Card Room

Chapter 510:

Chapter 510

The sun is about to set, and Qingfeng Town is shrouded in the afterglow of the setting sun. Xiao Lou opened the window and looked outside. The people on the street hurriedly returned home. The lively and peaceful town during the day, once the sun sets, Will become an empty city.

Xiao Lou looked at the empty alley and whispered, "If we continue to stay in the town, we will be sent to the ghost town again after dark. I don't know how many hunters will be waiting for us this time."

Yu Hanjiang walked over to him, gently grabbed his shoulder and said, "But if we leave Qingfeng Town, after dark, will it be sent to other worlds like last time President Shao and Nine Brother?"

Last time, their team was divided into three groups of actions. Shao Qingge and Ye Qi were sent to the world twenty years ago at the gate of the town. Nine brothers and four went to the woods, but they returned to three years ago.

In other words, people who are in the town after dark will continue to stay in the "original world." Challengers who leave the town will be sent to other time points. It is still unclear exactly how to arrange the transmission. In case they were also taken to the famine era 20 years ago, this secret room would not be able to clear the customs.

Xiao Lou looked at Yu Hanjiang. "We must stay in the original world. Not to mention the murderer in the Shen Hu case has no clue. The key figures in the Li Gui case, Zhou Xiaoyun, as well as the two murderers Qi Ran and Han Ningshuang, have not been found."

Yu Hanjiang said, "Well, I can only stay here. There are too few clues in the Shenhu case, but what is certain is that the bride who hanged herself at the wedding and the bridegroom who drowned in the river shortly were the case. The key person of the crime. As long as the murderer commits the crime, as long as it is not an impulsive random killing, then the first person he killed must be closely related to his motive for committing the crime. The person killed later may be similar to the one selected after the psychological distortion. Goal to satisfy your psychological pleasure."

According to the information that Qu Wanyue and Liu Qiao have inquired in many places in the town, on the eighth day of March two years ago, Longyan, the three young masters of Longyan and Miss Lin’s Miss Lin Wanqing, became married because both Long and Lin were from Qingfeng Town. In large households, the marriage of the two young people can be regarded as a good match. The wedding scale is grand, and many guests are invited.

The murderer should have been among the guests and entered the wedding banquet, killing the bride. However, it has been two years since the wedding banquet.

Seeing that it was getting dark, Xiao Lou had no choice but to say, "It seems that the Shenhu case has to wait until tomorrow to continue the investigation. I don't know if the ghost town after this dark can get other clues."

Yu Hanjiang was silent for a moment, and pressed the headset to his teammates. "It's getting dark. Everyone comes to the Tianzi room and joins me and Xiao Lou to avoid being attacked by hunters like last time."

The four people immediately came to Xiao Lou's room to gather.

The women with hair that can be grown infinitely in the ghost town before, as well as the women with ghost face doll makeup and red oil paper umbrella, are very powerful hunters. This time, it seems that the hunters can only appear in the ghost town maze at night. No one interferes with them during the day. I don’t know if the hunters have restrictions on the identity of this room.

In short, the ghost town at night is extremely dangerous, and everyone must be fully prepared.

After a while, it was finally dark.

Qingfeng Town outside the window was enveloped by the soft moonlight, and the black tree shadows were constantly shaking on the ground, like a devil with claws and claws. Even the sounds of any animals were inaudible, and it was very strangely quiet, just as the six of them were abandoned by the whole world.

Xiao Lou and Yu Hanjiang glanced at each other, opened the window, and turned down with their teammates.

This time, the alley is not as straight and long as before, but it is curved and the moon above is clearly visible. Lao Mo immediately said, "The alley is normal. We were not pulled into the field by the hunter."

Liu Qiao looked around for a while, lowering his voice and asking "She didn't come this time? Or did she say that she didn't want to use the same method a second time?"

Xiao Lou raised his ears alertly. There didn't seem to be any hunter's voices around, but Xiao Lou still didn't dare to relax his vigilance and said softly to his teammates, "Be careful, I'm opening the road with Han Jiang. Long Sen and Wan Yue followed with a chameleon card. Xiao Liu Dianhou, Wan When someone sneaks in, first stop them with Aisha's snow storm."

The six quickly stood in line.

Yu Hanjiang and Xiao Lou were at the forefront. Long Sen and Qu Wanyue used a chameleon card to hide their bodies. After Liu Qiaodian, Lao Mo took out the maze map painted on the handkerchief to guide everyone. They quickly walked out of the small house behind the inn. Lane, see the lake in the middle of Qingfeng Town.

The familiar Zuiyue Lake, above is the debris sprinkled by the moonlight projection. Lao Mo squatted down, while carefully observing the debris on the lake, while saying, "Tonight's maze is still turning, one hour to 30 degrees, 12 hours to the original point, that is to say, we want to leave this maze, we need to be here After 12 hours, wait for the maze to turn back to the original point, and then exit from the previous exit."

Yu Hanjiang lowered his voice. "These 12 hours must be a survival mode. I don't know where the hunters are hiding."

Xiao Lou took a deep breath and calmly said, "Come on, everyone be careful."

They walked along the lake for only a certain distance, and suddenly heard the deafening sound of firecrackers around them. Liu Qiao, who was walking at the end, was startled, stopped immediately, and turned his head to look in the direction of the sound of firecrackers. Set off firecrackers, is it true that the story of Miss Zhao's marriage to Zhao Zean is going to repeat itself?"

