has always had no appetite recently. She only ate a small bowl of porridge for a meal. She was pale when she woke up today, and her forehead was sweating cold. Seeing that she was ill, the two maids also deliberately painted her with a lot of rouge, and carefully painted her brows and makeup to enhance her looks.

Both ladies have perfect proof of absence.

By comparison, Mrs. Qing's testimony is more credible, because the tree in her yard was indeed chopped down by Miss Three, and other maids passing by while cleaning the yard could hear it, and the rumored little sister saw her in person. Sitting in the yard directing.

Mrs. Han, only the maid testified.

At first glance, Xiaoxue and Xiaoshuang saw that as she married the personal servants in the palace, these slaves in the ancient times were usually very loyal to their masters, and some servants were even willing to die for their masters. Very common.

Mrs. Han's testimony is not 100% certain, but her body cannot fool people.

Xiao Lou studied medicine, and he can always tell if he is really sick or pretending to be sick. Mrs. Han is very sick. Even if makeup is on his face and his complexion is improved, he still looks very unconscious. Xiao Lou carefully observed her nails, and the half-moon shape at the base of her fingernails almost faded. The maid said that she had only eaten one bowl of porridge for each meal recently, apparently due to weak stomach and prolonged malnutrition.

She may have a gastrointestinal tract disease and her appetite is severely reduced. Based on her current physical condition, it is impossible to hold the young lady to the tree with her strength and hang her ... Seeing her fragile appearance, she even had a hard time hanging a white cormorant on the tree.

Xiao Lou told Yu Hanjiang his conclusion "Mrs. Han is not pretending to be ill, her health is really bad."

Yu Hanjiang touched his chin. "It seems that the focus is still on the ladies."

Just then, a knock came suddenly outside the door, and Long Sen whispered, "It is Nine Princesses."

Yu Hanjiang raised an eyebrow. "What will she do?"

Xiao Lou smiled and said, "Let her come in, I remember she said that she had passed the letter with Miss, maybe she would have a clue."

Seeing Xiao Lou's unconcerned appearance, Yu Hanjiang calmed down and motioned Long Sen to open the door.

Princess Nine was dressed in men's clothes and took Qu Wanyue into the house together. She said bluntly, "I know who the killer is!"

Yu Hanjiang was quite surprised. "Oh? What does the princess say?"

The princess of Nine Princess was angry. "It must have been Qi Yiwei! A Yao wrote a letter to me before, and mentioned one thing in the letter, Master Yu, please see for yourself!"

She took a letter from her arms and handed it to Yu Hanjiang.

Yu Hanjiang took the letter and walked to Xiao Lou. Xiao Lou also went over and looked at each other. Every character in the handwriting of the young lady was written squarely, as if printed on it. I saw that the letter read--

"Nine Princesses

See Xin'an.

My marriage with Master Lin's is scheduled to be on the fifteenth of next month, and the marriage is approaching, but I'm afraid.

It is rumored that the young Master Lin spends a lot of time in the Qinglou and hangs out in the Qinglou. He has made friends with many Qinglou women in Jiangzhou. The mother said that the man's three wives and four wives are very common. After the marriage can change the former, I don't mind his temporary indulgence. Moreover, I can only obey the words of my parents and matchmaker when it comes to marriage.

Of course, a few days ago, I went to the city to serve incense, and I accidentally encountered Lin and his younger sister in the mountains. The little girl gave a blue handkerchief embroidered by her hand to Lin Gongzi. Lin Gongzi looked tender and said to the little girl that she is his love in this life. The person he wants to marry is Yi Wei, not Yi Yao.

In recent days, my heart has been suffering and I don't know how to be with myself.

I want to tell my mother about this, but my mother and Mrs. Han have always been at odds with each other. Once things get serious, I'm afraid they won't end.

The nine princesses have known me since I was a child, and she is the most beloved princess of the father and king. If you come forward, things may turn for the better.

Master Lin and I have only met twice and have no emotion at all. Since he is infatuated with the four sisters, I want to fulfill them. However, Jiangzhou has been rumored that I have a marriage contract with Master Lin, and it is not easy for the four sisters to marry directly to Lin Fu.

For the best of both worlds, I decided to become a monk.

As long as I become a monk, the marriage between the Lin family and the Wangfu does not need to be terminated, and the four sisters can replace me and marry the Lin family justified.

I grew up in an ancient temple in Qingyou since I was young. It would be better to accompany the Qingdeng Ancient Buddha forever.

The father and king would not agree with me to become a monk, and I hope that Princess Nine can persuade me and help me realize this wish.

Yi Yao himself. "

Chapter 165 Chapter 15

After reading the letter, Xiao Lou was in a mixed mood.

