Card Room

Chapter 230:

Chapter 230: Before the War

On the twelfth day of the Chamber of Secrets, the Zerg Army collectively came to the Dongguan Bridge to gather in accordance with the Queen's instructions.

After the assembly, the Zerg army did not take any action. Sure enough, as Xiao Lou had guessed, the Queen sent a signal and summoned the Zerg. The more important purpose was to find out the "Zerg traitors" who did not obey the instructions and destroy them one by one.

For her, more than 99 residents of the city have been infected, and the last step before the Zerg completely occupied the city.

Because the Zerg can only have one leader at a time, those Zerg who can't continue to upgrade due to the Queen's existence after rising to the ninth level in the melee will be her most powerful subordinate once they obey her. If she doesn't listen to her, those high-level zerg will become the biggest threat to her.

With the current strength of the Zerg Queen, ordinary humans can no longer defeat her. What she feared the most was some senior Zerg who wanted to take her place, so she called up the Zerg army to gather Zerg who were willing to take her orders and prepare for the final cleansing of the city.

Shao Qingge was now a ninth level zerg, one of the Queen's greatest threats.

After a day of rest, he completely tamed the new Zerg in his body, and his Zerg ability returned to full state. Shao Qingge tried to scratch his arm with his nails. Within a minute, the arm was visible to the naked eye. Speed ​​heals magically.

Ye Qi stretched out his hand and touched his healed arm lightly, and said with emotion, "It looks like a human, but I always feel that there is a layer of hard armor under this layer of skin."

Shao Qingge pinched the muscles on his arm with a smile and said, "Yes, that's the Zerg armor. My body is currently suffering from a few skin traumas at the most. It's hard to penetrate through ordinary knives and guns. Besides, the healing ability of the Zerg Very strong, even if cut off by the sharpest knife, in theory, a new one will grow within a few minutes. "

Ye Qi thumbs up "This ability is too strong"

Xiao Loudao "Shao can always be said to have an immortal body, unless it burns."

Ye Qi asked curiously, "Are you afraid of fire?"

Shao Qingge shook his head. "Not afraid. Because essentially I am a human now, my will has suppressed the will of the Zerg and assimilated them. The nature of the Zerg is afraid of fire, and I am not afraid. Of course, burning with fire will surely burn me."

Xiao Lou's eyes brightened. "In this way, we can try to use the fire to deal with the Zerg queen. As long as she is not formed after the assimilation of the Zerg by humans, then Shao always has an advantage over her that is not afraid of fire."

Yu Hanjiang frowned slightly, touching his chin and saying, "Will the Zerg Queen also be a challenger?"

Shao Qingge shook his head. "Not very similar. If the challenger is assimilated and upgraded to a queen, she can issue other instructions to let the zerg spread out or stop the attack, so that the challenger team can easily pass the customs. However, she One instruction was to let the Zerg army gather to go to the Dongguan Bridge, and she has been sending a signal to search for the surrounding Zerg. I am sure this queen should still be the Zerg. "

Xiao Lou and Yu Hanjiang looked at each other. I remember that when I met the challenger teams of Luoying Pavilion and Eternal Kingdom in the supermarket, the leader of Luoying Pavilion mentioned that the Zerg may have leaders such as “Queen”. This is also a common setting in science fiction movies. .


Xiao Lou thought about those people he had met in the beginning, the crazy woman in the hospital, the little girl or the intern who was with her, and the female respiratory patient who was the first to get sick in the Second Hospital.

Each one is possible, or they have not seen it.

Xiao Lou took a deep breath and looked at Shao Qingge and said, "General Shao, you have just acquired the powerful ability of the Zerg. You may not be very skilled in using it. Practice and master this ability as soon as possible."

Shao Qingge nodded. He made a leap and jumped directly from the top of this floor to the top of the building at a sudden. The jumping distance was close to 50 meters of the teleport card. After evolution, Shao Qingge ’s climbing, jumping, and attacking capabilities were fully improved, and his combat effectiveness was the slightest. Not lost to Yu Hanjiang, and Shao Qingge has an advantage in dealing with Zerg, after all, the lower level Zerg will not actively attack him.

