Card Room

Chapter 523:

Chapter 523

At the moment when the double ace was drawn by Xiao Lou, the entire card wall seemed to be destroyed by magical power. It generally collapsed in front of the crowd, and countless cards became fragments, falling from the wall, this scene The bizarre scene made the teammates' eyes widen in surprise. However, before everyone could speak, Xiao Lou's eyes suddenly darkened and he lost consciousness.

When he woke up again, he found himself lying on a bed.

This room made him very familiar with light blue sheets and quilts, cotton curtains of the same color, there is no extra decoration in the room, only a big wardrobe with a wall beside the wall. The lamp above the head is a very simple round ceiling lamp, surrounded by a circle of lines, Xiao Lou remembers very clearly that he bought it from the lamp store himself.

Xiao Lou rubbed his temples with pain and got up to get out of bed.

The floor is covered with the wood color floor he likes. Pajamas and slippers were also bought from the supermarket. Xiao Lou came to the window with doubts and opened the curtains. Downstairs is a familiar artificial lake. A large fountain, willow trees surrounding the artificial lake cast a reflection in the lake, and in the wooden pavilion, several elderly people were playing chess.

These scenes were so familiar that Xiao Lou thought he had hallucinations. He rubbed his eyes vigorously and took a closer look-everything in front of him was so real as he usually saw when he woke up every morning .

This is his residence in the real world, located in Yuhua Community, Nonglin Road, Jiangzhou City.

He just bought the house last year and spent a lot of time decorating. The environment of the community is very good. There is a supermarket downstairs. The transportation is also very convenient. He only needs to walk for ten minutes to go to school. I remember when he went out from the community and was going to buy goods at the supermarket across the street, he was hit by a bus while crossing the street and came to the card world by accident...

But now, why did he return to his home?

The teammates were not present, which made Xiao Lou vigilant immediately. He quickly walked out of the bedroom and looked around the room-the entire room was furnished exactly like his real-world house, and even the small ornaments on the shoe cabinet at the door were exactly the same as he remembered. .

Was it transmitted back to reality?

Or is it all an illusion copied by the card world based on his memory?

Xiao Lou calmed down, quickly returned to the bedroom to open the closet, put on a clean dress, took the mobile phone and key on the bedside table and prepared to go out. As soon as he walked to the door, his mobile phone rang, and the caller ID was his mother.

Xiao Lou shook his heart, his fingers trembling and pressed the answer key "Hello?"

The sound from his ear made him sad, and the woman asked softly, "Xiao Lou, when will your school be on holiday? I will go back to my grandmother's house for Chinese New Year this spring, and my grandmother has been thinking about you, and said that I will give you the best dinner for you. Love dumplings..."

Xiao Lou's nose burst into sourness and he didn't know how to reply.

How long has my mother's voice heard?

Although he has grown up into adulthood, in the eyes of his parents, he is always their son. In the past, his mother called every weekend to ask him about his current situation. Occasionally, he also cared about whether he liked someone, and when to bring his lover back. ...

Since Xiao Lou was very sensible since childhood, his parents' attitude towards him has always been tolerant and supportive, respecting his decisions and understanding his choices. Xiao Lou feels that they are the best parents in the world.

And this call was indeed on the eve of the holiday, and his mother called him personally, even speaking exactly what he said.

Xiao Lou remembered saying at the time, "Mom, we have a holiday on the tenth day of the twelfth lunar month, but after the holiday, I will go to an academic conference on behalf of the school. This meeting is very important and may not end until the twenty-eighth lunar month."

Xiao Lou spoke out the words in his memory. After a few seconds of silence on the phone, he smiled and said, “It’s okay, work matters. If you can’t come back, we will fly to Jiangzhou to see you.”

Xiao Loudao "I should be able to go back. I will go home and clean up after the meeting, and then take the plane on the morning of the thirtieth day. When I get home, it is about three o'clock in the afternoon. I can eat New Year's Eve with you."

There was a hint of surprise in the voice over the phone, "Great! Then I will be waiting for you at the grandma's house."

Xiao Lou yelled, instructed him to take care of himself, and then hung up.

After hanging up the phone, the excitement that heard her mother's voice quickly dissipated, and Xiao Lou calmed down, frowning and thinking carefully-before crossing back to the accident? Or is everything an illusion?

Xiao Lou reached into his pocket and found no familiar card holder.

He was stunned, and then opened the phone address book. The familiar names in it made Xiao Lou more confused. He simply pulled the address book to the position of the "y" alphabet and found the name "Yu Hanjiang".

Xiao Lou called without hesitation. After two beeps, the phone was connected. There was some noise over the phone, and soon Yu Hanjiang's low and calm voice came. "Hey, Professor Xiao, you have something to do with me ?"

Xiao Lou "............"

Professor Xiao, this was what Yu Hanjiang called him when the two were not very familiar a long time ago. If Yu Hanjiang on the other side of the phone is now Yu Hanjiang, he would never call him that way.