Everyone saw Zhao Zean getting married when he first came to the ghost town at night. Is it coming again today?

Lao Mo looked at the alley where the firecrackers sounded and said, "It should not be the Zhao family, that alley is not right."

Although the maze will continue to rotate, it is difficult to accurately identify the direction, but he remembers that the alley in front of Zhao’s door did not plant too many willow trees, and at this time, the whole street was filled with firecrackers. When the willow tree is crossed, the willow branches and leaves beside the road are staggered, swaying in the wind under the moonlight, like a ghost.

Xiao Loudao "Not the Zhao family...that is the Long family."

Liu Qiao quickly responded, "Is it the couple Longyan and Lin Wanqing who had an accident at the wedding banquet two years ago?"

Yu Hanjiang whispered, "The scene is reappearing, let's take a look."

The six people followed the sound of firecrackers to the street. Sure enough, they saw a circle of red lanterns hanging around the courtyard of a family, and the words "囍" were posted on the door. A few guards stood at the door, and the clothes they wore were all in festive red.

At this time, although the door is open, but no guests come in and out, the wedding reception may have begun.

Yu Hanjiang looked at Xiao Lou and asked softly, "Wear directly in the cloak? Or fly to the roof to see?"

Xiao Lou thought for a while and said, "It would be better to let Long Sen and Wan Yue slip in to see the situation first. We will wait for the news."

Long Sen and Qu Wanyue have used the chameleon card to blend in with the floor. After hearing this, Qu Wanyue made a sound from the ground, "Okay, let's go ahead and explore the way."

The two entered the courtyard. A moment later, the voice of Qu Wanyue came from Xiao Lou’s headphones. “Professor Xiao, the bride and groom are in the worship hall, and the guests did not look abnormal. It should have been reproduced two years ago.”

Yu Hanjiang and Xiao Lou glanced at each other, and Xiao Lou nodded and said, "Go in lightly."

After all, the cloak of invisibility has a time limit of 30 minutes, and it needs to be saved. Yu Hanjiang opened the Qinggong card and took Xiao Lou flying to the roof. Liu Qiao also opened the Qinggong card and used the Thumbelina to put the old Mo into a small pocket and flew to the roof.

The four chose a dark corner with a light behind them and secretly lay prone on the roof, only to find a head to observe the situation in the courtyard.

"I worship the world! I worship Gaotang!"

"Couple worships!" "Li Cheng!"

The hall was indeed in the worship hall. The bride covered her face with a red head and couldn't see her face clearly. The bridegroom was full of joy. After worshipping, she smiled at the surrounding guests with a smile.

The bridegroom is full of face and flesh. When he smiles, his eyes narrow into a line, his waist is round, his height is less than one meter seven, and he weighs more than 200 kilograms. .

Xiao Lou and Yu Hanjiang were connected to the spirit before entering the ghost town at night. After seeing this scene, they said in his mind: "Although the groom's house is rich, but his appearance is not suitable for the bride. His weight is estimated to be a bride There are more than three times the son...I wonder if the bride is willing to marry him?"

Yu Hanjiang said, "If the bride is forced, why should the murderer kill the bride?"

Xiao Lou also thinks about it, assuming that the murderer loves the bride deeply, and the idea of ​​killing was born because of "love is not allowed", then if the bride is forced by the family, the murderer will not kill the bride, he is more likely to kill the groom and her Family, then take away the bride.

Yu Hanjiang followed and said, "There are two possibilities. The first is that the bride and the murderer were originally deeply in love, but later changed their hearts because they were greedy for the money of the Dragon family, and agreed to their parents’ arrangements to marry the fat and ugly Long family three. Little, the murderer was so jealous that he killed the bride on the night of the wedding reception, and soon killed Long San, and then because of psychological distortion, killed many women of the same age in the town, and put these people in red clothes and dragged them to the lake in."

Xiao Lou followed this line of thought and said, "The second possibility is that the bride had offended the murderer. It happened that when he was wearing a red dress, he left a serious psychological shadow on the murderer. The murderer deeply hated the bride, so he took the opportunity of the wedding banquet to kill Did she?"

-Distorted mentality caused by love and hatred, or did you hate her before taking revenge at the wedding banquet?

Xiao Lou looked up and saw that Xi-po helped the bride into the new house, the groom official and other guests stayed in the yard to drink wine, he took a toast table by table with a jug, and the whole backyard was co-planned and lively for a time .

Yu Hanjiang glanced sharply across the guest seat, looking for anyone suspicious.

He saw the faces of many acquaintances.

Qin Feng sat on the leftmost table, and next to it was Lin Feng, the head of the Lin family, and Lin Wanru, who was recently killed; Lin Wanru was a girl about 16 years old, and Lin Wanqing was her cousin. Follow your parents to the wedding reception.

Yu Hanjiang said, "From the look of expression, these guests are not obviously abnormal. All seats are seated with guests, and no one sneaks away from the scene."

Who is the murderer? Is it among the guests?

Yu Hanjiang was puzzled. Suddenly, he thought of another possibility and said, "Come on, look at the new house!"

Qu Wanyue immediately went to the direction of the new house with Long Sen.

When Xi Po took the bride away just now, they saw the location of the new house. The two quickly came to the door of the new house. Xi Po and the girls seemed to have retreated, and it was quiet inside. Qu Wanyue poked a hole in the paper window to look inside—

I saw a woman in red hanging on the cantilever in the house, with a long tongue in her mouth, she had long lost her breath.

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