“Gang, Haiyun defender!”

“Assault Pingchuan defender, Zhang Cheng!”

“Assault Danshui defender, Zhou Yunpeng!”

The Jiangcheng University attack team quickly made their decision, and poor Haiyun was followed again, and this was the only defender they had left.

Of course, because each of the first ten defenders had a chance to attack, Li Bo, who was eliminated, had a chance to counterattack.

But the lower-ranked initial defenders like Zhenglin, Lanzheng, and Gangmu, even if they are given a chance, it is difficult to come back with a counterattack.

After the renovation, the ten defenders are basically the strongest ten people in this Jiangcheng Quota Battle.

A strong player like Li Bo was accidentally eliminated, and very few of them were fortunate. Fortunately, the game system was perfect, otherwise he would have to lose the city representative quota.

At this point, the three selected Jiangcheng opponents had already entered a battle circle. Due to the vacancy of one person, the venue seemed a bit more spacious.

Several members of Zhou Yunpeng soon arrived at the corresponding positions. With Qin Han’s “combat started”, the three battle circles started instantly.

Since I don’t know the details of the three, Lin Ze as it should be by rights chose to watch from his own players.

Facing the challenge of Jiangcheng University attackers, Zhou Yunpeng was fearless, the rays of light on the black background flashed, and the Indomitable Headless Knight immediately appeared.

Looking at Zhou Yunpeng summon a card, a playfulness appeared on the face of Jiangcheng University, and the cards were flipped as well.

It appears like a vase and a silhouette of a pot, but instead of holding a handle, this pot gave birth to two short hands from the middle, holding a silver flute in his hand.

black card, Flute Immortal.

At the same time as activated Flute Immortal, Flute Immortal had blown the flute in his hand. The melodious and flute sound did not appear in the imagination, but a slightly weird and a bit harsh tone.

Under the conduction of the strange sound, the Headless Knight running towards Flute Immortal seemed to fall into some kind of chaos and started to turn around.

This weird picture made Zhou Yunpeng frown slightly, he tried to summon a card again, but it was a white card.

This card is a symbolic gift that Zhou Yunpeng just detected from the Card Master aptitude family and is rarely used.

Now using this card, naturally, I don’t expect that Shi Zizi can make a difference, but just to understand the characteristics of the opponent’s card.

A large number of black and white cards not recorded in the Black and White Card Manual are often source cards.

This is what Flute Immortal does.

After the stone figure appeared, immediately throw the stone in the take action.

His attack method is to aggregate such small stones, but there is a gap in the aggregation time.

A small stone smashed into Flute Immortal, don’t look at this stone looks useless, but formidable power is not low.

However, Flute Immortal still completely ignored the attack of Shi Zi, and still played the weird flute sound freely.

The stone fell on him, he was still completely motionless, and Headless Knight was now more confused, as if he had become a true headless fly, ramming all over.

Those flutes played an obvious control effect.

Zhou Yunpeng’s face is a bit ugly. His main combat ability is reflected on the Source Card. The remaining cards are also used to improve the Headless Knight combat ability.

But in this situation, Headless Knight is rushing around uncontrollably. Even if Zhou Yunpeng wants to provide him with card assistance, it will probably have no effect.

Gritted his teeth, Zhou Yunpeng decided to take another response.

Magic Power tried to inject it. Zhou Yunpeng tried to release the abnormal state of Headless Knight by healing the card.

Flute Immortal’s whistle control is obviously not a real control skill, it is more like a conventional attack method, so he can continue to whistle and produce effects.

This effect is more like an attack side effect, which is similar to a chaotic state.

There are also similar burns, poisoning, and frostbite.

For these effects in the card body, Card Master has a way to solve them with Magic Power.

A large amount of Magic Power was transmitted by Zhou Yunpeng’s brain. The headless Knight, who was in chaos, quickly calmed down, which proved that his conjecture was correct.

However, even if Zhou Yunpeng found it, it would not help.

Flute Immortal does not stop playing flute because Zhou Yunpeng heals his card.

The current situation is that Flute Immortal continues to play the flute, continuously disturbing Headless Knight, and Zhou Yunpeng continues to transmit Magic Power to offset the effect of Flute Immortal.

However, one is a conventional attack method and the other is the injection of a large amount of Magic Power. The outcome can be imagined.

In the end, Zhou Yunpeng, Magic Power’s almost exhausted, was helpless to swallow the defeat, and also announced that he was completely out of the city representative quota.

Just before Zhou Yunpeng ended the match, the other two duels had already ended.

Haiyun’s last defender and Pingchuan’s defender were defeated.

Jiangcheng University, as always, has demonstrated absolute dominance, winning all three battles!

The current situation is temporarily fixed as Jiangcheng University has five seats, Danshui follow closely from behind has four seats, and Pingchuan’s Hu Yifan is the last quota.

But the battle is not over yet. According to the format, it is time to return to the battlefield after defeating Defender.

A total of 6 people returned, including Zhenglin, Lanzheng, Gangmu, Yuandan, Pucheng, and Haiyun University’s original defender.

The choices made by the six were very straightforward.

Li Bo, the top Haiyun University, has the right to choose, and his opponent is Cui Jiahao.

Among the top ten seats, Cui Jiahao is indeed weaker than others.

Li Bo’s choice is also the most secure. No one will say that he is not.

The significance of this Jiangcheng Quota Battle itself is to choose the ten strongest people. If Li Bo chooses a strong player like Gao Yuan and loses it, it will be a bad thing for Jiangcheng as a whole. .

Li Bo also knew this very well, and the choice he made at this time was not just for individuals.

As for the remaining few people, the selection of people is somewhat self-reliant.

After so many matches, where they can’t see the situation, among the remaining optional objects, there is no one that can be called soft persimmon.

It’s basically a super-super-strong situation.

Among them and the public perception, there are three super-levels, Gao Yuan, Qiu Sihao, and Lin Ze. Gao Yuan is the strongest.

The rest are all strong hands, none of which are simple, and none of them are irritating.

So in the end, it is better to be brave than to show off!

Only the defender of Pucheng University seems to feel that he has high hopes, so he chose Su Jianlan, who is relatively weak in the impression.

Su Jianlan’s battle itself was a bit weird and didn’t see much.

The next few people were crazy.

Simply put, Lin Ze, Gao Yuan, and Qiu Sihao were all selected!

The one who chose Lin Ze was the defender of Yuandan University.

No matter what he thinks, Lin Ze finally has a chance to fight the second game.

Of course, even without this challenger, Lin Ze has already fought a battle on someone’s proposal on suspended alloy blocks.

Relative to that battle, the Yuandan defender at the moment, frankly, Lin Ze was a bit “tasteless.”

Therefore, we had to conclude the current battle as soon as possible.

:. :

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