143 – Second Drumming

Fatigue and annoyance were mixed in the wide-eyed eyes ahead.

You shouldn’t show your knife recklessly in an unstable situation.

“I’ll leave these here for a while.”

I quickly put down the arming sword that was hanging from my waist next to me, then approached them in casual clothes and asked.

“What is it?”

“The fence door is closed. Go back and await instructions from the vigilantes.”

The vigilantes who were restraining me glanced at the belt around my waist and said.

There was a small amount of emotion in that gaze as he spat out the ceremonial line.

I wonder if there is one more person to fight with a sword. A little hope to do.

Unfortunately, however, I only had one dagger in my belt, considered a multi-tool in this town.

I could see their eyes growing cold, so I raised my hands slightly and said.

“I came here simply to see what was going on. Even if you wait for instructions, shouldn’t you know what’s going on and wait?”

Hearing that, the vigilantes looked at each other and then nodded.

“Come up yourself, Bosch. That would be better than our explanation.”

“Thank you.”

As I climbed the creaking stairs with one of the vigilantes, I could see the whole view under the fence.

As the employee said, it was the monsters that caused the drums to sound.

“Oh my God. Why are there so many of them?”

Seeing that there were not five or six, but at least twenty, I let out a sigh.

“I heard they started hanging out one or two at dawn.”

At my muttering, the vigilante who came up with me muttered.

“However, it did not decrease, but rather increased. Thanks to that, I couldn’t sleep and came out like this.”

“I thought something was going to happen when the drums sounded, but isn’t that a bit harsh?”

“So we called the adventurers who said they were staying at the inn and asked them, but they said it wasn’t even a wave.”

At the words of the vigilante, I shook my head.

The wave I experienced in the northern part was not enough to be called a living tsunami.

Muttered another vigilante who was standing on top of a wooden fence and pulling the shortbow in his hand a few times.

“But why are they slowly approaching? Maybe it’s because they don’t usually come around here at all.”

The man who brought me gave him a face mask.

“If you are not holding a memorial service to come, stay still. It’s better to smell like goblins or dog hair than to smell like blood.”

“Damn it. I can’t even talk to myself. It was because that movement was strange.”

“You are a monster expert.”

Come to think of it, as the man with the bow said, their movements were a bit strange.

It was like a child who realized the fate that awaited him in front of the dentist, hesitatingly approaching.

From that appearance, far from fighting spirit, the feeling of escape was strongly felt.

As I gazed over the barrier, the vigilante who brought me asked.

“So, do you have any more questions?”

“Do you have any measures in place to drive them out?”

At that question, his eyebrows raised slightly.

“Are you asking how I know that?”

He answered bluntly.

But I could see his eyes swivel slightly to the upper left.

It was the reaction of a person who had a countermeasure against this kind of thing, like the armor that fit like a special item and the scratches engraved on it.

“Don’t do that, tell me. Looking at it, you seem to know everything already, but what are you trying to hide when you show it beyond the barrier?”

He drooled for a while, then went to the corner of the wooden fence and informed me of the plan.

A vigilante with a decoy pouch on horseback, luring them far out into the canyon and back, it was pretty manly.

When I heard that and looked at him, I added that it was a method that had been successful many times already.

“I’m pretty sure they’ll be gone by noon if things go right. So go back to the inn and rest.”

At the vigilante’s boast, I nodded and came down the fence.

Since there are so many things to do, it wasn’t good to keep listening to that purring, purring sound while standing on the wooden fence.


Dagdak, dagdak.

The sound of horses hooves passing by echoed through the first floor of the inn.

“It looks like a real one.”

Prianian, who was drinking tea to pass the time until noon, looked at the window and said.

“I don’t know who he is, but he’s a great person to drive his horse out to lure monsters.”

At the young lady’s words, I shook my head.

“He is a wonderful person. Since there are people like that, I wonder if people like me live as well.”

“What makes a mercenary humble himself?”

“I am a person who only wants to go in the middle. People like those vigilantes are heroes.”

