Card Room

Chapter 521:

Chapter 521

After the clearance prompt popped up in the suspension box, it didn't take long for Xiao Lou to see the option of "Leave the World of the Chamber of Secrets". Xiao Lou pressed "Yes" and a white light flashed in front of him, following the time-space transition, he saw A familiar card wall.

On the card wall, all cards of four suits from 2 to k are all softly lit. There is also a "cleared" stamp in the lower left corner of the playing card. The surface of the card is the name of each secret room.

From the single-pass clearance of the Red Peach 2 Rose Funeral, the Spade 2 Zombie Town... to the Plum Blossom 2 challenge to meet Yu Hanjiang at 10:30, to the Spade 3 financial crisis to meet Shao Qingge and Ye Qi, and Spade 4 Liuxi Village Meet Liu Qiao, Qu Wanyue and Long Sen...

This wall records all of their customs clearance results, and now, at first glance, it is really full of memories.

In an instant, they have been in the card world for a long time, and have passed so many secret rooms...

Xiao Lou stood in front of the card wall and his mood was very complicated. He hadn't had time to speak, and suddenly a young and clear voice came from behind him, "Professor Xiao! Are you finally out?"

It’s Ye Qi’s voice.

Xiao Lou hurriedly turned around and saw that Shao Qingge, Ye Qi and Jiu Ge, Tang Ci, Gui Lao, and Hua Ying were waiting for them in their personal space. The teammates were all there, which finally relieved Xiao Lou's heart. He looked towards Ye Qi, Wen Yan asked, "Xiaoye, have you cleared the customs ahead of time?"

Ye Qi quickly walked in front of Xiao Lou and said quietly, "We just completed the task and was sent to the pending area. It was a closed space like the pending area of ​​the copy of Bloody Night Witch at that time. If in the end the six of you could not solve the puzzle smoothly Or, the maze was killed by the hunters at night, and we will be eliminated together."

Xiao Lou said, "It turns out that this is the case. That is to say, you are sent to the past world, and if you find a clue, even if you complete the task, enter the pending area first, and wait for us to successfully get out of the secret room, you will be cleared? If we fail, you You will also be sitting together, everyone will be eliminated together?"

Lu Jiuchuan said, "Yes." He paused and looked at Yu Hanjiang. "Right, have we seen all the clues we left?"

Yu Hanjiang nodded. "Well, thanks to the detailed clues, we can successfully find the murderer."

Shao Qingge came over with a smile on his face, jokingly said, "I said that my idea is brilliant. Who would idle and go to the burial site to dig a grave? We made a co-burial tomb, buried the clues in the tomb, and the outsiders could not understand it, But Xiao Lou understood at a glance."

Xiao Lou looked at him helplessly, "Also, it's a loss that President Shao wanted to come up with."

Ye Qi asked with concern, "How are you doing? Isn't it dangerous?"

Tang said, "We didn't meet the hunters in the world three years ago, nor did they meet Mr. Shao, so the biggest possibility is that the hunters are all in the original world. It must be difficult for you six to clear customs?"

He glanced at the **** gauze on Xiaolou's neck and a piece of black carrion on the back of Yu Hanjiang's hand. He frowned slightly, and took out his treatment robot. "Do you want me to treat your wound?"

Just now everyone was too excited because of the reunion, but they ignored Xiao Lou’s injuries on them. At this time, Tang Ciyi reminded him that Lu Jiuchuan couldn’t help but scold “Fuck, your hands are almost rotten to the bone! What happened? "

Ye Qi also looked nervously at Xiao Lou. "Professor Xiao is still bleeding on your neck! Also, Mr. Qu's neck has been pinched so blue... Who is so lacking in virtue, almost strangling you?"

Qu Wanyue smiled and said in a dumb voice, "I don't know."

Xiao Lou "............"

Long Sen pinched, of course, this truth Xiao Lou and Yu Hanjiang tacitly did not want to speak out. After all, at the time Long Sen was controlled by the rattle sound and completely lost his mind. Lao Mo almost killed himself with a knife.

Seeing his teammates looking at him with concern, Xiao Lou smiled and said, "You don't have to worry, it's all a skin trauma. The hunters we met this time are very strong. It's really not easy for us to get out of the night maze. "

Although he said this sentence lightly, but Ye Qi and others could imagine the fierce danger at that time.

Even Xiao Lou Yu Hanjiang was injured, showing how terrible the hunters are.

Ye Qi said, "The insect ace of Mr. Shao and I must be used in the secret room. It can't cure your injuries. You can only rely on Mr. Tang. Let Mr. Tang's robot cure you!"

Tang said, "Everyone sit down and heal the injury."

His treatment robot has a cute shape, big head, and short body, which can cure most of the trauma, including knife wounds, decay, etc. However, if it is a broken limb or internal organs, the treatment robot is helpless and must rely on the insect ace.

Fortunately, Xiao Lou’s injury was not serious this time, and Tang Ci’s treatment machine could solve it.

Tang Ci gently untied the gauze around Xiao Lou's neck.

