“En? It looks like a lot of fun outside now.”

After Lin Ze recovered the card, he noticed that the large crowd gathered outside the energy block was really spectacular.

Xiaoyang is not surprised, after all, the fighting between them just now is a little bit big, and it is extremely difficult to be unobtrusive.

“Let’s go. It’s almost noon now. Go fill up first. You’ll have to enter the hall an hour in advance.”

Xiaoyang obviously does not intend to be too eye-catching in such a place, and could not help but look hinted towards Lin Ze.

Lin Ze immediately realized that, despite some regrets, he did not reach the record-breaking success of XNUMX consecutive victories, but he was hungry, so let’s eat.

In full view, Lin Ze and Xiaoyang exited the energy block, but surrounded by a large crowd, it was not easy to go out.

“You guys, please borrow it.”

Xiaoyang raised a hand and politely expressed his thoughts. Many people who had seen his strength before had guessed Xiaoyang’s strength of at least E-Rank, so he gave way to his face at this time.

Lin Ze followed at a moderate pace, but didn’t find these people around to be annoying.

If there is no audience when installing B, it is quite a monotonous thing.

These audiences have just witnessed his strength, and have expressed expressions of admiration and admiration. These visions Lin Ze are all at the bottom of his eyes, and they are very comfortable.

Well, very sensible.

“Hey, why don’t you continue? It took me a long time to squeeze in. Just now I was going to hit you, and you already flashed your tail?”

Lin Ze, who is feeling good about himself, suddenly heard this extremely discordant, mixed with a distinct unpleasant “pleasant” sound.

Lin Ze, yawning half-eyed, couldn’t help but look strangely at the sound source next to the right hand, and then saw a beautiful face that was seventeen or eighteen years old, and fully met the definition of a beautiful girl.

Although the expression on that pretty face was not very pleasing at this time, and the original pleasant voice was also saying unpleasant words, Lin Ze still has to admit that this one is scattered with a good smell and long waist. Girls are really beautiful.

Based on Lin Ze’s current experience, the only girl I saw was Su Jianlan who could comment on equal terms with her.

Of course, Su Jianlan has a much better temper than hers.

“En? Are you talking to me?”

Lin Ze asked, not convinced that the words and deeds of such a beautiful girl would be so reckless.

“Crap, isn’t it still with you?”

The black long-haired girl said angrily, and did not know where so much anger came from.


With a positive answer, the expression on Lin Ze’s face was even more puzzled, and he asked tentatively, “Can’t your head be accidentally hit by a telephone pole?”

“Asshole, what are you talking about?”

The girl’s silver teeth were tight, seemingly already on the brink of a runaway.

“That’s not waking up, can you beat me? Forget it, I think you’re a brain hole girl.”

Leaving this sentence, Lin Ze looked at the other side with pitying eyes, and then left without looking back.

“Wait, you stand still for me. Who do you like to fantasize about, hey …”

Before the black hair girl’s words were finished, the vacancies that existed in the front were immediately filled by the surrounding people. When the gap appeared again, Lin Ze and Xiaoyang had long disappeared.

“But … hateful!”

black hair The girlish little fist clenched, secretly keeping this account in mind.

On the other side, Xiaoyang looked at Lin Ze with a funny look, jokingly said, “Wouldn’t it be that you just acted so eye-catchingly that they made a little girl perform a special trick?”

Lin Ze said indifferently: “How could it be? I think she was just fed too much and panicked.”

Xiaoyang couldn’t help saying with a smile: “By the way, the girl still looks very beautiful. I didn’t expect you to be completely rude.”

“What’s so beautiful? It’s too irritable.”

Lin Ze confided in his heart secretly that the girl was frizzy just because he couldn’t hold him, if he really gave her a shit, it wouldn’t have turned the sky.

I didn’t think too much about it, Lin Ze and Xiaoyang soon ended this topic, and went to the food floor on the fifth floor.

The food on the food floor is endless. Lin Ze and Xiaoyang are more casual. They found a stringy store with a simple environment in the store and started to eat.

This stuff is considered to be economical, and Xiaoyang just likes spicy food.

After ordering one of the most popular shabu-shabu dishes, Lin Ze didn’t bother to make the seasoning, they each served a few large plates of ingredients and then put them in the pot to cook.

Eat skewers on a hot day, don’t have a flavor.

As he was eating, Lin Ze rubbed his eyes suddenly, not because the oil and water splashed in, but he suspected that he had read something wrong.

But soon, Lin Ze knew he was not at all wrong, because the goods had already come.

“Hey, what are you doing? Follow me? It’s not good for you to be young and careless. Now it is a society ruled by law. You need to think right.”

Before waiting for the black hair girl to get in trouble, Lin Ze screamed first, and a big hat buckled.

A lot of customers who were eating around looked at it with a little weirdness in their eyes.

black hair The girl was angry, but suddenly took another deep breath, forcibly resisting the rolling emotions in her heart, coldly said: “Don’t pull those messy, I will ask you, dare you dare to fight me?”

The girl said very resolutely, as if she would not let go of her purpose, Xiaoyang couldn’t help but snickered two times, purely watching the excitement.

Lin Ze’s head was as big as a cow.

“What are you doing?!”

The black hair girl was taken aback by Lin Ze’s sudden action, and took a step back from conditioned reflexes.

Lin Ze glanced at her with a kind smile, and said, “Now you know that you’re scared?”

“Who fears you, dare you, in a word.”

The black hair girl soon calmed down, her eyes filled with fighting intent.

Lin Ze always couldn’t understand, couldn’t help but ask: “I said you, so looking forward to fighting with me, are you secretly in love with me? It’s not necessary, just talk like it, women chase men, and bend But going around would be counterproductive. “

black hair The girl’s face turned red after a “swish”, and it spread to the ears. She seemed completely surprised that Lin Ze would say such a word. She stretched out a trembling finger and pointed at Lin Ze. Some stuttered: “You you you … you, shameless!”

Oh, kinda easy to be shy.

Lin Ze smiled in his heart, but he didn’t plan to let her go easily, teased: “No denial, that is to admit it?”

Lin Ze ’s pursuit of victory made the black hair girl a little dazed, and the persecution in her heart made her unable to speak a half sentence, and she grumbled a little with grievance, and finally, after organizing a ruthless word, it was a waste. escape.

“You wait, Lin Ze, I will never let you go!”

Lin Ze said in a confused way: “How does she know my name? Could it be that I don’t know me? No, I have no impression on her.”

Xiaoyang said unsurprisingly: “It should be the name displayed when I took office, I remember there was a record at that time.”

Lin Ze is also clear. Indeed, when he was on the stage as an attacker, he had registered his name. It seems that it should be displayed somewhere outside the energy box.

Without thinking about it, Lin Ze and Xiaoyang continued to chat.

Almost when it was almost time, the two took the elevator to the seventh floor on the top floor together. This year’s Card Master League Finals is about to begin!


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