Card Room

Chapter 454:

Chapter 453

"How to deal with these three hunters?" Xiao Lou turned back to consult Yu Hanjiang.

Yu Hanjiang stepped forward and looked at the shrunken version of Xiaolou in the bottle, and asked in a low voice, "How did the hunters come to this world? Where did you find our experience in other secret rooms?"

That Xiaolou coldly said, "We naturally have a source, otherwise how can we kill you?"

Yu Hanjiang asked, "What is the benefit of killing the challenger? Can you live a few more years in the card world?"

The other party suddenly fell silent, with no expression on his pale face, as if it had become a statue.

Yu Hanjiang frowned and slowed his tone. "If you tell us information about the hunter's organization, if you look exactly like Xiao Lou, I can consider not killing you."

"Huh ..." Xiao Lou suddenly curled his mouth, as if hearing a big joke, he made a weird laugh in the bottle and laughed for a while, then he said lightly, "I can't live anyway if the task fails. Give me a good time. "He closed his eyes and put on an indifferent expression of" comfort to death ".

Yu Hanjiang looked at Xiao Lou and shook his head.

Xiao Lou had no choice but to force the three hunters back to the source of peach blossoms and set off a fire.

These hunters are stubborn.

Everyone has gone through the barriers until now and has met many hunters. Their common denominator is that they would rather die after the failure of the mission without revealing any secrets about the organization, as if they were brainwashed collectively.

Their loyalty to the organization even surpassed the most instinctive human desire to survive? why?

People who are not determined enough are likely to betray their friends and relatives when they die. The hunter organizations are not all tough-willed and dead-hearted tough guys, but every time, they put the knife on their necks To any news about the organization, this is too strange.

Xiao Lou whispered, "Everyone is not afraid of death. I do n’t believe that the people of the hunter organization all regard death as their home. I guess if they reveal the secret of the hunter organization, they may be more sad than death, so they would rather choose Death, don't say a word. "

Yu Hanjiang thought about it carefully and agreed, "It makes sense. The leaker is more likely to die? When the mission fails, many hunters simply take poison and kill themselves."

Xiao Loudao "This organization has its own rules, such as the" head reward system ", and the way to shuttle between different secret rooms and replace some special plot characters. I now doubt that the hunter organization ... will it be a gatekeeper An organization created to confront our challengers? "

Hearing this, Ye Qi suddenly patted his head and walked to Xiao Lou to say excitedly, "Professor Xiao's suspicion is very likely! If there is no gatekeeper involved, how can these hunters enter the world of secret rooms and change How about becoming a key storyline character? General Shao ’s adoptive mother at the tenth pass or copying person at this pass suddenly appeared, is it too coincidental? "

Shao Qingge said, "If this is the case, maybe the hunters will also have to shuttle to do missions in different worlds?"

Lu Jiuchuan said with a sullen face, "When I was undercover in a hunter organization, I did receive regular mission instructions from my superiors. There was only one mission goal-killing foreigners. However, because I am not a real hunter, every week They often let Huaying help cover them. They did n’t know that my mission failed, and they did n’t punish me. What punishment would the hunter who really failed the mission accept, I do n’t know. ”

Tang said, "In other words, from the moment we enter the card world, there is a force that is always against us. Our goal is to clear the secret room, and their goal is to kill us?"

Hearing Tang Ci's words, the teammates looked at each other.

At first, everyone thought that this force was spontaneously organized by the "indigenous people", just like a "cult" against foreigners, but now it seems that the hunters can not only find out all their cards, they even know that they are in the past The experience in the back room? How can the indigenous people have such a great ability? !

After all, the aborigines are confined to one world. For example, the princes and princesses of the ancient world of Heart 8 cannot appear in the world of entertainment in Heart 9, so they cannot know what is happening in the world of entertainment.

Yu Hanjiang was trying to fake Liu Qiao at the time, and she could answer the information on the eighth, ninth, and tenth levels well, indicating that she was well aware of the experience of Xiao Lou and his team in different worlds.

Thinking of this, everyone just shuddered.

It's like having a pair of eyes watching them all the time.

In the card world, there are only four people who know what is happening in each secret room-the red peach a, the square a, the **** a, the plum a, and the four gatekeepers!

The gatekeepers can freely control the time flow rate of each card world. They are the real masters of the card world, and there are big kings and little kings behind them. Perhaps as Xiao Lou speculated, the hunter organization itself was a camp they personally created. From the beginning, they chose a group of people to stand on the opposite side of the challenger?

