Qiu Sihao, who was sitting in the auditorium and waiting for a long time, was already impatient. In his opinion, most of the previous confrontations were simply pecking at each other and being extremely boring.

“Remember, boy, now is not your sentimental time, I will not give you too many restrictions, but the two at Jiangcheng University, do n’t touch them,

I’m not doubting your strength, but that’s asking for trouble and adding variables. It’s also for you. Okay? “

Before entering the battle, Zhou Liwei once again ordered.

Qiu Sihao did not respond, but was coldly snorted, went straight to alloy arena, and Wen Zhengrui and others in the back looked like a strange one.

Qiu Sihao’s self-righteous attitude has not changed.

Of course, he also has this qualification so proud that his ability need not be questioned.

Soon, Qiu Sihao and others were apparently dominated by the support of the Danshui cheering team.

At the suggestion of Qin Han, Qiu Sihao was the first to say who he was going to attack.

“Attack, Haiyun defender Li Bo!”

Qiu Sihao’s voice dropped, and the entire auditorium was not exclaimed. This Danshui attacker had a big appetite, and Li Bo came up.

The Haiyun cheering team is also booing, choose Li Bo?

Didn’t you see the previous picture of Li Bo’s strong defeat of those attackers? Come again to deliver food?

But not everyone thinks so, and some graduated from Semi-Professional Card University have heard some rumors of Qiu Sihao, that is really a fierce man!

After Qiu Sihao made his choice, Wen Zhengrui and others also chose their opponents one after another.

However, they are not as big as Qiu Sihao. Cui Jiahao chose the defender from Pucheng University, which is also the weakest defender on the surface at the moment.

Zhou Yunpeng has locked the Pingchuan University’s defender, not Hu Yifan, but the former defender, which is relatively inferior in strength.

Wen Zhengrui chose Haiyun University’s defender, which is also new.

This choice is also very reasonable.

However, in the current situation, none of the defenders is simple.

Either a strong hand, or even stronger!

After the personnel selection, Danshui everyone quickly walked to the corresponding War Zone.

Of the four War Zones, the one that gets the most attention is the War Zone where Qiu Sihao is.

Qiu Sihao’s reputation in Semi-Professional Card University is not inferior to Gao Yuan.

Since Gao Yuan is said to be a monster, Qiu Sihao can’t be any worse.

In particular, some of the university cheering teams have students from Jiangcheng High School. These students who are in the same period as Qiu Sihao understand his terrifying more deeply!

Under the introduction of an acquaintance, the attention of Qiu Sihao’s War Zone has greatly increased!

On the suspended alloy block, Gao Yuan also stared at Qiu Sihao’s War Zone. Some rumors about him were also clear in Gao Yuan’s mind.

Therefore, he would also like to know if Qiu Sihao’s name is not in vain.

At this time, in the War Zone, Qiu Sihao has quickly summed up his Source Card Tyranny King.

As soon as Tyranny King came out, many people who knew the goods immediately exclaimed. This is a genuine Peak Back Card!

There are two main criteria for determining whether a black card is top-level.

For one, the strength data is above 1800, and the weakness data is not less than 1500.

Second, it deserves the special effect of top cards.

Tyranny King, which has no special effect, is relying on his attack points of up to 1900 to reach the top!

In the face of the arrogant Qiu Sihao and the black and tyrannical Tyranny King, even Li Bo expression could not help but slightly change, but his activated Source Card was not slow.

The black card is flipped, a little black umbrella is held, the body is white and plump, and the head looks like a bottle gourd, and a little fellow with a wooden expression appears.

From the looks, the little fellow was dumb and still stupid, but nobody in the room would look down on this card.

Lin Ze’s eyes are also attracted by this card. This card is also similar to some Yu-Gi-Oh Cards in his cognition, but from the performance point of view, they are two different cards.

This is not the first time this has happened.

