Card Room

Chapter 440:

Chapter 439

Hearing Liu Qiao's words, Xiao Lou's spine froze in his back, thinking of the adult version of Xiao Lou in his dream that was exactly the same as himself. He suddenly realized that the Xiao Lou Liu Qiao saw was probably--


Whether it is No. 4 Xiao Building, or No. 5, 6 copied from No. 4 ...

In short, Xiao Lou determined that he had never seen Liu Qiao, but Liu Qiao said very surely that he had met Professor Xiao, which means that the copying person beside Liu Qiao was very similar to Xiao Lou himself, and he was even able to conceal Liu from the truth Bridge eyes.

Xiao Lou's pupils shrank and hurriedly asked in his mind, "Xiao Liu, where did you see him? What did he say to you?"

Liu Qiao was puzzled and was about to answer. A knock on the door suddenly sounded outside.

She got up and opened the door.

The moment the door was opened, Liu Qiao suddenly faced a pair of dark, clear eyes, which were full of smiles, and looked at her very warmly.

Standing in front of Xiao Lou, Wen Yan asked, "Are you still asleep?"

Liu Qiao "... Well, I can't sleep."

Xiao Lou walked into the room, put a plate of snacks on her table, and said, "I just came from Guilao and brought some snacks you love."

Liu Qiao stared at the dim sum on the table and said, "Thank you ... I'm not hungry."

She was a little confused in her heart, trying to communicate with Xiao Lou by spiritual connection. "Professor Xiao? Are you not sitting opposite me, why should you talk to me with your heart?"

Sitting opposite?

I thought that someone who was exactly the same as me was facing Liu Qiao at this time. Xiao Lou's spine was standing on his back, and he hurriedly said, "Be careful, Xiao Liu, the Xiao Lou you saw is not real.

Things are too complicated, Xiao Lou concluded as quickly as possible: "My identity is the prince of the Luo Ke Empire. In order to select the best heir, the father launched the Noah's Ark project twenty years ago, copying hundreds. Xiao Lou. There are currently 4 Xiao Lous that are known to be alive. The one you are likely to encounter is No. 4, and it is uncertain whether there will be more copies in the future. "

Liu Qiao "............"

At this moment, Xiao Lou, who was sitting in front of him, sighed with frustration. "If my card holder was stolen, I wouldn't be able to contact Han Jiang even now. Xiao Liu, it's not as good Go out to sea as soon as possible, find other people first, and take them back to the Mermaid Palace. After everyone gathers, we will find a way. "

Who should I trust? !

Liu Qiao's heart tightened, and she clenched her fists gently under the table to keep herself calm.

She heard herself calmly say, "This matter should still be discussed with Senior Gui, they do n’t know where to go to find them alone. If I were lost, would n’t it be more troublesome?"

Xiao Lou smiled slightly. "Also, discuss again tomorrow."

Liu Qiao's brain is very messy. Xiao Lou in front of him is exactly the same as Professor Xiao in his memory. His movements, voices, even expressions when smiling, tone of speech ... How could it be fake?

If it weren't for a Xiao Lou to connect her with "heart and soul" today, she never doubted the authenticity of the Xiao Lou in front of her.

On the first day of entering the Chamber of Secrets, she saw Xiao Lou.

According to the setting, Xiao Lou is her brother, the heir to the Mermaid Kingdom, and Liu Qiao is the Mermaid Princess.

Since several human bones were found on a sunken ship deep in the ocean, they launched an investigation into this case. The investigation is currently in a predicament, and it is only found that the shipwreck does not belong to the Blue Empire ...

But now, another Xiao Lou told her that there are replicators in this world?

Liu Qiao's head was ignorant. She continued to communicate with Xiao Lou with her heart and soul. "How do I believe you?"

Xiao Loudao "I have the Qin Guan card, can I build a spirit with you, is this not enough proof?"

Liu Qiao said calmly, "Professor Xiao, who I know, said that on the first day of his visit to the Chamber of Secrets, when he went to check the sunken shipwreck, the card package was stolen, so the Yu team could not be reached.

Xiao Lou "............"

Liu Qiao's words made Xiao Lou fall into the ice cellar as a whole.

