Card Room

Chapter 226 - 227:

Chapter 226 Chapter 29

Shao Qingge actually ran out of the circle by himself, fighting with those Zerg close-ups?

Xiao Lou was frightened, and hurriedly asked Ye Qi, "What's going on with Xiaoye? What did Mr. Shao suddenly run out?"

Ye Qi was pale, he clenched his fists tightly, staring intently at Shao Qingge, and trembled, "He ... General Shao said that he had assimilated the Zerg, and he should use this time to upgrade the mobs ... "

Xiao Lou froze and turned to look at Shao Qingge.

I saw that the tall man acted like a wind, twitching the zerg zergling dogs. His hands seemed to have mutated, his fingernails were extremely sharp, and the arms of several zerg infections were scratched in a blink of an eye.

Countless Zerg crawled into his body along the blood of the wound, and that scene saw Xiao Lou's scalp numb!

However, Shao Qingge showed no fear of this horrible scene. The man's lips had a faint smile, but his shooting speed was as fast as lightning. One Zerg was scratched and merged by his other teammates. A stunned picture looked at each other.

Long Sen's eyes were about to fall, and he couldn't help but swear swearing, "What is Shao going to do? Take the initiative to merge with the Zerg? He is not afraid that he will be merged ?!"

Qu Wanyue speculated, "It may be that he has stronger abilities after assimilating the Zerg? Look carefully, none of these Zerg dares to attack him actively, as if all were deterred by General Shao."

Liu Qiao felt his chin thoughtfully. "Maybe it's because Mr. Shao has experienced assimilation. Is his rank higher than these ordinary zerg?"

Old Mo said, "It's possible! You see, those Zerg seem to be afraid of him and dare not approach him!"

Shao Qingge hit more and more fiercely, in a blink of an eye six or seven Zerg, his body was full of blood, those blood seemed to be attracting the surrounding Zerg to fuse towards him. Xiao Lou looked at this scene and could hardly believe it--the man in front of him who was fighting hard in the blood was actually Shao Qingge who always smiled and said, "I want to lie down to win"?

At this time, Shao Qingge, was he himself, or was he controlled by the Zerg? The attack power is so fierce!

Xiao Lou asked nervously, "Ye Qi, can you feel General Shao's consciousness?"

Ye Qi tentatively asked, "General Shao?"

Soon, a low voice sounded in my mind, with a smile saying "I'm here, these Zerg are more afraid of me. Maybe it's because I rank higher than them after assimilating the Zerg."

This is consistent with the analysis by Liu Qiao and Teacher Qu.

When Ye Qi heard his voice, he immediately relieved his heart and said, "You should be careful, what should you do if you become unconscious due to the Zerg fusion? Everyone is worried about you!"

Shao Qingge said, "It doesn't matter. Those Zerg who have entered my body are particularly honest and obediently fused by my consciousness. I found that the Zerg has a strict hierarchy. The higher the Zerg is, the stronger the power is, and it can shock the lower Zerg Effect, they will not actively hurt me or attack me, they will only surrender to me. "

Ye Qi froze and asked curiously, "How do you feel now?"

Shao Qingge said with a smile, "It felt like it was a delicious meal."

Ye Qi "..."

delicious? Those bugs look disgusting!

The teammates are worried about being half dead. Is he still in a mood to joke there?

However, such a Shao Qingge made Ye Qi feel a little familiar. At this time, Shao Qingge had a strong combat effectiveness, and the only son was not afraid to single out a large number of Zerg. But in essence, he is still the unscrupulous Shao who loves to laugh at everyone.

Looking at the man's whole body with blood, Ye Qi had fever in his eyes, resisted the nasal acid, and said to Xiao Lou, "His consciousness is still there, and he said that these Zerg will submit to him and cannot affect him. It may be that he assimilated the Zerg directly. Evolved into an advanced Zerg? "

Xiao Lou carefully observed Shao Qingge. Except for his agility, fast running speed like lightning, and strong climbing and jumping ability, Shao Qingge's smile on his face was exactly the same as that of General Shao.

It seems that Shao Qingge was infected this time. Instead of being invaded by the Zerg and becoming a puppet of the Zerg, he was blessed by misfortune. Assimilating the Zerg had acquired a strong ability to mutate?

At this moment, Yu Hanjiang's voice suddenly sounded in his mind, "Xiao Lou, I have found a security mark and is ready to transmit."

Xiao Lou gave Yu Hanjiang a "received" signal, and Shao Qingge in the distance said, "General Shao, gone!"

Shao Qingge then reluctantly looked at the Zerg army, and the wind generally returned to the compass circle.

