Card Room

Chapter 218 - 219:

Chapter 218 Chapter 23

Outside the circle of fire, the screams of the Zerg screamed endlessly. Under the impetus of the wind, the flames burned more and more vigorously, but everyone was relentless. After waiting for nearly ten minutes, none of the Zerg dared to cross the wall of fire. .

It is difficult for any animal to violate nature. Insects are most afraid of fire. In addition, they can only climb but cannot fly. This five-meter-high fire wall makes it difficult for them to break through.

The girl with a high surname was standing next to Xiao Lou. Xiao Lou had a good impression on the girl. When she saw her face staring at the ring of fire seriously, Xiao Lou turned back and asked, "What are you doing, how can you be chased by the Zerg army suddenly?" ? "

Gao Xiao also explained, "In the beginning, five Zerg broke into the factory we lived in temporarily, probably the vanguard, and we solved it. We just breathed a sigh of relief, and then we heard the movement of the Zerg army ... The Zerg screamed sharply before they died, and we do not understand the language of the Zerg. I think it is likely that they are calling their companions, "

The man next to the glasses added, "We fled collectively with the Jin Chan shelling card, but this card can only teleport the entire team for a kilometer, and the Zerg quickly caught up with us."

Xiao Lou thought carefully. When they solved the five vanguard Zerg, when they heard a harsh cry, maybe those Zerg also notified the partners in the rear?

He looked back at Yu Hanjiang, who also looked at him exactly. The two communicated with each other in the heart. Xiao Loudao "If it is like what she said, the Zerg sent out a signal before death, there should be a group of insects coming to destroy us."

Yu Hanjiang said, "It depends, and you are ready to evacuate at any time."

At this moment, the two heard Ye Qi suddenly say, "After you are surrounded by the Zerg, there are many directions to escape. Why run in the direction of our warehouse? Did your captain say that?"

His gaze was staring at Cheng Ziyang not far away.

Cheng Ziyang smiled slightly and said, "Yes, I think Zerg will definitely be in danger if they attack the eastern part of the city, so I will tell you to evacuate as soon as possible. Gao Xiaoyi also yelled and ran all the way to let the surrounding people Challengers are also rushing to withdraw. "

Everyone saw Gao Xiaoyi's horn. The horn card in her hand should be a card that can amplify sound effects. You can hear her voice very clearly from a long distance, much like the subway station or the airport. Broadcast sound.

From Gao Xiao's notice from the big horn so far, it can be seen that she is really reporting to let everyone evacuate. Ye Qi believed in the girl, but he did not believe in Cheng Ziyang, after all, Cheng Ziyang had betrayed him.

In the dream, the plot of Cheng Ziyang's piercing through the chest was replayed in his mind. Ye Qi's heart was disturbed. Shouldn't the senior Cheng of this name think that the Zerg army was too difficult to deal with, and deliberately brought Zerg to pit them? Would it be so kind to simply notify the evacuation?

However, Cheng Ziyang's reason cannot be refuted on the surface, and Ye Qi is hard to say much.

The enemy is currently unsuitable for intimidation between the challenger team, and Ye Qi temporarily puts this anxiety out of his mind.

There was still snow in the sky, and the raging fire instantly melted the snowflakes. The ring of fire seemed to form a natural barrier, blocking the way of the Zerg. But at this moment, Liu Qiao suddenly flew over, lowering his voice and saying, "A lot of Zerg are coming behind!"

At this time, Xiao, Yu, Shao, Ye and the members of the distant association stood in front of the Zerg, while Mo, Long, Qu and Liu were sent by Xiao Lou to the back of the warehouse to prevent the Zerg from sneaking in from behind. Second, Lailai is also guarding the escape route behind the warehouse.

Although the fire ring of gasoline surrounded the warehouse 360 ​​degrees, so that the Zerg could drill in without any gaps, but always guarded against sneak attacks from the rear.

Hearing Liu Qiao's voice, Yu Hanjiang's face changed slightly. "What happened?"

