126 – The Blessed Magpie

On the counter was a newspaper that someone had been looking at.

The news of Jackson’s death was lavishly decorated on the front page of a newspaper with the clichéd name, The Story of Colhen.

It is a pity that ‘we have lost one of the most educators of our time’.

The content was ‘Let’s take some time to grieve for the development of magic studies falling behind due to his death, who was almost the only one who pursued the convenience of ordinary people.’

The moment you open the newspaper, the content is sh*tty, but it’s nice to see it after a long time.

Dubok, thump.

I heard footsteps on the stairs and reflexively raised my head.

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Rien’s priest was coming downstairs, wearing a long gray dress.

“Priest Rien?”

She was holding a piece of paper in her hand, so she didn’t answer me. She quickly opened the door and left.

With my daughter.


The innkeeper came out of the kitchen feeling the ringing of the bell at her door and asked me, wiping her wet hands on her apron.

“Isn’t anyone here?”

“I didn’t come, I went.”

“Damn it.”

His face was distorted and he went inside, scratching his head again.

But there was something that bothered me.

Because the expression on her face when she just left was quite serious.

But as an outsider, I wasn’t going to meddle, so I was only doing my own thing.


Fold the newspaper again, put it in place, and shouted, heading to the corner.

“Let me borrow a broom here.”

With my daughter.

As I walked out of the inn with a broom and bucket of water on my side, the warm air greeted me.

“Aww, sir. It’s terribly hot.”

It was midday, but the streets were almost deserted, and Priest Rien was nowhere to be seen.

I headed for the stable, feeling my skin burning under the exceptionally strong sun today.


“Yes. It seems like I haven’t seen you in a very long time. Yes?”


As if to say something nonsensical, I threw fodder at the horse wagging its tail, and got into the back compartment of the carriage parked in the corner.

“Huh. It’s so damn thick. This is a carriage, a steam room.”

Inside the wagon, dust and dirt grains were rolling on the floor.

To think that his arm was already in this shape because he hadn’t cleaned it in days when he was dying.

“I do all the chores.”

After sighing, I took off my Gambison, put it aside, and picked up the broom.

Since you don’t know when you’ll be leaving Kolhen, it was common sense to keep the inside of the wagon ready in advance.

Isn’t there a saying to clean, tighten, and oil?


Sass. Bud. Bud.

And it wasn’t until much later that I realized the truth that the adage was possible in the military.

“Ah. No matter what kind of wagon you clean, it is this dirty.”


How many times did the floor have to be machined?

“Mercenaries? Is it you?”

When I turned my head at the childish voice coming from the side, at some point a young lady was standing there wearing a hood.

The sight of a ray of sunlight filtering through a crack in the stable ceiling soaking her white robe was quite fitting.

I got out of the carriage, ran my gloved hand over my face, and asked.

“Lady, what are you doing outside? It’s a hot day.”

“I came out because I heard something. But what do you clean the wagon for?”

“People like us need to prepare in advance to survive for a long time. Shouldn’t the maintenance be done in advance?”


Nodding her head like that, she approached the carriage.

The young lady carefully stroked the side of the compartment behind her and asked me.

“By the way, it looks like you guys are going to open colchen sooner or later?”

“I guess that’s how it should be.”

Of course, I had no intention of settling here.

In a situation where I couldn’t find anything related to dimension movement even in the universities I’ve been to for the past few days, if I had any more, it would only be a waste of money and time.

“I don’t know when it will be, but I think it will be soon.”

“I see.”

After hearing my answer, the young lady nodded her head.

“Usually mercenaries tend to settle down in one place.”

“Because we are a bit different.”

“Then where are you going?”

It was a somewhat random question.

She hasn’t asked if she’s willing yet, but taking her young lady home is almost certain, and she must have thought so too.

So what I’m asking now is probably after he landed himself in the eastern county.

“I don’t know. You should go with the wind. As always.”

Even as she answered that, she was thinking here and there in her head.

‘Because selection and concentration are always important.’

Even in cafes, we can find the importance of choice and concentration.

Telling the staff taking the order, ‘Please give me one that is sweet but slightly fragrant’,

Among the sayings, ‘I’ll give you one with milk, two pumps of syrup that is slightly sweet, and the scent of the beans rises slightly while the aftertaste disappears in a refreshing way.’

From an employee’s point of view, which of the two would be better?

The answer is I want to hit them both.

So just focus on the menu and choose from what’s there.

Anyway, creating a menu for your next destination in your head like this is an effective way to prevent guest houses.

For example.

As if you were anything, choose a suicide spot as your next destination, such as one of the only demonic places in Britian.

This means that we should refrain from trying to draw a scribble-style path in a children’s sketchbook with Jung-gu heating for no reason just to enjoy art.

“Follow the wind.”

The young lady pondered over what I said and gave a brief impression.