Everyone just felt that the man was standing steadily beside Ye Qi with a flower in front.

This speed is almost the same as using a teleport card, but Shao Qingge's teleport card was used by Yu Hanjiang, and his card bag was also in Ye Qi's hands at this time. Obviously he did not use cards, but the evolved Zerg ability has greatly improved his physical fitness!

As Shao Qingge was a teammate on the contract, he could easily pass through the compass circle of Xiao Lou, but the Zerg army behind him was blocked by the transparent circle. What shocked them to Xiao Lou was that the Zerg didn't mean to attack Shao Qingge, but instead squeaked, they collectively climbed outside the compass circle and looked at Shao Qingge as if they were ... ?

The next moment, Yu Hanjiang turned on Li Qingzhao's "Mistakenly Entering the Depth of Linhua" skill.

——Team members can return to the marked point 5 minutes ago.

It's been 6 minutes since Yu Hanjiang left. Yu Hanjiang turned on two cards of light power and teleport at the same time, teleported all the way to the air, found a safe place, and set up a marker before pulling his teammates over.

This group transfer skill of Li Qingzhao can only be used once a day, but the effect is very strong.

The Zerg found that the people in the transparent enchantment suddenly disappeared without a trace.

Xiao Lou they just felt that in front of them, the crowd came to the top floor of a building collectively.

Yu Hanjiang actually found a six-story rooftop as a marking point.

Everyone suddenly came to the top of the building in a blink, suddenly a little confused.

Seeing his teammates coming over, Yu Hanjiang took a step forward and calmly explained, "There was a fierce battle here not long ago. There were scorched Zerg corpses all around. The setback challenger had run away, and the Zerg chased out. Back here, it should be safe. "

The Zerg are chasing another group of challengers. Xiao Lou, they occupy the rooftop of the building as a temporary base. The Zerg naturally will not return.

Xiao Lou agreed and said, "The Yu team is looking for a good place. Let's rest here first."

Anyway, Li Qingzhao's skills can be used again tomorrow. As long as the Zerg do not come to the door within one day, the next time you encounter the Zerg, you can repeat the tricks—compass invincible for 10 minutes. Yu Hanjiang finds the next mark and pulls everyone to teleport This kind of "guerrilla warfare" is currently the best way to deal with the Zerg. No matter how fast the Zerg can, they can't keep up with their group's teleportation.

Yu Hanjiang's eyes glanced at the crowd and stopped on Shao Qingge.

It was found that the white cricket who had **** Shao Qingge was broken free. He frowned slightly, staring sharply at Shao Qingge.

At the moment when the eyes of the two were facing each other, Yu Hanjiang lifted his right hand and suddenly threw out the white badge card—the snow-white cloth poked out like a spirit snake, and hit Shao Qingge's door!

Seeing that Shao Qingge was about to control Shao Qingge, however, Shao Qingge kicked his legs hard, jumped out, and jumped out of the place more than ten meters away, sideways and dodging Bai Sha's attack!

That vigorous movement is like the fiercest beast in the forest.

Yu Hanjiang froze and wanted to bind him again with white crickets. Xiao Lou hurriedly said, "Don't fight, President Shao has assimilated the Zerg!"

Ye Qi also proved "Yes, don't fight Yu team, he is not Zerg now, his consciousness is General Shao."

Yu Hanjiang frowned, put away the white card, stared at Shao Qingge in doubt.

Just now, because Yu Hanjiang was concentrating on avoiding the Zerg army and looking for a safe marker, he didn't have time to communicate with Xiao Lou attentively, and he didn't know about Shao Qingge's mutation.

Shao Qingge said with a smile, "In fact, when the challengers came to the house at more than four in the morning, I assimilated the Zerg and kept sleeping next to me. Because Yu was here, I didn't dare to act rashly and I was afraid to fight him. On the contrary, the explanation was unclear. I waited for the Yu team to leave, and I broke free of the shackles. After grabbing Xiaoye's flute, it would be difficult for you to trap me. Then tell Xiaoye that I have assimilated the Zerg to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings. "

Although Shao Qingge assimilated the Zerg, his ability was improved, but Yu Hanjiang's combat effectiveness was also strong, and he still had a gun in his hand. Shao Qingge did not want to fight with the Yu team. Therefore, when Yu Hanjiang left to find the marker, he broke free from the white cricket.

Yu Hanjiang raised an eyebrow. "You assimilated the Zerg? What's going on?"

