Card Room

Chapter 276 - 277:

Chapter 276

In this case, by far the most suspected murderer has been locked-at the same time he has deep hatred with the two deceased Lin Yiyan and Xu Kai, and there are a lot of doubts in the testimony, only Qiao Xuening remains.

The key lies in her crimes.

How did she escape the surveillance of the community?

All the surveillance cameras in the community did not capture Qiao Xuening's figure. In the closet of the modern urban background, the murderer will not fly soaring. Unless he changes his face, it cannot be monitored.

After hearing about Yu Hanjiang's speculation, Xiao Lou carefully analyzed and said, "If she completely changed her face, she would not have to find a substitute exactly like herself to prove her absence. Moreover, after changing her face, she would have to give up on entertainment. You can't continue to film in the capacity of Qiao Xuening, even with bank cards. "

To withdraw a large amount of cash from a bank, you must bring your ID card and go to the bank counter to verify your identity before you can withdraw money. Last month, Qiao Xuening also went to the bank to withdraw a large amount of cash, which can be found from the flow of her account.

If it was the money she took, it means that she hadn't had a facelift at that time, otherwise the bank teller would not have paid her huge sums.

If it was a stand-in to withdraw money, Qiao Xuening should not leave his bank account to the stand-in to manage it? In that case, the substitute can really replace her at any time.

Xiao Lou added, "The person who went to the bank last month to withdraw money, I think it should be Qiao Xuening herself. If she arranges for a substitute, she will go for a facelift ... In order to kill Xu Kai, change her face and give up the entertainment business, is this necessary?"

Yu Hanjiang thought carefully and said, "What you said makes sense, and there is a way to get the best of both worlds-instead of performing surgery and changing her face completely, she can temporarily change her face and pretend to be someone else."

Xiao Lou said, "Doing camouflage like Jin Xiaoyu?"

Yu Hanjiang nodded. "The clever makeup technique can make the face captured by the monitor completely different from her own. In winter, many people will wear down jackets, and it is difficult to distinguish her true figure. For the monitoring of the community, we have to look carefully again, one by one Ground investigation. Team Li, please call the security guard of the community and recognize someone. "

Captain Li Xinyang was confused, but he cooperated with the community security team.

There is no surveillance camera at the door of Xu Kai's villa, but there is surveillance at the intersection to the villa.

The killer must have hid in his villa after Xu Kai went out, and left Xu Villa after killing Xu Kai. From the night before when Xu Kai went out to drink, to the time when Xu Kai was killed at 4.30 pm yesterday, and the police arrived at the scene at 10.30 pm, the monitoring during this time could not be ignored for a second.

Xu Kai's villa faces north and south. There are two roads passing by the villa entrance. One is west, leading to the west gate on the side of the community; the other is the widest main road leading to the community.

Yu Hanjiang turned on the monitoring of the two intersections in different computers, and compared them.

The security guard of the community stood behind him to check every passing pedestrian, and the voice of security came from his ears from time to time. "This lady with children is a resident of Area C 101; this old man I know, Aunt Zhang ... this briefcase It seems like Mr. Li ... "

There are few residents in the villa area, the owners are rich or expensive, and the security can know more than 90 people.

Yu Hanjiang asked the security guards to eliminate the suspects of monitoring pedestrians one by one.

When the video was played until seven in the evening, suddenly, a cleaner wearing an orange down jacket appeared in the picture. She held a broom in her hand, lowered her head, and walked into the villa to clean the snow along the road. The monitoring just happened to capture her figure. She slowly swept forward, and soon disappeared at the end of the road.

Yu Hanjiang frowned, immediately stepped back for a few seconds and pressed the pause button to freeze the screen on the back of the cleaner, saying "call out the monitoring on the other side of the road, starting at 7 pm to see what this cleaner is Time to go out. "

Li Xinyang hastily called up surveillance on the other side of the road in a nearby computer.


Half an hour passed, the cleaners still didn't come out.

At 7:30, Xu Kai's car drove out of the villa area, which is also consistent with the testimony of his cousin. He went to the entertainment club to drink with people around 7:30 last night.

In other words, the cleaner was near the villa and saw Xu Kai leave with his own eyes.

