138 – Ten People

As we went downstairs, a thick bush greeted us.

The superiority in numbers fundamentally blocked the approach of most beasts and monsters.

That’s why, the enemy we had to deal with was full of confidence that we could deal with about 10 people.


“Stop it from the front!”

Max, who was holding the spear, shouted to his party.

Me and the sword with the shield raised as if woven stood in front, and Max stood behind.


The troll, who broke the ground with one blow, raised a wooden club and howled.

It was a scene in which jokes to suppress the fear naturally jumped out.

“What kind of f*cking troll is f*cking sticking out like this?”

“Welcome to the East, certified mercenary!”

“I don’t know what neighborhood welcome trolls are, but I just won’t accept them!”

“I go first!”

After speaking, Carl ran towards the troll.


The club in the troll’s hand slammed down at an angle.

With the sound of something breaking, he rolled his mace to avoid the attack that half-shattered the tree next to him.



The troll, who had been beaten in the arm, swung the wooden club again, revealing an opening.

The blade that did not miss the gap cut through the air.


The arming sword that pierced the green skin of the creature left a torn wound, but the troll’s regenerative power was beyond imagination.


As if the reverse play had been turned on, the slowly suturing skin was daunting.

“If there were bastards like you, orthopedic surgery would have disappeared a long time ago. You people who will never do a cesarean section!”

“G-House, dodge to the side!”


A warning sound was heard from behind, along with the sound of a crossbow bow being snapped.

As I quickly retrieved my sword and dodged to the side, a sharp spear flew into the spot where I was earlier and pierced the troll’s body.

Quad Deuk!

The mana-loaded attack punched a hole through her torso, and at the same time, the bolt inside Priani was driven deep.


The guy who allowed an effective hit in an instant staggered slightly while holding onto his side.

It would be an attack that would have been torn to pieces by a normal person, but he managed to withstand it.

Then you just need to hit it harder.

Once again, two knife cuts were made on the forearm, and then disappeared. But the pain was still there.

At least that seemed certain, seeing as that goddamn troll was giving a damn.


“f*ck you. Some kind of scream is spitting out like soup.”

Thump, boom.

The troll, attacked in succession, stomped the ground with his feet as if angry, and the grass and dirt on the floor splattered in all directions.

Max, who brushed off the blood from the tip of the spear by playing with it, gave the order again.

“Come on. Let’s go like this one more time.”

“I wish it would end once.”

With a sigh, the blades were pointed at him again.


The predator, unable to accept the reality, began to tremble in anger.


The wrath of the hunted hunter spread through the forest.

But he only had one club, and we had four.

Nearly chopping swords and bolt rain began to catch up with his resilience.



With the final horse, reddish-green clots of blood splattered on the floor.

He threw out a joke, trying to hide his right arm, which was shaking with the excitement of battle.

“Come on. The first is a troll. Anyone want to bet what will pop up next?”

“I want to bet that it doesn’t come out.”

“Hook. It’s too bad he won’t die.”

There was no time to rest as the trolls popped out right after entering. Now we had to move his body to the side of the road.

The moment I was about to drag it and put it in the bush.


Hot’s voice came from behind.

When he turned his head, his greed for something that had fallen on the floor could be seen in the way he came running, waving his arms.

At the very least, I hoped it wasn’t s*xual desire, and asked him politely.

“What is it?”

“Hey, are you crazy?”

“At least I think I’m less crazy than someone who suddenly asks me if I’m crazy, so let’s start with an explanation.”

“How expensive are trolls, and you just leave them there?”

As he said that, regret flowed from the man’s eyes as he glanced at him.

‘High risk, high return.’

It was only then that I began to understand the words of the merchant who drove the wagon earlier.

But I couldn’t understand the mentality of the merchant in front of me.

“No. Does it make sense that this place isn’t a butcher’s shop, and that they’re going to rip off the bodies of trolls on the street?”

“Mr. G-House. Be careful with your words.”

“Be careful with those feet that try to eat up your time. Mr. Hort.”

The smell of blood was bound to bite other predators.

So, it was only dangerous to do such a thing in the canyon where the trolls who live in a deserted place popped out.

“I only need to carry a little bit, so please wait a little bit.”


I said while slightly blocking the merchant’s footsteps.


“In the end, aren’t you putting us at risk to get better? If you’re a merchant too, you know that the longer you stay on the road, the more strange things you encounter.”


