Card Room

Chapter 172 - 173:

Chapter 172 Chapter 20

Last night, the two martial arts officers were completely stunned without knowing what happened. Fortunately, Ye Qi did not lose the chain and saw the eyes of the woman who came to jail, and determined that she was the assassin who was the assassin of the day. Along the line of Tianxiang Tower, the secret of this assassin organization will definitely be revealed.

Yu Hanjiang immediately decided to go to Tianxiang Tower immediately to see if he could find some evidence.

Shao Qingge and Ye Qi were inconvenient to go to Tianxiang Tower to show up during the day. Yu Hanjiang let the two stay in Zhifu and other news. He took Xiao Lou and Lao Mo to Tianxiang Tower to search for evidence.

This famous flower street in Jiangzhou was so crowded and crowded by black people that it was unusually deserted during the day, and no one was seen on the street at all. Yu Hanjiang strode to the door of Tianxiang Tower at the end of the street and patted the door of Tianxiang Tower vigorously.

The doorman's yawning yawned, and he lazily said, "Someone, come to the blue house and knock on the door during the day. Are you ill ..."

Mo Xuemin said solemnly, "This is our master Yu."

The miscellaneous servant fiercely excited, and immediately smiled charmingly, "Master Yu! Keke, are you here? What's the matter?"

Yu Hanjiang whispered, "Have you ever been back?"

Zaju shook his head. "Aunt Qing hasn't been back for two days!"

Yu Hanjiang strode into Tianxiang Tower.

According to Ye Qi's description, except for the maidservants and miscellaneous servants in the entire Tianxiang Tower, there were fifteen girls formally welcoming guests, most of whom were singing and dancing, living on the second and third floors. Twelve people participated in the birthday party of the palace, including the first group of four dancing, the second group of five performing sword dance, and three girls playing the piano accompaniment.

After Xue Yan failed to escape by stabbing, the remaining girl and the boss, Aunt Qing, were taken to the dungeon, and now they are all rescued except for Ye Qi.

In other words, as many as eleven were involved in the case, and only Ye Qi did not know.

There are three girls in Tianxiang Tower who did not go to the birthday party of the palace. At this time, it was eight in the morning and they were still sleeping. Yu Hanjiang caused the girls to wake up, and he took Mo Xuemin and Xiao Lou to check on the other girls' residences.

People under the Tianxiang Tower were alarmed, and one after another wanted to stop, frightened by Yu Hanjiang's sharp eyes.

Mo Xuemin said: "The master of the prefecture investigates the case, and the idle people retreat quickly!"

These servants did not dare to be right with the people in the government. They had to hide away in trembling and discuss privately. What happened to the aunt Qing actually led the prefect to search Tianxiang Tower in person?

Yu Hanjiang vigorously searched the rooms of all the girls who participated in the birthday party of the palace, focusing on searching Aunt Qing's room.

He found a locked wooden box in Aunt Qing's house, pried open it, and it was full of jewellery. There was a lot of gold and silver jewelry, which looked like a woman's private house money. Among a large number of jewelry, a long chain caught Yu Hanjiang's attention-this chain does not seem to be a necklace, but it is not suitable for hanging on the waist. What is it for?

He did not understand the jewelry used by women, but he felt that there was something wrong with the chain, so he handed it to Xiao Lou next to him. Women wear different jewelry. "

Xiao Lou does not wear jewelry. He only has a subtle wooden badge on his head. He does not know much about these jewelry. He took a closer look and said, "This jewelry is very special in shape and design. I am in the street of Kyoto. I haven't seen it before, it really doesn't look like the jewelry often worn by Daqi women. "

Mo Xuemin came over to take a closer look and murmured, "I seem to have seen somewhere ... by the way, there is a book in my study called" Feng Wu Zhi, "which has records of women's jewelry!"

As he said, Xiao Lou immediately asked with interest, "Do you remember the contents of the book?"