Thinking of Xu Kai's car staring at the back, Xiao Lou only felt creepy.

The cleaner was wearing a plump down jacket and cotton pants and shoes, and looked slightly bloated. His back was like a middle-aged aunt. This was also the key reason that Yu Hanjiang ignored the cleaner when he first investigated.

Yu Hanjiang asked calmly, "Do you know her?"

Community security road "There are many cleaners in our community, and the light cannot be seen from the back."

To clear the snow on this road, but she didn't come out of the intersection, where else could she go?

Li Xinyang shook his goosebumps and said, "It seems that the killer pretended to be a cleaner and sneaked into the villa of the deceased? She was wearing such a huge down jacket, most likely the weapon was hidden in the clothes ... and the tools for making ice ? "

Yu Hanjiang nodded, Shen said, "Check the monitoring after 4:30 yesterday afternoon, I will see how she came out."

Li Xinyang adjusted the monitoring to 4:30 yesterday afternoon, the time when Xu Kai died.

The crowd stared at the intersection with wide eyes.

However, until ten o'clock in the evening, the police came to the scene, but no trace of the cleaning lady was found.

The police conducted a carpet-like search of the entire villa. The murderer must not be in the villa. Did she escape and change her appearance?

Yu Hanjiang frowned. "Return the time of the camera at the intersection to 5:30 in the afternoon."

Li Xinyang followed suit, and the video resumed playing at half past five.

Yu Hanjiang stared at the screen with a serious face. When he watched the video just now, he noticed a detail that needed to be checked again.

From half past five to seven is the peak time for work, and several pedestrians appeared on the road.

Not long after, about 5.40, everyone found a man wearing a pure black down jacket, nearly 1.8 meters tall, came over wearing a hat and a scarf. He was carrying a briefcase in his hand, hurrying, as if he had just finished work.

The camera captured his side face, wearing a mask and a pair of silver-rimmed glasses, sharp sword eyebrows and a pair of long and narrow eyes, showing that this man is full of vigor and looks like a company's elite executives.

The road where Xu Kai's house is located can lead to another villa area. If someone enters the community from Ximen after work, it makes sense to go home this way.

Yu Hanjiang asked the security guard "Do you know him?"

The security guard took a closer look and said, "I'm not familiar. I don't seem to have seen it."

Yu Hanjiang Road "retrieved the video at the west gate of the community at 5.30 pm."

Li Xinyang quickly found out the video from the Ximenkou camera, Yu Hanjiang stared sharply at the screen, and everyone held his breath-however, fifteen minutes later, there was no man wearing a black down jacket at the west gate.

The west gate is just connected to the road in front of Xu Kai Villa. Yu Hanjiang paused the video and locked the person, saying, "The surveillance at the west gate did not capture him, but he suddenly appeared on the road. Obviously he did not come in from the door, but came out of the community. Xu Kai He was not found at other intersections near the villa. "

Li Xinyang's eyes lit up. "That is, this is the murderer who escaped from Xu Kai's house ?!"

Yu Hanjiang nodded "only this explanation."

Xiao Lou carefully analyzed and said, "It seems that she first pretended to be a cleaner, wearing an oversized down jacket, and sneaked into Xu Kai's house. She then took a container of tap water to make a lot of ice cubes, and then hid in the villa Wait for Xu Kai to go home. He could have committed a crime in the middle of the night, but Xu Kai drank that night and came back at dawn. Drunk Xu Kai went upstairs and fell asleep. She didn't do anything at the time, and probably didn't want Xu Kai to die in her sleep. So she waited patiently for Xu Kai to wake up? "

Yu Hanjiang then said, "In the afternoon, we suddenly came to the door and awakened Xu Kai by ringing the doorbell. The murderer probably did not expect that the police would come to the door. When we asked Xu Kai, she hid in the villa and listened. As soon as we left, Xu Kai went upstairs to take a shower. She immediately killed Xu Kai, put on another set of equipment, stuffed the cleaner's clothes into the down jacket, and fled. "

No wonder the surveillance of the community could not capture Qiao Xuening-when she came in, she pretended to be a cleaner, and when she went out, she pretended to be a man close to 1.8 meters tall and wore twelve centimeters of heightened shoes.