Even in the vicious Military Manpower Administration, it was enough to say that I was not a military veteran, but a public interest.

From noble mtl dot com

You don’t have to do anything good to die here to hear the voice of the warrior.

I was sipping most of the tea from the wooden cup while waiting for the alarm to be lifted soon.

Dung, Dung.

The drums sounded again.

It was still too early for noon.


I heard the sound and went to the wooden fence, and saw the villagers buzzing.

“To hear the drum beat twice…”

“Hey, Zangin. What the hell happened?”

“First of all, we need to see each other, but calm down and go to the hall. Yes?”

While the vigilantes pacified their neighbors, the gates of the fence slowly began to open.



“What’s going on with that…”

And at the sight of the rider entering the fence, I naturally frowned.

A man who had been fine a moment ago was coming in with one arm covered in blood.


With his head slightly lowered, he kept repeating something,

I didn’t stop talking even while the vigilantes around me rushed in and looked at my wounds.

“Hey, I’m fine now, stop talking!”

“Coming. Come. Come.”

“What’s coming?”

In response to someone’s question, the jockey only repeated ‘Come’ and did not let go of the reins that he was crushing.

That’s how most people suddenly froze.

Party, pair.

One of the adventurers in traveling clothes appeared out of nowhere and started clapping.

The purpose was to call attention, not encouragement or praise.

“Come on. We don’t know what’s coming, but let’s get ready! And there, Captain, talk to me!”

The blond man started talking to his man, who appeared to be a vigilante.

Soon, preparations to fend off an unknown enemy began to go smoothly.

The old and weak go to the village center hall, and those who fight go to the village fence.

Due to preparations for battle, the metals in the weapon store were released,

The scene unfolded before my eyes as curious children tried to head to the wooden fence, but were grabbed by their ears and dragged away by their parents.

Amidst that series of storms, we were having a leisurely conversation.

“Mercenary, shouldn’t we help too?”

The vigilantes briefly borrowed items from the weapon box they brought from the weapon shop.

Shortbow, it’s a shame you don’t have a longbow.

After taking my bow and arrows, I continued my conversation.

“Of course I have to help to some extent. So, Miss Prianian, take the two of you to the carriage.”

“Then what will G-house do?”

“I have to climb over the wooden fence. What.”

As a matter of fact, if you want to ride a bus in a group assignment, you have to pay a certain amount of bus fare so you don’t get in trouble.

I don’t know what will come, but I have to shoot an arrow over the wooden fence, otherwise I’ll only hear ‘what are we doing?’

But the two shook their heads.

I shook my head as each vehemently insisted that there was something they could do.

Because I can’t let my clients fight.

After hearing the reply, ‘It is for your safety,’ the young lady asked the party back.

“And, wouldn’t it be safest to be near the mercenary inside the fence anyway?”

“Why do you think so?”

“Since the mercenary said earlier that he would only go halfway, he must mean that it is safest to be by your side at all times.”

Is that what you mean?

The young lady, who came up with a mysterious logic like a wizard, soon added another word.

“And, this is how Prianian can be with the wooden fence. I don’t think he needs to split his powers.”

“I think you are right.”

Prianian, who heard that, sided with the young lady and said.

“I think that’s how G-House will feel at ease.”

“No, I-“

-Dung! Ridge!

“They are coming!!”

Starting with a warning, people’s movements began to get busier.

I gave up further persuasion and put forward two conditions.

Stay close to the prianian, or under a wooden fence if it’s not possible.

After confirming that the two agreed, let’s climb up the fence with a creaking sound.

I saw more monsters running towards the wooden fence than before.

– Kerreuk.


It was mainly goblins and kobolds, with a few trolls mixed in.


A group of green and brown swarms rushing at them as if shaking the ground, giving off a stinging odor.

He seemed to be well over forty, but even this one didn’t lose by the number of pages.

Soon, the vigilante leader’s slogans echoed over the wooden fence.



The demonstration was pulled all at once. But they never flinched.

As if there were no options.


An unexpected shower started pouring over their heads.


One-sided attacks continued.

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