Liu Qiao whispered, "Lao Mo threw the eavesdropper onto a tree in the distance, and heard the sound of a large number of zerg crawling towards this side."

Xiao Lou and Yu Hanjiang glanced at each other-sure enough.

The five-worm vanguard of the Far Away Association led a group of zerg to surround them, and the vanguard who came to the warehouse and was destroyed by Xiao Lou and others also sent a signal before dying. It seems that behind a vanguard There is a Zerg Army. Since Cheng Ziyang led the team to the warehouse, they will have to face the siege of the Zerg before and after!

Yu Hanjiang looked back to Cheng Ziyang. "There are a lot of Zergs coming soon. You all take out your cards and get ready. Don't let the bugs get into the ring of fire!"

Gao Xiaoyi and others nodded, holding a few cards in their hands with white faces.

The situation ahead is still quite optimistic. The Zerg are constantly being burned to death by fire. The human body already has oil in it. The low-level Zerg people like to live in groups. So many people in the form of people squeeze together.

Of course, after seeing the fire, the Zerg will also spontaneously merge and upgrade. The upgraded version of the Zerg will become faster and can crawl to avoid the flame damage, but still cannot directly break through the circle of fire.

Xiao Lou looked at Yu Hanjiang, and said in his head, "Flying pigeons."

Yu Hanjiang nodded "OK."

He glanced at Shao Qingge and whispered in General Shao's ears, "Xiao Lou will summon Li Qingzhao, and General Shao will make a copy of you, and we will ignite the fire so that the Zerg behind cannot follow."

Shao Qingge knew that when Xiao Lou summoned Li Qingzhao, he immediately used the rich and willful copy of the card.

Who sent the book in the cloud? Li Qingzhao's "Flying Pigeon Biography" skill originally was credited to each other, but there is a description in the skill-it can allow flying pigeons to carry items with a maximum weight of 100kg and reach the designated location, similar to "Flying Pig Express" .

At that time, Yu Hanjiang and they went to the gas station to move gasoline. In addition to burying a large amount of gasoline in the surroundings, they also kept a few barrels in the bus for emergency needs. The weight of those gasoline tanks was controlled within 100kg. It was Yu Hanjiang's idea to find gasoline and set an ambush, but it was Xiao Lou's idea to use Li Qingzhao's flying pigeon to send the gasoline tank to the swarm.

It's almost time now.

While Shao Qingge copied the cards, Ye Qi ran back to the bus cleverly, and used the teleport card to carry two barrels of gasoline.

When he saw the gasoline canister, Gao Xiao couldn't help worrying, "If we go to spill gasoline now, what should we do if it burns? This is gasoline, it will explode!"

Xiao Loudao "Rest assured, this won't happen."

The next moment, I saw two pigeons suddenly appearing in front of them. They look no different from ordinary carrier pigeons. They look quite cute, but they actually lift the petrol barrel with their claws easily? !!

The people of the Far Away Association stared.

The boy with glasses almost lost his glasses, and he couldn't help but praise, "This card for moving things is really easy to use ... but why is it a pigeon?"

Someone speculated, "Probably the principle of flying pigeons?"

Xiao Lou drilled a hole in the gasoline barrel. In order to avoid the fire wall directly killing the pigeons, he controlled the pigeons to fly a few meters above the fire wall. A pigeon quickly moved forward because the oil barrel it was carrying was leaking. The oil, while flying, spilled gasoline downwards, causing the flames that were burning in the original, spreading along the gasoline quickly!

Behind the warehouse, the Zerg Army arrived soon.

Xiao Lou used the same method to let another pigeon reproduced by Shao Qingge fly towards the swarm with an oil leaking barrel. Within a few seconds, the deafening scream was easily heard later!

Lao Mo shouted, "A batch was killed, and they can't get through for the time being!"

Gao Xiao from the Yuanyuan Association also admired her thumbs up, "It's awesome, this is a good way." She looked at the short-haired girl standing beside her and said, "Xue Qing, hurry up, your chemical can also be used this way."

I saw the short-haired girl take out a card, and as the card was activated, a bottle after bottle of transparent liquid appeared in her hand.