Mo Xuemin took a step forward and took a closer look at the jewelry in Xiao Lou's hand. He said, "The book of Fengwuzhi" records some customs of four countries. At first I thought that book was not related to the case. Big, just introduce the costume characteristics of Shikoku, and probably put it aside after reading it. I have the impression that the jewelry worn by women in Shikoku has different styles. This kind of jewelry made of colored stones and silk threads should not be the same Women often use it, but in which country ... I don't remember very well. "

This is not to blame Lao Mo. He spent two days traversing the files in Jiangzhou over the years. It is not easy to write down the key cases. It is impossible for him to memorize all the books on the bookshelf.

Seeing Lao Mo faced with guilt, Xiao Lou smiled and said, "Don't worry, the book is still there? Let's go back and check."

Yu Hanjiang also said, "Bring these jewellery back, and make a careful comparison with that book."

Old Mo immediately nodded and carefully closed the jewelry box.

Yu Hanjiang went to search in other women's houses, and found some similar jewelry, all of which were brought back to Lao Mo.

He looked down from the end of the corridor on the third floor-the most hidden place in the backyard had some carrier pigeons, which should be used to deliver letters. However, all the women, as well as Aunt Qing's house, did not find any signs of correspondence. It seems that the owner of Tianxianglou acted very cautiously. After reading the correspondence, she burned it without leaving any handle.

When Yu Hanjiang returned to the lobby, the three sleeping girls had been woken up.

The three knew nothing about Aunt Qing's whereabouts, and said that they wanted to go to the birthday party of the palace, but Aunt Qing thought that their dancing skills were not good enough and they were not allowed to go. Ye Qi was called because he was famous as Tianxiang Lou's top card.

That said, only Ye Qimeng was in the drum in the assassination of Wang Ye on that day.

Yu Hanjiang frowned and asked, "When was Tianxiang Building established?"

A girl named Qiushuang said, "Tianxiang Tower has been in Jiangzhou for ten years. I heard that a gold owner had paid a lot of money to build Tianxiang Tower. Aunt Qing became the owner of Tianxiang Tower. A talented girl. "

Yu Hanjiang asked, "Do you know the origin of Aunt Qing? Where is she from?"

Qiushuang thought for a while and said, "It is said that they were from Jiangzhou. Their parents died as a child. After suffering a lot, they returned to Jiangzhou ten years ago."

Yu Hanjiang said, "How does Aunt Qing usually treat you?"

Qiushuang said, "She is very good to the girls. We can share 60% of the bounty given by the guests, and once a guest is drunk and bullies the girl, Aunt Qing will take the initiative to help the girls to make a siege. She is the most beautiful girl in this street. Good boss. "

Yu Hanjiang was silent for a moment, and then asked, "When did you guys come to Tianxiang Tower?"

Qiu Shuang looked at the two sisters next to him and said, "The three of us, as well as Girl Ye, came only a year ago."

Yu Hanjiang asked, "What about others?"

Qiushuang said, "The other ten girls have only come in the past two years."

Yu Hanjiang said, "Did you know the girl who used to be in Tianxiang Tower?"

Qiushuang said, "When we came, several girls in Tianxianglou made enough money to leave, and some people found people who were willing to marry them. After paying enough ransom, they took back their deeds and went to be a concubine."

A side named Qiuyue added, "Yes, I heard that the predecessor of the prefecture, fancy our first daughter of Liu Xiang, Tianxianglou, and married her as a concubine."

Yu Hanjiang looked at Mo Xuemin, and Mo Xuemin looked embarrassed-he did n’t know it at all. No wonder he scored only a in the Secret Chamber of Secrets. It seems that he is still not careful enough. He did not investigate the family affairs of the former prefecture. Unexpectedly, the master of the prefecture actually married a girl from Tianxianglou to be a concubine? !!

Yu Hanjiang did not blame Lao Mo. After all, the former prefect was dead when Lao Mo came to this world. Yu Hanjiang was immediately transferred to Jiangzhou. The case has not yet occurred, and it is reasonable for Lao Mo not to check the predecessor.