His first impression was indeed right. The young lady was indeed indifferent and unmindful of the world. She had already seen the red dust and decided to become a monk, so she was indifferent to the affair of Master Lin's youth and was indifferent to his father's birthday party.

This afternoon, she was still knocking on wooden fish and reading scriptures in the Buddhist temple. Probably in her opinion, accompanied by an ancient Buddha in Qingdeng is her best destination. It's a pity that she didn't get what she wanted—she intentionally fulfills others, but others don't necessarily have that kindness.

Yu Hanjiang frowned after reading the letter. "Nine Princess, how are you related to Miss Yi Yao?"

Nine Princesses said, "I am her aunt from a generational point of view, but I am only four years older than her. She was not healthy since she was young. She was sick again after being taken home at the age of ten. She was sent to Kyoto for treatment for a while. She lived in my princess house that year, so she was more familiar with me, but she wrote to me for the first time. "

The princess paused, then said, "I hurried to Jiangzhou this time because of this incident." Speaking of this, she could not help looking away.

Yu Hanjiang interrogated countless prisoners, and naturally saw that her look was abnormal. This princess not only performed poorly, but also dressed as a man in a bad manner. When she saw that she was a woman, she couldn't compare with Qu Wanyue's men's clothes.

Yu Hanjiang then asked "Have the princess ever met the princess since he came to the palace?"

Princess Nine shook her head. "No, I went directly to the side hall and waited for the dinner to start. I didn't expect that Yi Yao would be murdered." She frowned, and said, "Surely it was Miss Four who did it! She and Lin Dasha's private relationship Lost, maybe she wanted to kill Ayao!

Seeing that the princess was emotional, Yu Hanjiang immediately interrupted her. "There is no direct evidence that Miss Four is a murderer. Please return the princess first. In this case, Weichen will definitely investigate it clearly."

Princess Nine seriously urged "You must catch the murderer, and you cannot let Ayao die in vain!"

Yu Hanjiang Road "reliable."

Princess Nine turned and left. Yu Hanjiang said suddenly, "The maid next to the princess still stays away. I have something to ask her."

Princess Nine wondered, "Ask her what ?! Didn't I give you all the letters, can I still lie?"

Yu Hanjiang said indifferently. "Interrogation with the maid and the guard is a necessary step in investigating the case. The princess is also required to cooperate."

Nine Princess nodded and reached Qu Wanyue's ear, lowering her voice, "Don't say anything you shouldn't say."

Qu Wanyue smiled. "Princess rest assured." I will definitely say.

Princess Nine left with confidence.

Long Sen closed the door, looked at his wife in a complicated look, and whispered, "You look handsome in men's clothes?"

Qu Wanyue looked at him with a smile and joked, "Then I will always be wearing men's clothes, and how about wearing a suit when I do a wedding?"

Long Sen groaned his nose. "No more ..."

Qu Wanyue walked in front of Yu Hanjiang and Xiao Lou, and said, "Yu team, Princess Nine is lying."

Yu Hanjiang nodded. "I can see that she came to Jiangzhou this time, not just because of the young lady?"

Qu Wanyue said, "She hurriedly fled Kyoto because the emperor wanted to point her to a marriage."

Xiao Lou was interested in saying "Oh? What is the specific situation?"

Qu Wanyue explained in detail: "The nine princesses are the youngest daughters of the emperor. The emperor came to be a daughter when she was old. She greatly loved her and developed her pride and arrogance. The emperor once pointed her to marriage. The adult should know. Later the emperor died, and the new emperor ascended the throne. His Majesty has a headache for this young aunt today, and she wants to marry her earlier. This time, she found a general. He pulled me off before he said something. "

Yu Hanjiang said, "It seems that she fled to Jiangzhou to escape marriage?"

Qu Wanyue nodded "by the way to deal with Miss."

Xiao Lou pondered for a moment and asked, "Mr. Qu, did you get any other clues in Princess Mansion?"

Qu Wanyue said, "The princess talked to me about gossip in the palace every day. It is said that her mother-in-law was poisoned by her concubine. Later, concubine Ming killed her, and those women in the harem fought. When they died, they enshrined a decree to let them be buried together in a group. The princess said that she would not want to be born in the royal family in the next life. She would prefer to be a free folk woman and choose her husband.

Xiao Lou, listening to Qu Wanyue's description, slightly changed her view on Princess Nine. She didn't have any feelings for Yu Hanjiang at all. She just pointed to the marriage first, but Yu Hanjiang refused.

The letter brought by Qu Wanyue and Princess Nine pointed her straight at Miss Si and Lin Shaobo.

After Yu Hanjiang's careful analysis, he called the descendants of the palace to ask questions.