Ye Qi curiously said, "Can the things in your bottle continue to be produced? What is this?"

The girl named Xue Qing smiled wryly and said, "This is ethanol, which is the composition of the alcohol we commonly use. Maybe because I am a student in the chemistry department, I got all the chemical card, sulfuric acid, nitric acid, high Potassium manganate, sodium chloride, etc ... "

A row of ethanol bottles was quickly set up at her feet. Xiao Lou thought that the distant association had this girl in the chemistry department. It would be much easier to pass through the secret room of Spades 8. After all, she could produce unlimited alcohol, just to deal with the Zerg.

Xue Qing frowned, and said, "This alcohol is hard to throw into the swarm, it will be blocked by the fire wall."

Xiao Loudao "It's okay, keep a spare."

The five-meter-high fire wall is really difficult to throw alcohol away without throwing it from the sky.

At this moment, Long Sen suddenly ran over and said, "I have a way to upgrade my badminton card. Before, I could only play badminton. Now I have a second skill, I can play other things in the distance, just follow It ’s like throwing a shot, up to 100 meters! "

He picked up a bottle of alcohol from the ground and looked at Xue Qing. "I'll try."

Xue Qing immediately nodded. "Well, just take it."

At present, the enemy is forced to work together to deal with two groups of zerg. The screams of the outside swarms make the scalp numb. At this time, there is no need to hide each other, and the good cards must be used.

Long Sen picked up a bottle of alcohol and used the badminton racket to hit and fly out!

He chose a landing point a hundred meters away. Alcohol made a perfect parabola in the air. Yu Hanjiang lightly took a look and nodded toward Longsen. "Yes, I poured it on the Zerg in the distance and continue."

Long Sen is very excited, this badminton racket skill is very good.

He punched out the bottle of alcohol made by sister Xue Qing.

With the help of various fuels, the fire showed no signs of extinction. The zerg outside were burned to death batch after batch. Later, probably they could not stand the flames, and their calls were much smaller. Liu Qiao I flew into the sky and couldn't help but rejoice: "They seem to have decided to retreat, and the Zerg that was not burned away in the distance have fled in other directions!"

Yu Hanjiang also flew up and glanced.

Ahead, there were scorched corpses everywhere, and the picture was like a purgatory on earth, which was terrible.

The fire spread hundreds of meters, and the Zerg were burned to death.

The unzurred Zerg are fleeing quickly in the other direction.

At the back of the warehouse, the second batch of Zerg who were stopped by the flames as soon as they came over was not as severe as the first batch. After all, they saw the fire from a distance and would not be stupid enough to hit the fire themselves. Unlike the first batch, they walked to It was caught off guard near the gasoline tank.

Most of the second batch of Zerg stagnated. If Xiao Lou suddenly used the flying pigeon to spread gasoline to ignite all the way, they might not be so miserable. Nearly half of the dead were retreating away from the flames. Burning.

The barking was getting weaker, and soon the calm returned.

The time of Xiao Lou's compasses invincible circle has ended, and the smell of burning charcoal mixed with thick smoke has caused everyone to cover his mouth and nose. I don't know how long it took, and there was still no movement outside, and everyone was finally relieved.

The snow was still falling, and the fire light illuminated the sky. The snowflakes were like gold-red with a layer of flames, and they were falling down one after another.

Gao Xiao also exhaled and said, "It seems ... the Zerg have withdrawn?"

Cheng Ziyang gave a thumbs up and looked at Xiao Loudao with a smile. "Everyone is amazing, so many bugs can be driven away by you."

Xiao Lou said faintly.

He didn't want to talk more with this Cheng Ziyang. Seeing this person reminded him of the first time when he met Ye Qi in Spades 3, the poor little guy dressed up as a garbage collector and secretly hid in the middle of the night to crack the cookies.

Although Cheng Ziyang didn't kill Ye Qi directly, he almost killed Ye Qi. Everyone naturally disliked him.

However, surrounded by the Zerg, they are not good at driving people away, and even worse at this time.

