114 – Catching the Criminal (I feel like I’m missing something, so I’m adding more Lehu!)

From noble mtl dot com

Of course, it was hard to see the effect if you simply planted mines near the University Square.

And we even had our own time limit, the Harin’s Makgora application.

That’s why I added one more thing to spread the medicinal effect.

That’s what Prianian and I have been hanging out over the past few days, talking loudly and privately in the smoking area, in the hallways, and occasionally in the school cafeteria.

-A ghost with a curse that prevents you from sleeping is wandering around this university.

The British school ghost story I spread for a few days, ‘Failed Ghost Grudge’, worked.

If you simply say you can’t sleep, you’ll think it’s sleep deprivation, but if you say there’s a curse that prevents you from sleeping, you’ll wonder, “Is it possible?” Because it is human nature to

So the curse was recognized.

A word uttered by a floating population creates a book of false stories. It has been so and will continue to be so in the future.

So the effect of the curse is simply to make you tired and unable to sleep, but now it has changed slightly.

If I listen to the students chatting excitedly next to me, they are full of stories I have never heard before.

“They say a ghost who failed an exam because he couldn’t sleep is haunting this university.”

“The ghost wants others to be like him, so he’s been haunting the professors and students and preventing them from sleeping.”

“Students are okay, but why professors?”

“Oh, I heard that too. I heard that he committed suicide in the dormitory because he couldn’t kneel down in front of the professor’s office and beg for a look. That’s why.”

“Ah. Where is that story?”

Then the student who first told the rumors strongly refuted it.

“Hey, among my friends right now, there are not one or two people who can’t sleep. This isn’t a ghost story, it’s an incident.”

‘Sorry, that’s bullsh*t.’

I sipped my watermelon juice and sent an apology to my last friend.

In this way, the bluffs and speculations that rolled around the mouths of many people gave it a story and probability.

Just as a grain of rice is coated with sugar when making star candy, one small grain of rice has turned into a star candy of great tragedy.

That’s why a ghost was wandering around this university. A ghost named the one who failed. A ghost story with a catchphrase, “I can’t be the only one.”

As a result, there was a bit of tension in the university.

Of course. It was a situation where there were overflowing people who felt like they were cursed in college.

Even the Harin I met a little while ago were talking about the curse of ghosts, and in front of the school gates, people who heard about it started selling curses and things that ward off evil spirits.

‘Anyway, this much in less than three days. It must be time for him to move.’

The guy is clearly moving.

This kind of ghost story is like a fashion trend;

That’s why, if it was an ordinary ghost story as usual, I’d wait thinking that if I waited quietly, it would be forgotten on its own.

So I deliberately hid the medium of the curse around the building where the scribe is located.

If one person higher than several students is directly affected by the curse, they won’t stand still in college.

In this situation, the guy who knows the information inside the university won’t be able to wait for the rumors to die down.

Because you will be caught up in the obvious psychology of what to do if this is discovered.

At some point, the midday ghost story died down and moved on to another topic.

I was just about to focus on watermelon juice again.

With the sound of a chair being dragged, two people sat down in my seat.

It was a prianian who came back after getting ready at the inn, and a poor young lady.

“I’m back, Mr. G-House.”

“Everything around me is a ghost story.”

In front of me, a girl wearing a robe said.

“The culprit might move sooner or later. What do the mercenaries think?”

“Probably moving within today.”

The atmosphere inside the school was quite disturbing.

Whether he moves to confirm the curse or deal with it, he will move within today.

While the young lady was overlapping her sleeves as if thinking about something.

I looked at the prianian sitting next to me.

“You’ve had a hard time hanging out with me, Prianian.”

I’m not talking empty words, I really had a hard time.

When you spread a ghost story, you keep listening to the story you stretched out while walking around with me, and you don’t wrinkle your face while listening to it again and again.

I also got sick of her because I was repeating her repertoire.

“No, I liked it.”

“Is that so? I liked it too. Thank goodness.”

After answering the same as her courtesy answer, she asked Priani An, whose face was slightly red.

“By the way, did you bring all your stuff?”

Then Priyanian nodded and tapped the package at his feet.

The pack she carried was exceptionally heavy and had many angular protrusions here and there.

I said with a smile at the somewhat familiar iron smell that was faintly smelled.

“You’ve worked hard, Miss Prianian.”

She shook her head.

“If it wasn’t for Young lady, it would have been difficult to bring her.”

“I didn’t do anything.”