“Mercenaries seem to have fun.”


“Isn’t he roaming the world freely with only a wagon and a sword? With a reliable person there.”

There was something unknown in the voice of the poor young lady who said good things like that.

“There must have been clouds floating in the sky, and the road on which the wagon was running was open. I’m sure it will.”

Clouds can be dark clouds, there can be stones on the road, and a well-organized scrum awaits.

But as imagination is free, I just respected opinions.

“Since the Lady has blessed you, wouldn’t you?”

“At least that’s what I think. The wind will be mixed in your path. Clearly.”

The young lady, who had been saying some rather embarrassing things since daytime, turned around and headed for the inn door as if she had finished her words.

Just looking at it, he looked as if he was embarrassed about the words he had uttered three seconds ago.


Sprout, sprout.

After pouring water on the bottom of the carriage and sewing with a broom, the thought of toothpaste came to my mind.

‘This is really good for chasing bar teachers.’

While thinking about such miscellaneous things, I wiped the floor with a wet mop to prevent it from rotting, and then put the luggage back in.


A new visitor appeared behind his back. It was a Rien priest who came from outside.

“Are you here?”

“Thanks to you, I had a good trip! However…”

Still holding the paper, smiling brightly, she extended her hand as she accepted my greeting.

At the end of it, a sweaty bandage settled down.

“What did I say this morning!”

The priest’s voice had the magic to turn people into sinners.

“Ah. Right.”

Priest Rien sighed and placed the paper in her hand on the stake beside her.

“Mercenary, less than a few hours have passed since I told you to save yourself!”

“If not me, who would? Priest.”


Standing in front of her, she looked up slightly with her arms behind her back and said.

“But that’s what a healthy future mercenary does!”

“But the future me subcontracted the past me. They said the price would be paid for convenience later.”

While chatting with her for a long time, Priest Rien said he couldn’t do it and rolled up her arms.

I couldn’t imagine that she would use her violence, but she flinched at the powerful action of her.


Instead of her fist, the priest raised the long-sacked Morning Star that had been standing beside her.

“What are you doing?”

In the Church of the Sun God, is Morning Star replaced with a cane?

But instead of swinging it, she held it up.

Priest Rien, who was staggering for a moment, smiled at me as she lifted her up and said.

“To lighten the heavy burden!”

‘My bone pain? Or does it imply pain?’

“If you wield it incorrectly, it will hurt, so put it down again.”

Despite repeated attempts to dissuade him, Priest Rien didn’t care.

“It is dangerous for a patient to carry something like this!”

Having said that, she placed the Morning Star in the corner of the compartment behind her in a more stable position than expected.

“I saw it!”

“…I saw it.”

As much as something catches the eye, no one will ever be able to see it.

Turning her head away from those gray waves of hers, she suddenly saw a piece of paper on her floor.

I couldn’t see the contents well because it was a bit far away, but the fairly familiar style gave me some idea of the contents.


This time the priest who was standing in front of the bag of oats looked at me and asked.

“Yes! Mercenary!”

“I’ll take that one later, so please put it down. I have a question for you.”

I pointed to a piece of paper lying on the floor.

“Did you come here to find a mercenary?”

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Then Priest Rien hurriedly went to the stake and picked up her paper, then she asked me.

“Have you seen it?”

“No, I was just familiar with the style. I didn’t see what you were hiring for.”

“I see!”

It was a slightly uncomfortable attitude.

Anyway, it seemed that her coming to Colhen had something to do with that.

“Priest. I don’t know what it is, but if it’s related to hiring mercenaries, I can help you to some extent.”

Even if you can’t completely interfere, you can give enough advice that an ignorant priest wouldn’t look at you.

“I can give you that much consultation for the price you fixed my forearm, so please tell me anytime.”

Hearing that, Priest Rien hesitated for a moment.

However, he soon widened his expression and shook his head.

“It’s okay!”


After parting with Priest Rien, I changed her clothes and sat down at her table to make plans for her future.

While I was blowing the wind blowing magic tool weakly like a hand fan.

I heard someone knocking.


For a moment, I had a feeling that something was not going to happen, so I stopped her.

And I gave it a different name.

“Mr. Gordon?”

“Yes. This is Gordon.”

“Please come in.”


Gordon came into the room, sweaty from fighting through the heat.

He looked at my arm and said, holding something wrapped in cloth around his side.

“Your arm seems to be much better now.”

“Thanks for your concern. By the way, what is that next to you?”

I pointed my hand at Gordon’s side.

Something that had been bothering me for a while now was getting my attention.

Noticing what my fingertips were pointing at, he put the object on the table and said.

“At least it will be something Mr. G-House will like quite a bit.”

At that, I put the map book aside and said.

“I’m looking forward to it.”

It looked like the magpie who had received grace had picked up something.

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