Cheng Ziyang found that Xiao Lou's attitude towards him was very different from that of Gao Xiaoyi, Xue Qing, etc., so he no longer asked for himself, and turned back to what his teammates told him.

Ye Qi threw the eavesdropper into the distance, and after listening for a long while, he said, "No movement, really withdrawn?"

Xiao Loudao "They are really afraid of fire and cannot break through the circle of fire."

Just when everyone was relieved, Ye Qi suddenly said, "What's wrong with it?" He walked seriously to Xiao Lou and handed the other end of the eavesdropper to Xiao Lou.

Ye Qi's eavesdropper can be put out three at the same time, one hidden inside the snowman, one for Lao Mo to guard the rear, and the other Ye Qi lost the position where the Zerg army evacuated. Xiao Lou took it and listened carefully ...

The sound was strange, not like the crunching footsteps made on the snow. It's awkward, like some little animals turning something in the middle of the night, and the sound is so weak that it's really hard to detect without listening carefully.

Xiao Lou couldn't judge what it was, handed the eavesdropper to Yu Hanjiang and let him listen.

Upon hearing this, Yu Hanjiang frowned, "much like a rat punching holes-they are drilling."

The faces of the people suddenly changed.

Ye Qi reacted, and said with a blank face, "They can't fly, but they can go underground ?!"

Chapter 218 Chapter 22

There are many types of Zerg. Some have long wings that can fly to the sky, and some can drill into the ground. The Zerg encountered in this world obviously ca n’t fly. They ca n’t come directly through the fire wall ... but they can drill holes from below Bypass this circle of fire.

With this in mind, everyone felt scalp tingling.

Yu Hanjiang sternly shouted, "Be prepared, pay attention to the ground!"

It was almost his voice that had just fallen, and the ground behind them began to surge like a ripple on the sea surface. In a blink of an eye, there were dozens of healthy "humans" who got out of the ground!

Although digging holes made them gray-faced, and some were injured, they didn't mind.

Yu Hanjiang and others were surrounded by dozens of Zerg clans.

Looking at their scarlet eyes, agile response and rapid speed, Yu Hanjiang lowered his voice and said, "Be careful, these are upgraded, and they have been upgraded more than once."

If it can be said that the fusion of two Zerg can be changed from the first level to the second level, then the fusion of the two second levels can be advanced to the third level.

The flames were fierce just now. Although a large number of Zerg have been burned to death, some of them have only burned to their bodies and have not been burned to their heads. These immortal Zerg will certainly fuse spontaneously. These dozens of Zerg suddenly appear in the warehouse. Knowing that it has reached the first level, it is just a plan to dig a hole in the ground to cross the circle of fire and attack after a few minutes. This IQ is not lost to humans.

Surrounded by the advanced version of the Zerg clans, everyone's faces were a little ugly.

Before everyone had time to move, two Zerg rushed towards Gao Xiao and rushed over!

The movement was lightning fast, and the human eye could not even catch it. The human nails they parasitized became extremely sharp and looked stiffer than crab's pliers, apparently because of evolution.

Gao Xiao also responded quickly, jumped directly to the pole, jumped up, and jumped onto the warehouse roof.

Naturally, the two Zerg clans would not let her go, followed by climbing up to the roof, and Gao Xiao immediately threw out the card skills and released a python to entangle them violently. The python's body was as thick as a tree trunk, and the two zergs were entangled and unable to move. In a blink of an eye, the python was given ... to eat? I don't know if the python will be infected. But the next moment, Gao Xiao put away his golden python and jumped back to his teammates.

It seems that this python card can devour all living things and will not be affected by the infection.

At the same time, Xue Qing was also attacked. The girl picked up alcohol and splashed on the Zerg. Unfortunately, the Zerg reacted quickly and avoided the alcohol she spilled. The girl turned pale and hid behind her, standing next to her glasses boy. Suddenly raising his hand, an electric current quickly swept the Zerg's body, and the Zerg was stiff and unable to move because of electricity. The glasses man followed the splash of alcohol to ignite.