Li Xinyang pointed to her shoes and said, "This kind of Martin boots can't be seen if it is raised inside. After all, she is a woman. Her legs are too thin and her body will not be coordinated. So she bought this extra-long down jacket and the hem of the dress just covered it. Shoes. "

From the appearance, this is a tall, strong man, all of which are the visual effects caused by down jackets.

In fact, her down jacket was also stuffed with a set of cleaners. The original flat eyebrows were painted as sword eyebrows, wearing glasses, and her double eyelids were glued into a single eyelid. After killing Xu Kai, she was at the scene of Xu Kai's home Dressed up, changed, and left the community with a big swing.

This murderer is really the originator of the dressing industry.

Xiao Lou reluctantly looked at Yu Hanjiang. "When we were in Xu Kai's house, she hid in the villa. She already knew that we were investigating her, and she would quickly destroy the evidence and run away."

Yu Hanjiang said decisively, "Go back to Binzhou at once."

The two hurried to drive back to Binzhou.

On the way back, Yu Hanjiang made several consecutive phone calls.

He and Qu Wanyue said "immediately find a way to control the crew of Qiao Xuening, collect her fingerprints, and let Long Sen be sent to the forensic center for identification."

Hearing Yu Hanjiang's serious tone, Qu Wanyue nodded hurriedly and agreed, "Okay. What's going on with you, Yu team?"

Yu Hanjiang said: "The serial killing case, the killer is at large, we have to compare the speed with the killer."

Qu Wanyue was shocked. "I see, I'll go."

Immediately afterwards, Yu Hanjiang called Binzhou Airport again. "I am Yu Hanjiang, the captain of the Binzhou Interpol. We are investigating a murder. The murderer may have absconded. The ID card is Qiao Xuening's person. Restricted appearance. If the identity information is suspicious, and the makeup is different from my ID card, all are detained. "

Operation over the airport soon began.

Yu Hanjiang speeded up and rushed back to Binzhou overnight.

When he came to the Binzhou Forensic Medicine Center, Xiao Lou's colleagues had given the identified results to him. "The fingerprints sent by the crew, we compared them in the fingerprint database-this person is Yu Xia, four years It was already dead. "

Chapter 277

Yu Hanjiang and Xiao Lou returned to the office and checked the fingerprint identification information. Sure enough, as a colleague said, Yu Xia had a car accident four years ago, so her ID in the database was already "accidentally killed".

Yu Hanjiang searches for this name in the computer database.

He has the impression that this person is a college classmate of Qiao Xuening and Lin Yiyan.

Sure enough, he quickly found Yu Xia in the group photo of the 3rd class of the film school.

Yu Xia ’s parents have long since died. She was admitted to university on the part-time job. Although this girl worked very hard and received scholarships every year, she looked really bad, especially in the film academy running around with beautiful women, compared with other women. Classmate, she is the ugly duckling.

As the ugliest girl in the class, she has a very low sense of existence. She does not participate in any social activities or party with her classmates. She knows that she is boring to study and wears big glasses. She almost becomes a nerd.

Several stars have been on fire since their class, including Lin Yiyan and Qiao Xuening. These people have never mentioned a student named Yu Xia in any interview. She is a green leaf against the flowers in the film school.

If her face is not cosmetic, she will always be a supporting role in the entertainment industry. Moreover, the current female No. 2 and female No. 3 have face value requirements, and the villains must be pleasing to attract the attention of the audience. The ugly villains have long been out of fashion.

Checking her acting experience before her "death", it can be found that she plays all passers-by, the cast is at the end, and the audience is too lazy to watch.

Xiao Lou found a record of a media reporter interviewing her online. The reporter asked her, "Your classmate Lin Yiyan and Qiao Xuening are so hot. Do you still have private contact? Will they help you introduce some resources? "

Yu Xia replied, "They are all big reds, and they rarely contact each other after graduation. Flowers always have green leaves to set them off. I know I'm not good-looking, but I can't all be good-looking people in TV shows, right? There must be some harlequins , I know where I stand. "

There are still people who ridiculed and sneered at the bottom of the interview. "It's really ugly!" "Is this the heat of the two goddesses Lin and Joe? This old classmate is too shameless!"

