Following Gao Yuan, Lin Ze and others entered the side entrance of the silver iron building.

As soon as they entered the side door entrance, seven or eight elevator doors came into view. Aside from these elevators, they could only see a locked iron door leading to the main building.

“These elevators lead to the Isolated Territory teleportation node built by Alliance, and we need the power of the teleportation node.”

Gao Yuan explained while pressing the elevator button.

Lin Ze is somewhat curiously: “The teleportation node is almost the same as the teleportation node we usually go to the Second World?”

“The same principle, but it is a teleportation node, but in essence, this is the power of the slab card.”

Gao Yuan was talking, and the elevator door blew open. He immediately walked into it, and the others followed him.

“Slab card?”

Lin Ze was a little confused, no matter where he was, he had never heard of the concept.

Hu Yifan also interjected at this time: “slab card? What is it? I have only heard of the four major series of cards, and I don’t know what slab card is.”

After Gao Yuan selected the negative layer, shook the head said, “I do n’t know what card it is. I only know that it is even an A-Rank Card Master. There is no way to easily summoned the card.

Generally speaking, before the activated slab card, some “seal” measures will be taken to greatly reduce the Magic Power consumption of the summon a card. However, doing so requires the consumption of some other important resources. “

Such a description could not help reminding Lin Ze of Danshui’s teleportation node, which also seemed to rely on the seals of those cross long swords.

So, the open space with brown vein pattern is actually what slab card is called by Gao Yuan?

Lin Ze can also be regarded as a long-time expert. Before that, he thought that today’s world cards were the four series on the surface.

Black and White Series (F to C Rank Card Master)

Red Series (commonly used by B-Rank Card Master)

Gold Series (commonly used by A-Rank Card Master)

These are all things Lin Ze has learned from Card Master themed movies long ago, such as cards from the Black and White Series and even the Red Series, which he has seen with his own eyes.

Only the Gold Series has not had that opportunity to open its eyes.

It’s A-Rank’s Card Master. Lin Ze has seen one, that is, Qin Han from Jiangcheng University.

Several people said that the elevator soon reached the first floor, Lin Ze and others came out of the elevator, and there was a dim, oncoming sense of the underground parking lot at night.

Of course, there are not at all half of the vehicles here, and some are just empty, dark ground.

With the help of the faint cold white light in the environment, Lin Ze noticed that there seemed to be a large number of cylindrical objects hidden in the ceiling of this space, and there was a azure rays of light on the surface of those objects.

The azure rays of light are exactly the same as the rays of light that appear after the landing of the Danshui University teleportation node and the cross long sword.

Looking at it this way, those azure rays of light may be what Gao Yuan said, precious resources needed for activated slab card?

Lin Ze was thinking on the side, and in the dark, several figures came in.

After the distance was close, the silhouettes of several people showed up. It was the students of Jiangcheng who came over in advance.

In this way, the ten representatives of Jiangcheng National Tournament got together.

After the guys and Gao Yuan said hello, they said nothing more.

This time I entered the Isolated Territory, but not everyone can take it as usual.

Isolated Territory, unlike the resource room of Second World, has a built-in return ability for three seconds.

The resource room can be free from war, just because the resource room is in a state of being “tamed”. The Alliance powerhouse has set up this layer of protection measures for the resource room through its own capabilities.

But in the Isolated Territory, there are no protections.

The only one is the record pointer.

The record pointer can also be understood as a return jump fixed-point device, which can be arranged at the starting point of the Isolated Territory. This device can be returned by triggering this device through Magic Power.

Of course, a specific Magic Power is required, which is equivalent to a password. Only the correct Magic Power can be unlocked.

In the negative floor, shortly after the ten representatives of Jiangcheng arrived, a man wearing a white gown, white-frame glasses, and a scientific researcher with a peaceful smile appeared. A man in his early thirties came over and smiled Opening:

“Are you all little genius from Jiangcheng?”

Gao Yuan stepped forward to greet him and said politely, “Branch Head Shi, genius dare not be taken seriously, but this time, I’m afraid to trouble you.”

Branch Head Shi could not help losing with a smile: “It’s rare that you, Jiangcheng’s pillars of the future, are so determined, Jiangcheng Branch naturally supports them hard,

Besides, your school has independently undertaken the expenses required for this teleportation, and it seems to have great trust in your new students. “

Then, Branch Head Shi took a smart, watch-like thing out of the coat pocket.