He looked back at Qiushuang, and then asked, "Are there any detailed records of the names and whereabouts of the girls who left, the new ones, and the redeemed and married people in Tianxianglou over the years?"

Qiushuang said, "We don't know, but Aunt Qing should have a record there?"

Qiuyue said, "In the two years we have been in Tianxiang Tower, the personnel has not changed. It has always been 15 of us."

Yu Hanjiang glanced at the three, and finally asked, "Did you really see Aunt Qing last night?"

The three said in unison, "No!"

Qiu Shuang added, "Since going to the Wangfu show, they have never returned. A few of us are particularly worried, and dare not go to the Wangfu to find her ... Master, what happened to Aunt Qing?"

Yu Hanjiang also couldn't say clearly that the "aunt" in their mouths was the head of an intelligence organization, so she persuaded, "She involved some cases and was temporarily detained by the government for investigation. If you see other girls in Tianxiang Tower, report to the government immediately. do you know?"

All three nodded obediently.

After leaving Tianxiang Tower, Yu Hanjiang returned to the prefecture and went directly to Master Mo's residence with Xiao Tower.

Mo Xuemin quickly found the book "Feng Wu Zhi" which introduced Shikoku costumes from the bookshelf.

Liu Qiao has been paying attention to the progress of the case. He also came to the prefect to inquire about the news. He also made some poisoned medicine powder and gave it to Xiao Lou for backup. In case of danger, he could use poison.

When Shao Qingge and Ye Qi heard the movement, they followed. The crowd gathered in Mo Xuemin's study and found that he had a bookcase with a wall, and there were countless books in it.

Ye Qi couldn't help feeling "how can I remember so many books!"

Mo Xuemin said with a headache, "Most of them are historical histories, there is no need to look through them, and some are the case interrogation notes during my time as a master. I focused on the case. I did not look carefully at this book" Fashion History "which records costumes and folklore , Just flipping through it, I didn't expect this book to be the key clue! "

Fortunately, he glanced at it, and vaguely had an impression of the customs and costumes of various countries described in the book. Otherwise, if this clue is missed, it will be too difficult to check out the source of their jewelry.

Yu Hanjiang gave the book to Xiao Lou.

Xiao Lou sat at the desk and read it carefully, and soon found the relevant records. He turned "Feng Wu Zhi" to page 10, pointed to a piece of jewelry above, and compared it with the jewelry found by Tianxiang Lou, and looked up Yu Hanjiang said, "This is the hairband of the Yan Guo woman."

The teammates around took a breath.

Check it out and find out that a state of Yan? !! Aunt Qing, are they all Yan people?

Realizing the seriousness of the problem, Yu Hanjiang immediately walked to Xiao Lou and leaned over to take a closer look.

The patterns in the book are black and white, and the jewelry is colored, but the shape, design and structure are exactly the same.

Xiao Loudao "According to the book, the Yan people in the northwest are strong and sturdy. Women also have a lot of martial arts hunting since childhood. They belong to nomadic people, and jewelry is also made of pure natural stones. When all girls are born, their mothers She will make a 'headband' for her, and wrap a beautiful stone with colored silk threads. The effect is similar to the 'talisman' given by her mother to keep her daughter safe. "

Auntie Qing's special style of jewelry is really made up of many stones and colored silk threads in series.

Although Yu Hanjiang did not understand women's jewelry, his keen observation made him realize that he was wrong for the first time. The key point is here. Other jewelry is either jade or gold or silver. The silk thread tied many colored stones.

The careless person might have missed this clue.

Now, just from women's jewelry, they found out the shocking truth-

Aunt Qing is from Yan country, these girls from Tianxiang Tower are probably all Yan country people!

Mo Xuemin wondered, "Are there a lot of stones on this hairband, is there any meaning?"