Yu Hanjiang frowned and said, "Yu Xia ’s acting career after graduation is very unsatisfactory. She has been playing passerby for so many years, and she is treated like a mass actor. Qiao Xuening should have given her a lot of benefits before she was willing to be Qiao Xuening Give Qiao Xuening a stand-in. "

Xiao Lou agreed, "Although her face is not her own after the facelift, she could be respected and courteous by the crew while she was acting as a stand-in for Qiao Xuening, as well as sought after by fans and a large sum of money. This is not her role as a passerby. Ugly characters can be compared. "

Acting as a passerby every day, relying on meager income to support myself, as a group performance for a lifetime?

Or, with Qiao Xuening's facelift, when Qiao Xuening's stand-in, enjoy the same treatment as Qiao Xuening?

Yu Xia chose the latter.

Xiao Loudao "No wonder her acting skills have always been online. After all, she graduated from the Film Academy and is still a school bully. If she didn't look ugly, she might have become popular."

Yu Hanjiang nodded. "Well, find a professional to be a stand-in, don't worry about wearing out during acting. Qiao Xuening and Yu Xia secretly trade, you have to find them to completely unlock the secret. I will go to arrest Yu Xia right now, as for Qiao Xuening, I guess she will flee to the airport. I have sent my colleagues to the airport to stare, and I will let go of any suspicious person. "

Police cars with whistle whistled past in the streets at night.

Yu Hanjiang moved quickly and directly killed "Qiao Xuening" at the hotel arranged by the crew. Qu Wanyue was looking for an excuse to teach "Qiao Xuening" to dance moves. After hearing the knock, she was slightly relieved. She guessed that the Yu team had arrived. .

Sure enough, the agent opened the door and saw Yu Hanjiang in a police uniform standing seriously at the door.

He issued an arrest warrant and said, "Ms. Qiao Xuening-No, it should be Miss Yu Xia. We now suspect that you are related to a serial murder. Please come back and assist us in the investigation."

The agent was stunned. "What, what?"

"Qiao Xuening" inside the room heard this sentence, his face turned pale for an instant.

Even with the best acting skills, she could hardly stay calm in the face of Yu Hanjiang's neat handcuffs on her wrists, not to mention Yu Hanjiang's real name.

The agent followed Yu Hanjiang aggressively to the police force, where he was interrogated overnight.

She said she knew nothing.

Yu Hanjiang said, "Did you not find that Qiao Xuening's personality is not right in life?"

The agent said with a weeping face, "Xue Ning has been a little abnormal since she was hit by exposure to naked photos. So, she sometimes forgets something or says that a good thing suddenly changes her mind. I will try to follow her. No Dare to stimulate her ... I didn't expect ... there are two Qiao Xuenings! "

It seems that the agent really did not know about this matter. After all, the agent signed the contract when Qiao Xuening returned, and he was not very clear about Qiao Xuening's previous habits.

Yu Hanjiang finished her agent's trial and then Yu Xia.

Yu Xia faced Qiao Xuening's face, his face was unsightly, but he clenched his teeth and refused to say anything.

Xiao Lou was very professional. He directly invited an orthopedic doctor to check her. The doctor said in detail: "The mandible has been cut, the nose is cushioned, the face is still undergoing regular injections, and the eyebrows are shaved again. Semi-permanent eyebrows, double eyelids are cut, ears have been minimally invasive, the entire head has not been operated on, and probably only hair is left. "

Xiao Lou and Yu Hanjiang "..."

It's cruel!

This is called a complete "makeover."

The face of Qiao Xuening in front of him is very different from Yu Xia in the data.

Yu Xia has a lot of pockmarks on her face, her jaw is wide, her nose is collapsed, and her eyebrows are thick and flat;

Xiao Loudao "I have sent a message to all plastic surgery hospitals in the city to see if there are any surgical records."

Yu Hanjiang nodded. "The plastic surgery hospital will keep the patient's information strictly confidential, but now it involves homicides. The police investigation did not dare to hide it, and it should have results soon."

At three in the morning, Yu Hanjiang took Yu Xia to the hospital emergency department and asked the doctor to take an x-ray.