The replicator actually knew the card package and Yu Hanjiang's name? It ’s impossible for people in the secret world to understand their team so much, the only explanation is-

The Xiao Lou beside Liu Qiao is most likely a hunter!

Seeing Xiao Lou's face suddenly turned pale, Yu Hanjiang hurriedly took his hand and whispered, "What is the situation?"

Xiao Loudao "I was connected to Liu Qiao, but she said that Professor Xiao was sitting opposite her. The man was very aware of the situation of our teammates, and also made an excuse that the card package was stolen so that Hanjiang could not be reached."

Ye Qi opened her mouth wide and almost dropped her chin. "Meaning, there is a Xiao Lou beside Liu Qiao ?! She believes in that Xiao Lou, don't you believe it?"

Xiao Lou shook his head. "No, she now has doubts about both of them. After all, the excuse of the Xiao Lou editor can also be explained. The card package was stolen. It may have been stolen by me ... More importantly, that People know everything about our team, and I suspect that Building 4 is the hunter. "

Lu Jiuchuan's face was ugly. He clenched his fists hard and gritted his teeth. "Hunters have already checked out our team ?!"

Tang Ci said, “Last week ’s square piece Zhou Chang headless general ’s tomb, they sent someone to follow us all the way. Although Xiao Liu and I became thumb-sized at the time, Long Sen and Qu Wanyue used the chameleon card to integrate with the environment ... Before then, maybe they have checked out the configuration of our team in a way we do n’t know? "

Lu Jiuchuan added, "I even know most of our cards?"

Tang Ci's eyes seemed to freeze, he looked at the dark sea in the distance, saying one by one, "The information of the Intelligence Bureau is likely to be leaked."

Everyone gasped.

Tang Ci ’s Intelligence Bureau database contains information on all challengers, including their teammates.

At the beginning, Lu Jiuchuan found Yu Hanjiang and Xiaolou by relying on the information network of the Intelligence Bureau-Tang Ci could invade the card world official household registration information office, found all the ID numbers of "foreigners", and found out the challengers.

Tang Ci said with a blank expression, “In order to reorganize the team, Nine Brothers once again challenged the s-class secret room to return to the real world. After seeing the news of 'Yu Hanjiang and Xiao Lou breaking the Red Peach 3 World Record', let me closely follow Trend. So, the day the two came to the city of the moon, Gui Lao sent someone to pick you up at the airport. "

Xiao Lou naturally remembered this matter. At that time, they also suspected that Guilao had problems. Later, they learned that his senior was Jiujie's teammate. Xiao Lou looked back at Tang Ci and asked, "Mr. Tang means, do you have details of Han Jiang and me, and all the teammates on our contract?"

Tang Ci nodded, "Yes."

Otherwise, Lu Jiuchuan can't rest assured to team up with them.

Lu Jiuchuan smiled bitterly and said, "Sorry, I can't blame Xiao Tang on this matter. It's my idea. Han Jiang and Xiao Lou have repeatedly set world records. I naturally believe in your ability, but I am not familiar with other teammates after all, so, I have also checked the details of other people in your contract ... "

Ye Qidao, "Isn't it right? Nine brothers check the situation of other teammates before team formation. This is also the responsibility of the team. If you want to go through the team casually, if there is a hangover in the team, it might drag you down. Let everyone die. "

Lu Jiuchuan patted Xiaoye's shoulder. "You can understand it. Last time we almost failed in Meihua j. I have to be more cautious in reorganizing the team this time, so I asked Xiaotang to sort out your details ... including Cards, and your identity and work in reality. "

Shao Qingge narrowed his eyes. "So, Mr. Tang suspected that this information was obtained by the hunters?"

Tang said, "I was worried about data leakage and deleted it after reading it with Jiu Ge. But since I am a hacker and can invade other people's computers, then similarly, my computer may also be infected with viruses." He lowered his head. And whispered "Sorry, this is my negligence."

Lu Jiuchuan gently hugged his shoulder and did not speak.

Tang Ci has experienced the most terrible nightmare secret room, watching his legs cut off and sitting in a wheelchair with limited mobility for half a year. His suffering is hard for people who have not experienced it to feel the same.

He is strict with his teammates who want to form a team again, and he wants to find out the details of everyone. This is also human nature.