Shao Qingge repeatedly tried jumping and climbing to practice his newly acquired abilities. Everyone looked at his orthography of the eaves and walked the wall, and couldn't help but sigh, "General Shao is no longer fighting the five dregs, lying down to win the emperor, and suddenly I am not quite used to it."

Yu Hanjiang whispered, "It is a good thing for the team to have one more combat force. In the past, he always had to separate one person to protect President Shao. Now he does not need us to protect him, but can protect his teammates. This is a great improvement for the entire team."

The crowd nodded, and they were very happy for Shao. However, this ability is not clear when their physical data is cleared when they are taken out of the back room, and Shao will definitely return to normal, unless they draw the relevant cards. Judging from Xiao Lou's drawing of the zombie leader Liu Xiaoyuan on Spades 2, maybe Shao could really get the Zerg card this time.

It was almost time for lunch, Shao Qingge learned his ability, and returned to the roof to eat with everyone.

Ye Qi seriously asked "Do you want instant noodles or human blood?"

Shao Qingge rubbed a teenager's head in tears and said, "Of course I eat noodles, I am still human in nature."

He paused, lowering his voice in Ye Qi's ear and saying, "When you fed me blood at that time, did I still feel the pain after assimilating the Zerg?"

He gently lifted Ye Qi's hand and looked at the cut finger.

Ye Qi put a band-aid on his hand. After all, Ye Qi's skin did not have the ability to heal automatically. After a few days, the wound was still there. Shao Qingge's heart tightened slightly, and he softly said, "Don't do this stupid thing in the future."

Ye Qi laughed. "I'm afraid you will starve to death. It's okay, minor injuries."

Shao Qingge didn't say more, and gave him a new band-aid in person.

After everyone gathered for lunch, Yu Hanjiang glanced away and looked seriously at Shao Qingge and said, "The Zerg army should have gathered, and we need to plan the next move as soon as possible. The queen can sense the general position of Shao, for sure Will bring some high-strength genus to destroy General Shao. If she brings some nine-level zerg to kill you, you have a chance of winning. "

Shao Qingge frowned and thought for a while, and said, "It's not yet sure how many senior Zerg are around the Queen, but we also have great advantages. First, I have not only the Zerg ability, but also the cards, and your teammates, We can work together to control those Zerg. Second, I am not afraid of fire. Zerg is afraid of fire. Maybe we can start from this aspect and make some arrangements in advance. "

He paused, and then said, "What I am most worried about is the Zerg Queen. The ability of the level 9 Zerg is already so strong. I don't know how strong the level 10 Zerg Queen is. Will he be healed immediately after the injury?"

Yu Hanjiang also considered this possibility. The ability of the Queen 10 is obviously stronger than Shao Qingge. It is not clear how strong it is. Once she brings the elite troops to kill Shao Qingge, if everyone does not make arrangements in advance, let alone a perfect customs clearance, very The big chance will still die.

The enemy's combat power cannot be estimated, which is the most headache.

Yu Hanjiang's thoughts were transmitted to Xiao Lou's mind through the channel of the heart and soul. Xiao Lou took a pen and paper and wrote while analyzing, "Zerg will only merge when they are in danger. Two zerg of the same level can be promoted to advanced levels. Fusion of a nine-level Zerg requires 256 first-level Zerg. "

Xiao Lou carefully recalled the experience these days.

On the first day, the challengers were busy looking for teammates to converge and accumulate supplies. The Zerg had just invaded the city and they were biting the surrounding humans frantically. The bugs had no organization and discipline, their locations were scattered, and there was no large-scale integration. Upgrade situation.

Like their encounters in the supermarket, there were only 50 Zerg races. They were killed by many, even if they merged with each other under danger, only the third-level and fourth-level Zerg were fused.

That night, when they fled from the city center to the eastern part of the city, they saw all the zergs in the central area suddenly converge, and the dense swarms of swarms flooded the residential area like a flood, attacking the uninfected humans in the urban area.

Thinking of this, Xiao Lou suddenly said, "Yes, on the first night, so many Zerg collective actions must have been called by the senior Zerg. President Shao, can you order the lower Zerg?"