Maid, servant, and chef, none are missing.

Yu Hanjiang asked in detail, and Xiao Lou's transcript was very detailed.

Mr. Yu cooperated with his wife to handle the case together, which opened the eyes of the people in the palace. After going out, they talked about "I have never seen a woman follow a husband's case!" Post-mortem! "" She is not afraid of the corpse at all, she is such a strange woman, no wonder Master Yu spoils her so much. "

The people's gossip Longsen heard in his ears, really cried and laughed.

Professor Xiao is a forensic doctor. What is a corpse? He was not afraid of setting up a morgue.

Inside the house, Xiao Lou took the compiled transcript to Yu Hanjiang for analysis.

People mentioned two points

First, Mrs. Qing, Mrs. Han, and Mrs. Yun were in conflict with each other. Due to the vacancy of the position of the concubine, the three usually fought a lot.

Mrs. Yun is the oldest in the palace, and she also gave birth to a young master Qi Fenghua and a young lady Qi Yiyao. She is the most likely candidate to become the princess. Mrs. Qing and Mrs. Han have been dissatisfied. Mrs. Qing hurriedly whispered and clashed with Mrs. Yun many times in the backyard. Mrs. Han also did not contend for the favor in front of the grandfather, but her illness has only recently subsided.

Secondly, the young lady was taciturn and usually stayed in the Buddhist temple. She had no conflict with anyone in the palace.

From this point of view, both Mrs. Qing and Mrs. Han have been present. Although they have deep grievances with Mrs. Yun, they have no contradiction with the young lady. If it is for the princess, killing is also killing Mrs. Yun, not the young lady. The suspicions of the two wives should be ruled out.

Miss two, three and four have not been interrogated.

Yu Hanjiang invited Miss Er first.

Qi Yi'an, the maid of the king's house, and the Shu'an County Lord personally seized by the emperor.

Of the four girls, only she deserved the word "girls in everybody". When Xiao Lou saw her for the first time, she felt that the girl had bright eyes, a dignified appearance, an elegant manner, and a full aura. It is true that the marriage of a county chief like her to Zhao Guo can hold the scene.

Qi Yi'an was very polite to Yu Hanjiang. She said, "My marriage with Prince Zhao Guosan is set at the end of the year. Today is the birthday of my father Wang. In order to show my sincerity, Zhao Guo sent a messenger to his father Wang for his birthday. Zhao Guo also came from a Ministry of Rites Officials, explain to me some customs that need attention on the day of the wedding. I followed the study in the hostel that hosted them, and then returned to the palace soon after. "

She paused and said, "After returning to the house, I wrote and wrote the letter. Before the letter was finished, I heard someone screaming outside. Three sisters came to tell me that something happened to the older sister and let me pass."

Yu Hanjiang looked at Long Sen. "Any envoy from Zhao Guo is visiting today?"

Long Sen nodded. "Yes, I came to give a congratulatory gift to Wang Ye in the afternoon, but they were inconvenient to attend the dinner. Ms. Er really followed them and went to the post office that specially received Zhao Guo's guests."

The second lady is the county owner personally enshrined by the emperor. Zhao Guo and Qi Guo have different customs. She wants to marry Zhao Guo. There are a lot of details that need attention. She said that she would return to the palace at about 20:00. If she was a murderer, time Too late. Moreover, she and the young lady had no grudges, and she was going to marry Zhao Guo as the princess. She had no motive for committing the crime.

Yu Hanjiang said, "Master of the county, do you have a lot of contacts with Miss?"

Qi Yian smiled slightly and said, "My sister often stays in the Buddhist temple to copy scriptures. I also don't like going out. I usually like to practice piano at Xiushuixuan. I haven't seen her a few times a month."

Yu Hanjiang then asked, "What is the relationship between the young lady and the other sisters, can you make it clear?"

Qi Yi'an shook his head. "I don't know. I don't have much contact with the three sisters and four sisters. The three sisters are good at martial arts. They carry a sword every day. They like to run out of the palace to play with them. She covered her face. Whenever she saw me, she would only call the county owner, and she was very polite and alienated from me. "She paused and said lightly," I do n’t know, nor am I interested in knowing the relationship between the three of them. "

She is the one who will be sent to Zhao Guo and her relatives. In the future, she may not have the opportunity to return to her hometown. In addition, several sisters are not born to the same mother. These sisters are unnecessary for her.

As a niece, she only needs to take care of herself. It is the smartest way not to fight with the ladies of the palace.

Miss Er can't ask anything here, but Miss San gave Yu Hanjiang a clue--

Qi Yiru said, "When I went to the toilet in the evening, I saw Simei hurriedly passing by the rockery and turned towards Hongmeiyuan. I ran over and asked her what happened, and her eyes kept dodging. She said she was uncomfortable and wanted to go back. Take medicine. "

Yu Hanjiang said, "Is your relationship with Miss Si very good?"