Xiao Lou speculated that "Aunt Qing has the most stones on her hair, most of them found in other women's houses are 18 to 20. Since the mother strung them the first stone when they were born, maybe they will have to increase the number of births each year. One has the meaning of praying for blessing? Of course, there is no record of the number of stones in this book, and I guessed it blindly. "

Yu Hanjiang agreed that "the wife's speculation is very reasonable."

His name was "Mrs." It was very smooth, and Mo Xuemin didn't mind, thinking that the Yu team was playing a serious role, and then he said, "In this way, this hair band is of great significance to the women of the Yan Kingdom, so they will carry it with them. Favorites. "

Xiao Lou nodded and said, "I guess Aunt Qing and their rushed action last night did not have time to return to Tianxiang Tower to take these jewelry; or, they encountered something on their way back to Tianxiang Tower, so they temporarily changed their plans and left these jewelry. "Looking at Yu Hanjiang, Wen Yan said," Fortunately, the Yu team is alert enough to not miss this clue. "

Yu Hanjiang was exaggeratedly pleased, and there was a smile in his eyes.

Shao Qingge shook his fan and thoughtfully said, "I heard my father said that Yan Guo is located in the northwest and the climate is bad. People there never wear silk, and they use animal skin to make clothes. Our Shao family business It has never been possible to open the market in Yan Guo. "

Ye Qi actively analyzed "Aunt Qing is actually a Yan nationality! Isn't Yan Guo and our Daqi fighting? If the girls in Tianxianglou are all spies sent by Yan Guo, then they assassinate Master Yu and assassinate Wang Ye. Come on! "

Yu Hanjiang squeezed his eyebrows and said, "It seems that our previous speculation was wrong again. The Assassin Group and the murder of Miss and Master Lin are not the same people at all."

They have been subjectively trying to associate the assassin group with the murder. They believe that the assassin was sent by someone who wanted to rebel. They were killed by the big lady.

But now it seems that these assassins should be Da Qi's spies who had been planted early by the enemy.

In ancient times, the two countries fought and it was common to send spies to the other country.

Xiao Lou reluctantly said, "This time, the two cases happened to be mixed together, but in fact they are not related. We have to split the discussion. Assassin is one line, and Miss Wangfu ’s murder is another."

Yu Hanjiang nodded in agreement. He turned over "Fengwuzhi" and looked at the map of the four countries on the book, and whispered, "The world is set with four countries: Qi, Chu, Yan, and Zhao. Chu is not good with any country. Nor do they commit evil, and being alone should have little to do with this case. "

His slender fingers lightly clasped the pages of the book and crossed the sphere of influence of Yan Guo, Qi Guo, and Zhao Guo. "Three of the three countries, Yan Guo and Qi Guo fought at the border all year round. Da Qi sent to the front line to conquer the town. General Xi should be a powerful character, who has repeatedly resisted the invasion of the State of Yan. Daqi and Zhao Guo have always been a policy of close relations and friendly relations. "

Xiao Lou thoughtfully said, "So, Yan Guo sent Aunt Qing to Jiangzhou ten years ago, because Jiangzhou is the junction of Qi Guo and Zhao Guo. Aunt Qing set up an intelligence organization here and can observe at any time. What's going on with Qi Guo and Zhao Guo? "

Yu Hanjiang nodded. "After the peace was successfully reached, Qi Guo and Zhao Guowan joined forces to deal with Yan Guo. The end of Yan Guo can be imagined, so they set up an intelligence organization at the junction of Qi and Zhao. The assassination of the governor of Jiangzhou and the assassination of the eight kings are very reasonable. The death of the former governor of Jiangzhou is certainly not easy. "

Xiao Loudao "The former Zhifu adult married the top girl of Tianxianglou ... Have you never heard of this?"

Mo Xuemin shook his head and said, "I don't remember this, but it is normal for the presbyterian to marry Xiaoying. It is normal to not tell the master. Marrying Xiaoying doesn't require a big banquet. Just bring it into the house. The dignified prestige married the girl in Tianxianglou. After all, he didn't sound good. Maybe he secretly picked up the willow girl? "

Yu Hanjiang frowned. "Remember Lao Mo said that the former governor died of illness, right?"