The emergency doctor saw Yu Hanjiang's police officer's card, and immediately cooperated with the police, took her in and took a film, and washed it out to Xiao Lou on the spot.

Xiao Lou picked up the film and looked at the light carefully, saying "there is no fracture line."

Yu Hanjiang became clear. "She didn't break? So, it was Qiao Xuening who broke the leg. The one without the fracture was a stand-in."

Xiao Lou wondered, "Why isn't her center of gravity walking when shooting variety shows?"

Yu Hanjiang said coldly, "The acting skills are great."

He looked at Yu Xia and said, "Miss Yu, wouldn't you say it?"

Yu Xia lost her blood on her face, gritted her teeth, and seemed to be caught in contradictory emotions.

Just then Yu Hanjiang received a call "Yu team, a suspicious person was found over the airport, a man. We checked carefully when we passed the security check. His face was different from the face on the ID card. Come cleansing oil, let him remove makeup on the spot, he immediately turned around and ran away, and we took it off! "

Makeup removal on site? This female colleague's approach is commendable.

Yu Hanjiang coughed and said, "Thank you, I have sent someone to the airport and brought him back to our Interpol team."

After hanging up the phone, Yu Hanjiang glanced at Yu Xia through the rearview mirror. "The Lord Qiao Xuening has been found, and if you are still not willing to confess, you are likely to be sentenced as an accomplice in the murder case. Will go to jail with them. "

When Yu Xia heard this, her expression finally collapsed.

She covered her face with her hands and trembled, "I don't know, she's going to be crazy enough to kill someone! She also used me as proof of absence!"

After returning to the police station, Yu Xiaxi explained everything.

Four years ago, she was at the bottom of her life, and she was worrying about where to go for her next play. The death of her parents was simple. She was satisfied as long as she could have enough food and a place to live. But sometimes, it was difficult for the actor to pay for herself.

As a result, Qiao Xuening's scandal suddenly broke out on the Internet at this time. As a former classmate, she also became a mass-eating crowd. Unexpectedly, Qiao Xuening would find her and make a bold suggestion to her.

Qiao Xuening's statement was "This incident hit me too much, and it is difficult for me to adjust my mentality to continue acting, but in fact I have a lot of resources in hand, and I have nothing wrong, it is easy to wash white. If you want to be my stand-in , I can give you a fixed salary that is ten times more than my current income, and I will pay you 30% of the drama you participated in. "

Yu Xia was said to be very heart-warming. As a stand-in, many actors in the entertainment industry also have their own avatars. Is it better than her current situation anyway?

So she agreed.

Qiao Xuening smiled and said, "Xiao Xia, I'm not good at it. The circle of faces in the entertainment circle, you want to go long-term, this face is not good, how can I help you with plastic surgery?"

Yu Xia was still a bit repellent at first, but when she thought that a certain actress became beautiful after a facelift, the film became more and more popular, and she became a little emotional. Anyway, many people in this circle will reorganize, depending on whether it is large or slightly. Her skeleton is actually okay, it is not the type that is difficult to save, should it look good after the slight adjustment?

Qiao Xuening arranged everything for the plastic surgery, including the plastic surgery plan which was discussed by Qiao Xuening and the doctor. Qiao Xuening promised "I will give you a good look". The doctor and Qiao Xuening were very familiar with each other, and Yu Xia didn't think much about it, but only cooperated with the examination.

She was a little nervous when lying on the operating table. She lost consciousness after anesthesia and woke up with gauze on her face.

After removing the gauze for a while, she looked in the mirror and was shocked to find out-why is this face so Qiao Xuening? !!

Qiao Xuening was next to her at the time, and she looked into the mirror next to her face, and asked with a smile, "Like or not?"

Yu Xia "..."

Looking at the two very similar faces in the mirror, Yu Xia broke the mirror in shock.

Having said that, Yu Xia couldn't help flushing her eyes. She gritted her teeth. "I looked at the doctor's computer after the facelift. It wasn't like this at all. Qiao Xuening and her doctor lied to me. She made my face exactly like her. She The stand-in said, that's what she meant! She's a lunatic! "

Yu Hanjiang watched her emotionally out of control and interrupted her in a low voice. "Later, you still agree to be her stand-in?"