As for the information leak, it was not the result he wanted.

Of course Lu Jiuchuan will not blame Tang Ci, but he is afraid that other teammates will have an opinion on Tang Ci. After all, the information is likely to be leaked from Tang Ci ...

Yu Hanjiang whispered, “It ’s not time to hold accountable. Even if the information in Mr. Tang ’s computer is not stolen by the hunter, the hunter ’s organization has other channels to find our information. In this world, you are not just a hacker, What you can find can be found by others. You do n’t have to blame yourself, everyone wo n’t blame you. ”

Tang Ci warmed up and looked up to Yu Hanjiang, "Thank you."

Lu Jiuchuan gave his brother an admiring look and said, "That's right, there is always a way for hunters to find our information. Let's think about it first, how to solve the current problem?"

"If Liu Qiao doesn't believe in Professor Xiao and believes in copying people, that's bad!" Ye Qi grabbed her hair anxiously, suddenly her eyes lit up and turned her head to look at Shao Qingge. "That's right, we don't have another Qin Guan Card? We also connected to Liu Qiao and told her through the spiritual channel that Professor Xiao with us is real! "

Shao Qingge nodded, took out the Qin Guan card copied earlier, and established a spiritual communication with Liu Qiao.

However, a prompt suddenly appeared in his hovering box: "The card skill release failed, and the card skill shielded the magnetic field within 10 kilometers." At almost the same time, Xiao Lou also received the prompt "The connection between the heart and spirit rhythm has been interrupted, and the range of 10 kilometers. A card skill appears inside to shield the magnetic field. "

Xiao Lou's face changed. "The connection between us and Liu Qiao may have been discovered by the other party. The" Xiao Lou "beside Liu Qiao has a very strong card that can shield other cards' skills on a large scale."

Everyone "..."

When he was in the Imperial Palace, Xiao Lou and Yu Hanjiang could also connect to the outside of the palace. The palace just forbids the use of new cards, and the skills already used still take effect.

But now that the cards are shielding the magnetic field, the skills that have been turned on actually lose their effect?

This is the strongest hunter they encountered, the key is that the other party is still wearing a Xiao Lou face ...

Ye Qi was worried. "It's over. The other party noticed that we are using cards. Should Liu Qiao have an accident?"

Xiao Lou calmly said, "The stronger the skill limit, the more the magnetic field shielding of the large-scale card, the duration will certainly not be too long, otherwise, the hunter can discard all our cards with this card. , We have no chance at all. "

Lu Jiuchuan agrees that "the skills with a wide range and strong effects should last within 10 minutes."

Shao Qingge looked at the gray hearts on the Qin Guan card, and regretted that "Unfortunately, the release of the heart rhinoceros failed. The cooling time is 24 hours, and it can be used again in the early morning tomorrow ..."

Xiao Loudao "I am the same, this skill is released once every 24 hours, interrupted and then released to wait for tomorrow morning."

In 24 hours, what should I do if "Xiao Lou" starts to deal with Liu Qiao?

Liu Qiao should be wary of this Xiao Lou now, but after all, he has Xiao Lou's face on it, and he is unpredictable. What's more, if Senior Gui and Lao Mo are also in the Mermaid family, they still don't know that Xiao Lou is a copying person. This Xiao Xiao who has already trusted them will stab him in the back. Human slaughter?

Xiao Lou became more and more anxious when he wanted to.

For every second of delay, teammates may be more dangerous.

What should I do?

Xiao Lou lowered his head and thought for a moment, then suddenly his eyes lit up. "I almost forgot I and Su Shi."

Ye Qidao "Su Shi? I remember he has a skill of Dongpo meat, the Dongpo meat is very delicious?"

In addition to Dongpo meat, Su Shi's strongest skills are actually 1, 2 skills.

1 When is the skill of the moon, let the current scene become the full moon night, and force the people of the whole scene to appreciate the moonlight for 1 hour, and the full moon night will last for 8 hours before dawn. This is the only scene conversion card at present.

2 Skills of immortal characters-all character cards within 100 meters around you immediately reset the skill cooling.

Su Shi is equivalent to the captain of the character card, which allows all character cards to refresh their skills.