Ye Qi made an analogy. “It ’s like playing two online camps with two official camps. For example, World of Warcraft has players from the two camps of the league and the tribe. When you meet in the wild, you are in the red name. The same works in the world. Hunter vs. challenger, are two opposing camps? "

Xiao Lou was not quite sure about the origin of the hunter organization before, but after this time, the hunter had more and more information about them, and he had to doubt the intentions of these gatekeepers.

It ’s not easy to be fooled by people, but since the camp is officially set, the task will not be deceptive. The way they want to leave here is still to clear the secret room. It ’s just that it ’s more difficult.

At this time, Liu Qiao had already spent ten minutes to inform His Majesty the cause and effect of the replicator incident.

His Majesty the Mermaid's face was horrified, and he couldn't believe that the killed Elder Karen was secretly studying the replicator, and what 20 editions he made.

In order to convince him, Liu Qiao took him to the labyrinth and found a large number of Petri dishes in the laboratory at the end of the fish like glass coffins, in which many "human specimens" were soaked.

His majesty saw so many specimens, his face suddenly black as the bottom of the pot.

Liu Qiao suggested, "Father, the copying plan is too crazy. We must stop it as soon as possible. Otherwise, there will be a large number of identical people in the future, and the order of our mermaid will be completely disordered." She paused and added The sentence "And, after the genes are copied, our bloodline is no longer pure."

This last sentence is the key. The mermaid attaches the most importance to the bloodline. It is assumed that the future mermaid will also contain the genes of humans and zerg. This is absolutely unbearable for His Majesty.

Your Majesty made a decisive decision "Destroy all specimens in these laboratories!"

Liu Qiao nodded. "Father and father are assured that the aftermath of this matter will be given to me and my brother."

The specimens should have the genes of the Zerg, human, and mermaid. They were not awakened when they were soaked in the nutrient solution. The mermaid palace was deep in the ocean and could not be ignited. Liu Qiao told Xiao Lou with his heart and soul. Destroy all the replicator experiments, let Xiao Ye and President Shao help, take away the petri dish in the laboratory. "

Ye Qi and Shao Qingge's teleport cards can not only bring people, but also carry 200 kg of things. The two swam back to the deep-sea maze again, and moved hundreds of petri dishes back to the source of peach blossoms in batches using teleportation cards.

Looking at the hundreds of "glass coffins" placed under the peach blossom tree, the teammates looked dignified.

Yu Hanjiang and Lu Jiuchuan glanced at each other, and the two brothers stepped forward in tacit agreement to fish out the replicators in the glassware one by one and pile them together. Yu Hanjiang poured out a few bottles of alcohol without hesitation and burned it out.

This picture made the teammates feel a little uncomfortable.

Especially when I see the burned copy person look exactly like himself ...

Ye Qiqiang endured the urge to vomit, his face slightly pale. Shao Qingge put his arm around his shoulder with one hand, and covered the other with his other hand in front of his eyes, whispering, "Don't think too much, these replicas are not conscious, you just take it, they are made according to our appearance Inflatable doll out. "

Ye Qi froze for a while. "Inflatable doll ... President Shao, you know a lot."

Shao Qingge chuckled and rubbed his hair. "Of course, otherwise why should you be your father? I will teach you later."

Ye Qi was so choked that he was speechless.

The original discomfort of the teammates was instantly relieved when he heard Shao Qingge's words. If these experiments are treated as unconscious dolls, burning them will indeed be much better psychologically.

Lu Jiuchuan joked: "Today's Taohuayuan is simply a crematorium. Will Tao Yuanming have any opinions?"

Xiao Lou reluctantly said, "The sea can't be ignited, and can only be pulled back and burned in Taohuayuan. Fortunately, Taohuayuan will automatically disappear after 3 hours of existence. The new space will be opened again tomorrow, and it should not leave traces and taste."

At this time, the peach blossom trees were covered with dark gray, and the air was full of strange burning smell, which was really uncomfortable.

Xiao Lou glanced at the Taohuayuan, which was temporarily used as a crematorium, and sighed. He looked at his teammates and said, "Let's go, find your majesty. My tail is old and unstained after all, it's not good to fade."

Everyone imagined the picture of Xiao Lou swimming in the sea, swimming, and the silver tail suddenly faded. It is estimated that the tail of the mermaid clan-the prince's tail is actually dyed? This will do!

In the royal palace, Liu Qiao and Xiao Lou are connected with spirits and have been with his majesty to comfort this stimulating old man.

