Card Room

Chapter 483:

Chapter 483

The sun is setting and the lively town has become quiet.

Perhaps the legend of "Death of Life" is too scary. In addition, people have disappeared in the town over the years. Therefore, no matter the elderly or children, before the sky is completely dark, they will rush home and hurry the gate tightly. close.

The excitement and peace during the day seemed to be just an illusion. At night, the residents looked nervous and watchful, and the streets of the entire town became empty, like an empty city.

Xiaolou, the shop of the inn where they live, also kindly came and told them, "Guest, our town cannot go out after dark. The door of the inn has been locked. If you have any instructions, you can call me directly."

Xiao Lou politely thanked him and sent away the second boy.

Time passed by one minute and one second, and the last ray of light also disappeared as the sun set.

The night has come.

Xiao Lou held his breath and opened a gap in the window. He carefully listened to the movement outside and the needle was audible quietly outside the window, not to mention human voices, not even the calls of birds and pigs. The empty town was shrouded in a gentle moonlight, and the branches on the roadside cast black shadows on the ground like a devil with claws and claws.

Suddenly, a gust of wind blew and closed the window that Xiao Lou opened.

The sound seemed to be amplified several times during the silent night. Thunderstorms usually sounded in my ears. Xiao Lou was startled and tried to open the window again, only to find that the window was locked from the outside by a strange force and could not be opened at all .

Yu Hanjiang saw Xiao Lou pushing the window hard, his face changed, and he quickly walked over to him "what's going on"

Xiao Loudao "The windows suddenly couldn't open."

Yu Hanjiang and Xiao Lou pushed hard with the window, however, the harder he pressed, the greater the power to seal the window outside, as if there was a magical force that interacted with his thrust and canceled each other out.

Yu Hanjiang's brows grew tighter. With his arm strength, let alone open the window, it is not difficult to smash the wooden window directly. This window was just fine. How could it suddenly fail to open when blown by the wind? Yu Hanjiang felt bad, immediately grabbed Xiaolou's wrist, and turned quickly to the door to "go fast

He stretched his long legs and kicked hard at the door. As a result, the door could not be opened.

The two had just left the shop second child and apparently did not lock the door.

Yu Hanjiang gestured to Xiao Lou to take a step back with his eyes, and then took out the night demon saber and slammed toward the door.

The wooden doors and windows, under the blade of the sharpened iron, were still immobile, as if sealed by a magical force

Xiao Lou's complexion turned white, "We are trapped in this room"

Yu Hanjiang said, "Try to contact other people."

Xiao Lou pressed the voice headset in his ear and hurriedly asked, "Can someone hear me?"

There is no response in the headset, and it is extremely quiet.

Yu Hanjiang lowered his voice, "Is Lao Mo, Liu Qiao, Long Sen, Qu Wanyue all there?"

There is still no sound.

There was a strong unease in Xiao Lou's heart, "I'm a hunter"

The situation at this time reminded him of the mermaid maze at level q. In the hand of "Copy No. 5 Xiaolou", there is a card called "Card Magnetic Shield", which can shield all card skills in a wide range. But the strange thing is that when they pulled the man into Taohuayuan and burned it with fire, they didn't find the card on the opponent's body.

Xiao Lou believes that the man actively destroyed the card.

With regard to the source and destination of the hunter ’s cards, they have too little information, and it is really difficult to trace. This ca n’t be done.

But now, the card failure situation has reappeared.

If it is a card prohibited area, the floating box will pop up the prompt of "Forbidden Cards in Current Scene". There is no prompt, the team headset is invalid, then someone must have used other cards to suppress the card effect in Xiaolou's hands.

Absolutely a hunter.

Although Yu Hanjiang and Xiao Lou did not connect with their hearts and minds, but one look was enough for each other to understand this meaning.

At this moment, countless dense hairs slammed through the gaps between windows and doors. Those hairs, like conscious tentacles, quickly swept towards Yu Hanjiang and Xiaolou

Xiao Lou's face changed suddenly.

They stood in the middle of the house, their hair rushing in through the windows and the cracks of the door like tide, and the two were surrounded by their hair in less than 3 seconds, and there was no way back.

Seeing that the hair was about to curl around Xiao Lou's neck, Yu Hanjiang pulled hard with his left hand, holding Xiao Lou half in his arms, and jumped up. At the same time, his right hand picked up a sharp saber and slammed the hair against the hair

Hair should break with the blade.

But these hairs are extremely capable of growing, and chopping them does not affect the overall situation.

The broken hair fell to the ground, but the rest of the hair could continue to grow around. There was more and more hair pouring into the doors and windows, and there was almost no place to fall on the ground. Yu Hanjiang looked at the long hair coming from all sides, frowning, and while slashing with a saber, he tried to break through the secret room.

The current scene of Xiao Lou's brain turning fast is very similar to "card magnetic field shielding", Yu Hanjiang's saber can be used, because this card belongs to the equipment card, without any skills. The invalid "hearts and souls", "team headphones", etc., are all "skills" cards.

Fortunately, Xiao Lou remembered clearly that the duration of the magnetic field shielding card encountered at that time was only 5 minutes. At this point, they specially made Ye Qi play the flute.

Fortunately, I paid more attention to confirm the specific duration of the hunter card.

Xiao Lou whispered "Hold on for 5 minutes. If I guess right, it's that magnetic field shielding card again."

Yu Hanjiang nodded. He took Xiao Lou with a sharp knife and shoved back, and quickly backed to the wall, backing against the wall, so he only had to face the hair in the three directions of front, left and right. .