Yu Xia was silent for a moment, took a deep breath, and said, "I can't help it. At the time, I was very poor, no money, no loved ones, I could not fight her at all. Besides, she did a terrific job, and she paid for a female body , Put it on my face, stuffed my ID in the corpse's clothes pocket, and caused a car accident that made me 'accidentally die.' I can't survive in this world if I don't listen to her. "

Xiao Lou only felt hair on his back when he heard this.

This Qiao Xuening is really abnormal! She has a strong desire to control. When creating a substitute, she even completely erased the original identity of the substitute, so that the substitute could only live on her own.

And she's really smart, you can think of buying a corpse ...

The body is usually sold to the medical school for students to dissect. She can use this channel to buy an unclaimed female corpse, which is likely to be related to the plastic surgeon who has a good relationship.

She stuffed Yu Xia's ID in the clothes pocket of the body, making the police think that the female body was Yu Xia. Generally this kind of corpse has no relatives, and there is an ID card in the pocket, and the police will not be bored to test the genes-who can think that the corpse is fake?

Yu Hanjiang asked, "Who is the doctor who will do your plastic surgery?"

Yu Xia said the name of the hospital and the doctor. Yu Hanjiang called inside and asked the criminal police colleagues to seize the unscrupulous doctor.

Yu Hanjiang asked Yu Xia to elaborate on the broken leg of the martial arts drama "Sword Rain".

Yu Xia said that the martial arts drama in the first half of this year was originally scheduled for her to shoot, but when the scene of the female hero riding a horse chasing the male hero at the last moment was shot, Qiao Xuening suddenly sent her a message saying "I am in this dangerous scene Shoot, you take a few days off. I also need to get to know the crew, so that I do n’t know anything during the publicity. "

Although Yu Xia was unknown, she did not dare not listen to the words of the "employer", so she went to the hospital on the pretext of a cold and asked the crew to take a day off-when she returned, she had been replaced by the real Qiao Xuening.

Unexpectedly, Qiao Xuening suddenly broke her leg while filming. Although the crew successfully killed the young man, Qiao Xuening had to be hospitalized. Therefore, she fiercely brushed up a wave of heat and made countless fans evaluate her as "the most dedicated actress".

Yu Xia smiled bitterly. "In fact, the film's heroine played 70 minutes, 69 minutes were shot by me, and only 1 minute was shot by Qiao Xuening ... I didn't understand why she picked this scene in person. I took a picture and I saw her breaking her leg. I knew that this person was very cruel to herself. At that time, she had a hot search on her broken leg, and the fans rose by millions overnight. "

Xiao Lou asked, "Where were you during her hospital stay?"

Yu Xia said, "I hid in the house I rented and called for takeaway every day. I just dared to let the takeaway brother put the food on the window sill at the door and then secretly throw away the garbage in the middle of the night." She lowered her head and said "I can only do Qiao Xuening's shadow, she broke her leg and was hospitalized, of course I can't show up. "

Yu Hanjiang asked, "Where is the variety show on the 17th? Is it you?"

Yu Xia nodded. "She asked me to shoot that episode of" Darkness, Please Close Your Eyes. "She said that a few of the guests didn't know her. No one saw that was wrong, and the variety show didn't require me to say too much. Xiaobai, just be eliminated from the game. She also told me that she broke her leg so that I should not run too fast and it was doubtful. "

Xiao Lou understood the truth: "So, you pretend that you have a leg injury, but you can't make it too obvious?"

Yu Xiadao said, “I did n’t break my leg. How can I pretend to walk with my legs broken? I ’m afraid I ca n’t grasp it well, so I told the crew that my legs were almost recovered, and I walked a little while walking to make them believe it was true. . "

This is why in the variety show Xiaolou saw, "Qiao Xuening" walked his legs unbalanced.

It turned out that the double was deliberately pretending.

Xiao Lou wondered, "Why don't you pretend to be lame when shooting a new drama?"

Yu Xiadao said, "The new drama is a dance show. How do I dance if I pretend to be leg-triggering? The agent has to find a stand-in for me. I am a stand-in ... Anyway, Qiao Xuening said that her legs were almost recovered, and I was the director. Say, I can dance. "

Xiao Lou and Yu Hanjiang looked at each other.