Shao Qingge said, "Several in a small area are okay. If you want to call a large-scale Zerg, only ten leaders can do it."

Ye Qi's eyes widened. "In other words, did the Zerg Queen actually emerge on the first day? When we ran out of Lao Mo's studio to explore the road, we saw a large number of Zerg in shopping malls, food cities, and office buildings. , The dense influx of residential areas, is the order given by the Queen? "

Shao Qingge's expression also became serious. "It seems that only the Queen can mobilize thousands of Zerg."

Xiao Lou only felt that his back was chilling. "The queen should be very thoughtful. She has been lurking. She first summoned the Zerg to infect the residents of the city center, and then the vanguard forces went to find the missing fish, step by step, step by step, and planned very carefully. Until now, the residents of the city were almost conquered, and she directed her sprouts at the senior Zerg who did not obey her orders. "

Yu Hanjiang added, "Gao Xiaoyi's team was besieged by Zerg in Chengbei University Town. At that time, they relied on chemical and physics knowledge to blow up an experimental building. The explosion of Zerg will certainly fuse itself under panic, and it should be able to generate level nine. Zerg. We burn the worms with gasoline on the periphery of the warehouse, and those Zerg that have not been burned can also generate nine levels. "

Xiao Lou looked at Yu Hanjiang Road. "According to the characteristics of the Zerg, large-scale Zerg legions will spontaneously merge when they are in danger. The original people of this city were infected with too much at first due to unknown truth, and faced thousands of them. They are easily overwhelmed by the 10,000 Zerg army, so the biggest Zerg crisis should be caused by us challengers. "

Yu Hanjiang agrees, "Well, the challengers have cards, and the people who come to this level in the survival room are experienced, and they can quickly find out the weaknesses of the Zerg and learn to use fire to destroy them."

Shao Qingge understood what Xiao Lou meant. "Professor Xiao said that the number of high-level Zerg should be related to the number of crises created by the challenger team. Only when we create crises will Zerg self-melt."

Xiao Lou nodded and said, "These days, most of the challengers are fleeing everywhere, and they will not actively seek the trouble of the Zerg. But if the Zerg comes to the door, everyone will definitely do a good job in advance, using explosives, gasoline, alcohol, etc. Various flammable and explosive products come

Against Zerg, it is easy to stimulate Zerg's self-fusion. "

When Ye Qi heard this, he could n’t help but interject "I remember this secret room. The challenger team should be around 30 teams."

Xiao Loudao "Yes, but in the first two or three days, the challenger suffered heavy casualties. Many people did not find the Zerg need to be burned. They were destroyed by the Zerg group. Only the challengers who lived behind had mastered the Zerg elimination skills. It also catalyzed the integration and upgrade of the Zerg. According to my inference, after more than ten days of guerrilla warfare, the number of Zerg Zerg should be around 100. "

He reasoned this way, also based on the characteristics of the Zerg.

Zergs like to live in groups, but they will not inexplicably merge with each other. After all, each Zerg actually has its own consciousness, thoughts, and memories. Even if it is weak, they are also independent individuals and will not actively be swallowed by their kind.

Only when it is extremely dangerous, the Zerg can't protect themselves, they will quickly integrate and upgrade with their surrounding companions. This is probably their instinct for survival.

Urban dwellers are infected too quickly, and being drowned by a large number of Zerg is difficult to create a crisis that will scare the Zerg. Therefore, the number of Zerg self-melting is similar to the number of times the challenger caused trouble. There can only be one queen of level ten, and the number of level nine is not too much. For example, in the warehouse that day, 80 of the zerg were burned by Xiao Lou. Death, the rest, at most, will melt out two or three level nine zerg.

These days, the challenger team has created a major crisis, and the number of Zerg self-fusions will not be too many. The 100 he speculated is still overestimated. Maybe some challengers do not fight with Zerg, but just hide, then Zerg also Does not melt.

Hearing Xiao Lou ’s conclusion, Shao Qingge frowned and said, “According to Professor Xiao, we have no absolute certainty if the senior zerg is counted as 100. I ’m not equal, I ca n’t suppress them directly with my will. Everyone needs to cooperate and arrange in advance. "

Yu Hanjiang thought for a while and said, "I have a solution." He looked at Xiao Lou, with a question in his eyes. "However, this method needs to find Gao Xiaoyi and their team to work together."