The college students in this team are really strong. All kinds of physics, chemistry, animal cards, and boys with glasses should be in the physics department. This card is related to electricity. Sure enough, the next moment he activated another light bulb card-light.

The dazzling white light suddenly illuminates the night sky. The Zerg are almost blinded and vertigo-controlled!

The college students of the Far Away Association fought with the Zerg, and Xiao Lou was not easy here. These advanced versions of the Zerg have very fast action capabilities. They are just like flying shadows, and it is difficult for them to hit them with single control skills. Ye Qi used Erhu for a group control, but also only controlled three or four, and Yu Hanjiang quickly resolved.

Long Sen's badminton can't be controlled under this situation, and Ye Qi's group control cools down for a long time ...

Compared with the Zerg who can run fast and can attack everyone from any angle, their speed is obviously a little slower. Xiao Lou does not hesitate to summon Bai Juyi to open the pipa line, the group is chaotic!

The control range of Pipa Xing is relatively large, but these Zerg people have learned to be clever. When they saw strange characters, they flew back immediately. Xiao Lou's big move only controlled five, and the chaotic Zerg started to kill each other. Yu Hanjiang grasped it. Opportunity spilled another bottle of alcohol and they collectively burned to death!

Even more frightening is ...

Of the more than forty Zerg, everyone killed only half of them, and another Zerg crawled out from the ground!

Obviously, there are many advanced versions of Zerg behind them, and the underground passage has been completely opened by them.

Kill one, climb two underground ...

The hardest game of hitting the hamster is not brought to play like this.

Yu Hanjiang's face sank slightly. "Find a way to hold these zerg, and evacuate as soon as possible behind the warehouse, don't consume them!"

Although the college students of the Far Away Association are also very strong, no one has been approached by various cards to control and kill the Zerg, and it seems to have stabilized the situation. However, everyone has limited physical strength, and card skills will still cool. If they continue to be consumed, more and more Zerg climb out of the ground, everyone will really fall into the crisis of being flooded by insects!

Yu Hanjiang said, "Withdraw and withdraw!"

Xiao Lou toward Shao Qingge said, "General Shao, slow down, I will come first."

After all, he used Li Qingzhao's skill "Slow Voice". This skill can make everyone in the range slow down, just like the movie begins to play a slow motion, decelerate 90, even if the Zerg are agile, they are 100 meters away After the large group control, each also became clumsy.

Of course, although this skill is strong, it is a double-edged sword. The Zerg slows down, and Xiao Lou themselves will slow down.

Just listened to Li Qingzhao standing there and started chanting, "Look and seek, be cold, be miserable ..."

The college team was stunned.

Gao Xiao couldn't help but said, "What brand is this ... Li Qingzhao?"

Xiao Lou didn't have time to explain to her, and he said, "Quickly withdraw!"

Gao Xiao also walked forward and found that he couldn't move as if his legs were filled with lead, and he couldn't help panic. "We are also charged!"

Cheng Ziyang's face changed and he looked back at Xiao Lou. "You control us, let us not move in slow motion, evacuate ourselves? Is it bad to sell us like this?"

Ye Qi could not help but shouted, "Do you think everyone is like you? All said that all targets in the range slow down, naturally including ourselves, this card must be used with the displacement card!"

He was too lazy to follow Cheng Zi, and used the shift card to teleport Xiao Xiao and Yu Hanjiang to the back of the warehouse.

This teleportation card is described as moving 50 meters horizontally in an instant.

What is instant? Similar to the instant skills in the game, they will not be interrupted. Li Qingzhao's slowdown does not affect this instant skill.

Therefore, Xiao Lou would release Li Qingzhao to slow down the Zerg in a large range, and they just evacuated using the teleport card.

Shao Qingge and Ye Qi each took a teleport card and quickly took away his teammates.

Seeing Ye Qi and Shao Qingge took everyone to the back of the warehouse, Cheng Ziyang flashed a gloomy glance in his eyes, and looked at Xue Qingdao, "They want to leave us and run away, quickly use the control skills!"