Shao Qingge walked over and explained with a smile, "Thanks to Xiaoye for your help. Zerg is the most spiritual at night. He is afraid that I will get cold. At night, I put the bottle of mineral water in the quilt to cover the heat. The Zerg is heated. I was about to collapse and lose my energy, so that I could slowly suppress its consciousness. In the early morning, the leaflet brought the Zerg to the fire, and the bug was fainted. I took the opportunity to conquer it. "

Ye Qi heard this, and his ears turned red. "Uh ... I forgot that the Zerg are afraid of heat, and the temperature is too low in winter nights. I was worried that General Shao would catch a cold, so I brought it to the fire."

The result was crooked, sleeping with a bottle in the night, and grilling the zerg while on vigil. Didn't expect the zerg to stun? Shao Qingge was given the opportunity.

Shao Qingge came over and patted Ye Qi's shoulder lightly, saying, "With the help of Xiaoye Zhengzheng, Zerg's consciousness has gradually weakened and has been completely swallowed up by me. So, don't worry, I can completely control my body."

Xiao Lou curiously said, "Did you just merge those Zerg races, did it affect your body?"

Shao Qingge said, "Of course it has an impact."

Everyone looked at him nervously. Shao Qingge raised his mouth and said, "It's a positive effect. It's like absorbing a lot of nutrition, full of energy and full of energy. Look ..."

He said he rolled up his sleeves.

Before Shao Qingge was fighting with the Zerg, he was covered with blood everywhere, and obviously suffered a lot of injuries.

Everyone took a closer look and saw the bloodstains crisscross one after another on his arm. There was almost no complete skin on the entire arm. Those were the marks left by Zerg's sharp nails scratching his body, which looked startling.

Ye Qi saw these scars, and his eyes were sweltering, and he wished that these injuries had been replaced on his body. When Shao Qingge noticed Xiaoye's thoughts, he felt softened and said to everyone, "Although there are many wounds, I don't feel any pain at all."

Xiao Lou was surprised. "Is the pain nerve paralyzed?"

Shao Qingge shook his head. "No, it ’s more like the Zerg's self-healing ability. The Zerg who was parasitic in my body at first told me that the Zerg has a long life span and strong survivability. All limbs can be cut off. Rebirth. I think it's possible that this ability works, it doesn't hurt after the injury, as if there is a layer of hard armor inside the body, these wounds are only on the surface. "

He gently scratched the skin of his left arm with the nail of his right hand and made a long blood mark. The muscles on the man's arm were clear. At this time, his arm was clearly dripping with dazzling blood, but Shao Qingge looked at it with ease.

A deep wound can be cut directly into the skin using only nails, indicating that the sharpness of his fingernails is no different from that of the Zerg.

The body was bleeding, but he could not change his face, indicating that he really didn't hurt, and these wounds did not affect the Zerg, just like the scratches on the surface of the vehicle would not affect the performance of the car.

Shao Qingge said, "Zerg have strong repair ability. These wounds will heal automatically. Unless they are burned to death with fire, they will grow new immediately if they are cut off."

He took out a knife, pointed his finger, and tried to cut down one. Ye Qi immediately stopped him nervously. "Don't mess around, we believe you are it!"

Teammates "..............."

Therefore, after being parasitic, President Shao not only did not become the puppet of the Zerg, but conquered the Zerg in his body, combined the Zerg's capabilities, and turned into a "boss-human-one" big boss?

Cut off one leg of Mr. Shao, can grow a new leg immediately? ?

The teammates' faces were all wonderful. Looking at Shao Qingge was like seeing a boss.

Shao Qingge said with a smile, "I used to lie down and win. I can finally play a role in this secret room."

Although lying down as a joke, in fact, Shao Qingge also wanted to help the team. Their team is currently the strongest fighting force is Yu Hanjiang, the strongest think tank is Xiao Lou, and everyone else has its own role ... Shao Qingge can't just count money for everyone, right?

In some back rooms, money is simply not available.

Such as Spades 8, even if he moves the bank, he can't use the money to kill the Zerg.

He thought that if this powerful ability could take him out of the back room or draw the corresponding cards, he would not be a salty fish who was "only responsible for lying and winning" in the future. At least at the critical moment, he has the ability to protect Ye Qi and protect others, rather than letting his teammates protect him.

There is a clear channel of Shao Qingge's thoughts in the heart.

Ye Qi's eyes were hot, and he said softly in his head, "Mr. Shao, don't think so. Everyone has never felt that you are touching fish in muddy water. The red peach room and the square room are not your strengths. I also lie down and win many times ... our team Everyone is good at it. Mr. Shao is actually very good at you. Without you, we wouldn't be able to get to where we are today. "

Shao Qingge smiled slightly and said, "I know, but I want to be more powerful."