Qin Guan ’s mind and spirit have cooled at this time, and he can no longer establish spiritual communication with Liu Qiao, but Su Shi can immediately refresh Qin Guan ’s skill cooling.

Su Shi's two limited skills can only be released once in the Chamber of Secrets, and now has reached the most critical moment.

Xiao Lou said decisively, "When the card magnetic field shielding is over, I will summon Su Shi."

Chapter 440

How long does the magnetic field shield last? This is the opponent's card, no one knows the specific effect, but everyone can try it.

Ye Qi took out his own instrument brand flute.

The flute can control a single target, causing the locked target to fall into a short 3-second drowsiness. The cooling time is only about 10 seconds. He can play the flute once every 10 seconds. The ability to release the skill proves that the card's shielding effect on the magnetic field is not over. If the skill can be released, it is the end of the opponent's card effect.

Once every 10 seconds, Ye Qi continued to play the flute, making Shao Qingge sleepy.

no effect……

Shao Qingge is still sober.

While Ye Qi tried out his skills, Xiao Lou kept a silent time in his heart, so that he could accurately determine the duration of the card magnetic field shielding of the card in the hands of the hunter. In case of encountering it again in the future, I might be mentally prepared. .

When Ye Qi tried the 30th time, Shao Qingge suddenly fell asleep, and Yu Hanjiang hurriedly reached out to help President Shao to prevent him from falling into the sea. Ye Qi excitedly said, "The card skills are available!"

Xiao Loudao "It seems that the duration of shielding the magnetic field is 5 minutes."

5 minutes, all card skills in a wide range are shielded. This card is strong enough.

Lu Jiuchuan said with a sullen face, "If we meet a large number of hunters, and the other party opened this card during the team battle, we will be completely disadvantaged."

Xiao Loudao "Fortunately, it's just skill shielding. Should weapons like knives and guns be used?"

No one can say for sure about the future, and can only adapt to the situation.

Xiao Lou said with a sullen face, "Connect with Xiao Liu first and then talk."

He summoned Su Shi--

A bold and vocalist, shaking a fan in his hand, saying aloud, "Go to the east of the river, the waves are gone, the age-old characters ..."

As the familiar words are pronounced, all character cards' skills are refreshed, and Qin Guan's "Heart is Spiritual" is changed from unavailable gray to "usable" green.

Xiao Lou hurriedly established a link with Liu Qiao, however ...

The other party did not respond at all.

Shao Qingge hadn't had time to open his skills yet. Xiao Lou said busy, "Don't even Liu Qiao, Xiao Liu is in trouble!"

There is only one possibility for the soul not to respond-the other party loses consciousness.

Before the 10th level, when Ye Qi was stunned, Shao Qingge couldn't even be psychic, because Ye Qi lost consciousness at that time. Just now, Xiao Lou could still talk to Liu Qiao through the spiritual channel, but Liu Qiao didn't respond at this time, then there was only one explanation-copying "Xiao Lou" and realizing that they were using cards, they quickly came to Liu Qiao's side, Controlled Liu Qiao.

I wonder if Xiao Liu will be in danger?

Xiao Lou immediately opened the contract, but fortunately the name "Liu Qiao" was not erased, proving that she was still alive.

Lu Jiuchuan suggested, "Let's return to the old man."

Shao Qingge hurriedly invited Gui Yuanzhang to establish a spiritual connection. Soon, he remembered the hoarse voice of his predecessor, "Mr. Shao? What happened?"

Shao Qingge said quickly in his mind, "Senior, the Xiao Lou you saw with Liu Qiao is a fake! Really Xiao Lou is with us. I, Han Jiang, Xiao Ye, Jiu Ge and Mr. Tang can prove Xiao Lou ’s identity, you must be careful about the Xiao Lou beside you, he is a hunter! Also, Xiao Liu is likely to have an accident ... "

In Gui Yuanzhang's impression, Shao Qingge always has a lazy and leisurely attitude, but now the voice in his mind is as fast as being chased by a wolf, and the sentences are full of tension.

Gui Yuanzhang turned over and got out of bed, with a question of "Mr. Shao? Are you and Xiaoye still having dinner with us at noon today?"

Shao Qingge "..."

At this moment, he really wanted to make a **** like Brother Nine!

Eat together at noon? How can it be?