Although Xue Qing felt that Xiao Lou didn't look like this kind of person, everyone was indeed affected by the deceleration. Her feet were almost unable to move. She no longer hesitated and immediately took out a bottle of potassium permanganate. Because potassium permanganate is a strong oxidant, 1 skill "disinfect" can clear all negative states, and 2 skill "sterilization" can help people to treat wounds.

After helping his teammates to clear the negative state, Cheng Ziyang said, "Follow them!", Because the skills of the "Jin Chan Chou Huo" group's teleportation of one kilometer were still cooling.

Everyone does not know the truth, but more and more Zerg are crawling out of the ground, and the 12 of them are indeed unable to cope, so they have to listen to the captain's back to the warehouse.

In the middle, Ye Qi and Shao Qingge suddenly returned.

Ye Qi frowned. "I originally wanted to pick you up, did you come here by yourself?"

After all, I can run as fast as I can, and I did not teleport once 50 meters fast. Ye Qi and Shao Qingge only used a few seconds to pick up and take off my teammates. Li Qingzhao's words were not finished.

Everyone heard this, their faces were a little embarrassed-Sure enough, the captain thought of others too badly, after all, they just fought side by side to kill so many Zerg, how could there be a reason to suddenly control the escape of another team? Isn't that the same as killing them indirectly?

Xue Qing explained embarrassedly, "Everyone can't move, I use the control skills."

Shao Qingge narrowed his eyes slightly, without saying anything.

The teleport card can carry a weight of 200 kilograms. Several girls in this group of college students are very thin and can take three at a time. Within 5 seconds, Shao Qingge and Ye Qi took them all to the dug hole.

The reason why Xiao Lou brought these people is because these people are strong enough, and if they encounter a large number of Zerg, they can be destroyed together. Moreover, it is so unethical to control other people and run away by himself. He can't do it.

After opening the cardboard covering the hole, Yu Hanjiang jumped down first, and Shen said "Hurry up! Don't let the Zerg follow!"

Shao Qingge said, "Behind my temple, I can use the slow skills again."

Ye Qi was not assured that after General Shao Hall, he also stayed.

Xiao Lou, Yu Hanjiang, and others, as well as other students from the distant association, jumped down one by one, leaving only Cheng Ziyang, Xue Qing, Ye Qi, and Shao Qingge.

Just then, a large number of Zerg came suddenly like a tide!

After Li Qingzhao's words were finished, the Zerg had restored their ability to move, and Shao Qingge summoned a Li Qingzhao without hesitation and continued to let them slow motion. The original aggressive Zerg was affected by the slow motion, unable to climb a step for several seconds, and stretched out its paw to move forward slowly, it looked funny.

Ye Qi just wanted to laugh, but suddenly, two Zerg slammed down from the roof of the warehouse!

The two bugs were more resourceful, and Li Qingzhao's control was released, climbing from the side of the warehouse to the roof, waiting quietly for the opportunity.

Two attacked separately, one attacked Cheng Ziyang and the other attacked Ye Qi.

Seeing that it was about to jump in front of Cheng Ziyang, Xue Qing opened his eyes wide and just shouted "Be careful". I didn't expect Cheng Ziyang to pull Xue Qing to block himself without hesitation the next moment. Screaming, her entire face was scratched by Zerg's sharp nails!

At that time, the situation was critical. Cheng Ziyang probably had no cards available, so he consciously pulled his teammates to block the knife.

At the same time, Shao Qingge suddenly pulled Ye Qi into his arms to protect him.

Ye Qi heard a dull hum in his ear, followed closely, he saw a stream of blood flowing down Shao Qingge's forehead.

Behind is the Zerg army, and in front of it is a raging fire. The teleport card can only teleport horizontally. Shao Qingge no longer has other cards that can save his life. The bug attacked Ye Qi's back. Ye Qi obviously did not. See, all he can do is to protect the leaflets with his body.

It was his subconscious reaction, as if he hadn't thought about it at the time.