However, there is only one azure hand in the head of this “watch”. The slender hands seem to be surrounded by a fine brown vein pattern.

This is the necessary record pointer to go to the Isolated Territory. Without it, basically don’t want to come back from the Isolated Territory.

Don’t look at just a small pointer, but this record pointer comes with two unusually powerful properties.

inextinguishable and dimension.

Even if the A-Rank Card Master is bombarded vigorously, it may not be able to completely destroy the record pointer.

However, the record pointer actually belongs to a kind of consumable. When the internal energy is consumed, it will lose its nature.

These energy sources can withstand different levels of consumption depending on how much is injected.

For example, this record pointer given by Branch Head Shi is enough to complete nearly ten return jumps.

“Be sure to remember the starting point of the record pointer mark and be careful not to get lost in the Isolated Territory.”

When Branch Head Shi said this, the expression was obviously more dignified. In any case, Alliance was reluctant to see Jiangcheng, these outstanding teenagers dying in the Isolated Territory.

“Branch Head Shi, rest assured, we will have a measure and will not be strong, this time, more of our own experience.”

Gao Yuan nodded, also solemnly responded.

“Well, before you set off, let’s each inject a small share of Magic Power into this record pointer.”

Branch Head Shi finally said that Lin Ze and others followed suit. They all know that this is their own Magic Power, which is stored in the record pointer and serves as the startup password.

Just record a property with the fingerprint on the cell phone.

After ten people in Jiangcheng finished their records, the Branch Head Shi didn’t drag the water, Magic Power suddenly operated, and an extremely powerful Magic Power spread in vain!

The terrifying concentration of Magic Power made everyone change their color.

Is this … A-Rank Card Master? !!

And it may be more terrifying than Jiangcheng University’s Qin Han!

Lin Ze thought so, just feeling the surging Magic Power made him feel like he was in the vast sea.

If you have this Magic Power strength, I am afraid you can call various Yu-Gi-Oh Cards at will?

Lin Ze can’t help but think.

It wasn’t just him. Everyone in the audience was in touch, even the proud and arrogant Qiu Sihao deeply felt how small he was in front of that mighty power.

With the arrangement and diffusion of the turbulent Magic Power, the many cylinders placed on the roof of the shed suddenly felt a strong traction, and a strong azure luster erupted.

A large amount of azure luster flowed out, and a densely packed brown vein pattern emerged from the surface of the cylinder.

In the chaotic but harmonious interweaving of the ancient and complicated vein pattern, Lin Ze and others saw that on the roof of the shed, a huge Dark Hole was suddenly opened!

There are countless fine and indescribable substances in the Dark Hole. Those substances are beyond the reach of naked eyes, but under the endless stack, they present a fine flowing sandy texture.

A strong attractive force is being scattered from the Dark Hole, and one cannot help but plunge into it.

“Everyone, this isolated dark hole is the Observation Level Isolated Territory that leads to where you are going. The complex factor is at 28.”

Branch Head Shi stared at the Dark Hole, then turned to Lin Ze and others, adding:

“Complex factor means that you may enter one of 28 Isolated Territory this time, but these are Observation Level Isolated Territory, the level of danger has not changed much.”

Gao Yuan quickly nodded and said thank you, “Excuse me, Branch Head Shi.”

After speaking, he turned his attention to others, and deep voice said, “If you have any questions, please ask as soon as possible, if not …”

“Okay, now it’s time, don’t fret, Big Faced Gao, hurry up.”

Hu Yifan interrupted immediately, causing Gao Yuan fiercely to glare at him, but he just shrugged indifferently, knowing that Big Faced Gao could not help him on this occasion.

Seeing that there was no objection, Gao Yuan stopped talking nonsense. He immediately held the record pointer in his hand and slowly swallowed it in response to the attraction of the Dark Hole at the ceiling.

Lin Ze and others soon followed, and after a while, Jiangcheng represented ten people who had penetrated into the Dark Hole and disappeared in place.

“Wish you guys good luck.”

Branch Head Shi’s eyes fell on the closing Dark Hole and whispered softly.


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