112 – Librarian Wiki

The serious-faced librarian saw my face and put the flint back in his face.

Then he came to me with only one cigarette and asked.

“Has your curiosity about space movement been satisfied?”

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“Ah, yes. I learned a lot thanks to you.”

I said that, but he smiled as if he read something from my expression.

“From the look on his face, he seems very perplexed. Professor Jenton is a bit eccentric.”

Chick, I said, lighting him with a flint.

“Still, since my knowledge has increased, how about this and that?”

“Knowledge is power is our university’s motto. Seeing what you say, it would have been fine if Mr. G-House was a scholar.”

After he finished speaking, the librarian’s cheeks went slightly slender, and his sunken eyes settled slightly.

I couldn’t see anything in my tired eyes. All I could see was the blue treadmill, hoping that the day would pass.


The librarian turned his head and let out his smoke, then he asked me.

“Is the Breeze House still the same?”

“I’m not a student here, so I don’t know what it was like before.”

“hahahaha. The question is wrong. Why do you feel like a graduate student when you see Mr. G-House?”

The librarian who cursed me like that let out a silly laugh.

“Well, it’s like water leaking or something. When I went there, it became a sea of water whenever it rained heavily.”

I shook my head.

“Oh. There was no such thing. I talked to the graduate students, and they said it hasn’t rained lately, thanks to Professor Jackson.”


The librarian’s voice trembled slightly.

I tilted my head and said.

“Professor Terwin Jackson. People say he’s an authority on life magic.”

The librarian was speechless for a moment.

Parr, he said, and the hand holding the cigarette trembled.

And then he nodded.

“Ah. Professor Jackson. He’s such a nice guy. He’s also an authority on life magic. Yes.”

When he had finished his sentence, he drew on his cigarette even harder.

At the sight of it, I decided not to mention Professor Jackson any more.


He let out a sigh mixed with smoke.

“So, what book are you looking for this time?”

The librarian didn’t seem to be in a good mood.

I got to the point so he could have some alone time.

“I’m a person whose job is to travel from place to place. That’s why I have to prepare for various things in order to survive.”

“Then G-House seems to be trying to find the recipe in a book.”

I nodded.

The librarian said as if looking at a rather strange person.

“Mr. G-House is a person who uses the library quite well. Usually people who visit universities don’t use the library well.”

“Because not only knowledge is an ability, but how to find it is also an ability.”

Anyone who lives in an era where information overflows and google has become a skill will sympathize.

Hearing that, his tired face regained strength.

“Okay, what information would you like to find?”

“Are you familiar with books about curses?”

“A curse?”

His eyebrows furrowed, perhaps because he heard the somewhat negative nuance of the search keyword.

“Yes. I hope it is a book with simple curses. Before coming to the librarian, I looked for it on my own, but it was full of terrible curses.”

To the extent that I don’t even want to put it in my mouth.

The librarian didn’t say anything for a moment as if he was thinking about it.

Only the smoke billowing up seemed to show that he was contemplating what book to recommend to me.

“…A suitable book just happened to be in our library.”

After saying that, the librarian told me the name of the book.

“Look for a book titled, ‘Even an infant can understand. ~If you can’t understand this, you’re not even an infant~’.”

“The title of the book is a bit odd.”

“The original title should be intuitive. In addition, the trend of books these days is to draw attention.”

Are you writing a book for its content, or writing a book for its title?

The librarian who gave me the answer threw a butt on the ground.

Chuck, the flint rekindled, he said to me in a calm voice.

“Mr. G-House. In the first place, it’s best not to ask anything about the curse.”


“Those who seek the knowledge to harm others without getting their hands dirty are always shunned.”

The librarian’s eyes, as he spoke as he advised, were still precipitated by his fatigue, and he could not see the emotion inside them.

“You wouldn’t know if you were looking for it yourself, but if you ask other librarians if they have something like that, you’ll get a lot of suspicion.”

He stopped talking for a moment, then relaxed his expression and spoke kindly.

“Well, it’s okay because I’ve met everyone while working here.”

“Oh, yes.”

“Then let’s go in first. I used to smoke.”

After speaking, the librarian was absorbed in smoking again.

Since I had no business with him anymore, he decided to go back to the library.


While walking like that, I heard a voice in front of me.

“Gee, who is this?”

In front of me, the man I met earlier, Professor Jackson, was looking at me with pleasure.

