105 – University Central Library (readability and descriptive revision!)

After Prianian came, we decided to walk around the university again.

The time is a little less than noon now.

The campus cafeteria was busy preparing meals, and students had time to mentally write 5,700 letters of protest about why the professor didn’t finish 15 minutes early.

Maybe that’s why, except for a few passers-by, only dust was floating on the road leading to the university.

Someone seemed to have opened the window of the lecture hall to get rid of the stale air, and the voice of an elderly person was coming out of the building.

The experience of taking a walk and at the same time gaining knowledge about the classic literature of Germanium, which is far away, can only be experienced at university, but I had something to do now.

That’s what makes me think about where to go next.

I came all the way to this university to find a clue about dimension shifting, but I couldn’t go back without doing anything.

As we walked along, there was something that caught our attention.

It was a milestone made to not get lost on the road.

– Breeze Hall.

-Central Library.

-View of truth.

– Student prison.

Seeing the text that even specified the direction in an antique handwriting, I decided to go to the library.

Looking at the words like the view of truth, I somehow thought of college and started to feel terrified.

By the way, why the hell is Student Prison written on it?

Did I misspell the graduate school?

While I was thinking about it, I heard a voice next to me.

“It’s nice that the day is warm and the surroundings are quiet. Mr. G-House.”

Priyanian, who was walking side by side to my right, gave his head a slight nod and shook it sideways.

“University, I didn’t expect to come to a place like this.”

“That’s right. I couldn’t even imagine it until a few weeks ago, Miss Prianian.”

I didn’t even know there was a university in another world.

“Thinking about it, there were many places I wouldn’t have been to if it wasn’t for G-House.”

Keeping her hair at a distance, she seemed to be trying to tickle my shoulder with her stretched red hair.

“It’s interesting, isn’t it?”

“Miss Priyanian has a way of overestimating me.”

I said, keeping my distance from her.

“I think she would have come alone.”

“Okay. Mr. Ghouse.”

After saying that, she put her hands behind her back like a girl this time.

As the gorgeous blouse swayed in the wind, the scent blew into me.

“It’s all thanks to Mr. G-House.”

“This is the result of Miss Priyanian’s choice.”

From noble mtl dot com

A poor young lady who was slightly ahead of us asked me.

“So, why did you insist on going to the library?”

I couldn’t say that I was trying to find a clue to the dimension shift, so I turned around as much as I could.

“In other buildings, students are engrossed in class, but wouldn’t there be nothing to gain if we went in? I think it’s better to read a book.”

“Do you usually enjoy reading books?”

At that question, I nodded.

“I like it very much.”

Then the young lady said as if she understood.

“You look like a different person.”


While we were talking like that, a destination appeared in front of us.

Limited to exam period It was the university’s central library, the number one building loved by students.

Let’s go inside a three-story building that looks like the Hebrides’ mercenary house stretched along the x-axis.

Only the old smell and silence greeted us.

Only the sound of melting candle wax dripping like drops of water and the sound of bookshelves being turned over were the only things I could hear from time to time.

Amid the rows of desks for study and reading, like a brown carpet, a candle was softly lit above them.

And the bookshelves on both sides were looking forward to an accidental meeting with the reader, filled with knowledge.

There was a librarian right next to where we entered.

He had a rather strict impression, but the sleeves of the clothes he was wearing were frayed.

He looked at us, unfamiliar faces, as if it had been quite a while, then turned his head back to the book he was reading.

After I broke up with the two of them, I went looking for books related to magic.

– Fun mana science.

-Ice pick, the best way to punish traitors.

-About how much fluid change is possible by selecting a mana delivery medium during the casting process of wind magic.

-A thought on how the width of the chest of wizards and their mana capacity are related.

-Mage’s propensity to prefer certain attributes: What is fire and ice?

-Those who wield swords and shout magic: Are they magic swordsmen or just swordsmen?

I looked through the books in the magic section, but there was nothing I was looking for, and everything looked like this.

I guess it’s just nonsense.

So this time I went looking for books related to faith.

I wonder if there is something related to dimension shifting. While doing.

-Faith and Tentacles, a fruit house lurking in the deep sea.

-What is the measure of what God wants?

-What is integrity?

-Why Do Priestesses Misunderstand Men Transgendered Women: An in-depth explanation from a former Heretic Questioner who requested anonymity.

-The story of the primitive belief in blessings and the change in the chest.

-A note on the relationship between priestesses’ chest width and their holy power capacity.

Perhaps I even began to question whether I had come to the wrong university.

I started to think that I didn’t know why I was researching breast size, but when I remembered a person I knew, I immediately became convinced.

Um. Divine power is unavoidable.