The handsome face of the man is full of killing air, and the hair around him is annoying. The speed of the hair swept faster and faster, but Yu Hanjiang's knife is also faster and faster

For a time, the snow-white knife light waved tightly around the Yu Hanjiang.

He just used a sharp knife to cover himself and Xiao Lou, so that those hairs could not get close

Xiao Lou knew that once these hairs were wrapped around his neck, they would soon be strangled. 5 minutes sounds very short, but it can take longer than a century under the circumstances that it may die at any time.

Xiao Lou was worried about disturbing Yu Hanjiang's movements, so he stopped talking and stayed quietly beside Yu Hanjiang.

The man had a deep gaze, the knife in his hand was as fast as lightning, he cut as much as his hair came, the mechanized movement continued for a long time, the muscles on his arm had been stretched tightly, and he didn't seem tired at all.

Suddenly, Liu Qiao's voice came from Xiao Lou's headphones, "Can Professor Xiao hear it?"

As soon as Xiao Lou heard Xiao Liu's voice, he knew that the crisis of card shielding had been temporarily lifted. He hadn't had time to answer it, and he saw that the hair around him seemed to have received orders, and suddenly dispersed like a low tide.

Yu Hanjiang frowned and looked around.

The hair that fell on the ground after being cut off was gone.

He came to the window and pushed the window. The window was pushed away easily.

The imprisonment was lifted. It was dark outside the window, and the cold moon hung high in the sky, as if nothing had happened.

Yu Hanjiang shouted, "Sneaky, get out of here"

"Hahahaha." A young woman's silver bell-like laughter came not far away, and the laughter was strangely strange in the silent night. Yu Hanjiang narrowed his eyes and looked in the direction of the sound. A white figure suddenly flashed in the field of vision.

The man wore a long white dress from an ancient woman. Wide-sleeved gauze, disheveled hair, red lips like blood, whereabouts are erratic, exactly the same as Tang Ci said during the day, "The Legend of Li Gui Su Ming"

Xiao Lou said with a sullen face, "It seems that the so-called Li Gui is actually a hunter sneaking into this world"

Yu Hanjiang held the headset and asked, "If you have anything, please tell me what happened just now."

The voice of Qu Wanyue came from my ear, trembling slightly. "Just now, the doors and windows were suddenly locked and could not get out. We realized that something was wrong, and quickly fused with the wall with the chameleon card, and then saw a lot of hair pouring in."

Long Sen sighed, "Thanks to Wanyue's quick response, those hairs are really disgusting, they can continue to grow and spread, and they quickly fill the whole house. They didn't find where we are, they just dispersed."

The couple did react fast enough and went to the wall in danger.

Xiao Lou asked, "What about Lao Mo and Xiao Liu?"

Liu Qiao said, "We are in the same situation. Doors and windows are covered. Many hairs suddenly attack us. My card skills are useless. Uncle Mo is anxious. He took a marble brick and built a seamless back room. We hid inside and we The hair is separated. "

Lao Mo ’s marble tiles and wooden floors belong to the tool card, which can be used like Yu Hanjiang ’s knife. Being locked in a secret room, he made a smaller marble secret room, indented a "turtle shell" to protect himself, and was smart.

Teammates are all right, Xiao Lou finally relieved.

Old Mo Dao "Just now, I also heard the voice of the Yu team, the night copy is haunted by hunters"

Liu Qiao frowned and said, "Is the card in his hand the magnetic field of the card we encountered at the q-th level, shielding all my cards just now?"

Xiao Lou nodded. "Yes."

Liu Qiao wondered, "But if I remember right, the card magnetic field shield will shield all skill cards in the range. Why can the hunter continue to attack us with his hair"

Yu Hanjiang whispered "Perhaps that is not her card, but her own skills."

"Bring Your Own Skills" Liu Qiao was stunned, and soon reacted. "Her identity in this secret room is that Li Gui can seal us with seals and attack her targets with her growing hair."

"Yes." Xiao Lou's face was a bit ugly. He whispered, "The hunter may choose his own identity, choose a ghost, and kill us in the night ghost city copy. The success rate will be higher."

The woman in white just now can not only attack Xiao Lou's group with her hair, but also her erratic whereabouts, which is equivalent to bringing her own teleportation skills. The white ghost disappeared in a blink of an eye. It must be hard to catch her.

There are such hunters in the night copy, no wonder the gatekeeper asked them to "live" when entering the secret room

Xiao Lou was shocked in his heart and suddenly said, "Can Nine Brother Xiaoye hear me?"

Everyone discussed for a long time, but none of the six teammates outside the town intervened.

With Jiu Ge's temper, he would definitely scold "fuck" when he heard this. With Xiao Ye's character, when everyone was discussing, he would definitely say what he thought, and it was impossible to be so quiet.

Yu Hanjiang realized that something was wrong, and lowered his voice and said, "Brother, I heard a reply."

There was no response in the headset, and it was so disturbingly quiet.

The card's magnetic field shielding has expired after 5 minutes. It stands to reason that team communication can now be used as usual.

Why do people who stay outside the town lose contact

Could it be that Brother Nine is in trouble too? The URL has been changed, the URL has been changed, the URL has been changed, everyone will re-collect the new URL, the new URL and the new computer version of the URL will be opened in the new URL after the collection, and the old URL has recently been unable to open , The old website will not be opened in the future, please keep in mind :, free and fastest update no anti-theft no anti-theft error report, please ask for a book, please add qq group 647547956 group number

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