“Professor Jackson?”

“It’s nice to see you again and again.”

After saying hello to him, he moved out of the way.

But he seems to have a business with me all of a sudden.

“This is also a relationship, so let’s talk.”

“Oh, yes.”

Professor Jackson, who managed to capture me like that, asked me.

“Looking at you coming out of the smoking area, do you think you smoke too?”

“No. I’m here to ask the librarian over there.”

As soon as I explained the reason using the Absorption Method inscribed in Instinct, Professor Jackson tilted his head.

“A male librarian? Ah. You mean Gordon.”


Then the professor nodded his head.

“Questioning Gordon is an excellent choice. He’s been a librarian since he was a student, so he’s like a ghost when it comes to books.”

“Do you know the librarian well?”

“Yes, I know very well.”

To my question, he answered with a satisfied expression.

“He was a friend from my lab.”


Only then did I understand why the librarian reacted the way he did.

‘I talked about the slave owner in front of the slaves, so it has to be.’

Professor Jackson, the librarian, began to release TMI about Gordon.

“That friend is quite smart, but I helped him when he couldn’t go to graduate school because of the hardships of life.”

“Help me?”

“Well, isn’t it obvious what an educator has to do. I persuaded him. ‘If you go to graduate school, your pocketbook will be solved to some extent. And I will take responsibility and get you a job.'”


I thought I knew what it was.

Obviously he wasn’t lying. It’s the same thing that even if you put a little money in your pocket, you can solve it to some extent, and it’s because you gave me a job.

The devil who dropped one person into the abyss of learning began to tell his story of salvation.

It is the same in any field that a person who farts in his field wants to boast about his achievements.

“Originally, that friend was interested in space magic and life magic. But in the end, he chose to study life magic.”

“Life magic.”

“You seem to be interested in life magic too, right?”

Looking like my expression looked like a bee smelling honey, he started teasing his wicked tongue.

“There are already too many people for basic elemental magic and magic engineering. But life magic is different. It’s relatively easy to get a degree, and there are only a few people who study it. And it’s really helpful to people.”

Blue ocean, the ease of obtaining a degree, and rewarding.

If you listen to it, it’s like a candy made only of honey, but that’s like an ice cream with honey on the outside.

In other words, there’s no f*cking point with the experimental data you’ve accumulated earlier, and you’ll have to work to find it.

This floor is very narrow, so it can be interpreted as meaning that if I am wrong, I will make you shed bloody tears from my eyes.

I don’t think it’s nonsense to say that you’re recommending something like this when you didn’t even hear what my department was in the first place.

As if he had read that in my gaze, he skillfully continued his next words.

“Ah, if your department has anything to do with magic, there’s no need to worry. Theoretical life magic is possible without mana.”

“I see.”

“Anyone who can get into college can get used to simple formulas and arrangements with a little effort.”

Just as physics is divided into theoretical physics and experimental physics, it seems that this world is also divided.

After adding that he could teach both tracks, Professor Jackson added a final word.

“If you go to graduate school, I can do the same as Gordon. From what you do, I can do more than that.”

I’m sorry for the rant, Professor Jackson, but he got the wrong target.

So, I very politely declined his offer and entered the library.

As I picked up the book the former librarian talked about and returned to our seats, Prianian looked at me.

And only his mouth opened.

He said he would come soon.

I had nothing to say even though I had a mouth.

But isn’t there a saying that you can’t spit on a smiling face?

So I just smiled, sat down next to her, and opened the book the librarian recommended.

And not long after reading the book, I could see that his recommendation was quite appropriate.

I assure you, I didn’t expect there to be so many light curses related to insomnia.

Every time I try to sleep for a bit, I hear Septimus whispering an auditory hallucination as if someone is snorting right next to my earlobe.

An illusionary mosquito flapping its wings that you hear exactly once every 3 minutes.

A late-night march that gives you the hallucination of something lurking around the back of your hand, side, and heel.

Even the Repolise spell that awakens the head and forcibly recalls the most intense dark history of the day.

In the midst of so many spells that would make you insane if you took one, I kept flipping through the books.

In the meantime, I discovered a curse that caught my eye.

-The belief of the water ghost.

A curse that spreads the negative things the caster is experiencing everywhere, based on the curse medium that contains the grudge that only I can’t be subjected to.

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I can’t be the only one.

It was truly a curse befitting graduate school.

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