Today’s card world, aside from Lin Ze, there are still some, and not a few Card Masters, which also have Yu-Gi-Oh Cards, or similar existence, after all, the effects and data have changed.

This includes the Giant Axe Raider, which Lin Ze previously challenged at Second World, and the Indomitable Headless Knight by Zhou Yunpeng.

Only the Yu-Gi-Oh Cards controlled by Lin Ze have not changed much, but there are also some changes incorporated into this world rule.

For specific reasons, Lin Ze also wanted to know, he always felt that this would not be a coincidence.

Just a few moments after Lin Ze’s thoughts, the attack and defense of the four War Zones have already started a clash!

Qiu Sihao, at the beginning of the battle, he made his Tyranny King charge forward and head straight for the weather reporter of Li Bo.

Li Bo’s weather reporter turned the small black umbrella in his hand for the first time, and a small area of ​​rain fell instantly, directly covering Qiu Sihao’s Tyranny King.

Qiu Sihao’s forward motion was noticeably lagging, and his agility was affected by the rain curtain.

Slowing down the speed of Tyranny King, the small umbrella in the hands of the weather reporter turned again, but this time, it was a thunderbolt dropping from the sky!

Qiu Sihao looked disdainful, and was too lazy to move a finger to activate the second card, and saw Tyranny King hit a thunderbolt with a punch!

zi zi.

Tyranny King showed a few scorch marks on the fist peak, but still broke the lightning without pressure.

However, Li Bo’s original purpose was not there. By blocking the rain and adding lightning, he quickly activated a brand new black card.

After the black card flashed for a while, three big dogs suddenly appeared, barking and rushing towards Tyranny King.

He bit his two thighs and one arm before Tyranny King reacted.

The overbearing lord-like aura on Tyranny King suddenly fell a lot, and the weather reporter turned the umbrella in his hand again.

This time, a gust of wind was raging and violently blown on Tyranny King’s body. Tyranny King’s forward movement was completely blocked and it seemed to have suffered some kind of deduction.

Judging from the scene, Qiu Sihao seems to be completely passive, and his Tyranny King is bound by Li Bo’s cards.

It is empty and powerful, but there is nowhere to make it.

The audience in the audience was also a little surprised. Qiu Sihao’s performance in the difficult situation seemed to be quite different from Gao Yuan in their imagination.

However, Qiu Sihao didn’t even care about other people’s opinions at all. His face was still his own contempt, which was a kind of contempt, as if what Li Bo was doing now, just some playful tricks.

Finally, under everyone’s attention, Qiu Sihao Magic Power operated a lot, and the black card flipped.

A loudspeaker with black glow appeared in his hands.

The opposite Li Bo stared at the loudspeaker, guarding against possible variables.

He didn’t know what the card was, but he could see that it was a special card.

Special cards often carry the nature of auxiliary Battle Cards, either to increase their own cards or to weaken enemy cards.

However, in Li Bo’s eyes, Qiu Sihao said in an incongruous tone: “break for me!”

The tone barely fell, with the rich black glow scattered on the surface of the loudspeaker, the voice seemed to be filled with some kind of magic power.

Originally bitten by dogs and beaten by the wind and rain, Raigeki was hit by the wind and rain, so aura’s large number of dying Tyranny King suddenly seemed to be reborn!

Tyranny King could not cover his ears with a thunder, and the big black cockroach rose up behind him, and the shadow formed by the tall body of XNUMX meters covered the completely unprepared weather reporter.

Without waiting for him to make any move, the muscles of the blue muscles agitated, aimed at the plump head of the weather reporter, and suddenly punched!


With almost no suspense, the weather reporter shattered on the spot!

Tyranny King figure flashed again, and without giving Li Bo any room to maneuver, he grabbed his collar and raised it high.

“The boring game is over.”

Qiu Sihao embraced his arms, raised his head slightly, and looked down at Li Bo controlled by his card with a look of contempt, coldly said.

:. :

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