Xiao Lou quickly responded, "You want to use their various physical and chemically advanced cards to arrange a trap. After the Zerg Queen comes to your door, you will use the trap to blow them up."

Yu Hanjiang nodded. "We have dealt with the superior Zerg advantage. President Shao also said just now. First, we are not afraid of fire. Second, we have cards. Only by making full use of these two advantages can we win this tough battle. "

He added that "In the beginning, we were afraid to cooperate with other challengers. We were afraid that infected people in other people's teams would suddenly attack behind us. But now Mr. Shao himself is a level nine zerg, even if other teams There is no fear of infected people. Shao can always sense the existence of the Zerg. This concern can be ruled out. Therefore, we can try to cooperate. "

Ye Qi was worried about the tunnel. "But are they willing to cooperate? After all, there are only three days left before the customs clearance. If they hide and hide away from the Zerg, the customs clearance will be more secure. If we face the Gangster Queen together with us, this is very dangerous."

Yu Hanjiang said, "Talk to them as soon as possible."

Xiao Lou fully supported Yu Hanjiang's decision and nodded, "OK, let's talk."

That night, when the Challenger Temporary Alliance came to find them, Yu Hanjiang remembered the direction that the group was leaving, and went east. He guessed that Gao Xiao might also bring the group back to the warehouse.

There was a big battle near the warehouse. The raging fire caused by gasoline burned countless Zerg. Due to the inherent fear of the Zerg, they would never go back to that place again.

At that time, Yu Hanjiang controlled the flames in the outer circle, and the warehouse was not affected by the gasoline explosion. There were also many vegetables and fruits. If the Challenger Alliance wanted to temporarily find a base, it was indeed the best choice.

Yu Hanjiang looked at Shao Qingge. "Here is to hand over to General Shao. Professor Xiao and I will talk to them."

Before it was changed, he was not assured to give his teammates to General Shao for protection, but now, unless the queen comes right away, dealing with ordinary bugs is easy for Shao Qingge. In addition, Xiao Lou gave Tao Yuanming this card to Shao Qingge. In case it could not be resolved, he could open the Taohuayuanji group to teleport, and enter the Taohuayuan for three hours to hide.

Shao Qingge earnestly assured, "Rest assured, there is me here. You go back quickly, pay attention to safety."

Yu Hanjiang grabbed Xiao Lou's waist with one hand, and flew away with light power cards and teleport cards.

The two teleported continuously in the air and soon came near the warehouse.

A fire burned all the surrounding trees, and the Zerg's limbs were everywhere on the ground, which looked terrible.

Xiao Lou threw Ye Qi's eavesdropper away and whispered "Someone in the warehouse."

Yu Hanjiang nodded and flew to the door of the warehouse holding Xiao Lou. Xiao Lou knocked on the door gently, and Wen Yan said, "We are here to discuss with you about something."

Inside the room, Gao Xiao opened her eyes in surprise, she heard Xiao Lou's voice. The girl stood up and let other teammates be on guard quickly.

Xiao Loudao "Can you borrow a step to speak"

Gao Xiao also walked to the door and kept a certain safety distance from Xiao Lou. "You said."

Xiao Lou lowered his voice. "We want to score a perfect clearance. We need your help. I wonder if you are interested."

Gao Xiaoyi also said a little "perfect clearance"

Yu Hanjiang Road "According to the setting of this secret room, the Zerg Queen can be eliminated perfectly."

Gao Xiaoyi's face turned pale instantly. "Don't kid me, do you know how powerful the Zerg Queen is? We formed a temporary alliance because we met her."

As Gao Xiaoyi's voice was amplified, her teammates also heard her.