Mo Xuemin said, "This is the record in the document. He is old, has been in poor health, and died of illness at home."

Xiao Loudao "The body has always been bad, it may be chronic disease, or it may be chronic poisoning. If the Tianxianglou girl he married is also a member of the intelligence organization, after becoming a coward of an adult in the prefecture, he should be poisoned in his diet every day It will be convenient. "

Mo Xueming shuddered and said, "That makes sense! By the way, I have overlooked a detail. Although the predecessor of Jiangzhou Zhifu died, but his family members? His wife and children seem to be all in Jiangzhou."

Yu Hanjiang calmly said, "His family members may have been brutally killed."

Ye Qi suddenly said seriously, "I have a speculation that the girl named Yang Liu will marry an elderly Jiangzhou prefecture to be a concubine, and go to the presidency of the prefecture. It must be to inquire about the news, the court documents, etc. It can also be seen secretly. As a result, the prefecture found that she was wrong. She simply killed the whole family of the prefecture? "

Shao Qingge followed with a smile and said, "But, Master Yu, we are famous for our deep affection for our wife, and our character is very upright. The plan of the girl in Tianxianglou to lurk around Master Yu is definitely difficult to achieve, so simply In the night that Mr. Yu came to Jiangzhou to take office, he directly assassinated, and wanted to kill this difficult adult? "

Old Mo said, "They should have assassinated the Lord, in order to undermine the plan for the marriage of Qi Guo and Zhao Guo?"

Ye Qi nodded his head immediately. "Yeah! Jiangzhou prefecture died, and the court suffered a headache for a while. Lord Wang died, and his marriage had to be postponed. Qi Guo and Zhao Guo could not form an alliance. Maybe these assassins would The dirty water was splashed on the messenger group of Zhao Guo, which made Qi and Zhao look at each other? Anyway, the more disordered Qi Guo is, the better it will be for them!

Xiao Lou and Yu Hanjiang looked at each other.

Under the influence of the two, the teammates began to reason carefully, posing as a detective.

Today, the truth about their identity is unclear. The reasoning of Ye Qi and Lao Mo is also very logical. The assassins came from Yan Guo. The Yan Guo people assassinated Yu Hanjiang and Wang Ye. It had nothing to do with rebellion, but to disturb Jiangzhou and destroy Qi. The marriage between the two countries.

If they fail, they will definitely have plans for the next step.

Thinking of this, Yu Han stood up tremblingly, his face changed "Miss Er is in danger!"

Chapter 173 Chapter 21

The assassin group assassinated Wang Ye on the day of Wang Ye's birthday banquet, but his operation failed.

Unexpectedly, the eight princes were secretly hidden. They actually had a good martial arts skills. They could fight against female assassins with high martial arts for a long time. But what if you kill Miss Er directly? Can still destroy the marriage plan!

Miss Er has a daughter's house and has never studied martial arts. It is much easier to kill.

Realizing this, Xiao Lou immediately summoned Li Qingzhao, and the flying pigeon passed the book to Long Sen who is still in the palace, so that he would pay close attention to the movement of Miss Er to protect the safety of Miss Er.

Liu Qiao, Shao Zong, and Ye Qi stayed in the prefecture. Yu Hanjiang took Xiaolou and Mo Xuemin hurried to the palace.

As soon as I arrived at the gate of the palace, I saw Long Sen look anxious, and lowered his voice to welcome him. "When I received the biography of Fei Ge, Miss Er had left the house and left with Princess Nine and Wan Yue. "

Yu Hanjiang's face changed. "How long did she leave?"

Longsen said "about half an hour."

Xiao Lou asked, "Do you know where they are?"