After that, I picked up some books from the various corners I stopped by and went back to the table with Prianian.

Hearing her footsteps, she turned around and pulled the chair next to her.

As I sat down, I saw the book Prianian was holding.

For some reason, the way he read it was suspicious, so I secretly glanced at it.

However, the content was less than expected.

It was just a cookbook that mainly dealt with meat.

Recalling the memory of eating her dishes in the pioneer village, maybe next time I can try something other than meat stew.


She turned her head forward at the low voice.

The young lady who came with a pile of books in her hands was quietly putting the books down.

-How do you know that: The Curious Tale of Lord South Castle Volume 1.

-The story of a horse who wants to break the sky: The heavenly horse wants to run.

-Paper houses cannot be torn.

-Three keywords that destroy you: return, immersion, rebirth.

-In the arena, the kobold knight is aiming for a reversal.

-Does the mischievous lady dream of banshee?

It was all fiction. It also has some pretty interesting titles.

I don’t know where she came from with all these mouth-watering things, but maybe she’s showing her own keen eye.

As if she had seen my gaze turn to the pile of books, I could see her hand sticking out of her robe and gently pulling the stack toward her.

Don’t bring it, young lady.


After reading the book like that, my eyes started to get sore.

After telling the party that he would get some fresh air for a while.

I left the library and went to a corner in one direction.

There were already passengers in the vacant lot where there were no people.

“Ah, the lights don’t turn on.”

A man with a cigarette in his mouth.

It was the librarian we saw at the counter earlier when we entered the library.

He had been trying to stretch his magic tool for a while, but he took out a flint and started hitting it, probably because the lighter’s oil, no, the magic tool’s charge had run out.

Tak, tak.

But seeing as I couldn’t turn it on, it seems that I was just carrying it as a spare.

That’s not how I write it.

“Oh, sir.”

Looking at him with an annoyed look on his face trying to light a fire, he smelled of a good opportunity for some reason.

There is a way to find the knowledge I am looking for more easily.

Isn’t there a saying that medicine goes to the pharmacist and books go to the librarian?

Jerobeok, jeobeok.

“Can I lend you a light?”

I said as I approached him.

The librarian, who was taking out a cigarette from his mouth, put his hand to his mouth again when he saw the magic tool in my hand.

The thought of recharging the nicotine must have lifted his mood, and his drooping eyes began to show kindness.

“Oh. That’s good.”


He lit a fire at the beginning of the year and started to destroy his lungs.


After the white incense burnt halfway, the smoke that hadn’t risen for a while was scattered in the air as a lump sum.

“Oh, thank you. I almost went back to the dormitory.”

The librarian I just saw for the first time spoke kindly to me. It is a miracle that can only be done in a smoking area.

“Anyway, that’s a magic tool, it looks like it’s expensive.”

“Ah, living by giving in moderation. What?”

“But don’t you smoke?”

Looking like it was filled with nicotine enough to turn around then, he pointed at my empty hand and said.

“If you left it, can I borrow one?”

I shook my head. Because I don’t smoke in the first place.

“Because the people who come with me hate it.”

“Ah. That pretty woman and the one in the robe.”

He nodded his head as if he knew something.

The librarian standing next to me said, blowing smoke in a direction far away from me.

“Looking at their faces, it’s the first time I’ve seen them, but they’ve been to college, right?”

“Yes, I am from far away.”

After lighting a couple of cigarettes like that, I had a bit of luck.

“It looks like you’ve been here a long time, librarian. Is that correct?”

“That’s right. I can’t do it after coming to the graduate school of magic. No, I got a job here thanks to the professor’s consideration.”


Anyway, it seems that all graduate students in another world get jobs like that.

“Ugh. I can’t imagine such a thing. As expected, smart people are different.”

Then the librarian’s face rotted away, and soon after, a complaint flowed out.

Continuing to listen to the complaints that flowed out quite quickly had a lot of content that I could sympathize with in its own way.

It was fortunate that I wasn’t told not to go to graduate school, maybe because I wasn’t a college student.

Because I don’t have the hobby of hearing what I know twice.

It was around the time when he listened moderately like that, and the trampled butts piled up in front of him.

“Then, by any chance, you’re good at finding things like books, right?”

Then the librarian rubbed the butt he was holding with his leather shoe and looked at me.

“Is there a book you are looking for?”

In those eyes, I could see the kindness as hot as the cigarette I lit.

It was a favor that would soon disappear, so I decided to get right to the point.

“I’m looking for something…”

Then he came up with an opinion pretty quickly.

How to survive social life in Korea.

It was the moment when blood ties, regional ties, school ties, and smoking shined.

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