Looking at the blood on Shao Qingge's forehead, Ye Qi suddenly burst into tears, his body trembling violently. He grabbed Shao Qingge's arm forcefully, his voice trembled. "How are you? Shao ... Don't you Scare me ... "

Listening to the sound of the teenager almost crying, Shao Qingge smiled slightly. "It's all right."

He said, "I'm infected, and go now."

Ye Qi's eyes suddenly became hot, he could not care about the infected Xue Qing, and directly pulled Shao Qingge into the hole.

As soon as I went down, I saw a card bag dropped, followed by Xue Qing with a crying voice, "Thank you for taking me away, but I was infected, I don't want to be a worm without a dignity, and also Don't want to kill my teammates, please give them the card package! "

The girl looks weak, but she is very strong.

Cheng Ziyang was pulled over to block the knife. She was obviously surprised and at the same time discouraged.

Ye Qi was surprised to find that she actually stepped on the skateboard with both feet and rushed into the circle of fire as if to die!

Shao Qingge was still conscious at this time. After going down the burrow, he calmly said, "Professor Xiao, borrow a hair dryer."

There was only a scream from the girls just now. It was not clear what happened.

Gao Xiao was also worried about the authentic "It seems to be Xue Qing's cry, what's wrong?"

Shao Qingge didn't explain. Seeing Cheng Ziyang was about to jump down, he suddenly picked up a hair dryer—

A gust of violent wind passed, and Cheng Ziyang's body was blown away by dozens of meters in an instant! Shao Qingge was blowing into the fire circle, and Cheng Ziyang was blown directly into the fire.

Cheng Ziyang's screams echoed in his ears.

Such a big fire, he was thrown into it, apparently will be burned to the same ash as Xue Qing, and the bones are gone.

He killed Ye Qi once, and Shao Qingge kept in mind.

Now that he is pulling his teammates to block the knife, Shao Qingge has been intolerable, so it is better to take the opportunity to solve this person.

Ye Qi has been trembling. At present, only he knows that Shao is infected, and only he knows Shao Qingge's thoughts. Shao is very short-guarded, and has always been unhappy about Cheng Ziyang. Now let Cheng Ziyang go and bury Xue Qing. Cheng's best ending.

When I come out, I will pay it back someday.

The captain was thrown into the fire, and everyone in the distant association looked ugly. Some people wanted to come forward to the theory. Yu Hanjiang immediately calmly stopped and said, "Go ahead, and say as you go, Lao Mo blocked the back road."

Regardless of the reason why Shao Qingge did this, Yu Hanjiang believed in Shao's decision.

Lao Mo immediately sealed the back road with marble, and everyone in the Xiaolou team walked forward quickly. The members of the distant association looked at each other and had to go forward. After all, the back road was blocked and they could not go up. It was easy to stay here. Funeral sea of ​​insects.

Along the way, the atmosphere was terribly depressed, and the tunnel was silent.

Seeing Ye Qi was about to cry, Shao Qingge felt soft and rubbed the boy's head lightly. "I remember you said that you wouldn't abandon me. I'll wait for you to take me through the customs. It's the ultimate lying win position. "

His joke was not funny, Ye Qi's eyes were red, and he held back his tears and said, "I'm sorry!"

At that time, if he was not distracted to pay attention to Cheng Ziyang's side, he would not be attacked behind him. He could use the instrument brand to control the worm, but it was his distraction that let Shao Qingge use his body to help him stop the worm s attack.

Shao Qingge was infected, it was all his responsibility, because he did not take care of General Shao, Ye Qi could not wait to slap himself a few slaps.

Feeling the strong guilt and regret in Ye Qi's mind, Shao Qingge sighed softly and said "Don't blame yourself, tell Professor Xiao about this and let him think of a way. I believe in your ability, I am in red The peach secret room has won so many times, and it's up to you this time. "

Ye Qi nodded strongly and walked to Xiao Lou.

Xiao Lou had long noticed that his mood was not right, and asked softly, "What's going on?"

Ye Qi leaned over and whispered in Xiao Lou's ear, "General Shao ... was infected."

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