
A thick, bright yellow light beam emerged through the air, penetrating 2 or 3 nearby Savages together, and a large piece of flesh rolled off the broken chest.

Even so, there were still two savages who broke through the defense completely and killed them, but before they were in chaos, Avian and Sparkman went out one by one and intercepted the two savages.

Several people from Ding Wen are relaxed. Their Magic Power within the body is already exhausted. Even if you want to resist, you can’t do it.

“Too miserable, the hangs came.”

Hu Yifan suddenly made a scream of restlessness, Lin Ze looked for a look, his expression could not help changing.

On the north side, it’s already in a state of fall!

Qiu Sihao and Hu Yifan’s Magic Power seem to have been consumed Thoroughly. They have also solved a lot of savages, but there are still more than twenty savages and more parties running to this side.

The situation suddenly worsened!

At this point, aside from the east side suppressed by Lin Ze, only the south side of Gao Yuan’s defense is stable. Looking at the trend, it should not take too long and it can also wipe out the group of savages.

But after that, how much of Gao Yuan within the body’s Magic Power can remain?

Although these Savage Aboriginals are not Source Cards, they have an extremely strong physique, which is the existence of defense points which is comparable to 1000.

Besides, the spear in their hands is also an extremely powerful large killing tool. Even the Gao Yuan’s Alloy Dragon cannot be completely ignored.

Being shattered by too many spears.

Gao Yuan had to keep Alloy Dragon away from those savages, and use the remote breathing ability of Alloy Dragon to suppress the advancement of many savages.

It can continuously release Steel Breath and even steel particle impact cannon. When accumulated, even Gao Yuan cannot support it.

It must be explained that Gao Yuan, as the core cultivation new generation of Jiangcheng University, has reached the ultimate level of Card Master in total Magic Power!

In other words, Gao Yuan is now F-Rank Card Master and khorium is full.

But excessive consumption, after all, made Gao Yuan a bit overwhelmed.

What’s more, by the time Gao Yuan completely wipes out the savages on the south side, the savages on the northwest side will probably surround them.

“No, you have to evacuate.”

Haiyun’s Li Bo suddenly spoke, and his Magic Power was also in a depleted state at this time. Savages had just come in. If it were not for the double heroes of Lin Ze, they would be too miserable.

“No way, even if the record pointer is activated, it will take a lot of time to complete the return jump. If you chose to do this when you first discovered savages, there is hope, but now …”

Gao Yuan said without looking back. He couldn’t hear much emotional fluctuations in his tone, but Li Bo’s heart sank, and a little fear and regret lingered in his mind.

But he not at all came out because he knew that it wasn’t just him who was in trouble.

If you infect others because of your fear, it is a very selfish act.

However, in fact, he was not alone in fear.

For the time being, there are only three of the ten people present.

Qiu Sihao, Hu Yifan, and Lin Ze.

Qiu Sihao is still that proud gesture, afraid of such emotions, I am afraid that he will not put his face in this life.

Because he knew that it was a useless reaction. When faced with a death, showing fear, it would only make him look more uncomfortable, and death was more difficult.

Hu Yifan, however, is just a little bit heartless, and from now until now, he has been scolding incessantly, like a little takeaway chopsticks.

As for Lin Ze, he is still thinking about countermeasures. The current situation may not be a dead end.

In the end, he can’t escape from his uncertainty, but the situation is that most of those savages will not really take action on them.

The savages are going to grab them as living tribute and contribute to a certain creature, but do n’t know if it is a living or dead.

Lin Ze pondered that the current situation was finally out of control.

Although Avian and Sparkman blocked the first two Savages, due to the vacancy on the north side, many Savages cooperated with those Savages on the West side, and they flocked to the crowd on both sides.

Gao Yuan still didn’t speak, but his face looked extremely gloomy. Absolutely did not expect that their experience had just begun, and it would end with this tragic ending.

“Little fellow, Su Jianlan has given it to you.”

Lin Ze said something suddenly, and then did not explain, immediately put away Sparkman.

There is no way to maintain two HERO Cards at the same time. His last remaining 60% of Magic Power can only support five to XNUMX% of the time.

After you put away one, you can hold it for more than ten minutes.

While stowing Sparkman, Lin Ze using Avian, Wind Element swiftly moved, wings flapped behind him, and quickly caught him.

The other hand that Avian vacated was holding Gao Yuan.

“Old Wen, Old Qiu, those savages will not do anything for the time being, don’t be self-disciplined, believe me, I will get you back in the savages for half a year.”

Lin Ze said in a low voice, but everyone could hear it clearly, but it was a bit unclear.

The current death situation made several people a little discouraged.

Magic Power is almost empty. Savages and that many. How to solve it?

Lin Ze did not have time to explain too much, and fully operated the remaining Magic Power within the body to support Avian’s high-speed flight.

With two people, Avian’s speed was hindered, but it still took off smoothly, Wind Element overflowed, and ran out in the distance.

“Gu gu! Gu gu! Gu gu gu-!”

Seeing Avian taking off, many savages reacted quickly, and they suddenly thundered, trying to throw the spear in the take action, only to find that they were almost empty.

None of the ten people in Jiangcheng is waste. Even if Magic Power is exhausted, it will hold down many savages for a long time and consume almost all their spears.

Only a few savages, still holding spears, are currently throwing away at Avian who has not yet flew high!

And these savages throwing techniques are indeed not bad, now watching the “live tribute” to escape, but also can not care about that many, I intend to pierce it directly.

Those spears did indeed successfully target the trajectory of Avian’s flight.

At this time, Lin Ze did not spare any effort to hinder, and Avian did the same.

It is not easy to just maintain the flight.

If you go against those spears, you cannot escape the end.

Lin Ze refused to give up, and a little fellow flying with Su Jianlan was planning to throw her to Avian’s side, and then stop the spears.


But at this moment, Lin Ze only saw a large bright yellow light beam suddenly penetrated the air, completely obliterate those spears, and the yellow particles disappeared slowly.

That is……

Lin Ze’s gaze suddenly looked somewhere on the ground, where Wen Zhengrui’s face was showing a mild smile, and he gave him a thumbs up.

The meaning is obvious.

Trust your judgment.

Lin Ze couldn’t help laughing, but his eyes became extremely serious, and he was also like a thumb.

Good job, Old Wen, your trust, I will not disappoint.


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