Your majesty patted her shoulder and said in a heavy heart, "Although your brother is an illegitimate child whose father is living outside, you are after all brothers and sisters. Your father hopes that you can get along in harmony and never be fratricid ..."

The old version of Xiao Lou and Liu Qiao's tit-for-tat picture just now has a lingering fear. I'm afraid that one day the brothers and sisters will kill each other in order to fight for the throne. This is the last thing that fathers want to see.

"Father is assured, I have always respected my elder brother. But," Liu Qiao looked up at the father in front of him, his eyes calm and said slowly, "It is more appropriate for mermaid to inherit."

"What?" His Majesty stared at Liu Qiao in disbelief. "Don't you ... you have always been ambitious?"

"Father, my elder brother did not want to be the leader of the Mermaid. He has long communicated with me privately to let me succeed. I respect his decision and I am willing to fight this burden for him. If you do n’t believe it, you can do it yourself Ask him. "Liu Qiao lied and did not make drafts. His acting skills were already perfected. Of course, this was also what Xiao Lou told her through her heart.

Xiao Lou's tail is dyed, so naturally he cannot stay in the Mermaid as a king. Moreover, the true identity of Xiao Lou is still the prince of the Luo Ke Empire, and he has to go back to solve the problems of their own country as soon as possible.

"This ... I have to discuss it with your brother." His majesty was worried.

At this moment, Xiao Lou just finished processing the replicator and returned to the palace. He walked under the majesty and bowed, respectfully saying, "Father, those experiments have already been processed."

"Your sister said, you don't want to inherit the throne, is this true?" His Majesty asked suspiciously.

"Yes, Father." Xiao Lou's expression was very serious. "Although I am your child, my mother has never been found. Many of the people think that I have no origin. I am afraid that I will not be convinced if I succeed. , Liu Qiao is the only daughter of you and the queen. Her lineage is the purest. "He said that he turned his head and looked at Liu Qiao gently. Beautiful person. "

"..." His Majesty tangled his face, as if hesitating to whom to pass the seat.

"It's better to make a decision after consulting the elders with the elders?" Xiao Lou suggested.

"Okay, I'll invite a few elders to have a meeting." His Majesty turned and walked away.

There are a total of 7 elders in the Mermaid, Karen has been eliminated, and the remaining 6 elders, Gui Yuanzhang can handle the voting of 3 of them, that is, there are at least 4 votes on Liu Qiao ’s side .

That night, His Majesty called the elders for an emergency meeting. More than half of the elders thought that the origin of Xiao Lou was unknown, and it would be easier for the mermaid princess who was born by His Majesty and the Queen to inherit the throne.

The next morning, His Majesty announced the result in front of all the people.

Liu Qiao walked through the palace in a dress, took the crown from his father, and officially became the heir of the Mermaid. Xiao Lou smiled slightly while standing next to him, and was quite relieved.

Liu Qiao is his student in reality. After so many years of hard work in the card world, the girl's attentiveness, reason, and courage have improved to a higher level and become more and more outstanding.

This time, the branch task of the Mermaid can be successfully completed. Although Xiao Lou is the commander-in-chief, Liu Qiao ’s vigilance and self-poisoning must definitely give a thumbs-up. In case she was really stunned, her teammates did everything they could, and it was definitely not so easy to solve the Hunter team.

After the succession ceremony, Xiao Lou said goodbye to Liu Qiao and the old king.

His explanation to His Majesty is "Father, I was taken back to the palace by Elder Karen when I was young, and left my mother. I want to find her. Next, I have to leave the palace for a while. You must take care of yourself . "

His Majesty sighed "Go, since this is your obsession, my father has no reason to stop you."

Xiao Lou and Liu Qiao looked at each other, and Liu Qiao said with care, "Professor Xiao, we cannot be too busy with the Mermaid in the Luoke Empire. You must be careful."

The mermaid can stay on the land for a day or two, and long-term operations on the land will be very unsuitable, and now that Liu Qiao's heir is already, it is not easy to leave the mermaid palace without permission.

Xiao Lou nodded at her, "Relax, you three stay in the Mermaid Palace, waiting for our good news."

Gui Yuanzhang, Lao Mo and Liu Qiao went to see them personally.

Xiao Lou and his group of six were just about to leave the sea, and Gui Yuanzhang suddenly said, "We can't help, but the cards are OK. Take the three of us, Professor Xiao Bao, bring it." He said that he spread his palms like a trick. Three card packs were taken out. Obviously, the three had already discussed the card pack to Xiao Lou.