In the brutal card world, only by becoming stronger can you protect the people you want to protect, right?

Chapter 227 Chapter 30

The next day, we started a guerrilla warfare with Zerg.

The existence of Shao Qingge, an evolutionary Zerg, has greatly facilitated his teammates. Ye Qi's eavesdroppers can no longer be used. Often, the Zerg army can't get close enough, Shao Qingge can know their course of action.

Xiao Lou didn't understand those squeaking calls—but Shao Qingge actually understood them.

After assimilating the Zerg, he not only had the Zerg ability, but also merged the memory of the Zerg parasitic in him.

Shao Qingge told you a lot of Zerg stories.

This race comes from an unknown star domain. The way they multiply is by parasitizing humans, multiplying within humans, continuing to parasitize, spread, and infect more humans.

And each batch of Zerg will merge with each other to produce a Zerg leader, or a queen, or your Majesty. Once the leader is born in the Zerg Empire, they will act according to the command of the leader, completely occupying a certain planet and multiplying. live.

The Zerg not only have a long life span, strong jumping and climbing abilities, but also self-healing abilities that cannot be explained by modern medicine.

Shao Qingge said with emotion, "This race is even more terrible than earthworms. The earthworm's body is cut in half from the middle, and both halves can survive. Zerg ... You chop their bodies into dozens of pieces. They You can also regenerate quickly and grow new ones. The only way to completely kill them is to burn them, or steam them directly with steam above 100 degrees. "

Old Mo joked, "We knew you were infected and we took you to the sauna. The Zerg in your body might have been steamed!"

Longsen haha ​​laughed. "Still leafy wit, take the Zerg to the fire!"

Ye Qi "..."

Under the fire, Ye Qi flushed. He didn't think of it at all. He didn't expect to help Mr. Shao.

Xiao Lou asked questioningly, "Could Shao have merged several Zerg at that time? How many levels are they now?"

Shao Qingge calculated carefully and said, "The parasite that is parasitic in me is a second-level Zerg, and assimilated by me to a third-level Zerg. At that time, all of us were second-level Zerg. I merged eight ... "

Xiao Lou gave the answer directly: "The two two levels merge into three levels, and the two three levels merge into four levels. You should now be the fifth level zerg. Do you know the highest level?"

Shao Qingge put away a smile and said in a low voice, "The queen of the zerg class has been born."

Ye Qi stared in surprise. "Can you feel the existence of the Zerg Queen?"

Shao Qingge nodded and said, "I can feel that she is calling us. There is no sound, but a strange signal ... It is like a special sound wave that only the Zerg can feel? It just launched."

When Yu Hanjiang heard this, he frowned slightly. "What did she say?"

Shao Qingge closed his eyes and listened carefully, saying "Let the Zerg gather, what they did not say clearly."

He stood up and looked into the distance.

Throughout the city, the circuit system was destroyed, and at this time it was in deep darkness.

It started to snow again tonight, and the heavy snow was almost going to completely bury the city. Shao Qingge pointed to the distance and said, "Do you remember the bridge at the junction of Chengzhong District and Chengdong District? Dongguan Bridge, the Zerg Queen asked everyone to gather there."

Everyone looked at each other.

Yu Hanjiang nodded. "Mr. Shao was by the way the undercover of the Hui Zerg."

Shao Qingge smiled with a touch of his nose and said, "This signal is sent out in a group, and all Zerg can sense it. I think, what might she be planning, should we avoid it or just go and see?"

Yu Hanjiang turned back to Xiaolou for advice, and Xiaolou said, "I don't think things are easy."

Shao Qingge also nodded. "It is the tenth day of the secret room, and we can clear the customs in four days. A conservative approach is that we continue to fight guerrilla wars to avoid the Zerg army. With me, we can know the Zerg plan in advance. Li Qingzhao's group of teleport cards and compasses are invincible, and it's easy to avoid them. "

Xiao Lou frowned slightly, and there was a sudden uneasiness in his heart.

The Zerg Queen summoned all the Zerg to gather at the Dongguan Bridge, so she was not afraid of the traitors or undercover among the Zerg?

After all, the Zerg are parasitic in the human body, and will not kill humans immediately, but let the human consciousness fall asleep and control the human body to reproduce and expand. This process has certain risks.

What if some human willpower is strong enough to in turn assimilate the Zerg and gain the Zerg ability?

Those humans can hear Zerg signals.

She signaled so widely that those who have acquired the Zerg ability can't know their plans and can avoid it smoothly?

Is the Zerg Queen too simple? Didn't expect this? Or did the queen deliberately release a smoke bomb?

