Avian flew at high altitude, quickly passing the jungle below.

During this time, Winged Kuriboh made a rough perception of the entire forest, but in the end no additional findings were found.

Those fruits found before are just a few, just like the treasures here.

When Avian took Lin Ze out of the forest, there were several windmill towers in the open space in front of the line of sight, and the wind wheel was turning slightly with the wind.

Lin Ze did not continue to fly deep, but stopped in this clearing.

At this time, Lin Ze was located far away from the scattered cards such as Sparkman and Wildheart, and those cards had already been retrieved by him, so Magic Power within the body was still sufficient.

“This place is good …”

Lin Ze glanced around all around, and after confirming that there were no hidden threats, he immediately began to implement his strategy.

He can’t really guarantee the success of this strategy, but if he searches step by step, the probability of finding Bai Xiaoli is only 30%.

The decentralized search before Sparkman and other cards was not nothing, and after searching in several different directions, Lin Ze confirmed one thing.

In this fairy-tale world, the boundaries are searchable and not too far away.

Therefore, Lin Ze, if the trend Avian keeps flying at high speed, maybe he can fully explore here in two hours.

However, the quality of such an investigation cannot be guaranteed. After all, Winged Kuriboh is not a god, and it is whimsical to want to achieve a completely accurate effect.

It is also because of the foreseeable boundaries of this world that Lin Ze can be very confident in this plan.

Success rate is at least 50%!

Lin Ze thinks so.

At this point, Lin Ze did his best to operate within the body Magic Power. With the support of Magic Power, the brown card quickly turned over.

The invisible magnetic field immediately made a slight collision sound of “chi chi”.

The surrounding environment suddenly changed, the sky was dark, and countless buildings were rising quickly.

Field Spell Card, Skyscraper!

With the continuous supply of Magic Power by Lin Ze, the coverage of Skyscraper is rapidly expanding. As the Field Spell Card, the maximum coverage of Skyscraper is extremely exaggerated.

While triggering Skyscraper’s continued expansion, Lin Ze took a closer look at the environment inside the building.

This is the Field Spell Card activated by Lin Ze. As long as the creature is involved, it cannot be separated from his induction.

Lin Ze’s plan is to try to use the characteristics of Special Field Card, try to get Bai Xiaoli into the scene, and then find it on the spot.

This way of searching, only in the Card Master participating in the game, only Lin Ze can do it.

After all, Special Field Card is usually used only by B-Rank Card Master.

Most Special Field Cards are Red Rank.

Although there is also a Special Field Card in the black card, the quantity is extremely scarce and it is basically impossible to buy on the market.

Even if you buy it, you need a lot of Magic Power to use it.

At this time, watching Skyscraper continue to expand its footprint, more and more life forms fell into Lin Ze’s perception.

The most frequent of these are the unknown monsters.

These monsters are scattered everywhere, but are other game participants. Not at all now appears in Lin Ze’s perception.

No way, their search progress is too slow to keep up with Lin Ze’s current pace.

And among the living beings that fell into Lin Ze’s perception one after another, Lin Ze soon caught a crisp and loud scream.

As the voice sounded, Lin Ze immediately saw a large amount, looked at Winged Kuriboh, and immediately used Avian, flying to a certain location at high speed.

When Lin Ze arrived there, he couldn’t help laughing. He saw a familiar Little Missy movie, and ran away in a panic, as if to find a suitable place to hide.

It seems that the sudden appearance of Skyscraper did not scare her, but gave her full source of motivation and did not want to lose the game.

But how could Lin Ze spare her easily?

In the eyes of Lin Ze at this time, the little girl who was running between the buildings at night was a 1,000,000 moving!

Lin Ze chased quickly, with a teasing smile on his face, said at a moderate pace: “Little Missy, run faster and run harder.”

When saying this, Lin Ze followed Bai Xiaoli less than half a meter away.

Hearing this sudden sound, Little Missy’s body stiffened for a moment, but then Áooo screamed, and the small face rushed forward flushed red.

But even an eight-year-old Little Missy can run faster than Avian?

“Little Missy, aren’t you tired? Otherwise, stop and warm your big brother to buy a bottle of water for you?”

“How hard it is to run like this, look, I’m sweating, don’t want to give up? Good perseverance, big brother appreciates you!”

“Are you still running? You Little Missy is a donkey? Well, big brother, I watched the time, and it was about 40 minutes before the end. It should be enough for you to run ten streets, right? Big brother believes your physical fitness And perseverance. “

The front was okay, and the last sentence came out. Bai Xiaoli suddenly looked like a slack lamb, suddenly stopped and gasped.

“You are terrific, you win.”

Bai Xiaoli took a deep breath and forced himself to finish a continuous sentence, then began to breathe.

Under Avian’s chase, Bai Xiaoli brace oneself ran nearly five to 60% minutes beyond the limit.

For such an eight-year-old Little Missy film, it’s already incredible.

“That’s right. After all, this is a game. Although you are young, the big brother believes that you are not the kind of girl you can’t afford, right?”

Seeing Bai Xiaoli finally willing to stop, Lin Ze quickly said with a smile.

Although, according to Little Missy, as long as she can be found in hide and seek, Lin Ze’s mission is complete.

But in fact, Little Missy really wants to change the line, Lin Ze has nothing to say.

After all, the essence of the task is to make Little Missy happy. Now, after such a tease as Lin Ze, who has a lot of fun, Bai Xiaoli, who has lost the game, can be happy.

Hearing Lin Ze’s words, Bai Xiaoli was not depressed, but he was not easy to blame. He said weakly, “This time you win.”

“Little Missy, it’s too reluctant, rest assured, I can win you next time.”

Lin Ze heard the dissatisfaction in Bai Xiaoli’s words, and thoughts are revolving, he suddenly said.

Bai Xiaoli showed an extremely angry expression, refuting: “Impossible, I still have a lot of games here, this happened to let you win, you will absolutely have no chance in the future!”

“Yeah, there is no chance. After all, I have played games with you this time, and I have won. You father will never let me come back.”

Lin Ze pretended to sigh, but his heart was full of smiles.

And when he heard that Lin Ze said that he could not come again in the future, he might never have a chance to recover a city. Bai Xiaoli immediately panicked and said quickly: “No, father hurts me the most, as long as I and he seriously raise this matter, There must be no problem. “

“Is that right? I believe you once, big brother. After all, when you look at it, you are the kind of child who is particularly credible. You lose the game without blindly denying it. Instead, you are thinking about winning back. certainly become a capable person! “

Lin Ze’s smile was full of praise to Bai Xiaoli, who fell further into his trap.

Bai Xiaoli was also very proud of being boasted. The depression that had been lost before has dissipated a lot, and my heart is looking forward to the next game.

There have been many previous games, but never before, I lost on the game that I am good at.

This is the first time that the big brother in front of me is really difficult to deal with!

“Big brother, what’s your name?”

Bai Xiaoli suddenly remembered asking Lin Ze’s name.

“Big brother my name is Lin Ze, little pear, can I call you like this?”

Lin Ze smiled and touched Bai Xiaoli’s head, said harmless to human and animals.

Bai Xiaoli nodded, but then flashed aside, pretending to be serious: “Big Brother Lin Ze, I will not lose to you next time, you clean my neck and wait!”

“Pu …”

Lin Ze almost did not faint. Little pear younger sister, where did you learn the fancy lines from?


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