Hort looked at me with his fists clenched, but I didn’t want to become a corpse trying to collect a body.

“Also, since we are currently commissioned, we cannot take any more risks. So either divide the harvest neatly in half, or throw the corpse in the grass. The choice is yours.”

After thinking about it for a while, Hort shook his head.

It seems that the calculator in his head finished the calculation in an instant.

“…Let’s clear it up.”

“Great choice.”

At the same time, I heard the slow lowering of a crossbow behind me.

After the corpse disappeared by the bush, the train of wagons moved forward again.

“Sir, there are trolls in this procession.”

“What can I do? It doesn’t come out the way we want it to. Anyway, that’s-“

In the middle of the whispers of the merchants in front, voices like orioles came in.

“Mercenary, Mercenary.”

When I turned my head, I saw Priest Rien sticking out his head from inside the carriage, looking at me.

“Yes. Priest.”

“I felt something beside me, but it didn’t seem like an ordinary monster.”

“Are you sure?”

At my question, the priest nodded.

Looking ahead, Carl and Max, who were wary of the forward and right sides, seemed to feel nothing.

But if she, the priest in the carriage, was this confident.

‘It seems that something mysterious exists in this canyon.’

After remembering one piece of information, I asked Priest Rien if there was a need to track it down.

She shook her head.

“Good. Let’s just do what we know for now.”

The information with uncertain evidence only brought an ominous feeling to the journey.

There was nothing good about touching something that didn’t need to be tracked in the danger zone.

The priest nodded her head as if he had no objection to my opinion, and the procession still proceeded without incident.

On the way there, I overheard Carl talking to Hort.

“By the way. Doesn’t it seem a little strange today?”

“What do you mean, Carl?”

I went a little closer and listened.

To Hort’s question, he answered with a nod of his head.

“No, it’s strange how few monsters appear in this canyon and how quiet the forest is. The one that came out was a troll as well. Usually only kobolds or goblins pop out.”

“Shhh, don’t be silly like that, from that moment ago-“

Hort, who was giving us the cotton gourd, looked in our direction for a moment, then bowed his head towards the knife.

Anyway, those chi didn’t seem to be very trustworthy.

‘All those who make money are like that. Damn capitalists.’

While wiping away the sweat running down his cheeks with his gloves, he was wary of stretching.

I didn’t see any disturbing movements in the forest, but it was rather dangerous.

It was like pretending to be peace.

Sadly, that peace was broken when five kobolds jumped out and defeated them.


“Good job.”

After the battle, everywhere was covered with bloody fur.

While I took a moment to catch my breath, I heard a cracking sound coming from the side.

Gloven hands snapped at the fur, slit open the steamy meat, and then took out something smelling like blood from the inside.

“Kobold gallbladder, then teeth.”

Even when his life was in danger, Hort made his way among the kobold corpses, dismembering his usable parts.

A willing effort to generate additional income was imaginary, but it wasn’t a pretty sight for me.

“Mr. Hort. What are you doing?”

From noble mtl dot com

“Wait a minute. Wait a minute.”

“No, just wait a minute, stop your hands first.”



“Come again.”

At Max’s muttering, Hort slowly stood up.

“Mr. Hort, please back away quickly.”

“Damn it. We still have two left.”


Turning his head, he saw something shining in his corpses, and Hort’s face with a slightly hard expression.

“Mr. Hort, what’s the matter? It looks like something is broken.”

“Nothing. It’s coming anyway! Get ready!”

After the merchant, covered in dog hair and full of blood on his glove, took the bloody bundle and quickly fell back, leaving only regret and doubt.

The stinky smell unique to canes began to waft from the bushes again.



Seven kobolds, dazzled by the smell of blood, rushed out from where the five had jumped out a moment ago.



Battle started again with the signal that one was knocked down by a bolt.


Quad Deuk!

The blade of Max’s straight spear pierced the two kobolds, and he shook them and pulled out the bodies.

Thump, boom.

Beside him, the sword was shattering the skull of the kobold who rushed from the right side while parrying one attack with the shield.

Even when their numbers dwindled in an instant, they did not back down.



Instead, more came in droves.

In the midst of that damn sight, I only uttered one word.

“A two-legged bastard with unlimited refills. Is this animal abuse or human abuse?”

“G-house, more coming from the side!”

“f*ck the dog!”

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