I saw a wound about 10 cm long at the collarbone. The wound left by the sharp knife was shocking. The flesh was turned out, and the bone was deeply visible! This wound was less than 2 cm away from Xiaolou's neck artery. I can imagine how dangerous Xiaolou was at that time!

Yu Hanjiang clearly saw the scar under sufficient light. His eyes were dark, and he whispered, "If you say it's okay, you will be dead by 2 centimeters."

Xiao Lou said in a soothing tone: "Isn't it still 2 centimeters away? It doesn't matter if the skin trauma, I will be more careful in the future."

Yu Hanjiang said nothing more, and gently took his hand.

Tang Ci quickly sutured Xiao Lou's wound with a treatment robot, followed by healing Yu Hanjiang's right hand, and the bruise on Qu Wanyue's neck was quickly resolved. What surprised Xiao Lou was that Liu Qiao's arm and calf also had Wounds are just small wounds, like something bitten by something.

The girl was so strong that she said nothing.

Xiao Lou asked in a low voice, "Xiao Liu, was you injured in the water at that time?"

Liu Qiao nodded calmly. "Well, when I was lurking in the water, there were a lot of strange things that caught me, like countless snakes biting people. Fortunately, I escaped fast."

Xiao Lou patted her on the shoulder lightly and said, "I'll let you lead them away. This time it's so risky."

Liu Qiao rarely bent his mouth, showing a smile. "It should be. Anyway, I have two lives. The antidote should be eaten in time."

Lu Jiuchuan kept frowning from beginning to end. The injuries on these people, as well as the information revealed in the dialogue, all explained that the 6 of them were later surrounded by hunters and were transported to the past by chance. The six teammates are relatively easier, only to investigate the clues and did not meet the hunter.

Compared with President Shao and Ye Qi who almost starved to death in the famine world and ate their leaves every day, Lu Jiuchuan was the most comfortable in the world three years ago.

After Tang Ci put away the treatment robot, Lu Jiuchuan whispered, "Tell us what the case is all about?"

Xiao Lou probably explained the process of puzzle solving and the hunters encountered in the labyrinth to six teammates.

The murderer in the Li Gui case was Qi Ran, and Shao Qingge and Ye Qi guessed right; Lu Jiuchuan and the four reasoned that Han Ningshuang’s associates were masked men, but did not know his name; Finally, the clues left by Xiao Lou’s comprehensive teammates , Successfully solved all the puzzles, and also found that the murderer in the Shen Hu case was another girl adopted by her mother-in-law.

When Tang Ci heard this, he couldn't help but wonder, "The murderer in the Shenhu case is related to long hair... Is Zhou Xiaoyun the woman with the shaved head we met outside the city three years ago?"

Lu Jiuchuan also remembered this and patted his head, saying, "We have been focusing on the investigation of the ghost case during the world investigation three years ago, and locked Han Ningshuang and the mask man. The clues you leave are also about these two people. Yes. We did see a woman with shaved hair outside the city, but everyone thought she was a passing nun and did not pay attention to her!"

Xiao Loudao "This can't blame you, because the Shenhu case was discovered by us at Zuiyuehu after everyone separated. You don't even know that there is another case in this chamber. However, so I can understand Zhou Xiaoyun's motive for committing the crime. ."

He looked at Yu Hanjiang, who nodded tacitly and said, "Qi Ran's motive for committing revenge is to revenge his mother-in-law, and he will kill everyone as soon as he takes it. Zhou Xiaoyun's motive for committing the crime is for himself. The most likely thing is that Zhou Xiaoyun's childhood was not very good. The good encounter made her have a psychological shadow on long hair and red clothes, so when Qi Ran began to kill, she followed the crime together, but the difference in the way they committed the crime was too big. At first, we were mistaken for two cents. Unrelated cases. But it turns out that the murderers of the two cases are actually known and have been covering each other."

Shao Qingge heard a headache. He rubbed his temples and said, "Anyway, you can solve the mystery. The hardest thing this time is, besides the clue transmission across time and space, is there a hunter? How many have you encountered? "

Xiao Loudao "Thirteen people, the most powerful of which is the murderer Qi Ran."

Ye Qi breathed a sigh of relief. "The murderer is also a hunter? I remember the tenth pass, Mr. Shao's mother was a hunter; at the qth pass, Professor Xiao's replicator was a hunter? Can a hunter be? Go through the world of secret rooms and directly replace the identity of the murderer?"

Yu Hanjiang shook his head "I'm afraid it's not that simple."

Tang Ci immediately took out his portable laptop, looked at Xiao Lou, and said seriously, "This is our last chance to find out the organization of the hunter. Otherwise, we went to the double king's secret room, and we know nothing about the hunter. , It is likely to be more dangerous than the secret room K. Professor Xiao, you try to tell me the characteristics of the hunter you met. I can see if I can find some information?"