Xiao Lou told Yu Hanjiang his own confusion through the channel of heart and soul.

Yu Hanjiang whispered, "If the Zerg Queen is so clueless, she won't evolve into a tenth-level queen."

Xiao Lou agreed with "Well, so this collective signal is likely to be just confusing, and her real purpose is not here."

At the moment when the two had a heart-to-heart communication, Shao Qingge suddenly rolled up his sleeves and pointed at his smooth arm with a smile. "Look, all the wounds left by the early morning have all healed."

Everyone "........."

Not only did those cricket wounds heal, but the skin on his arm was smooth and fresh after repair.

It was about four o'clock in the early morning when everyone left, and it was seven o'clock in the evening and fifteen hours. All wounds were intact. The repair ability of the fifth-level Zerg is terrible. How strong? Maybe just cut off her arm, you can quickly grow a new one in a few seconds?

Thinking of this, everyone could not help but chill.

Xiao Loudao "The queen summoned the Zerg to gather at the Dongguan Bridge. It should just confuse us. She may know that some assimilated humans in the Zerg will not listen to her command."

Ye Qi said nervously, "General Manager Shao can sense her ... Then, in turn, will she also be able to sense General Manager Shao?"

This question got everyone at the same time.

That's right, Shao Qingge can feel the Zerg signal, and the tenth level Zerg can certainly search for similar positions in the range. In this way, she can't clearly and accurately locate the "disobedient" Zerg. ?

Shao Qingge responded violently. "I see. She summoned the Zerg to the Dongguan Bridge to meet. Most of the lower-level Zerg and high-level Zerg who would be willing to listen to the Queen's instructions will pass. , Surely not stupid enough to run to the Zerg lair to die. In this way, she can distinguish those who are unwilling to listen to her instructions. "

Xiao Lou added, "Then, she used the Zerg Queen's powerful perception ability to pinpoint where the disobedient Zerg hid, and then led the Zerg elite troops to destroy them one by one ?!"

When teammates heard this, they turned pale.

The Queen called on the Zerg army to gather, not to launch a full-scale attack, but to quickly find out where the "disobedient" Zerg were.

Although Shao Qingge's existence is "Zerg undercover", he can perceive Zerg's action plan. However, he is also a time bomb. At any time, it is possible to bring in the Zerg's most powerful queen boss.

With this in mind, Shao Qingge said, "It's better, you guys keep hiding here. I listen to the Queen's call and go to Dongguan Bridge to see the situation."

Yu Hanjiang immediately opposed; "No! You also said that the queen is sending a signal to summon the Zerg army. The number of Zerg in the Dongguan Bridge is now tens of thousands. If you pass by alone, if you encounter a Zerg higher than you, see your physical fitness Okay, want to melt you directly? "

Xiao Lou also said, "Yes, you are too dangerous to act by yourself. The Zerg level is severe. You are now at level 5. If you encounter level 7 and level 8 zerg attacking and merging you, your consciousness may be swallowed up. Once your consciousness is swallowed up, even if you pass the barrier, you will be eliminated directly and erased from our contract. How can you come out of the nightmare room alone? "

Ye Qi, who had experienced the nightmare room, was nervously pale. He stared at Shao Qingge and trembled, "Don't go to the nightmare room! The nightmare room is more than twice as difficult as the normal room, and the spades 8 is already very difficult. , I can't think of double the difficulty ... "

Shao Qingge frowned. "But I stay with you. The queen can feel my position at any time. This is too dangerous for you."

Xiao Lou looked at Shao Qingge and said seriously, "No matter what, we won't let you take the risk alone."

Teammates nodded.

Shao Qingge felt warm and laughed. "Well, since you don't want me to listen to the queen, go to the worm's nest-I also have a solution that requires everyone to cooperate."

Yu Hanjiang said, "You said."

Shao Qingge narrowed his eyes and said, "The queen has just signaled that many Zerg haven't had time to rush past the meeting place. We tried to stop the way the Zerg went from here to the Dongguan Bridge and let me kill a few more levels. Maybe, Can I be promoted to 9th or 10th? "

Everyone "..."

Ye Qi said helplessly, "You are addicted to leveling!"

Although General Shao's body has the ability to repair, he still can't bear to see this man fighting in blood and bruising himself.

Shao Qingge looked at Ye Qi and said "Although this approach is risky, it is worth trying. Otherwise, if the Zerg Queen really searches for the disobedient Zerg one by one, it is not certain whether we can defeat her elite army. I will strengthen it in advance Strength, you can have more chances at that time, right? "

Yu Hanjiang stood up and decided to "just do it!"

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