Xiao Lou looked at Senior Gui with some surprises.

Giving the teammate such an important thing as the card package shows that he has absolutely trusted Xiao Lou.

Xiao Loudao "Do you not have self-defense?"

Gui Yuanzhang said, "The problem of the Mermaid has been solved. Last night, the three of us also checked carefully. We did n’t find any fish that was missing from the clan. The replicators have all been destroyed. Now that Liu Qiao is a distinguished heir, nobody can Hurt us. "

But Xiao Lou was always at ease. He thought for a while and said, "Leave the cloak and the dyed card in case, just in case."

The dyed card can dye the tail in the Mermaid, and it is not very useful to return to the Luo Ke Empire. The cloak can escape at a critical moment. Gui Yuanzhang nodded, and took the card returned by Xiao Lou, "Take care."

Xiao Lou looked at them. "The three of them also take care. They leave the secret room and see you again."

Without further ado, the six of them swam back to sea level quickly and put their tails back to become normal.

Shao Qingge drove the newly purchased suspension car and took his teammates out of the fishing village. At the intersection of the air lanes, Shao Qingge stopped and asked "Where to go next?"

Xiao Lou said decisively "Return to Luo Ke Empire."

Chapter 454

Only Shao Qingge and Ye Qi can pass the security check of the space stations of various countries, and Xiao Lou can only adopt the method of Taohuayuan transmission again.

On the new day, the card skills refreshed and cooled. Shao Qingge and Ye Qi bought the spaceship ticket back to the empire. After passing the space station, the two did not board the passenger spaceship. The starship of the night, then opened the Taohuayuan transmission in the cabin.

A group of people appeared on the Starship Dark Night. Chu Huaying saw that everyone looked tired, poured a glass of water to everyone, and came over and asked, "Is the Mermaid over there still going well?" When Chu Huaying passed through with her, she knew the general situation.

Lu Jiuchuan smiled and said, "It went well, all the hunters and replicas were resolved, and Xiao Liu became the only successor. Moreover, we also found the details of the Noah's Ark project from the laboratory of Elder Karen data."

Tang Cidao said, "This information, combined with the cases left by Ye Qi's father, can clearly know what happened in that year."

He opened the light brain and brought up a video.

The video was taken on July 15, 2975, the day the Noah's Ark project was first launched.

I saw a spacious meeting room with a few experts, ministers, military officials, Shao Qingge's father, and his majesty very young at the time. His Majesty projected a plan on the LCD screen and said, "About the Noah's Ark plan proposed by three professors, Qin Rong, Zhu Xingchen and Palmer, you can express your opinion."

The three men named by His Majesty were the three fugitives who discovered the skeleton on the sunken ship.

There was a fierce debate in the conference room. Some people said, "Will it be crazy to copy humans?"

"I don't agree with such a plan. This simply doesn't make sense in ethics. Once the study of human gene replication is started, the butterfly effect that is triggered may make humans uncontrollable!"

"Professor Palmer, why did you propose such an incredible plan?" Ye Qiwen, Ye Qi's father, asked.

Palmer smiled and explained, "Is it important to use the chip to back up important data in the light brain? General Ye, I remember your father died of heart failure. If there was a backup copy at that time, there was a problem in his heart. He was given organs when he was transplanted, and he can still live for many years, don't you deny this? "

Ye Bowen froze, "This ..."

Palmer glanced across the audience and said, "If your beloved wife and child get a difficult disease in the future? There is a copy of organs, tissues, skin, and blood that can be accessed at any time. Not afraid anymore. "

General Lin Zecheng frowned. "Birth, sickness and death are things that humans have experienced for thousands of years. As you say, if you make a copy and make a data backup of your body, can we live forever?"

Palmer shook his head. "It's not as magical as longevity and immortality. It's just that having more health protection is like buying a health insurance for yourself. Are you not afraid of death, or are loved ones dying of disease?"

There was a sudden silence in the conference room.

The young Zhang Shaohua said calmly, "The teacher is right, animal cloning technology has already matured, and human cloning has never been approved by the ethics society. The key is that ethicists believe that once human clones enter the society, they will pollute human Gene pool, and when they have self-awareness, they are likely to conflict with the ontology. "

Lin Zecheng looked at his wife a bit unexpectedly, and she couldn't believe she would actually support it.