Xiao Lou asked tentatively, "Is Yu team busy recently?"

There was a clear sound of leather shoes stepping on the floor over the phone, followed by the sound of opening the door. He seemed to have walked into the office and came to a quiet environment. Then he whispered, "It's really busy recently. By the way, I'm just right I encountered a tricky case, a serial murder case. We found a rare drug from the deceased's cup. I want to ask Professor Xiao to help me identify it."

Xiao Louqiang endured the awkwardness in his heart and replied, "No problem. I will go to the forensic identification center to work today. The Yu team can come at any time when available."

Yu Hanjiang said, "Okay, it's three o'clock in the afternoon.

He stopped talking and hung up.

Xiao Lou listened to the busy beep in his ear, and there was a moment of confusion in his mind. The current situation is too weird. It stands to reason that after entering the secret room before, there will be "Welcome to the secret room xx, the mission of the secret room is xx, customs clearance time xx" these prompt messages, but this time, he woke up after In his own home, there is no prompt.

It was as if he had a long dream and returned to reality after waking up.

At this time, at the end of December, Yu Hanjiang asked him for assistance again because of the drug case. Xiao Lou remembered that the sun was very good that day. It was Yu Hanjiang who called him first. Although he called Yu Hanjiang now, what the Yu team said It's basically the same as what I remembered. I asked him to help identify a rare toxin.

Xiao Lou took a deep breath, stabilized his mind, and opened the door to go downstairs.

The illusion of the community is exactly the same as what he remembered. When he walked to the door of the community, the familiar security guard smiled at him. Xiao Lou returned a smile, hurriedly left the community, and hit a car on the street. Appraisal Center."

The taxi driver hit the table and took Xiao Lou to turn right at the intersection ahead.

Xiao Lou sits in the back row and looks out through the window-this is the peak period of work, the road is blocked with water, people around are hurrying, many students in school uniforms ride quickly on bicycles, and there is a nearby The key middle school in the city, Xiao Lou will see this familiar blue and white school uniform every day when he goes to work.

Those fresh faces on the pavement, crowded buses, students in school uniforms, the familiar scent from the bun shops on the street... and the driver’s vomiting in authentic dialects "Ah, this piece of traffic jams every morning, the street It’s the same as the ants moving house, you said so many people?"

Xiao Lou recovered, and smiled politely, saying, "Life is compelling, most people have to go to work and school, and there is no way to meet traffic jams in the morning rush hour. Master, you drive safely and I don’t hurry."

His position is the professor of forensic medicine of Jiangzhou Medical University. If he looks at the day when Yu Hanjiang looked for him in his memory, he has no class today and does not need to go to work in school. It is also because Yu Hanjiang has something to do with him. help.

The driver took Xiaolou around, and at nine o'clock in the morning, he finally came to the appraisal center.

Xiao Lou took the elevator upstairs and met two familiar colleagues in the elevator. They also greeted him with a smile. "How did Professor Xiao come today? I remember you were not on duty!"

Xiao Loudao "Something needs to be done. I will use the laboratory later."

The woman with ponytails said, "Okay, Professor Xiao, you'll swipe in later, just register."

Xiao Lou thanked, and after the elevator stopped, he walked into his office and put on his white coat.

According to memory, Yu Hanjiang will come to the office to find him at about 9:30 in the morning.

There are still half an hour.

Xiao Lou sits at his desk and sorts his thoughts carefully. His experience with his teammates in the card world is by no means a dream, so the world in front of him will never be a reality. It is impossible for the gatekeepers to be so kind and send them back to reality directly, not to mention, if it is really a double-department in the secret room, let them pass the customs directly back to reality, then Yu Hanjiang's reaction is too wrong.

What should I do?

In case Yu Hanjiang is pretending to be a hunter, can he deal with him? My card pack disappears. This is the worst. If there is no card in hand, do you fight Yu Hanjiang?

Xiao Lou frowned and thought for a moment, suddenly remembered something—

At that time, in order to prevent the double kings from encountering replicators and pretending to stab teammates under the circumstance that everyone was caught off guard, Xiao Lou made a suggestion to let everyone whisper a secret message to their teammates as a secret code to verify their identities.

Not much to say about Yu Hanjiang's secret signal, this Yu Hanjiang is definitely not the one that Xiaolou of the Card World knows.

But Mr. Shao’s secret code is special.

Shao Qingge said to Xiao Lou at that time, "If you see me in the Double King Chamber of Secrets, you can ask, President Shao, I want to buy stocks recently. Which stock do you think is better? If it is a fake Shao Qingge, I will definitely tell you a stock name. But if it is me, then I will say, stock code you understand what I mean?"

What Shao Qingge said is not the stock code, but his real-world mobile phone number.

Xiao Lou found that President Shao was really out of luck at a critical moment. Originally, he just said a mobile phone number unintentionally, but now it can be of great use. At that time, no one expected that the Double King Chamber of Secrets would bring you to the real world environment. Everyone thought it was a sinister environment in the wild, and there were countless powerful hunters waiting for them...

