
The steel particle impact cannon sprayed by Alloy Dragon exploded, but it exploded in front of Lin Ze. It was empty and did not produce any formidable power.

Lin Ze is still standing.


There was another shattering sound, and this time, it was the Alloy Dragon in front of Gao Yuan, for no apparent reason, weirdly exploded!

The scene was silent!

What did Lin, Lin Ze do?

Why did Gao Yuan’s Alloy Dragon suddenly shattering?

Is there any Special Trap Card activated that triggered the effect?

Is there any Special Trap Card that can do this? The top-level existence of a black card like instant-kill Alloy Dragon?

“Principal Li, what’s going on?”

Jiangcheng Mayor stared at alloy arena for a long time, then turned to look at Li Huomen.

On the accomplishment of card aspect, Li Huomen has the most say in the leadership.

After a moment of contemplation, Li Huomen took a hint of uncertainty. Expression grave said: “It should not be ordinary power of cards. Although I can’t see it clearly, I have faintly captured a trace of Super Source aura.”

“Super Source? Principal Li, you mean Super Source Card?”

A city leader looks pale. He obviously thinks this is a fantasy story. A student who has not set foot on the Card Master has inspired the power of within the body Super Source?

“It’s just a guess, but China is not without such a precedent. Such people are called Innate Super Source Potential.

But in fact, this does not mean that the innate talent of this potential person is excellent, but almost no one really uses such an aptitude to climb to the peak of the B-Rank Card Master! “

Li Huomen seems to have researched this area and talked about a lot of dry goods.

Mayor asked, “Is there a standard case?”

Li Huomen shook the head slightly helplessly, saying: “It is also because of this that the concept of Innate Super Source Aptitude is not well known.”

“Hear you say that there are not too many people who have Innate Super Source Aptitude, but none of them has reached the B-Rank Card Master.

Isn’t this a disguised description of the Card Master with this aptitude, but a defect in innate talent? “

A city leader asked this question quickly when he thought about it.

But Li Huomen could n’t help saying with a smile: “Zhang Ju said a joke. After all, B-Rank Card Master is not a Chinese cabbage. I want to plant it. Those in Innate Super Source Aptitude say that it is not too small. But in fact, there are no more than XNUMX people across the country. “

He said this, how many people suddenly suddenly, two hundred people can not produce a B-Rank Card Master? This is too normal.

It is said that Jiangcheng, as the Provincial Capital City, can also be regarded as China 1st-Tier City. According to the statistics of City Government, the total number of B-Rank Card Masters in the city is just over a hundred people!

But what about the total population of Jiangcheng?

That’s over ten million!

Calculated, a B-Rank Card Master can be born for every 100,000 people!

Of course, among these 100,000 people, the ordinary person still occupies the top spot. If calculated purely from people who have card aptitude, the situation will be much stronger.

Anyway, this achievement ratio is still very low!

Several leaders are still discussing here. In the field, Lin Ze came back to his senses for a long time, shaking his head for a while, looking at Gao Yuan not far away.

At this time, Gao Yuan was close to the exhaustion of Magic Power. Obviously there was no fighting power, but there was no loss in his eyes. He just stepped in and asked, “What was that card?”

Just the card?

Lin Ze stroked his head with a slight headache, and frowned at the situation.

Soon, that awe-inspiring darkness, with a grimly smiling head, flickered into Lin Ze’s mind.

Is that … Exodia? !!

Lin Ze was unbelievable, trying to use within the body Magic Power, but didn’t feel any change.

What exactly is going on? Is it just an illusion?

Lin Ze was a little at a loss. In theory, the illusory shadow appeared inside his brain, and his vision was invisible, but he kept this impression.

And from the reaction of Gao Yuan, he should not have seen the illusory shadow.

My heart was filled with unspeakable shock, but Lin Ze was too lazy to speculate on what was going on. The battle was over anyway, and it was not tangled anymore.

Regarding the outcome of this matchup, although he didn’t want to admit it, Lin Ze understood that if it wasn’t for the illusory shadow, there would be no way to fight Gao Yuan by his current ability.

Such an ending, Lin Ze cannot be said to be surprised.

He wouldn’t really think that he could be reborn invincible because of the appearance of Yu-Gi-Oh Cards.

After all, Lin Ze’s exposure to today’s world is only about three months.

When Lin Ze thought about it that way, Gao Yuan came over and proactively stretched out a hand. There was a stiff and ugly smile on that big face, not because of emotion, but because he laughed. .

“You’ve won this time, keep cheering for Jiangcheng!”

Lin Ze accepted it naturally, and also reached out and responded: “For Jiangcheng.”

Seeing this kind of inspiring situation with Peak ending, students from Major University in the auditorium also applauded.

“Jiangcheng come on, Jiangcheng come on, Jiangcheng, fly me high!”

“Go through the country this year and let the country see the strength of Jiangcheng!”

“It’s over with rashness, Jiangcheng will never be a slave!”


Some people have a rhythm, the scene is boiling, there is everything, and it is messy, but it is the hearts of several city leaders who watch it.

Such a positive and pioneering spirit is exactly what they would like to see.

After a hustle and bustle, I finally waited for everyone to shout almost, and my heart was so happy, Qin Han re-led the scene again, and after a few words of encouragement, let the leaders of the leadership one after another speak.

Several leaders praised the excellent performance of Major University, and then talked about the National New Asset Tournament.

The theme of the long story is very clear. I hope that the ten city representatives from each school can twist into a rope in the competition and fight for glory and future!

Finally, Jiangcheng Mayor Jiang Yujie made a simple summary, and announced the City Representative Quota Battle, a successful conclusion!


Confirming the quota That night, Zhou Liwei directly let people host a grand banquet for Danshui’s outstanding performance in the Banquet Hall of Danshui!

Aside from Danshui Principal, the school leaders who have come here are basically here, and it is another big event.

As the main heroes, Lin Ze and others were taken to the sky and became the popular figures of Danshui for a while, especially among the freshmen!

But compared to those delusional delicacies, congratulations and praises, what really made Lin Ze smile with a smile.

Due to their outstanding performance this time, Danshui made a temporary decision to change the original reward to Lin Ze and others from 50 course credit to 100 course credit!

Apart from this, three of them will also be equipped with three High Grade Black Energy Cards, which are fully supported as an encouragement!

:. :

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