All loopholes start here.

The avatar and the host ’s understanding of "broken leg" are different. After all, the avatar has not personally experienced the broken leg hospitalization, and does not know what the level of "recovery is almost". Therefore, she danced casually in the new drama and was Qu Wanyue, Xiao Lou, and others who closely followed her movements noticed something wrong.

When Xiao Lou interrogated, she had no idea about the "bone soup" and subconsciously said that the doctor asked her to drink bone soup.

Now it seems that it is Qiao Xuening himself who broke his leg.

On the evening of November 16, I went to the mountain to shoot a variety show, pretending to be lame, catching a cold, and avoid talking too much to cause people's suspicions. The variety show was taken until the early morning of the 17th, and during this time, Qiao Xuening himself was lurking in Lin Yi Killing in the smoke villa-she wants to use a stand-in to make a proof of absence.

Two days ago, Qiao Xuening went to the town secretly and killed Xu Kai in the same way. At the time, her substitute was in the crew of "Twin Flowers". Otherwise, Yu Hanjiang and Xiao Lou had already reasoned about the "double". Her absence proved perfect.

At first Yu Hanjiang and Xiao Lou thought that the crew of Qiao Xuening was the real one. I did not expect that the crew was fake.

Yu Hanjiang looked at Yu Xia in front of him, coldly saying, "When we first found you, did you know that Lin Yiyan was killed by Qiao Xuening? You did not inform Qiao Xuening that the police were investigating her, but instead sent a message. We went to check Zhou Yuanyuan and intentionally shifted our eyes. "

Yu Xia froze for a moment, then chuckled and said, "Why should I notify her? She killed someone, and should be sentenced to death if found, right? I am her shadow, but if she dies, I don't need to Doing shadow again, I can walk into the sun. There will be an extra actor who looks like Qiao Xuening and has excellent acting skills. All her resources and popularity will truly ... belong to me. "

With a look of longing, she said, "Anyway, it doesn't matter that she kills me. I just performed her variety show and acted for her. I didn't know anything ... she made me look like her. I still Victims. "

Yu Hanjiang and Xiao Lou looked at each other and looked at each other.

The killers encountered this time were all playful.

In the end, the one with the best acting skills is Qiao Xuening's substitute.

The stand-in did not want to be a stand-in, and the stand-in wanted to replace the original owner, so she intentionally or unintentionally revealed some clues to the police, leading Qiao Xuening to the murderer.

When Yu Hanjiang and Xiao Lou left the interrogation room, the real Qiao Xuening had already arrived.

The makeup on her face was forcibly removed, and the true face revealed was exactly the same as the stand-in in the interrogation room. The corner of her mouth strangely raised an arc. Looking at Yu Hanjiang Road, "Police, you really can tell which one is Qiao Xuening. ?"

Yu Hanjiang said indifferently. "It's true that you can't tell the difference when you look at your face. It's a pity that when you plastic surgery, you didn't take out your fingerprints and you can't change your genes."

Qiao Xuening giggled.

Her laughter was a little husky. Listening carefully, it should be caused by long-term smoking. This laughter echoed in the empty corridor and looked very eerie-this woman has been psychopathic, and she has spent so much energy to create a stand-in Come out and kill Lin Yiyan and Xu Kai in succession, maybe just to satisfy the psychological pleasure.

Nowadays, the evidence is conclusive, and Qiao Xuening doesn't seem to want to argue for himself: "I was killed by someone, and I also guessed that my shadow should have betrayed me ... Sure enough, it is still a tiger problem."

Xiao Lou asked, "Can you tell us what ice means?"

Qiao Xuening raised an eyebrow and said, "Have you heard of Xuezang?"

Xiao Lou froze. She looked at Xiao Loudao with a smile. "Lin Yiyan and Xu Kai joined forces in order to suppress me and make me completely hidden from the company. As a result, these two idiots underestimated my resilience. Not only did I not They were kept in the snow, but their bodies were buried by ice. I heard that in this case, they will go to ice **** after death, and they will never be reborn. "

Yu Hanjiang and Xiao Lou glanced at each other.

-So it is.

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