Perhaps it’s because we’ve been together for the past few days, the young lady’s voice has gotten a lot rounder.

It was questionable that he still didn’t show his figure under the hood, but there must be some circumstances.

“Then, I’ll take a break and move on.”

We expected it to take at least evening before he could move.

The days of summer were long, so there was plenty of time left before catching the water ghost.

It was indeed summer.


As the sun went down, we headed to Breeze House.

There is a curse on the building stained by the sunset, but it is not, but it is still a bleak landscape.

Unlike three days ago, the wind was blowing slightly, so I didn’t feel anything oppressing my surroundings.

The young lady muttered as she watched her slightly swaying sleeves.

“It must have been because of the curse that the wind didn’t blow.”

“As you all know, the plan is to suppress it as much as possible.”

When a murder takes place inside the university, things get pretty difficult.

Since this place is not even a hill, it is a problem that cannot be buried anywhere.

“If something happens, let the prianian evacuate first, my lady, or if that seems difficult, shoot him. In fact, the latter is better if possible.”

“You’re pretty honest.”

“Because I have to live.”

‘Leave this to me and go’ doesn’t exist in my dictionary. I have to live


Priyanian, who was holding a crossbow disguised as trash in his hand, nodded his head.

Let’s say that even the young lady, who gave me a dagger for self-defense just in case she didn’t know, is ready.

“Let’s go.”

I took the first step.

Then I opened the door to the empty classroom across the washroom and went in, waiting for him to come.

How long has it been?

Dubok, thump.

As the sun went down, I heard the sound of walking down the dark hallway.

I thought maybe I was a graduate student who couldn’t get off work this time and stayed in the lab.

Catch, Catch.

I heard the sound of something heavy hitting my palm.

There is no sound like that in a mug that holds tea.

Prianian next to me grabbed a crossbow,

The young lady who had gathered three desks and was sleeping on them woke up from her slumber.


After sending the hand signal, I quietly approached the window.

Since the washroom, which was supposed to be a mousetrap, was deliberately lit, its appearance was clearly visible to us.

When I opened the door slightly, I heard his voice.

“Mr. A.”

The robed man grumbled, gripping the chisel-like metal in his hand.

“I heard that there were ghosts, so I tried not to move at night.”


Hiding the dagger held in reverse behind my forearm, I approached him as quietly as possible.

Perhaps thanks to the grass padding under his shoes, he was doing his repairs unhindered by the sound of my footsteps.

Kagak, Kak.

With clumsy hand movements, the assailant poked a knife through the bright whitewash to get the bricks out.

“What? Why not?”

I preoccupied a place for him to escape and spoke as low as possible so that the others wouldn’t hear.

“Do you want to know?”



Frightened, he dropped the chisel in his hand.

“Shh. Don’t move.”

I placed the tip of the dagger on the neck of the assailant.

“Turn your head slowly.”

Perhaps it was because he felt the sharpness of the blade pointed through his robe, he meekly turned his head.

There was only a frightened expression on his rather naive face.

“Name and self-introduction.”

“That, who are you…?”

As I pushed the dagger a little further, the thing I wanted came out right away.

“I’m Malcolm Cornwell, a senior in the Faculty of Magic, Britian University. Sir. I’ll tell you something, so could you put that knife away?”

After sending a hand signal to wait with the left hand tucked behind the waist,

I said, still not lowering the dagger.

“If you tell me who told you to dig up the bricks here, I’ll clean them up little by little.”

“A senior I know said he put something here, and he told me to bring it.”

“I am not you, Cornwell. Tell me the name of that senior you know.”

Cornwell said the name obediently.

“Senior Gordon. I’m working as a librarian now.”

Hearing that, I thought I knew what was buried on the side of the box containing the curse.

From noble mtl dot com

It was cigarette ash.


There wasn’t much to be gained from Malcolm.

Because he was just an errand boy to pay off his gambling debts.

Leaving Malcolm with a broken leg on the spot, we headed straight to the library and asked where the librarian named Gordon had gone.

The tired-looking female librarian showed annoyance at the sudden visitor’s question, but

“Gordon said he would go home early today.”

When I folded and showed only her seal on her scribe’s pass, she immediately gave an answer.

“Why did you go?”

“You said you were tired. Is there something wrong with senior Gordon?”

“Don’t ask me that. Where is Mr. Gordon’s desk by any chance?”

Maybe you can find some clues.

At my question, she pointed to a desk in the corner.

A plain desk with nothing special about it.

I found that the book he was reading was hidden on one side of the desk.

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