Qi Yiru nodded. "Yes, the sisters of Wangfu, the eldest sister hid in the Buddhist temple every day and knocked on the wooden fish. The second sister sat in the attic of Xiushuixuan every day and played the piano. I didn't talk to them. I usually like to practice martial arts. It ’s too much trouble to go to the medical center to see the injury. Simei knows medicine, so I will look at her and she will help me bandage the wound. "

She paused and added that "the murderer cannot be the four sister! She is usually weak and weak, how can there be the courage to kill ?! I think she might have seen the murderer, so she fled from the rockery!"

Yu Hanjiang called over key suspect Qi Yiwei.

She still covered her face with white veil, her eyes were timid and she dared not look at them.

Yu Hanjiang asked directly, "Miss Four, your private relationship with Gongzi Lin, did your elder sister already know?"

Qi Yiwei "………………"

Xiao Lou looked helplessly at the Yu team.

This straight ball habit has not changed, and the four girls probably didn't expect the other party to ask such a question, and they were frightened.

A layer of cold sweat oozed from her forehead that was not covered, and her fingers clung tightly, saying "I, I don't know what Master Yu is talking about, please don't defile a woman's innocence."

Yu Hanjiang simply passed the letter from Princess Nine to her, "Miss Four, please look at this."

Qi Yiwei's eyes widened. After seeing the period of "I want to fulfill them and become a monk", she suddenly became red.

She covered her face and cried while she said intermittently, "Sister ... She wanted to complete us ... I'm sorry for her ... ohh ... I'm sorry for my sister ..."

Seeing that she couldn't stop crying, Xiao Lou Wen said, "Miss Four, why are you covering your face with white veil?"

Qi Yiwei remained silent for a long time before gently removing the veil.

Her face, on the right, looks beautiful and refined, with fair and smooth skin, and is definitely a big beauty. However, there was a thumb-shaped birthmark on the left cheek, which ruined her appearance.

It is like a crystal jade with obvious cracks, which makes people regret.

Qi Yiwei trembled wearing a veil and said, "My face is born like this. I don't want to be talked about, so I covered my face with white veil. In fact, I and Lin Gongzi didn't have a personal relationship. We knew each other before my sister made an engagement ... "

Xiao Lou took note of this key, and then said, "You and Lin Gongzi have promised each other for a long time?"

Qi Yiwei nodded. "A year ago, on the mountain outside Jiangzhou, Lin Gong accidentally broke his leg. I just saved him when I was passing by. He had seen me, and didn't mind me being ugly, and said he wanted to marry me ... He treats me sincerely, and I love him at first sight. We ... often use excuses to go outside the city and meet in private. "

"A few months later, the Lin family carried the offer and told the matchmaker. I was glad at the time and thought he was here to propose to me. As a result, it was actually his marriage with the elder sister!"

Having said that, Qi Yiwei's nails could not help but pierce her palm deeply, and the shock and grievances at the time were beyond words.

Yu Hanjiang said coldly, "After you made the marriage contract, you did n’t dare to resist your parents, so you kept meeting privately? Today, you secretly met in the backyard. Did you happen to be bumped into by the young lady?"

Qi Yiwei's body trembled slightly, without a reply, apparently being hit by Yu Hanjiang.

Yu Hanjiang's sharp eyes swept straight towards the piece of jade around her waist. "Jade, was it from Lin Gongzi?"

Qi Yiwei didn't expect that even this matter was said, she froze, and her face became extremely pale instantly.

Yu Hanjiang said lightly, "Say, how did you and Master Lin conspire to kill the young lady?"

Qi Yiwei's eyes widened and she shook her head in a hurry. "It's not me ... I didn't kill the elder sister! After being seen by the elder sister, I hurried away. I really don't know what happened to her!"

Yu Hanjiang asked sharply, "You hurried away, what about Master Lin?"

"Master Lin?" Qi Yiwei suddenly held her back. Obviously, she hurriedly fled back to Hongmeiyuan. She bumped into Miss San on the road, saying that she was not good enough to go back to take medicine, and she didn't know where Master Lin had gone.

Yu Hanjiang asked Long Sen "Did you find Master Lin?"

Long Sen shook his head. "I asked all the guards. No trace of Master Lin was found in the courtyard of the palace, nor was he found among the guests who came out of the front door of the palace. It was at the back door. The tiles on the wall were broken. He may be I climbed through the back door and slipped. "

Yu Hanjiang said coldly "immediately arrest Lin Shaobo!"

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