128 – One confession, one advice.

The receptionist accepted the paper.

She was only expressing her opinion, and refusing to accept without reason was a clear step beyond her authority.

Prianian, who was watching it from my side, said.

“Perhaps Priest Rien is far away from finding a mercenary.”

“What do you mean, Prianian?”

While she was answering the young lady’s question, I looked around for a while.

The reason Priest Rien came alone must be a personal story.

But if you listen to the receptionist, it will be full of weak conditions that the mercenaries will find difficult to accept.

Every time that happens, there is bound to be something twisted.

For example.

A threesome laughing meaningfully from Priest Rien and a little further to the right.

Or the spearmen who stroke their chins at the wooden table and see how much they can cut.

Of course, as soon as you sign a contract and come out, you are dragged into a back alley or your pocket is opened.

In a mercenary guild where only people risking their lives to earn money, contracts are strict, and those who did such things have already been cut into pieces and turned into well-made dog food.

That’s why most mercenaries don’t violate contract terms.

However, if the wall is thick, the skill of digging a dog hole increases.

Finding loopholes in contract details and cutting food expenses are the basics.

He even secretly broke a wagon wheel during a request without penalty and demanded an extension of the contract.

In this world full of ways to swindle people, that innocent priest would be more than enough to be eaten alone.

So a little help would be fine.

“So, Priest Rien probably has a hard time finding mercenaries. Unless you’re a naive rookie who doesn’t know the world- Wait a minute, Mr. G-House? G-House?”

Jerobeok, jeobeok.

I heard Prianian calling from behind, but I didn’t care and went to the reception desk.

And she talked to her in a low voice as she talked about her request with her receptionist for a while.

“Priest Rien?”


Priest Rien looked at me with a cute scream as if he was startled.

“You are here, I have been looking for you for a long time.”

The receptionist, who was guiding me while drawing lines on the receipt with a pen, looked at me and asked.

“Hey, are you related to the current request?”

If you ask me that, everyone here will say yes.

“Yes. I am an acquaintance, and when I requested it, I said that I would look at the terms and conditions of the contract together.”

I even put a mercenary plaque on it just in case you didn’t know.

“…A joke?”

“It’s not fake, so you don’t have to worry. It doesn’t matter if you take a look.”

While the receptionist was examining the mercenary plaque with wide eyes, I whispered to Priest Rien.

“Sorry for the sudden interruption. Priest.”

“I didn’t expect to see you here, Mercenary!”

A smile as if he was being questioned.

But I was proud to have met the priest by chance while on a picnic.

“I am very glad to see you here, too. Excuse me, would you mind if I help the priest?”

“Mercenary. This is my job.”

She said softly, slightly away from her reception desk.

It must be a consideration so that I won’t be embarrassed by the receptionist if I hear a sound.

“That’s right. What you are doing now is the priest’s job. I’m not a good person enough to get involved in other people’s affairs.”

Goed a little closer and whispered. I hope the receptionist will listen.

“But shouldn’t people give back what they receive? Priest. Give me one confession and one advice.”

“That, mercenary.”

“Even though I am F grade, I think I rolled enough to roll. At least I can help you with how to do it.”

“Mercenary? Too close-“

“I don’t want to see the priest suffer any loss, if it wasn’t right in front of me.”

Only then did Priest Rien slightly turn his face away and nodded his head.

With the words to go back a little bit.


While looking through her request, I looked at the contract she had written.

The destination is a place called Parki in the east, and the request is a long-distance one-way escort.

‘I was on my way to the east to pick up the young lady. Is it a revelation telling me to go with you?’

I decided to make this proposal later, and continued to look at the contract.

At least to a certain extent, the foundation was firmly established, but there were a few weak points.

The deadline limit was quite generous, and there were almost no restrictions related to meals.

Even when it comes to theft, it says, “Don’t steal!”

I don’t know why they avoid it because there is something around the town called Parki, but at least looking at the terms, it was a fantastic contract to extort money.

“Tell them to make and eat meals as they are, with shorter deadlines, and only writing down the cost of ingredients. Don’t forget to use the priest’s cauldron separately from the mercenaries.”

“Why should I?”

“Just, if it were me, I would.”

They have an antidote, from medicine to poison.

Or it could be quite difficult in terms of hygiene.

“Can I just do that?”

At Priest Rien’s question, she shook her head.

“Please make a separate list of all the items the priest is holding, and write down the theft penalties here. There are kids with bad hands everywhere.”

After pointing out a few parts like that, and even including one clause that you don’t know about, the result came out that wasn’t too bad.