Zhang Shaohua's expression was extremely calm. She stood up, walked to the LCD screen and gently swiped the page, turning over the detailed schedule. "However, the replication plan proposed by Professor Palmer this time will not make the replication successful. Experiments are added to human society, but they are placed in petri dishes for life. They have no consciousness, no human behavior, just as a data backup, stored in the hospital. "

Zhang Shaohua paused and looked at her husband and said, "It's like a 20-year-old young woman going to the hospital to freeze a few eggs. When the quality of the egg drops when she gets older, she takes out the frozen eggs from her youth and becomes pregnant. You can understand that, Duplicator is a temporarily frozen organ bank cultured by our own cells. One day we will become ill and we can use organs, bone marrow and other necessary parts from replicators. "

There was again a debate around.

At this moment, His Majesty suddenly said slowly, "I agree with this plan."

Everyone in the conference room turned to look at him. The young sire lowered his voice and said, "If this plan is implemented earlier, my eldest prince will not die. He was poisoned at that time, and he was suffering from acute liver and kidney failure. If the organ he transplanted had been copied by him, he could now walk and call my father. "

Everyone "..."

Looking at the sad expression on His Majesty's face, the room was silent.

His Majesty glanced across the audience and said, "Now start voting."

The people in the meeting room glanced at each other. Some people raised their hands to agree, and some were silent. In the end, more than half of the people agreed. The plan was officially launched, and the video ended here.

Tang Ci opened the second video.

In the same conference room, here is the second meeting of the plan. The three professors Palmer, Qin Rong, and Zhu Xingchen who led the plan did not say "add Zerg genes", only "we improved The culture medium, this time, guarantees that the replicator can survive. "

Zhang Shaohua added, "Moreover, after the successful training this time, we will destroy all the extraneous samples, leaving only one or two as data backup, and keep them in the secret laboratory. When your children need it in the future, Then remove the corresponding organs and tissues from the laboratory label itself. "

She also said, "If this research can be carried out smoothly, it will be a leap in human medical technology, and all children born will be able to automatically obtain a copy as a health insurance for their entire life."

In the video, Shao Qingge's father had a struggling expression on his face. He must have been contradictory at the time, but in the end, when everyone around him raised his hand, he shook his hand and agreed.

Everyone signed the plan in turn.

From the data chip found by the Mermaid, the video is only the records of these two meetings, but it is enough to explain the problem.

The Noah ’s Ark project was originally led by His Majesty, and was jointly proposed by Palmer, Qin Rong, and Zhu Xingchen, experts in genetics, reproductive medicine, and genetics from the Imperial Academy of Sciences.

Zhang Shaohua is a disciple of Professor Palmer, responsible for data collection and experimental arrangement.

Their starting point was actually justified. They just wanted to keep the replicas as organ backups and kept them in the laboratory, so that the replicators would not have human consciousness, and the extra replicas would also be destroyed. The replicas they want to make are actually more like "frozen organ banks" than humans.

In the two meetings, from the perspective of Zhang Shaohua's performance, she was unaware of many things.

Xiao Lou speculated that “Zhao Shaohua was very young at that time, blindly worshipping her mentor, thinking that the mentor ’s decision was correct. Survive the fittest? "

Yu Hanjiang said, "Palmer and others probably didn't expect His Majesty to be so crazy. So, knowing all this, they realized the crisis and chose to run away, and took away a prince's replicator and a large number of specimens in the laboratory. "

Xiao Lou reluctantly said, "The plan has deviated from the original intention and completely lost control. His majesty violated the original agreement of not allowing replicators to join human society. He personally trained Xiao Lou 2 and 3 as adults, and he wanted to raise one of the best The prince. "

The two videos recorded on the chip, as well as a large number of copies of human genetic data and case data, as well as experimental plans written by Professor Palmer, Professor Qin Rong, and Professor Zhu Xingchen, and Zhang Shaohua's observation records in the laboratory ...

There are even photos of the copy people they took away when they fled the capital star.

The photos are marked with numbers, like Xiaolou No. 4, Shao Qingge No. 1, Ye Qi No. 7 and so on.

The information found from the Mermaid is really hard evidence.

Yu Hanjiang said, "The physical evidence is now very complete. If this evidence is put on the empire's network, it will definitely arouse public anger. Then we will find a way to let this crazy emperor step down. The key now is to find a few enough The testimony to convince the public, after all, with today's high-tech methods, the video can be completely faked. "

Xiao Lou thought about it. "If you testify, I can testify in person. My sister Xiao Rou may help, another ... Zhang Shaohua?"

Yu Hanjiang nodded. "We have to go back to the capital star to find her as soon as possible. If she is also extinguished, it would be unclear."

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