Long Sen said, "Wan Yue wrote a note to me before leaving. Jiu Gong mainly went to buy clothes and let Miss 2 accompany him. The palace has blocked the door for people to go out these days. It was sneaked out from the back door! "

Yu Hanjiang "..."

Sure enough, in addition to the clues, Princess Nine came to Jiangzhou to make troubles at critical moments.

At present, only Qu Wanyue follows them. Once encountering an assassin, Teacher Qu may not be able to cope with it alone.

Yu Hanjiang immediately decided to "chase!"

The four rode on the fast horse and quickly went to the city of Jiangzhou. However, there are many people here. How can there be the shadow of Princess Nine and Miss Two?

The four quickly searched the entire street where the clothes were sold, but none of the nine princesses were found. "

Long Sen could not help but whispered, "This nine princess is really troublesome. Wang Ye was just assassined by the assassin. She is still restless. She must take Miss Er to buy clothes at this time!"

When Yu Hanjiang heard this, he suddenly said, "It's not right."

He glanced at the vast crowds of markets, without hesitation, he turned over and "out of town!"

Although the other three were confused, at the critical moment, everyone used to listen to the Yu team's order and immediately turned over and followed him.

On the way, Longsen said tensely, "Don't keep looking at the market?"

Yu Hanjiang said, "Purchasing clothes is misleading information. Princess Nine is really wayward, but don't forget who Miss Er is."

Long Sen and Mo Xuemin listened blankly.

Xiao Lou immediately figured out the meaning of Yu Hanjiang, saying, "Miss Er is calm and calm. Even if Princess Nine has no brain to go out at this time, how can she keep up? She can't do such a dangerous thing somehow. And, Princess Nine You should be unfamiliar with the palace. Thinking of going out through the back door may be the idea of ​​Miss Er. "

Yu Hanjiang glanced at Xiao Lou with admiration. Every time I think of it, Xiao Lou can immediately realize that this kind of "spiritual spirit" feels good. He couldn't help smiling, and said to Xiao Loudao "Mrs. makes sense, this is not the director of Jiugong. Because, it was Miss Er, who led the nine princesses out of the house deliberately, and made an innocent gesture of 'must have to accompany the princess to go shopping', so that the enemy would relax their vigilance. "

Old Mo finally responded at this time. "My lord's meaning is that Miss Er is out of the city at risk and wants to lead the assassin to appear?"

Xiao Loudao "With the intelligence of Miss Er, if it wasn't for the purpose of attracting snakes, she had two murders in Wangfu, and Wang Ye was assassinated in public. Suddenly leaving the government, it is simply unreasonable."

Yu Hanjiang added, "Besides, yesterday, Miss Three and Qin Rui, the highest martial artist in the escort, also left the palace. At that time, we speculated that the two were deliberately released by Wang Ye to perform any task."

Hearing here, Long Sen finally realized.

Wang Ye first sent Miss Three and Qin Rui out of the city to set up the ambush. Then, Miss Two pretended to be pulled out of the palace by Princess Nine, and went out to play outside the city. Once the assassins acted, they could ambush in advance and wipe out everything.

Long Sen lamented, "It's worthy of being the master of eight masters!"

At the same time, he also had to admire the savvy of Yu and Xiao. In his opinion, Miss Three and Qin Rui ran away from the house, and Miss 2 was dragged out of the house by a wayward princess ...

He had no idea that there were so many calculations behind it!

Yu Hanjiang and Xiao Lou thought that the people who set the world record of the Red Peach Chamber of Secrets are truly more flexible than them.

Thinking of this, Long Sen immediately rushed and rushed out of the city like Feng Chi.


Princess Nine was tired and took a rest under the tree. Miss Er smiled and chatted with her.

Qu Wanyue was so anxious that she did not expect that after the two girls had bought clothes, Miss Er suddenly said that she wanted to come out of the city and go to the temple to give her mother a joss stick. They also wanted to go up and down the green hills outside the city of Jiangzhou, so the two hit it off and left the city of Jiangzhou.