The boy in the physics department with glasses came over and said, "We saw a flying shadow during the flight. The zerg queen seemed to have the ability to fly. He actually flew directly from one high-rise to another high-rise, and immediately jumped to Behind us, there are still many senior zerg around her. If we do n’t have a gold cicada shelling card that can teleport in the group, it will almost be destroyed. "

Gao Xiaoyi said; "Yes, the Zerg Queen's ability is very terrible. To destroy her, she must know that she is not fighting alone. There are dozens of senior Zerg and thousands of Zerg soldiers under her control. How can we destroy her by our strength? "

Xiao Lou softly advised, "Don't underestimate her ability. She is still a Zerg in essence. She is afraid that the nature of fire will not change. And she is only physically strong, and her ability to climb and jump to the limit, but we have cards. At hand, we can control her. "

The boy raised his glasses. "What you said makes sense, but it ’s too risky. We are hiding now, and we have cleared the customs in the last three days. Is it necessary to take this risk?"

Yu Hanjiang said, "Do n’t you want to go through the spades with perfect spades 8 now, you dare not challenge the Zerg Queen with obvious weaknesses. When you reach spades j and spades k, do you want to hide?"

Xiao Lou Fuhe said, "Yes. Although perfect customs clearance is risky and profitable, after the s-score clearance, you can get a strong s card, which will also help future secret rooms."

Seeing that the boys ’attitude was somewhat shaken, Xiao Lou went on to say,“ We ​​just need you to help set up traps and give us the dangerous task of facing the Zerg Queen. We have too many queens and senior Zerg, and it ’s just the strength of eight of us. It ’s really difficult to destroy them. When it ’s time to cooperate, we still have to cooperate to clear customs, which is good for everyone. ”

Yu Hanjiang said, "Besides, your captain Cheng Ziyang is dead. With his strength, it is impossible to return from the Nightmare Chamber of Spades 8. Your team also needs to increase its combat effectiveness and draw more cards. Think about it."

The two people are like "husbands and husbands follow each other", the tacit understanding is so great that everyone is a little tempted.

Gao Xiaoyi and his teammates looked at each other.

Before she had time to speak, she heard the female captain of the Yingying Court suddenly say, "I'm willing to help."

The neat girl walked in front of Xiao Lou with a cold look. "Every time we go to the secret room of Luoying Pavilion, we will pursue the perfect customs clearance. However, it is too difficult for this secret room to pass through the customs perfectly. Since you are willing to join forces, I can help you free of charge."

Xiao Lou nodded toward her "Thank you."

Xiao Lou, who was burning her teammates at that time, remembers very clearly that the female captain's iron-blooded wrist was indeed decisive enough to make a decision. With such allies joining, Xiao Lou also had a little more confidence.

At present, there is no competitive relationship between the challengers, and there is no need to be afraid of the stabbing behind the infected. As long as everyone is willing to join hands, so many cards can naturally find the most secure way to kill the queen. Mutual benefit and win-win cooperation.

When the people in Luoying Pavilion came forward, Gao Xiao also gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, let's try it."

Xiao Lou glanced at others.

Uncle Beard of the Eternal Kingdom laughed. "We will not blend in. We only pursue ordinary customs clearance. It is not necessary to take the risk of perfect customs clearance. Good luck."

This guild has always been a Buddhist department. It only works weekly, and does not like to challenge the Chamber of Secrets. Xiao Lou is also very surprised why they suddenly came to Chamber of Spades 8, but they can't guess their purpose from the attitude of Uncle Beard.

Xiao Lou nodded politely and no longer forced them.

Two teams willing to join the plan to kill the queen were brought back to the temporary base by Xiao Lou and Yu Hanjiang.

There are 10 members of the Yuanyuan Association, 11 members of Luoying Pavilion, 8 members of Xiaolou, and the three teams add up to less than 30 members.

They are about to face the Zerg queen at level 10, the level 9 zerg at about a hundred, and countless zerg soldiers

This battle is extremely risky, but for perfect customs clearance, draw a stronger card and go to a more difficult secret room, everyone can only bite the bullet.

Xiao Loudao said, "If we can't fight in time, we will think of a retreat route to ensure that everyone will not be killed."

The captain of the Luoying Pavilion nodded her head, "Okay, let's talk, how to arrange"

Xiao Lou smiled and took out a piece of paper and said, "We want to turn this community into a maze of flames." Book and book chat, please add qq group 647377658 group number

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