Jiangcheng Airport.

Pick-up hall.

Early in the morning, a large number of people from the media and reporters already heard the news and waited here.

Seeing a large number of reporters gathered here, many people around thought that there would be some stars, and looked around curiously.

This wait did not last long, and soon, several silhouettes dragging the suitcase, wearing a prominent Lan Bai striped uniform, appeared with good temperament.

Seeing those people, the long-awaited reporters brightened, and time flocked.

This situation seems to have long been expected by those people. The two big men wearing black clothed are guarding left and right, warning the reporters fiercely to keep their distance.

The reporters were not surprised, and they rushed to ask questions at a distance of about half a meter.

“Everyone, don’t worry, if you want to know anything, just ask, you’re welcome.”

In Lan Bai’s uniform, a young man wearing sunglasses, brown hair, and longbeard bangs, said that the overall trend of the dress was unusual.

When reporters saw someone who was good at talking, they didn’t delay, and they raised questions in their hearts.

“We know that you are the Shanghai representative students who have traveled all the way this time. I heard that you have completed consultations and exchanges in cities such as Jingnan and Xuanqing, and all of them have failed. Is this true? In addition, today you came to Jiangcheng. Still have absolute confidence? “

“Shanghai representative students, I am curious, are you the best team in the city this time?”

“I don’t know when you plan to go to major universities in Jiangcheng? Or is dating Jiangcheng representative student alone, concentrated in a single venue?”


The reporters talked a lot, and the trendy young man was not disappointed. When they said that they were all about the same, they settled down a bit, and then they chose the key answer slowly.

“In terms of communication and consultation, in fact, we are not in a hurry. After all, I heard that Jiangcheng has many tourist attractions and places of interest, and I, as a person, just like to travel.”

“However, since we have already come here, it is better to get to know you first, so we will probably invite all representative students to gather at Jiangcheng University today to discuss some of the royal card experience, and let us take a look at Jiangcheng’s card. strength. “

“To be honest, the previous exchanges between Jingnan and Xuanqing still disappointed me. I hope Jiangcheng’s representative student will surprise me.”

“If you have confidence, that ’s the most basic thing. Not only Shanghai, I think the representative students all over the country are confident in themselves, of course. Many people I have met, their confidence is just a kind of self. Paralysis or self-righteousness. “

Trendy youths are obviously very talkative, and crackle said a lot.

“So, is the representative student from Shanghai this time the best lineup?”

Some reporters have re-emphasized this issue.

The trendy youth seems to be thinking for a little while, then showing a bright smile and saying “E-Rank Card Master has three, although it is not the strongest lineup, but shouldn’t it be shame?”

“Three … three!”

Asking reporter swallowed saliva, she was shocked.

There are only five representatives of Shanghai representative students here. There are three E-Rank Card Masters out of five?

Has the overall strength of Shanghai representative student this year been terrifying to this point?


In the master bedroom, Lin Ze lazily lay on the bed with a laptop on his lap, playing with Happy Landlord, Heaven and Earth bitch.

Lin Ze This is a farmer, with a q and a 3 and two a in his hand.

It is worth mentioning that q and 3 are sky rafters and earth rafters respectively, that is, these four cards can form a soft bomb.

Lin Ze was very calm in his heart. This was stable, and he laughed at Cappuccino next door to his teammates.

In the eyes of Fight the Landlord, this is the most direct hint, pile bombs!

The teammates are also very powerful, aside from the soft blast of 7777!

After a little contemplation, the landlord over there threw five k, three of which were dumplings, forming a super soft fried.

The soft bomb in Lin Ze’s hand was naturally stunned, but his face was full of winnings. After the bomber landed the bomb, he had 17 cards.

“Can you still get instant-kill with 17 cards?”

Lin Ze thought, if this was really instant-kill, he would swallow the laptop in place.

This idea flashed away, Lin Ze heard a brisk “airplane” in the landlord’s mouth over there, and threw 17 cards in his hand.


Three fly with wings!

Lin Ze dumbstruck, looking at the happy beans that flashed on the screen instantly, turned off the Fight the Landlord in seconds.

“trash game.”

Lin Ze whispered, but his eyes fell on the cell phone. An account information appeared, and Old Wen’s money arrived.

80 yuan a lot, that’s the money to buy magic stone.

The day before yesterday, Lin Ze had already given things to Wen Zhengrui in advance.

Lin Ze watched a huge amount of money arrive. The depression before losing 80 Happy Bean was suddenly wiped out. What is Happy Bean? Is it worth living Yuan?

Right now, counting Lin Ze’s cash exchanged with 20 course credit yesterday, that’s 1,000,000!

This is another chance for card pack draw!

It happened that I heard the wind early in the morning, saying that the group of Shanghai had arrived, and also actively contacted each Major University, saying that it was meeting at Jiangcheng University alloy arena at XNUMXpm.

Now that we have some time left, see if we can get something good.

With such an idea, Lin Ze operate Magic Power, Activate Card Shop.

However, at the same time as Lin Ze operate Magic Power, two brown texts suddenly appeared in front of him.

Looking at the two brown subtitles in front of him, Lin Ze’s heart moved, and the card wall upgraded? Is this going to go for the intermediate card wall?

Is it because of the change that I have made to E-Rank Card Master?

Lin Ze can easily think of these, as for the second subtitle, it seems a bit ridiculous.

Unlock the seal? What is unlocked?

Lin Ze thought for a while, but then suddenly thought of something, and he was in a state of suspicion. Could it be that part of the guy who unlocked it?

Unfortunately, Lin Ze can’t prove his conjecture now.

But Lin Ze didn’t bother with it, but loaded it into the Card Pack Category.

Although the card wall is in an upgraded state, concerns about card pack not at all, Lin Ze can still extract it as usual.

After selecting the card pack that Jaden Yuki belongs to, Lin Ze was looking forward to drawing the ideal Fusion Material.

Lin Ze quickly consumed 500,000 and clicked on the card pack to draw.

After the card pack flashed rays of light, a card ejected, and then quickly zoomed in, clearly reflecting into Lin Ze’s eyes.

The card depicts a pair of lightning-dark dark-red sky, Fiend’s deep purple face with a stern and evil smile, a huge body overwhelmingly holding a pair of swords, standing around and dumping Captain daring to charge in the tombstone.

Special Trap Card, Staunch Defender.

The effect is clear and clear, this Special Trap Card is not small in practicality, it can be regarded as a card that can have a certain effect on the battle situation.

But what Lin Ze wants now is not this, but Fusion Material.

No matter what, draw another HERO Card!

Maybe I heard Lin Ze’s inner call, Lin Ze’s second draw, finally, he successfully drawn the ideal Battle Card, and also the third Elemental HERO Series Card-

Elemental HERO Wildheart!


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