“Ah. It’s a little…”

The receptionist who was watching from the front also stuck out his tongue.

‘Of course.’

Ever since then, he was a man who became a slave twice because he was not careful in agreeing to the terms and conditions.

At least in my life, when it comes to contracts, there is no such thing as a three-year-old.

“Come on. Here you are.”

After presenting the completed receipt, the receptionist nodded.

“Come on. Received. Now, when there is news, I will let you know.”

After the receptionist stamped the certificate and handed over the mark, Priest Lien smiled and said,

“Thank you, sister!”

“It’s my job, priest. Then I’ll post this on the bulletin board right away-“

“Hey, wait.”

The receptionist turned his head, and I smiled and told him about my business.

“Can you please stop uploading it yet?”


I planned to include Priest Rien on the route to the East.

From noble mtl dot com

If it were her, at least she wouldn’t have to pay, and she could get her down payment as a bonus.

“Just a little bit, a little bit more.”

Then the receptionist nodded.

“Hey, mercenary? What does this mean?”

I made a proposal to Priest Rien who was perplexed.

“We have to go to the east to pick up the lady anyway. Would you like to come with us?”

As she hesitated, I spoke more clearly.

“I will sign a contract anyway. Priests, do your priestly work. We will do our job.”

He paused for a moment and smiled.

“But if you add one more party to the journey, nothing could be as good as that. If you are like a priest, you are even more welcome.”

At least that day, anyone who saw the priest burning incense across the battlefield wouldn’t mind it.

Upon hearing that, Priest Rien’s face changed mysteriously, and then he nodded.

“Then I will discuss with the party and come back, wait a minute-“

“You don’t have to.”

At that time, Priyanian’s voice came from behind.

When he turned his head, a prianian stood expressionless and a young lady whose face was hidden. Two people were standing.

Prianian asked the receptionist politely.

“Excuse me, could you get me a room to talk to?”

The receptionist was momentarily taken aback, but nodded when she saw the mercenary plaque she held out.

“Of course!”


The value of the name of the double mercenary was considerable.

It’s a little small, but it’s enough to give you a parlor like this.

“Mr. G-House.”

Priyanian, sitting across from me, held out his hand.

When I grabbed her hand, she hesitated while holding it for a moment, then shook her head.

“Don’t raise your hand, give me the receipt.”


I handed over the receipt returned earlier.

After looking through it, Priian An put the paper down on her table and said.

“You wrote it carefully. Not bad.”

“I wrote that. Miss Prianian.”

“As expected, Mr. G-House.”

Priyanian nodded her head.

While Priest Rien was away for a while, I opened my mouth.

“There is one suggestion I would like to make. Priest Rien’s joining. Having a reliable person with you on a long journey is a worthy consideration.”

He paused for a moment, then opened his mouth again.

“But since I’m not going this far alone, I’d like to hear everyone’s stories now.”

The first person I asked for his opinion was, of course, Youngae, our potential employer.

Since we’ve been together for a few days, she readily accepts.

“It’s Priest Rien. It’s not bad if there’s a priest. At least there’s a way to survive even if you meet evil on your journey.”

“Then would it be all right if I took it as an agreement?”

“There’s no reason for me to object, since I’ll have a new companion along the way. And… If it’s not a time like this, how many moments will I have to go through something like wind?”

Perhaps it was before she went back to her daily life, I could feel various emotions in Young lady’s voice.

After sending her her thanks, this time she looked at Prianian.


The priest returned to the room just in time, so she looked at Priest Rien instead of me and asked her purpose.

“Priest Rien, may I know what you are going to the East for?”

“I have work to do! But at least I won’t do anything that will harm the mercenary G-House and his party!”

Hearing that, Priianian nodded her head.

“Then I’m in favor of it. I can trust Rien Priest enough.”

“Then please take care of me. Just Mr. Prianian!”

Blue eyes met gold eyes, and I clapped my hands to get my attention.

“Then, Priest Rien should sign an escort contract with me, and the lady should sign an escort contract with Ms. Priyanian. You can’t make duplicate contracts.”

I can’t trust people who haven’t signed a contract. But at least the person who signed the contract can be trusted.

It’s a pretty dichotomous way, but it was a rather clear distinction to me.

“Then shall we sign a contract. Priest?”

“Wait a minute! I’ll give you the down payment first!”

Priest Rien took a coin from his pocket and held it out to me.

After splitting it in half with Prianian, I jokingly asked Priest Rien.

“Excellent, priest. You didn’t make a low down payment for this, did you?”

At my question, she smiled brightly and shook her head.


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