Miss Er took them along the path, but she went even further?

Looking at the deserted surroundings, there is a dense forest ahead ...

Qu Wanyue's instinct was not right, but she could not report to her teammates and had to leave a mark along the way.

The "four-way arrow" that was obtained in the second room of Square 2 was very useful. She secretly left the arrow on the tree. She believed that as long as she saw it, her teammates would understand it.

At this moment, there was a sudden sound of violent air bursting around.

Qu Wanyue was shocked and immediately protected the two girls. "Be careful!"

A group of women in white clothes and bucket hats, holding swords, stabbed towards Princess Nine and Miss Er!

Princess Nine screamed in shock "Ah, ah, assassin, there are assassins!"

Miss Er looked calm, and quickly dragged Princess Nine into the woods.

Most of Qu Wanyue's cards are banned, and "Chameleon" can still be used. It's actually easy to escape. But the problem is that once she escaped at this time, Miss Two and Princess Nine were killed. They will definitely not get the perfect clearance and s rating in the secret room of hearts this time!

Thinking about what to do, just then, suddenly a man in the distance was holding a sword, flying like Dapeng spreading his wings! I saw the sword slamming in his hand, slamming the sharp swords blocking the group of assassins, and whispering, "Go away, my queen!"

——It's Longsen.

Long Sen's setting in this world is the guard of the palace, and he can martial arts.

With many cards banned, Long Sen became the strongest of them.

Seeing that he was standing in front of herself, Qu Wanyue was finally relieved-she knew her boyfriend, her limbs were developed, her head was simple, and Long Sen must not have thought so far. At most, they thought they were shopping for clothes and would never chase the city outer.

Now that Long Sen is here, the Yu team and Professor Xiao must also know.

Sure enough, the next moment I saw Yu Hanjiang and Xiao Lou running quickly with a teleport card.

Xiao Lou had insufficient fighting power, but he held the medicine powder configured by Liu Qiao in his hand. Yu Hanjiang gently held his waist and teleported him. He sprayed medicine powder beside him. The effect of the purple poisonous mist was immediate and a group of assassins were poisoned The fog blocked the field of vision, coughing over the nose and mouth.

The second lady probably did not expect that these people would suddenly come to the rescue.

She looked at several people with a complex look, and continued to drag the princess deep into the woods.

The batch of assassins were poisoned by a large area, and some of them immediately covered their mouths and noses without being affected by the poisonous mist and immediately flew over and followed closely behind them!

Seeing that those sharp swords were about to pierce the backs of the crowds, suddenly, two assassins stepped into the trap of the woods, and the others were trapped by the net that fell from the sky!

A man and a woman came out of the woods with a large number of shadow guards and surrounded the group of assassins.

——It is Qin Rui and Miss Three.

Xiao Lou and Yu Hanjiang looked at each other, and the heart was really the same.

Miss Three and Qin Rui left the palace early in order to set up a trap to catch assassins alive.

Miss two was in danger, pretending to accompany the princess out of the house, and go out to the city with the princess for the purpose of attracting snakes.

Perhaps Her Majesty and Grandpa Wang had long suspected that Jiangzhou had enemy intelligence organizations, so the assassination of Grandpa's birthday feast would be so calm.

Once Yu Hanjiang's reasoning was not fast enough, no clues were missed, no analysis of the assassin came from Yan Guo, and she did not realize that Miss Er was in danger, and they would miss this big drama today!

The emperor and the eighth prince are also investigating the assassin team secretly. Even if they cannot guess the origin of the assassin, today the prince will capture this group of assassins alive and give them more clues. However, the score will definitely be super low. Fenglin High School's secret room is waiting for the police to solve the case.

The biggest test of this secret room is actually asking them to think carefully, quickly analyze and confirm the correct reasoning results, and don't omit subtle clues and key events.

Only by keeping up with the prince's rhythm and detecting the identity of the assassin team one step ahead of the lord can you get a perfect s-class evaluation!

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