At noon today, he clearly drove the suspension car and led his teammates to find "invisible people who can sing".

Seeing that Shao Qingge's face became very ugly, Xiao Lou's heart suddenly had a bad hunch. He whispered and asked, "Return to seniors, wouldn't you not believe you?"

Shao Qingge's face was black. "He said, at noon today, I just ate with Ye Qi."

Everyone "............"

Lu Jiuchuan scolded it directly, "Fuck! President Shao and Ye Qi also have copy people? It's definitely pirated to eat with Gui Lao at noon."

Ye Qi was dumbfounded. "What is it? Did I also participate in the Noah's Ark project?"

Xiao Lou's heart was cold.

Until now, he discovered how difficult this secret room was.

If there are only hundreds of Xiao Lou copied, leaving a few surviving copy people, it is still a good solution. After all, everyone only needs to look for the genuine Xiao Lou.

But now, Shao Qingge and Ye Qi also have replicators?

Is it true around you?

Xiao Lou looked back at Shao Qingge and Ye Qi. He believed that Mr. Shao and Ye Qi in front of him were real. They had been with each other for such a long time. Before that, Mr. Shao was extremely skilled in copying cards with money and willfulness. of. Ye Qi Similarly, the students of his conservatory playing flute will habitually play nice melodies, which is not something that ordinary people can imitate.

Shao Qingge's temple suddenly jumped, and Shen Sheng said, "The Morse code left by my father only recorded the first Noah's Ark plan. But the father did not have time to leave a clue about the planned restart."

Tang said, "That is, the second time, when Noah's Ark planned to restart in 2980, your father probably added your cells to the experimental group again?"

Shao Qingge nodded solemnly. "After all, he signed the plan and allocated 3 billion stars to invest in this project. Although the first plan made him uneasy, he went to the laboratory and destroyed my specimen. With the second plan, it is difficult to ensure that he is persuaded again, otherwise how could he sign? "

Xiao Lou also thinks that this speculation is reasonable. "Since Mr. Shao signed the plan, whether it is active or forced, he has the possibility to take his son's cells back for experiments."

Ye Qi murmured, "I remember, my biological father, General Ye Bowen, also signed on the plan book? So, my cells have also been used for experiments?" Version, Ye Qi felt goose bumps all over the body.

Shao Qingge asked in the spiritual channel, "Returning to Senior, besides me and Ye Qi, what teammates are there around you?"

Gui Yuanzhang Road "Xiao Lou, Lao Mo, Liu Qiao, Lu Jiuchuan and Tang Ci."

Shao Qingge "..."

Lu Jiuchuan met his gaze and couldn't help shivering, "What's the matter? Am I?"

Shao Qingge nodded. "Gui Lao has seen you and Mr. Tang's copy."

Lu Jiuchuan frowned, "But, my father and Tang Ci did not participate in the Noah's Ark project?"

Yu Hanjiang looked ugly and said, "Nine Brother, don't forget that you and Mr. Tang had an accident on the Zerg Planet. Finally, you heard a strange song. At that time, they should have been rescued by the Mermaid. After they rescued you both, they might be taken Your cells have made replicas ... is that the key reason for your memory loss? "

Lu Jiuchuan's face changed. "It makes sense. We really can't remember what happened after being rescued."

Xiao Loudao "That is to say, the mermaid is still secretly studying copy people, they don't want to let this matter be known to outsiders, so they saved Jiu Ge and Tang Ci, after taking the cells, they hypnotized you, let you forget this Duan memory, and put you back on the starship "Legend Arrow"? "

Lu Jiuchuan clenched his fists hard. "It's possible."

Yu Hanjiang looked at Xiao Lou. "If Xiao Lou on the 4th is a hunter, why didn't he kill Jiu Ge and Mr. Tang directly, but hypnotize them and let them return to the capital star?"

Xiao Lou speculates that "presumably for the purpose of putting long lines to catch big fish? If he killed Jiujie and Mr. Tang and asked the replicator to replace them and return to the capital star, you and Jiujie are brothers. It is easy for the replicator to have no memory of Jiujie Revealing. Only when we put the real people back will we be distracted. "

Yu Hanjiang said clearly, "Was he waiting for us to come to the three of Liu Qiao, he just wiped us out?"

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