Xiao Lou carefully sorted out his thoughts and said, "The characteristics are more obvious. There is a young man in a black cloak who can control the crystal **** of different colors; a scarred face uncle can control the tornado and the sky net; there is a girl who has absolute Field cards, create dark alley fields, and have illusion cards, which can copy other people's card skill effects into illusions. There is also a man with a double flying swallow kite that can fly his teammates, and he also has Many poisoned hidden weapons."

Yu Hanjiang added: "A young man with a gun and a defensive umbrella is called "Xiao Qi"; a young man of immense power can ignore the bullet attack; the old lady uses her thin hands to make weapons; the woman with long hair Hair can grow indefinitely, and the hunters met by Liu Qiao can summon strange water monsters underwater."

Tang Ci struck on the keyboard quickly, the more frowned Lu Jiuchuan heard the brows, the last he could not help saying, "Fuck, this hunter is much more powerful than our original Meihua j. Right!"

Chu Huaying, who has been silent, suddenly said, "The hunters we met at Meihua j were all miscellaneous fish, but the number was too large. After dragging us for several days, our cards were used up before we died. Many people. This time the hunters seem to be all elites. It is not easy for you to come out."

Gui Yuanzhang wondered, "Where are the cards in the hands of these hunters? Is it the same as we guessed, the two camps of hunters and challengers were set up at the beginning, we pass the secret room and solve the puzzles? Collect cards, they rely on... to kill?"

At this moment, Tang Ci's face changed suddenly.

Seeing him pale, Lu Jiuchuan hurriedly asked, "Xiao Tang, what did you find?"

Tang Ci turned the computer screen over and showed it to everyone. He pointed to the above and said, "Most of the hunters mentioned earlier couldn't find any information. However, I found the cards such as Crystal Ball, Tornado and Shuangfeiyan Kite. some information."

Looking at the information listed on the computer screen, Xiao Lou froze for a while, "These cards originally belonged to the three brothers, but they died as early as the previous Zhou Chang Chamber of Secrets?"

Tang said, "Yes, their ID cards have been cancelled. The information of all challengers in the card world can be found in the population management agency. I invaded the management system. The death time of these three people was a month ago. The second movie is Zhou Chang."

Old Mo suddenly chimed in, "Is that the spin labyrinth? A lot of labyrinths have seen hunters, and my teammates have also died several times. Our team almost died in that week, and I survived alone..."

Tang Ci nodded, "It's a spinning labyrinth."

Xiao Lou looked at the information on the data and touched his chin, thoughtfully.

Yu Hanjiang was silent for a moment and whispered, "That is to say, after the hunter kills the challenger, he can get cards from them?"

Xiao Lou agrees that "this kind of speculation is more reasonable. We rely on clearing secret rooms to obtain cards, and they kill us to **** cards from us. After the three brothers were killed by the hunters, the cards on our bodies were also taken. Take it away, so we saw these cards again in the k room."

Suddenly there was silence in the personal space.

The way to get cards is not only "clear the secret room", since the cards can be handed over to teammates, then the hunters can also kill them to seize their cards.

The stronger the challenger is killed, the greater the strength that the hunter can increase.

Weak meat and strong food are the survival rules of hunters.

Xiao Lou took a deep breath and said, "It seems that there are a lot more cards in the hands of the hunters than we do. The last level will definitely be more difficult than the k secret room..." Having said this, he suddenly looked around. Questioning, "Yes, what about the four gatekeepers?"

Ye Qi also looked around curiously and said, "We stayed in our personal space for so long, and we did not see Sister Heart, Lolita Square, Cool Brother Spade and Plum Blossom Face Paralyzed. Could they also get off work?"

Every time I usually pass through the secret room, I will see four familiar gatekeepers, always smiling and kindly sisters of the heart, the sweet little girl who loves desserts, and the spades in sunglasses. a, and the facial paralysis juvenile plum a.

Now that the four are not there, everyone is not used to it.

Xiao Lou looked back at the card wall, and he was surprised to find that in addition to the green light of all the 2~k playing cards on the card wall that had been cleared, there were two cards left, the last king and the king. Unconsciously, they have merged into one.

The golden king appeared on the card surface, and sometimes the silver king.

When Xiaolou looked at the card, the card flashed suddenly, followed by two voices rang out in the ear at the same time, "Congratulations on passing all the card rooms of 2~k. Today, you are no longer greeted by four. A gatekeeper, but a double king in the card world."

"Next, you have three days to make your choice. Option a gets the ultimate reward package and stays in the card world; option b continues to challenge the final double king secret room and leave the card world after customs clearance."

"We will be here, waiting for your challenge at any time."

This voice is soft and sunny, and it is very strange to mix together.

The two kings did not show up, only the pattern marks representing them appeared on the card walls.

Options a and b reminded Xiao Lou of his choice when he first entered the card world. He chose b without hesitation.

He believes that this time, teammates will all choose b.

No one wants to stay here.

It's just that they don't rush to challenge the final pass, and they have three days to make final preparations.

Xiao Lou and Yu Hanjiang glanced at each other, took a deep breath, and looked at the huge card wall, saying one by one, "we choose b, three days later, challenge the double king's secret room."

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