As a result, when he opened his eyes, he was so quiet, peaceful and familiar with Jiangzhou City.

Xiao Lou took out his mobile phone and dialed the string of numbers Shao Qingge told him in his memory. As a result, a familiar voice came from the phone. The man seemed to have just got up, and there was a trace of **** husky in his voice. Hello, who?"

Xiao Loudao "Mr. Shao, this is Xiao Lou."

Shao Qingge seemed stunned for a moment, then raised an eyebrow and said, "Who is Xiao Lou? Where did you hear my private number?"

Xiao Lou "............"

Nothing is right, everything is wrong!

Is everyone forgetting the experience of the card world? Or is it that Yu Hanjiang and Shao Qingge who are currently answering the phone are not themselves?

Xiao Lou took a deep breath and calmly asked, "Do you remember Ye Qi?"

Shao Qingge smiled and said, "Who is Ye Qi? Somehow." He turned over on the bed and said lazily. "This gentleman, I don't know where you heard my private number from. I don't like this person most. The stranger's suit was close, and hung up.

The phone hung up crisply, Xiao Lou looked at the dark cell phone and thought about it.

After a moment, Xiao Lou made up his mind to find a micro-needle in the laboratory, dismantled a box of anesthetic and sucked it into the needle, hiding it in his body-in case Yu Hanjiang was a hunter, Xiao Lou did not have Cards can't always sit still. If you really do it with Yu Hanjiang, he will surely be subdued by the opponent within 3 seconds, and you might have a chance to escape if you get a shot of anesthetic.

Xiao Lou returned to the office and waited patiently for the time to pass.

The hour hand finally reached 9:30, and there was a knock on the door, Xiao Xiaodao said, "Please come in."

The door was pushed open, and Xiao Lou gave a pair of familiar deep eyes.

The man was wearing a light casual outfit today. The fitted brown trousers appeared to be extremely straight and slender. His handsome face was serious. He had a stack of documents in his hand. Fungus box.

He walked in front of Xiao Lou and extended his hand, "Professor Xiao, how are you."

This person is exactly like Yu Hanjiang who came to the appraisal center to find him in his memory!

Xiao Lou’s heart was beating very fast. He was really afraid that Yu Hanjiang would draw a gun at his head at the next moment. Xiao Lou’s left hand gently grasped the anesthesia needle in his pocket, and his right hand reached out, holding Yu Hanjiang. .

Yu Hanjiang put the materials in his hand on the table and said, "I brought the toxin sample found in the dead man's cup, and I would like to trouble Professor Xiao to do an identification."

Xiao Lou was frightened, but on the surface he tried to maintain calm. "Okay, Yu team, please follow me."

The identification in the laboratory finally came out after a while.

Xiao Loudao "This toxin is called sika toxin, which comes from deep-sea fish. The sika toxin is mainly distributed in the head, internal organs, and reproductive organs of the fish. High temperature heating or freezing can not destroy the toxicity of the toxin. A small amount of this toxin can only cause people Vomiting and abdominal pain can be fatal in large quantities. Judging from the sample content you bring, the purity of the toxin is very high, and the murderer purposely extracted the ciguatoxin for killing."

Yu Hanjiang frowned. "That is to say, the killer is familiar with deep-sea fish and knows the method of extracting toxins. He should be a professional in chemistry and pharmacy, and may be exposed to fish containing this toxin for a long time?"

Xiao Lou nodded. "It should be like this."

Yu Hanjiang once again extended his hand "Thank you Professor Xiao, I know what to do."

Xiao Lou barely shook hands with him, saying "Yu team is polite."

Yu Hanjiang said, "I invite Professor Xiao to dinner some other day. I'll be busy first."

He said nothing, so he simply turned around and left. Xiao Lou looked at his back and couldn't help but stay in place... Isn't this Yu Hanjiang not a hunter? Why didn't you do it yourself?

Xiao Lou shouted subconsciously, "Team Yu."

Yu Hanjiang stopped and turned around, looking cold. "Professor Xiao has something to say?"

Xiao Lou smiled and asked, "Do you have a girlfriend? There are beautiful colleagues next to me, so I can introduce you."

Yu Hanjiang frowned unpleasantly, "Thank you, no."

He turned and left without looking back.

Xiao Lou looked at his straight back, and his mood was very complicated.

This Yu Hanjiang should not be a hunter, but Yu Hanjiang in his memory.

The mother who called him initially was not a real mother, just a reappearance of a memory.

Perhaps, all teammates are in such a closed world at this moment, everyone can not contact each other, the teammates encountered are all teammates before entering the card world.

Therefore, in this world, Yu Hanjiang's attitude will be so indifferent, and he will be politely called him "Professor Xiao"; Shao Qingge will not know Xiao Lou; his mother will call him to ask him if he is going home for the New Year, and colleagues are also there He greeted him with a smile.

Xiao Lou finally understood-he was trapped in his "memory world".

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